DonKeyhote ago

In which trump pimps his daughter to a known unrepentant pedophile

Voodoo Doughnuts and pedo pizzerias within few blocks of Stratfor HQ ( 221 (occult number) W 6th St.)over subway line leading under Capitol building Austin TX

In which the mods run cover for queer Jewish Hollywood mafia and shills are deployed because it's the Achilles heel

darkknight111 ago

This one regarding the Arcus Foundation is my best contribution.

Also this one connecting Kevin Jennings to Nambla.

Seems I'm less into the computer skills of finding data and more into trying to put pieces together in order to bring about further digging.

anonOpenPress ago


On your first, I might suggest a minor edit: Copy some of the valuable comments (and links in those comments) into the post by editing the post. The ones you saw as good digging there.

Your 2nd is a nice catch and relevant, but what do you think about its date? The news is from 2010

rooting4redpillers ago

This is a good and useful idea, so THANKS anon. Looking forward to watching how it goes. I've only made a few OPs, but this one might be useful as a reference:

Pedophilia, Hebephilia, Pedohebephilia, Ephebophilia, Nepiophilia (Infantophilia)... Becoming familiar with the nomenclature, jargon, lingo, and definitions.

The purpose of this sub was to familiarize people with 1) the terms, and 2) the attempts by professionals in medical, psychiatric, and other scientific fields, to categorize/compartmentalize - with implications of normalizing - aspects of pedophiliac behavior.

anonOpenPress ago

A nice add especially for a publicity effort like this, might definitely help some writers, thanks! Add a couple of more by you whenever you have some.

rooting4redpillers ago

You're welcome, and I will. This is inspiring, A+!

YingYangMom ago (Ted Gunderson Files dump) (Hampstead Children)


(Series of Consolidation Threads on Pizzagate, JA, CPP, & Friends of Alefantis.)

Project was created and posted by @privatepizza @newworldahead and I, along with the help of

@silverlining @cantsleepawink and @twistedmac11 (Introduction post) (James Alefantis and CPP) (Friends of CPP and Alefantis, Besta Pizza, etc)

JamesHowardCrow ago

I think we should be limiting ourselves to what we can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt.

  1. When Pizzagate almost broke back in 1900

German arms manufacturer held orgies with young boys in Italy while the german government covered it up until his mysterious suicide.

  1. Sotadic Zone

A map made by Sir Richard Francis Burton for the British empire of the countries that accepted pedophilia as normal

anonOpenPress ago

oh, how did I miss this. I don't think we should limit our community work, considering the different backgrounds and skills we all have. (e.g what one takes as proof is nonsense to another). Having all of us in the same line in this project should have more pros than cons, and I did think about this in advance.

About your links, this project is for Voat submissions where the author has put her/his best effort, so no external links are taken along (except as source links within the Voat post), so please pick max 3 of your earlier submissions to Voat

1NationUnderAGroove ago

  • Melbourne, Australia - Ongoing Investigation - 'Coincidences/Suspicious Activity" similar to CometPingPong - Bimbo Deluxe Pizza links to Freemason Funded Child Programs - HEAP OF POTENTIAL LEADS!

  • Pedophile Fantasy & Mind Control Story Website and Forum

mcstories has a Forum ( with heaps of active users. Around the time I found this website VOAT user @justicewarriornow dumped a massive amount of usernames and passwords off the Dark Web

I'm sure these usernames and passwords will be useful with research into some of the newer websites that have been found.

@justicewarriornow 's OP here

  • And my third submission is the reason you should archive everything before posting on here

  • Since my post about Melbourne, Australia - Websites and Webpages used as Sources have been 'edited' and lead to Dead end pages

Thanks, it was all posted 3 months+ ago, hopefully some new eyes can look into it!

