1NationUnderAGroove ago

Just made a post with potential leads/links to some of the USERNAMES, if someone wants to have a dig around..

  • MCSTORIES.COM & MCFORUM.NET - FILLED WITH 'PEDO FANTASY STORIES/MIND CONTROL RAPE ETC + User Names etc. for Cross Referance to the Previous Dump from DarkWeb


Archive - https://archive.is/i5zEV

phlux ago

Thanks but no thanks

justice4kidz ago

how does searching on sites like rapecage.com help our cause here? we know there are sickos. how is this pizzagate related?!?

justice4kidz ago

try www.kidzworld.com , it's a social media site for kids run by Achilles / Alefantis - direct connection to James Alefantis

justice4kidz ago

do we dig on a PARTICULAR site? or just the names open search? where do we enter the username + pwd?

justice4kidz ago

are these user names passwords to type into a PARTICULAR website?

Whitemail ago

My work password at a former workplace was based on what some French words of a song sound like in English with a 4 replacing an A.

Xpol ago

Edit: there's really not much I've found so far in that list. Some disturbing names, but no smoking guns.

We need to do some deep web searches, I'm starting to investigate.

Archive and backup findings

justice4kidz ago

Alefantis / Achilles own www.kidzworld.com - kids social media site. we should type these in there??

Xpol ago

I've been doing some searching on those, and comet long long etc on the deep web, but so far I'm only finding other people talking about pizzagate, nothing more pizzagate.

TabiCatTwo ago

Thank you. I really appreciate it.

sniper257 ago

Has anyone sent this to law enforcement so far?

Whitemail ago

I'm mostly just interested in analyzing the password creation.

So many users have their username and password as the same.

I saw 1234567890 two or three times already.

abcd1234 and abc123 are pretty common too

phlux ago

Lunari ago

I guess they really need to learn from John Podesta about how to create a secure password, like P@ssw0rd

Whitemail ago

USERNAME: Excalibur PASSWORD: 8675309j

Somebody made their password with a song stuck in their head, and now it gets stuck in his head every time he goes to the forum.

Drkadrka ago

what i have been doing is taking the somewhat unique usernames without any pedo references and searching them out in the chat log, they usually ask if they can get someone in city X, which gives you a starting point to cross check. I then have been narrowing it down with the social media. Not all are there, but the dumb ones are. Lets make sure we don't wrongfully DOX someone who is innocent, or at least put in the extra effort to try not to.

justice4kidz ago

what chat log? where do I enter username/password?

Drkadrka ago


At the bottom of the OP is a pastebin link to the support message logs. I haven't gotten to breaking out the other 2.3gb yet, hopefully will this week some time, but the author of that post has several posts and has been leading the charge. He also put up another with cracked passwords and logins for both hunger as well as a CP site, if I am remembering correctly, so check his submissions for a good starting point.

Be advised, there are live links in the CP website pastebin to what appear to be clearnet addresses. Users seem to have posted passwords and logins to their private CP stashes for all on that site to access. DO NOT CLICK THEM!

Possibly load the pastebin and disconnect your Internet so no accidental click as you scroll takes you to that shit.

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

If you google lilmanus69 you'll see there was a directory of users with profiles before the hack. Anyone know how to find that in the dump?

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

A leo51291 in Moscow:


Idiot used his date of birth.

RossKemp_OnGangs ago

People need to archive their finds, or at least screenshot everything.

dcdale9 ago

Are these the names and IP addresses that were on Skidpaste?

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

There's a user called Klamizard on this forum, it says he's in Northumberland


AgainstTheNWO ago

I clicked on website from user kittyumbrass. All rape movies, really gross ones imo.

TabiCatTwo ago

I just saw an awful tumblr site from fotzenjaeger search. Torture crap. Horrible. I want to report, but don't belong to tumblr. If you are on tumblr please report slutsthatsendmepics I only saw it for a second and I couldn't tell you if these people are willing or not or the age of the girls but when I think of all the missing people and that they could end up like this it breaks my heart.

phlux ago

internet hug

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Seems a lot of Russian and German users.

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

A lot of really sick links come up if you google Fotzenjaeger. Really nasty shit be warned.

neverobey ago

Fotzenjäger means cunt hunter. That's why you just get this nasty stuff.

ToFat2Fish ago

What is it I don't want to Google but still want to know

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

Women being tortured and snuff type shit. I couldn't look at too much of it.

ToFat2Fish ago

Is everyone above the age of 18

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

I think so. I only had a quick look I couldn't stand it.

julian_assanger ago

lol He's gonna fap to it.

ToFat2Fish ago


julian_assanger ago

I am so sorry... When things get dark, I make shitty jokes.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Holy Shit! I refuse to click on that link


Snuff staff... — fotzenjaeger: Gefällt mir snuffhang.tumblr.com › post › fotzenjae... Jul 18, 2016 - fotzenjaeger: “Gefällt mir ” ... fotzenjaeger: “Gefällt mir ”. fotzenjaeger: Gefällt mir

NRW BI Boy — fotzenjaeger: Euter gleich einer Kuh Schöne... Tumblr › dale65 › post › fotzenjaeger-eu... Jul 23, 2016 - fotzenjaeger: “ Euter gleich einer Kuh ” Schöne hänge Titten

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

If you google ffcos5cxbswsl4yr various tor links come up.

Xpol ago

The tor link was seized and no longer working.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

there may be more than one using this name?? So I posted what I found, I did not click on links


https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/ericcc https://phhhoto.com/ericcc https://m.flickr.com/photos/42494682@N00/ http://www.sploder.com/games/members/ericcc/h ttps://www.faceit.com/en/players/ericcc https://www.dateinasia.com/Ericcc

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

There's a German website called evital24.de

Seems to be down though.

JusticeWarriorNow ago

Here is the first 300 usernames and decrypted passwords: http://pastebin.com/tZCJxK63

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

A tino2k on instagram:


fuck_pedo_enablers ago

Could be a different guy but heres theken117 on youtube. Name is Kenny Andalcio


fuck_pedo_enablers ago

Here's a pastebin of the list:


TabiCatTwo ago

fastorslow appears to be on tumblr http://fastorslow.tumblr.com/archive

SayWhatNOWAY ago

OK I have no clue to what I am reading here. Is the names at beginning of each line the user names?

***Ok so I picked name at random from above OP, (fleee123) and found this:

Banboy's live porn sex chat on lilycams.com live-porn-sex-chat-banboys.lilycams.com › ... ... ELOMELO · fleee123 · sexycouple · MathewDell · gomango · Nicholasbeard · Sexy · littlesquirm69 · threesome4you

***Kyle Palmer @K__Palmer123 Kyle Palmer ?Baseball & Food is life ? Fleee 123 Snapchat: kyle-palmer ??Eva?? Location: Nyack Joined: Apr 2013 Followers: 153 - Following: 203 - Posts: 850 - Lists: 0

MyUSA2017 ago

I'm clueless. Give direction where to go, input what, and I'll help, too.

JusticeWarriorNow ago

Here is the first 300 http://pastebin.com/tZCJxK63

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I have been taking the names at beginning of each sentence and looking for possible owners of that user name. So far many are going to Russian sites. Not sure if I am going about this right though.

MyUSA2017 ago


SayWhatNOWAY ago

YW :-)

Arrvee ago

Can you post a spreadsheet to http://files.catbox.moe/ or somewhere? It might be easier to read.

JusticeWarriorNow ago

Here is the first 300 http://pastebin.com/tZCJxK63

PureH2O ago

Has this been reported to FBI? Do we all need to report thi?

JusticeWarriorNow ago

Not sure.