chuubakabraa ago

Does anyone have a magnet link or another torrent file? The torrent file provided in OPs post above doesn't work.

Babbert_Scientific ago

Possible lead: From the account balance ghostbin.

Babbert_Scientific ago

How do I put it into EmEditor?

SpikyAube ago

Of course it's not the case that every one who's rich is into child abuse at all, I wasn't saying that, just that to really cut the cancer out, we need to get at the heart of it, and the fact is that this 'industry' finds it so much easier to get away with what they do because the people in charge have ensured that they're surrounded by blind eyes and collaborators, all the way down to the police officers and the staff working in the children's' homes etc. To get rid of the powerful people who are doing this is so important - how can we even consider ourselves any kind of sane society if our so-called representatives do things like this!? Of course we want to catch every single person involved in these crimes and bring them to justice, but at the moment if the choice is between going after small fry with no solid connection to the global elite network, or going after the global elite network, then I think surely the latter option is the one we should be going with.

dem6nic ago

Same guy goes by the name ogturbo, on twitter, works in Hollywood as a Costume Designer. Find him on imdb Adrian Magana.

Repost from earlier comment: I found an Alcon32 on reddit, he had two comments. One was kik: ogturbo. I searched ogturbo and he's on instagram, looks like he's involved with Hollywood, travels alot and latest pic was a shot of where he's working at Walker Stalkers Convention in Cali. Alcon32 in the dump spoke about getting product in Hollywood. Also I found his tumblr page, NSFW link, also mentions his kik password. Archived:

NEW INFO: ogturbo worked with Natalie O'Brien on The Bad Batch in the Costume department, his name is Adrian Magaña and this is his image Archived:

dem6nic ago

Twitter handle Charley1113 has the user's name as Steve Stone. In the dump, Charley113 was enquiring about product in Memphis or Nashville, TN. There is a Steve Stone in Crossville, TN who owns TAP Publishing, image here: (and for a short while he owned a gym with a child daycare in it called Peak Fitness, check out the discussion on Topix for some extra gossip

CORRECTION: He still owns the gym with Peggy Eberhart. His fb:

Truthseeker3000 ago

Who the fuck is Redseven from Vancouver Canada? I want to scream. Someone below posted the reformatted version of the leak and at the very bottom Redseven bought a little girl for an hour to test her out before going ahead with the adoption. At the beginning he claimed to want a woman to take care of in exchange for a sexual relationship where they would live together as a married couple but then he gets going on an adoption of a little girl as his daughter under five yrs. but he confirmed paid an hr to test her out before paying the $30k to buy her outright. FUCK. I checked out his email address etc, nothing. The site on Tor that these sick fucks are on clearly must show the "bag" aka boys and girls pictures and then you can purchase them for $30k fake adoption or rent them for an hr or two. I take it this sick fuck Redseven just wanted a fake wife to buy to conceal the child in the fake family as it looks way out of place some guy with a little girl all of a sudden. It sounds like he's established in Vancouver as the fees are no object for him and he says he will take care of them etc. He also prefers either an Asian or Hispanic white child which makes me believe he is likely of these nationalities. God I wish someone with skills could hack this website and get his info. I want to find this sick fuck. He likely has purchased the under five yr old kid by now as this was one yr ago and he was desperate. I'm tempted to buy a shitty laptop just to use for Tor and start looking into this shit for real. So sad.

dem6nic ago

I found this blog for a redseven who I assume is from british columbia due to the content. Archived:

Edit: lt may be non-related, leaving it here for others just in case.

Edit 2: This twitter account for a kid's charitable foundation in Canada, called Red Seven is related to the blog because the Redseven link on the blog takes us to a site called that no longer exists. (not archived)

Edit 3: the blog has a password protected section!

Edit 4: I can't archive this page this guy lives and works in canada, had a Red7 production company and founded the RedSeven Charitable Foundation for youths. Also worked for S-Trip! (Student Trip), a "non-stop action day and night. The only way to celebrate the end of high school with all of your friends." Currently works for "I love Travel", the "leader in student youth and travel"

Possible lead?

dem6nic ago

Yes. So he goes by flacob16, alcon32 and ogturbo. He was the one enquiring about if there was an "establishment" in Hollywood.

Boonkase ago

Podestas ALL CLINTONS schumer weiner abedin kaine bitch


flyingcuttlefish ago

more pizzagate IT topics here -

dem6nic ago

I found an Alcon32 on reddit, he had two comments. One was kik: ogturbo. I searched ogturbo and he's on instagram, looks like he's involved with Hollywood, travels alot and latest pic was a shot of where he's working at Walker Stalkers Convention in Cali. Alcon32 in the dump spoke about getting product in Hollywood. Also I found his tumblr page, NSFW link, also mentions his kik password. Archived:

NEW INFO: ogturbo worked with Natalie O'Brien on The Bad Batch in the Costume department, his name is Adrian Magaña and this is his image Archived:

KolnSandwich ago

that's fucking great. Theres also a post on his tumblr where they all give up their area codes.. These guys arent very smart.

dem6nic ago

I totally missed the area codes. So here we have a Hollywood costume designer enquiring about child trafficking. I'm guessing alot of these users make good money, are in trusted positions and use this to go under the radar.

DopeandDiamonds ago

Found this online. It is a loan transaction a user have to another user who used the name "hunger coin." It is a random name and I would guess it is the same person or company. The listing is in the large group of loans in the top post. I cannot archive on mobile.

Also this link refers to hunger coins

KolnSandwich ago

That's awesome. BurtW (the guy who made the loan) got arrested 2 years ago.

He was basically converting USD to bitcoin for drug dealers in Boulder, CO if I remember right. I think he's still in prison.

This is great, it means FBI may even have the information to identify the Hunger Coin guys.

