Flaaffy ago

Great posts! Its crazy looking back on how much we have been able to gather as a community.

You guys have seriously come such a long way. You should all be proud of yourselves! (:

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks! All these are great adds, but this project doesn't take external links so please cherry pick only 1-3 of your Voat sumbissions. The first one above will be added into the list in the next edit.

ben_matlock ago

great fucking post, OP! Kudos to taking the initiative and doing some MUCH NEEDED spring cleaning around here! This should prove to be very useful!

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks a lot, editing in after a few more from others!

anonOpenPress ago

Thank you! Amount of votes is not a factor here, it's you who knows best how useful have you been to us. Keep it up!

jstrotha0975 ago

Trump fired Comey https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1849821 Child sacrifice going on at annual elite get together at Bohemian grove California? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1829366 Camp Hero Mountauk,NY - MKULTRA base, abused hundreds of children, Montauk Boys https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1813282

anonOpenPress ago

Pinging authors: Your submission(s) has been listed or recategorized
@1NationUnderAGroove @DarkMath @darkknight111 @dirtydirty @LostandFound
Please check that the category was selected fitting to your post (no need to reply if it does)

anonOpenPress ago

Pinging authors: Your submissions have been listed
Please check that the categories were selected fitting to your post (no need to reply if it does)

anonOpenPress ago

Pinging authors: Your submission(s) has been listed or recategorized
@remedy4reality @rooting4redpillers @YingYangMom @V____Z @YingYangMom
Please check that the category was selected fitting to your post (no need to reply if it does)

anonOpenPress ago

Pinging authors: Your submission(s) has been listed or recategorized
@MolochHunter @pbvrocks @RebelSkum @redditsuckz @RedGreenAlliance
Please check that the category was selected fitting to your post (no need to reply if it does)

RebelSkum ago

I know there's no need, but you da bawce! Maybe put the Pizzagate Wiki DDoS article and the ones next to it under "Censorship/Efforts to suppress Pizzagate"?

To be fair, aside from a couple hours of downtime during the attacks the Pizzagate Wiki has definitely stayed reliable :)

Excellent work! One of the most valuable posts on Voat atm.

kestrel9 ago

Historical Connections:

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1772839 'Control of the masses - The Engineering of the human consciousness'

Persons and Organizations:

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1695589 Rep. Sen. Ben Sasse, his 'One degree of separation', and the D.C. porn pedophilia epidemic

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1656730 7th Floor intrigue: Hillary's officials cut criticisms out of State Dept. reports (2015)

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks! Starting editing everything in soon

V____Z ago

Might want to let people know the final list is according to your discretion, and that not all posts will be accepted.

Here's my 3rd, to replace the Titus Frost post that was rejected, Alex Jones hired ex-Stratfor employee; Jones states "probably innocent" Comet Pizza may have been set up by the government

anonOpenPress ago

Heyy, I haven't rejected any posts so far. My intention is to trust the users to value their submissions, and just offer a helping hand in unsure cases. By now, I only took a short peek on each and pointed you that the one with Titus might be worth checking further / adding another source.

The login page issue and the bullet issue are important claims. As investigators, we should either represent all the existing opposite claims, or reliably source one of the claims. Titus doesn't do that, but maybe you could, finding some more and editing that post. Personally, I do find it more important than the one on Alex Jones (as you did too)

V____Z ago

I guess i'm confused then. It does sound like you are rejecting it. It seems like you wouldn't have said anything about it if i hadn't asked. I wasn't aware there were valid questions about the Titus Frost post. You also didn't tell me of the need for more proof until now, just "let's wait". All i'm asking is that you tell people up front that the submissions aren't entirely up to us, as your title implies. That you will use some of your own discretion is something that people should know.

For now let's stick with the Jones post as my 3rd. Thank you!

anonOpenPress ago

I actually wasn't about to say anything about it before you asked :)

My purpose is not to reject, but to support investigations and help them towards even better outcomes (especially when asked). I'm happy to add it as it is, but I still think it might be edited as even better. Just for example adding a line "This video presents interesting and even important claims but is not very well sourced by its author" would add to the value of your post.

So for the end, which one you prefer then as your third? Open minded.

V____Z ago

Definitely the Alex Jones post. Sorry for being such a pain.

anonOpenPress ago

No need to be sorry, I think we're both developing here :) Me with my communications, you with your media criticism. I liked discussing with you.

V____Z ago

You're cool. I'm definitely still learning :)

To be honest I am emotional about all of this. And that clouds the thinking. I'm also receiving some DMs alerting me to very valid concerns about people we look to as lead researchers (actually it's singular), and to some very real damage they are causing to real people. People are in danger from trusting too much. I'm upset about this because there's nothing i can do. So that's me being real.

anonOpenPress ago

I think DM's are a big danger zone in general, as pretty clever shilling, and spreading both right and wrong (in purpose) opinions about other users is possible via those while there's no one else to see that being done and warn about that possibility. IMO, what can't be handled in openness should always be considered at least suspicious. ps. Thanks for being real here.

