MattHelm ago

The aliens and time travel and Tesla death ray stories are disinfo to hide what they really do there. MK-Ultra experiments are real all the other stuff is fiction.

Nrgiseternal ago

Hello. Thank you for the well wishes although my life has never been normal I have been doing fairly well by most people's metric.

That being said I'm surprised it's a yes the hell Saturn connection is being artistically referenced in this video, and the dead giveaway are the hats no I'm not joking.

As to what you say it definitely sounds like what I call and negative extra-dimensional being.

More people don't realize every single one of us has been living inside of our heads, science has a term for it they call it the ego.

Our ego is a non-native parasite that feeds off of our misery

Nrgiseternal ago

Little known fact during ww2 german soldiers boarded montauk, they came in a u boat. Of all the places hitler chose to take the war to america he chose montauk.

Montauk has a connection to the star mintonka, in orions belt

The montauk indians were unique in that they are the ONLY tribe of indians to call their chief a "pharoah"

Montuak also has pyramids, they are now buried under sand but the apex can still be seen,

Oh and montauks pyramids are aligned exactly the same as the ones in egypt.

thomas jefferson travelled to montauk to learn their language because from his studies he deduced it was a dialect of "vril" the language spoken in atlantis.

jstrotha0975 ago

Crowley supposedly opened a portal in a house near Loch Ness lake.

Nrgiseternal ago

Thats a half truth, there has always been a portal at loch ness, crowley spoke to the resident entity.

Nrgiseternal ago

As someone who experienced the Montauk project first hand ( I assure you about ten miles below camp hero (derived from hours of the mystery religion) its still business as usual there to this very day.

SoldierofLight ago

If you were one of the Montauk Boys, would you consider doing a Voat AMA?

Nrgiseternal ago

It's not the trauma of reliving the memories but the psychic energetic cost that would have me has it let me think on it

SoldierofLight ago

I have the utmost respect for you for even considering it. Thank you.

Nrgiseternal ago

Well on a thread about Montauk here someone began asking me questions after I had seen your message and I gave him a few answers.

As long as it is not exploitive, then I think it's important I share when I can. Of course I always have the fear of not being believed which goes back to my childhood but if I was to be believed I imagine it would be somewhere like this.

So if it's something you want to do let me know

SoldierofLight ago

I'll send you a message.

jstrotha0975 ago

Can you please elaborate?

Nrgiseternal ago

What would you like to know, my time there spanned 5 years it's a lot to

jstrotha0975 ago

You worked there? Please tell me everything.

Nrgiseternal ago

No, I was a subject, not an employee

jstrotha0975 ago

Feel free to enlighten me. Does pedophilia go on there?

Nrgiseternal ago

I'll start at the beginning in third grade I was given an assessment test weird things like identifying famous people by their photographs pattern recognition finding things wrong with images( like they would show you a picture of the interior of a car and you have to point out the gear shift was missing the reflection in the mirror wasn't inverted) things like that.

A few months later I was told I was going to be placed in the gifted and talented program in my school it was called pixie.

So I was attending to get the classes working from special workbooks I was finally interacting with kids who finish their work as early as I did.

My father's best friend who ill call JP, was and still is a big deal in the Masonic Lodge in Pennsylvania.

He picks me up one day while he's visiting, and tells me we're going to have a field trip in history.

It was not unusual for him to take me or my brothers for that matter places unsupervised, it was the eighties things were different and he has known my dad since childhood.

After checking out wardenclyffe Tower in Shoreham We Begin heading east in new wardenclyffe would be a hit with me because I was already a huge fan of Tesla.

I was the type of kid that was up late and had trouble falling asleep every night oddly that day, I fell asleep on the car ride.

My woke up I was strapped in a chair, in a room with what looks like eggshell crates to my young eyes but what I know recognize as soundproofing.

Yes pedophilia goes on there. In my case for about 6 months after that it stopped.

