fremar ago

nihoul is member of a loge ( mason shits ) and dutroux was a deliverer of kids for the freemasons. thats why dutroux wanted to have more than 99 houses so he could enter this elite club as a full member. the elite has always had their perversions in every form , in every timeline , so yeah for sure de sade is not just a novel.

wtf_is_happening ago

This interview is very useful for putting the human trafficking picture together. This eyewitness also backed up the point made by Kendall on Doctor Phil about human trafficking being such a big part of major sports events (such as the Superb Owl and the Olympics). Apparently the combined sex rings of SA didn't contain enough trafficked girls to feed the huge demand during the 2010 SA World Cup and they had to resort to abducting local girls. We should publicise this aspect of "the bread and circus" sports events and promote a boycott of the sponsors, until the host cities clean themselves up.

Disappointing to hear the churches he appealed to help the trafficked girls were mostly uninterested.

Godwillwin ago

Disturbing :(

But shining a light on what they do and that we wouldn't believe who is involved is necessary

VieBleu ago

quite an interesting interview - he speaks so casually about chaining or tieing up a group of girls to a toilet, abusing them, raping them, not feeding them and drugging them. And he was one of the better ones - at east he tried to get one away.