V____Z ago

It's from one of the trusted Voaters.

anonOpenPress ago

You decide who's trusted by you, of course. All the best!

redditsuckz ago

  • James Alefantis friends taking children from other countries - Charles DeSantis (works for UN Refugee Agency)


Covered by Victurus Libertas VL - this was kicked off by an adoption day video that James Alefantis liked

#PIZZAGATE - James Alefantis - Bill Clinton, The UN Refugee Agency And The MKULTRA Connection


  • Twitter, Google/Youtube, Microsoft, Facebook are Connected to NMCEC by Vice President John Shehan of INHOPE


Covered by The HoneyBee - HoneyBee kicked this off by finding the name of Brian Podesta connected to the NMCEC which led to a blackout and bannings on twitter by just mentioning his name.

Fame, Fraud, and Foster Kids #PEDOGATE


  • Alefantis Kill Room Found - The Pajama Factory Same Brick Walls as Instagram Photos - Womans Body was found 2013


Covered by Ryan/pizzagategear and continued investigation finally lead to the Pegasus Museum and which Alefantis allegedly got pissed at - Ryan was the one who started the questioning of the "kill room" which kicked off the investigation to find the actual location of the "kill room";



So there were at least 2 "kill rooms"...one at Pajama Factory and one at the Pegasus Museum.

note: we dont know for sure if they were "kill rooms" but the location of the digging pic and Pegasus matched up and the location of the "kill room coffin" pic matched up with the Pajama Factory.

But we were not able to find the "freezer kill room" pic...

Most Controversial ;

  • James Alefantis "Kill Room" Walk-in Freezer Location Found at Whitmore Farm


anonOpenPress ago

Thanks! The limit in this project is three submissions for everyone, no exceptions to keep the total in some decent amount, but your first two AND both of those killroom posts seems great... What should we do?

redditsuckz ago

Id say leave out the INHOPE one;

these 3 are most closely connected to comet ping pong and James Alefantis and still have lots of leads that could be explored;

UN Refugee Agency


Pajama Factory - Pegasus Museum

Lol - http://i.imgur.com/NXaTuEP.jpg

Lol - http://i.imgur.com/mk8qRsJ.jpg


Whitmore Farm


anonOpenPress ago

got it, thanks. Starting editing everything in soon

AngB23 ago

Fantastic thread. Thank you! All great info in one spot.

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks, WIP (work in process)

MolochHunter ago

I actually think this was my best contribution although it got a lot fewer voats/comments than other submission of mine

PRELUDE to PIZZAGATE (a red-piller's primer) https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1684482

anonOpenPress ago

Loving that post, especially your selected point of view on satanism and newcomers, and how you're taking some important historical aspects along. You wouldn't qualify more than that one of your posts or would you?

MolochHunter ago

thx, yer there's https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1729465 'countdown to vigilantism'

and also

An Open Letter to Mr Alefantis (which the mods didnt allow except on pizzagate/whatever) https://voat.co/v/pizzagatewhatever/1543717

anonOpenPress ago

Cheers, any related posts in Voat counts here so no problem with the last one either. great adds, both of these

dirtydirty ago

Here are mine:

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1662244 - Dead girl found on the property of the Queen

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1778823 - The Library of Congress subscribed to Paidika The Pedophile Journal and articles were used in American Schools!!! Truly sinister

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1756304 - Interview with a human trafficker

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks for joining in! I liked especially one of your sources on your first link (a Guardian post I've missed)

anonOpenPress ago

I was almost like... but then I saw your nice ending :) Thanks a lot. I've seen you've submitted awesome posts, glad that you managed to cherry pick three. Bringing up suspicions on Webb being compromised, and that Luzzatto story with pics and almost in full (missing mostly the godfather Henry "Skip" Gates Jr. who also joined the handkerchief event at MV), great adds to the list. Cheers.

V____Z ago

Are you going to add the one about Comet, or was it shown to be disinfo?

anonOpenPress ago

Let's have a short check on that at some point, touching a sensitive piece is always risky due to pretty well planned countintelpros mixing the soup. You did your best I assume but I'd prefer stronger sourcing on that (Titus didn't actually do his job all too well there regarding sourcing on that video, eh might have even used some faked ones)

V____Z ago

You only have one post about Comet right now, and your summary of it calls it a psyop (Alex Jones' explanation too), linking to a Voat post by one of Jones' most staunch supporters here, @DarkMath). This troubles me just a bit. It seems biased. And strange considering Comet has played a pretty big role in the pizzagate investigation.