Then the trauma begin

jstrotha0975 ago

So you're from LI. I'm from Queens. Is there a hotel in or near Montauk that has a secret tunnel? Is Preston Nichols real or full of crap?

Nrgiseternal ago

Im from long island but my father was a Marine so I spent the first five years of my life moving all over United States.

There's an extensive network of tunnels under much of Montauk.

I don't want to trigger it errata, so I'll just say there's a hotel with a giant statue of an Indian outside where many of the workers at the facility at was held at which day if they were brought in from out of state.

Preston Nichols believes he is telling the truth, Stewart swerdlow is a total fake and a putz trying to cash in on the suffering of many, and was initially negative influence on Preston.

If you have specific questions I'll be more than happy to answer them

jstrotha0975 ago

First of all I want to say sorry for the way you may have been treated or traumatized. I have a billion questions. Who or what is ultimately in charge of Montauk? Is it still operational? What is the purpose of the base? Did you interact with aliens? What do the aliens look like? Did you time travel? Is their a Pizzagate connection?

Nrgiseternal ago

no need to apologize, unless of course you were directly involved in my victimization and which case f*** j/k

As far as who is in charge of Montauk I'm not sure I know that all the doctors have a last name that were colors, Dr green Dr blue etc.., there were uniform armed guards but they weren't wearing American Military camouflage it was a lot closer to the SWAT gear you see police wear but with no insignias or badges, all the locks were swipe cards, and when the psychologist would talk to me(they had one on site that I would see daily, after "training") I would ask why I was there and what was happening and they would just tell me I was going to be part of an army that fights bad guys like superman. I kid you not.

What people think of as aliens are not aliens they are extra-dimensional beings, what we are told our planets are actually plane ettes (little planes) that are all connected through a series of portals.

Some but I'm sure not all of the portals on Earth are Stonehenge the Pyramids of Giza , Nazca, the Hoover dam and mount ararat.

A lot of people call these extra-dimensional entities demons. I don't know if there is a God or a devil but these things definitely exist they look mostly like humans if you stare at them like you would a magic eye picture, you can see that their eyes are completely black but not black white a color black just like empty if that makes any sense. Oh and you can see their horns if you look at them that way as well.

They had more access than the doctors did and I know that because they had a different color key card than the doctors.

One of them who told me his name was Seth, told me that no matter what the doctor said this place was a farm, and we were the crops.

I don't know if you're familiar with the term loose, but any strong emotion generates energy whether it's love or fear. For some reason negative emotions generate the most loose. These things consume loose.

That's why we have "natural disasters", false flag attacks and even pro sports.

Space is a lie. The Earth isn't flat and it isn't round it is a Torus. We exist inside the central Nexus of the Torus. When we look up at the sky receive through a prism over the top of our Torus, which is why the stars look much closer than they actually are.

We can travel to other plans,and do, but not with spacecrafts. Did you know 10 days after JFK issued a memo sitting the United States and Russia would join forces with their space programs effectively ending the Cold War he was assassinated?

in any event, the sexual abuse was meant to stimulate a nerve at the base of our spines, which releases Kundalini energy, it's kind of like ripping open your third eye. So if I try really hard and and able to focus that day I can see through the illusion these things use to hide they're true appearance from us.

There are a lot more of them than anyone would ever believe walking Among Us everyday.

It's not like they're super villains plotting in a lair. I've seen them working as bank tellers garbage man police officers of course some politicians, my point is they permeate every Walk of Life.

Sorry if I'm rambling but this is kind of hard to talk about and there is a lot of information which is why I do better with specific questions

jstrotha0975 ago

Did you ever witness people of importance at the base? Politician, celebrities, anyone famous? How do you feel about Pizzagate? Did you ever sit in the Montauk chair? Did they ever try to make you view things psychically?

Nrgiseternal ago

I was no older than 11 at any point I was there so no I didn't see anybody famous I may have seen some politicians but I'm certain I would not have recognized them.