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Also this needs to be looked into -

Came across this stuff following some leads from a post about a weird 'MKULTRA' encrypted website -

(deleted VOAT OP -

So along the searching was led to this -

George Soros has bought shares in Syntel Inc (SYNT) on 30/06/2016 and 30/09/2016

screenshot -

Link here -

A company ran by Indian born billionaire Agrawal Anil

(details of his wealth/pulling power in India/Pakistan/Dubai etc here)

Then was lead to this -

And was also led to this Washington, DC business - POSSIBLE TRAFFICKERS OF CHILDREN AND ORGANS ETC...

Browser searched - "what is"

Came across this Washington DC business -

Synthus Inc

Innovation Consulting

About Us

Synthus, Inc., is a Woman- and Military Combat Theater Veteran-Owned Small Business geographically based in the Washington DC area. We have more than 50 years combined experience in national security, cyber strategy, defense, and industry (IT), supporting large and small geographically distributed organizations with global operations and customers in highly volatile environments.

Our focus is on finding creative operational and technology solutions to complex problem sets. We combine a security mindset with passion, creativity, and a Big Picture, integrative approach to help our clients re-frame their business to anticipate and embrace change, and to incorporate innovations made possible by emerging technologies, from mobile computing and the Internet of Everything to synthetic biology and new manufacturing technologies.

The Synthus, Inc., team comprises persuasive advocates who excel at defining a vision and leading stakeholders--internal and external--to visualize, understand, and embrace it.

Contact Us For more information about our team or services, please reach us at:

[email protected]

Could be nothing.... But who fuckin' knows anymore??!!??

I haven't had time to look any further into these leads

Post about possible Pakistan pizzagate connection by @bluebirdsoltitude here -

1NationUnderAGroove ago

I think Inc Could be a massive connection in the Washington,DC Pizzagate situation

LostandFound ago

/v/pizzagate/1834034 - ICE confirmed that some children being taken from Haiti were scheduled to be given to known pedos- list of adopters approved by state dept - Huma emails.

/v/pizzagate/1504312 - Tony & Heather Podesta + JA at personal gathering for sick artist back in 04

/v/pizzagate/1481112 - HRC, Frank Guistra, Clinton Foundation, Obama, DEA & the Secret service all linked to one city - Cartagena, Colombia + underage sex parties

/v/pizzagate/1466017 - Madeline McCann - Podesta's - Freud - timeline and potential motives ( needs further updating )

anonOpenPress ago

I added the first three into the categories, no exceptions to keep the total in decent amount. Cheers!

abcdefg222 ago

This is a great idea!!! Great way to see some of the best research. I have put a lot of focus on my research in Jeffrey Epstein.

TONS of Epstein info

Proof of Epsteins child trafficking

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks, just happy if you edit in a word or two in each to share what they are about. That would help me a lot when I start categorizing all the comments.

flyingcuttlefish ago

and if you have a really good one that non-voat users may wish to see put it up at

Before It's News

(or send me the link and I'll do it).

DarkMath ago

1) Abraham Lincoln Quote -

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time."

2) May 9th and what it all means. -

I posted that just a couple of hours before the story broke that professional Deep State "Slow-Walker" James Comey got fired. I shit you not. Ah-hem, did I mention I was a European History Major?

3) My message to Nick Bryant -

This provides good background on why Comet Ping Pong was a classic Psy-Op intentionally put there to throw off the dogs who may have been looking for Brownstone Operations. Why Are Children Needed For Brownstone Operations.

The signs of Pedophilia were too obvious like folding napkins to look like a child's underwear on the main web page of Buck's Camping and Fishing, the acronym P.E.D. for (play eat drink or did it mean pedo?) etc etc. We learned later on it was all a Red-Herring and we found no hard evidence of any crime. But the question isn't why did we investigate it's why did the MSM ignore blatant signs pointing to the possible sexual abuse of children. Babies holding wads of cash, a pill bottle of a famous date rape drug, Cumpandas, "kill rooms", and on and on. Either they knew it was a pys-op or they didn't care which is pathetic and the reason the MSM as we know it today has lost almost all its credibility and DING DING DING is why it's going to get flushed down the toilet along with the last vestiges of the Deep State here shortly.

Good Riddance