DarkMath ago

V____Z my [insert N word here], saying Comet Ping Pong was a psy-op doesn't mean the same people didn't commit a crime elsewhere. It just means there was no crime committed at Comet Ping Pong. If you can't figure that out then you need to clean out your head gear.


V____Z ago

You've determined there was no crime committed at Comet? Wow. The DC Police haven't begun their investigation, yet you've concluded yours. AMAZING.

anonOpenPress ago

My current understanding is that CPP has been used at least for a false flag and possibly for money laundering. Being psy-op or a crime scene of trafficking are both valuable aspects too, so not closing either one out as a possibility. I agree with V____Z to not draw any too quick conclusions on the crimes/no crimes, let's see what we find in the end. But we should have enough already to claim an official investigation.

anonOpenPress ago

A, you're right, just an unlucky coincidence as no more appeared before I started the categorizing. This is WIP, so it can be taken as a start-up issue. I bet there will be more than ten in that category eventually. Looking at comments posted today, there are already four + yours about Alefantis to be checked and added.

I won't be too harsh either, as all different perspectives adds to the value considering the investigative point of view.

V____Z ago


Regarding the Podesta post, it is waiting for me to get some free time to make a part two. There are many suggestions and comments made to the first one that need their own separate post.

I know you're busy, but if you get a second, could you explain further, or link to me to more about the godfather? This is complete news to me. Talk like you're talking to a newcomer, don't assume I know anything. Because I know very little, plus I'm trying to make these articles a red pill (needs to be clear, concise and simple to digest).

anonOpenPress ago

He was mentioned at T's blog on Maeve Luzzatto's birth as "Skip", an Irish man bringing in the wood. You can find him in the handkerchief story here /v/pizzagate/1750186

V____Z ago

thank you!

Devious1 ago

Nice post

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks, all SO great, I liked especially your first link. And the 2nd. And the CIA one. Just keep up the good work!

RebelSkum ago

Same for yourself! You do some awfully fine work on Voat!

RedGreenAlliance ago

Wrote this about the occult references and links around the murals and other CPP related artists https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1501634/7290719

Not saying it's great but I've not read much about the symbolism for a while

YingYangMom ago

Nice post!

anonOpenPress ago

Having 25 submissions here already, I'd say you might find a couple more worth adding. The one you linked is a great piece already. Thanks, will add later.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Thank you! Great post and great idea! Really appreciate it

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks for joining in, your adds were great!

Others please, you really do have great submissions! I've read so many already, but you're the best person to tell which of those are your best efforts. Pick the cherries!

1NationUnderAGroove ago

And hello to all the submitters, I will slowly work my way back through all your posts! Great stuff

anonOpenPress ago

oops, my topic typo... pizzagategorized ;)

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Thanks for being so organised! It's a nice positive to read :)

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks for your words. Knowing there's a HUGE amount of great posts buried down here somewhere during all 5 months, I really hope ppl to check their own ones and join this project.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Yes most definitely. And within the comments also. My head spins from all the information sometimes. Do you have a Steemit account? Maybe you could make some money while archiving and repost links over here like @rebelskum - maybe even make a new sub and categorise the links ..

RebelSkum ago

Most definitely a fine idea! Steemit has the added benefit of being on a blockchain and thus posts are uniquely "permanent". Incredibly powerful stuff.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Amazing .. especially if they are now deleteing archived pages.

remedy4reality ago

Here are my 3 >>

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1726534 Still Think Elites Worshiping Satan is a Ridiculous Conspiracy Theory? Satanic Ritual Performed for Opening of World's Longest Tunnel

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1692112 National Center for Missing and Exploited Children / Patty & Jacob Wetterling / National Sex Offender Registry

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1684105 KNOW THIS >> Pedophiles are HIDING Behind the LBGT Movement and Using Gay Marriage to Adopt Lifetime Victims for Their Own Sick Needs

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks, I'll do another editing after a few more top 3's. Those can be posted like you nto here, or into the earlier thread where this was started (I do prefer the earlier, just to keep these comments in one place)

remedy4reality ago

yeah... that thread fizzled and I deleted my first 3.. don't get me wrong, I just wanted to submit them to a newer, climbing post

anonOpenPress ago

I get you :) But from either, they'll eventually end up to the categorized list (new categories are added whenever needed)

remedy4reality ago


LostandFound ago

I commend you for bringing some order to the chaos, could i suggest accepting submissions on behalf of other users we have had a few drop off over the months

anonOpenPress ago

It's a nice idea. Basically, as long as any single user doesn't get more than three posts to the list, that would be ok, but the qualification made by another user (not the author) might arise issues. In practice, the most worrying issue is that it would enable a shill to qualify someones false posts as useful ones.

Well, post those as a comment to here and let's see :)

carmencita ago

I think this is a great 👍 idea.