As far as pizzagate goes I know for a fact that everyday businesses are used to traffic children.

If anyone is from Long Island, they remain remember a place called amazing skates in centereach, in the supply room under one of those big metal storage units that look like shelves there was a floor panel that's slid out, and led to a tunnel that tunnel glad to Brookhaven National Lab.

I've written extensively about pizzagate on my website and wrote my Twitter, it's a massive issue and now we're at the unfortunate point where the people who are paying attention to it are easily distracted by red herrings and limited Hangouts..

People dropped the pizza mansion near Camp cazadero so fast it literally broke my heart.

I actually found a review of Camp cazadero online that hadn't been scrubbed from 2007 I believe, that mentions Big John on who owns the mansion in the middle of the Forum and how he's creepy and scares the children and nobody likes to Camp anymore..

How that didn't gain traction, but people are ferociously parsing tv commercials is beyond me.

Also the people behind pizzagate, have gone to Great Lengths to Rebrand it pedo gate, and draw a false equivalency to pedophilia .

While these people are pedophiles, they are not in fear of being exposed as it would take a nearly impossible level of proof to shatter the cognitive dissonance of an ordinary American.

what they do fear, is investigation of places like Comet Ping Pong besta pizza and the Pegasus Museum. With enough digging and patience concrete leads can be uncovered and have which is why they have work so hard to change the narrative.

I did indeed spend many many days in that chair. A remarkably plain-looking stainless steel chair with two leather wrist restraints and some lawyers coming from either shoulder.

People have time traveling all wrong, time does not exist just how our brain Parts is everything happening simultaneously in a fashion that makes sense to us. What people say time travel they really just mean inter planar teleportation.

You can't take your physical body to another plane of existence, your physical body cannot dematerialize.

However your body is literally just a vehicle for what most people call the soul and that can go anywhere it pleases.

one of the reasons I was hesitant to speak out about this for so long, is that when people ask me to prove that I can visit other Realms and I close my eyes and go into a deep meditation and don't disappear into thin hair they think I'm mentally ill and I fully understand why.

Some more advanced test would show that my heart rate is near comatose, some of my other vital functions have been suppressed, but no one's ever been that interested not since Montauk anyway.

I have seen the place money would call hell and it is not at all like they portray it. Picture las Vegas with more desert, and beings that are variations running from charcoal to pitch black that all look almost completely unique, virtually no uniformity to their physiology other then their coloration which is more of a spectrum. There are this incarnated Souls that suffer there, what I was told it was more about their inability to recognize the truth of their condition even after death.

Fyi, "hell" is where we are told is Saturn.

jstrotha0975 ago

Can you send me a link to your website please? Do you have any evidence? What have you personally done to stop Pizzagate?

Nrgiseternal ago

My site is and "proof" is a subjective term, have told the people on my forum many things that have happened in some cases years before they've actually happened, not because I am psychic but because when you understand the symbols and what they mean you can easily predict their next move.

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Smyrtz ago

I believe the current situation is an extension of the work done at Montauk. is like the wikipedia of everything that has been hidden.

SoldierofLight ago

Wow. This is an eye opener. Montauk Point was my dad's favorite place to surf fish. When I was a kid, he used to take me camping and fishing on the beach at Horton's Point. For some reason he never took me to Montauk. I'm sure he knew nothing of what was going on at the camp but if they were kidnapping children then I'm glad he left me behind. Those poor kids.

jstrotha0975 ago

Supposedly there's a baseball field and hotel in Montauk where they do most of the kidnapping. there's a lot to the whole story, Pedophilia, Torture, death, Mind Control, Aliens, time travel, and the Philadelphia experiment. Should keep you busy for a few days.

SoldierofLight ago

Yeah, no kidding! So much for getting work done today, lol.

Chasnigga ago

Montauk project. Al Bielek. Crazy, but plausible

SoldierofLight ago

I've been black pilled. Nothing seems implausible to me anymore.