DopeandDiamonds ago

I was thinking that too but it seems too obvious. All thenhiding with code words and they just state the age like that? Maybe but I don't know.

What I am trying to figure out is what exactly we are looking at with this dump. We have logins, passwords and private messages. These have to pertain to something deeper. These are not open messages like this response to you that anyone can see, these are definitely private messages.

Was there a listing or an ad that these messages relate to? Like messaging a seller on eBay about an item? Maybe the "box" pertains to a certain package or deal that is offered not necessarily the age?

Am I wrong on that? Numerous messages refer back to ads they are answering so there has to be ads somewhere of what and who is being sold.

Maybe I read them wrong but the ad things is a constant throughout the messages I have looked at.

Barry_McCochiner ago

The username in the 'exchange' is redseven. I typed that in Google. Guess what I found?

Red 7 Pizza Co.

319 W 7th St, Columbia, TN 38401, USA +1 615-378-7337

eyeswide0pen ago

Don't know if thats the same person but that address brings up a lot of accounts in the Panama Papers. Copy/paste the entire link bc it won't work for some reason.✓&q=319+W+7th+St%2C+Columbia%2C+TN+38401&c=&j=&e=&commit=Search

Candygram_for_Mongo ago

This shit just reenforces my view that the world is in the final stage before destruction. Evil is increasing exponentially. All that has been hidden will be exposed.

Ksolver ago

This is fucking unbelievable

ansipizza ago

heh.. I found a table in the database called "image_reports", which stores what people type when they choose "report image". Know what's in there? Just one record, and it's from a guy complaining that he can't get downloading to work!

RossKemp_OnGangs ago

The instagram is set to private, did you archive?

RossKemp_OnGangs ago

Isec has over 3 million subscribers. That also seems to be his twitter account in the 3rd pic, the one that mentions pizza and girls :/

Ksolver ago

I always wondered how pedos (in the podesta emails) could use such polite terms like "Best regards" but now we have proof this type of polite conversation actually happens between pedos.

Ksolver ago

Can anyone who downloaded this verify it doesn't contain CP? Call me paranoid but this would be an easy way to get incriminating material on researcher's computers. Thx.

Xpol ago

They are not going to prosecute us because we would explain in court what we were doing.

They might kill you if you find something good, but I think we're pretty safe in this regard

salinaslayer ago

beginning to feel like the french revolution

WhiteNinja ago

Peads in a Pod , SugarManGroup, The Media Relations group who are censoring PIZZAGATE

JoJoVoat ago

im from TN an know loads of ppl from TN I will ask a few ppl

rp5x5 ago

Any reference to Pizza, Hot Dogs, or other pedo terms?

rp5x5 ago

Send it to Bill O'Reilly, he likes to grandstand and show how smart he is.

JesusOfNazareth54 ago

Fuck society. It's about the kids.

@SarMegahhikkitha @bojangles @eagleshigh

hopeforall ago

Just read all of it.

Those sick fucks.

hopeforall ago

Check this out. Look at all these things that come up when you google the email address [email protected]. There's search results going back to 2015. Anything relevant in the results? The email service they are using is is a hidden webmail service but it uses standard email protocols to send and receive emails, so it wouldn't surprise me if it's insecure and somehow this account is already known to be associated with pedos.

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

That brings up this pastebin of tor sites:

Hunger deals is there a couple of times

G_Gordon_Linguini ago

did they (orig sites) use cloud or physical servers to host the SQL db?

Ivegotredditcancer ago

Fuck I double posted on /v/news. I should have looked to you folks first.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Makes you understand why in history sometimes the peasants would rush the Castle and murder everyone. They would occasionally find out the truth about their ¨betters¨

Hazilla ago

I can't fathom why anyone would think this is normal. For starters why would elite members be obsessed with pizza? And if they are talking about getting pizza then you would say 'fancy getting pizza later on?' and why would they define a time limit?

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Well, while I agree, and generally believe the pizza code to be real, and that podesta amongst others are really sick fucks. Defining a time limit on having lunch with some isn't that out of the ordinary, especially if it's during work hrs, or you're a really schedule driven person like many politicians are.

AHuman ago

USER: DaddyForAll.

  • Real name: Leo Nipshagen

Might not be the same person but either way its a fucked up username.

SpikyAube ago

Could this big data dump distract PG investigators from looking at government/high profile people crimes by providing them with an enormous source of data to scroll through that will include tons of garden variety pedos to catch? Not saying at all that's the point of the dump, just that I hope people keep focused on looking mainly for things that implicate the you-know-whos.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I think it may be proof to what is happening in the Caribbean.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

This is big. Holy shit my dudes, thank you OP for this new info. It can't be long now until this whole thing is blown open.

dem6nic ago

Apologies, i forgot to put the link in my comment when I archived it.

dem6nic ago

I found this blog for a redseven who I assume is from british columbia due to the content. Archived:

Edit: lt may be non-related, leaving it here for others just in case.

Edit 2: This twitter account for a kid's charitable foundation in Canada, called Red Seven is related to the blog because the Redseven link on the blog takes us to a site called that no longer exists. (not archived)

Edit 3: the blog has a password protected section!

KolnSandwich ago

The twitter looks pretty weird.

redseven charitable foundation aims to engage young Canadians to support charitable organizations that further youth education globally.

then there's this 'pizza' related tweet: ‏@redsevencf · 28 Oct 2011

A massive thank you to @PizzaPizzaLTD for donating the midnight snacks for tonight's #whenigrowup. #nomnomnom

There's more weird shit here (linked by their twitter) Links to a bunch of organizations they worked with.

dem6nic ago

I can't archive this page this guy lives and works in canada, had a Red7 production company and founded the RedSeven Charitable Foundation for youths. Also worked for S-Trip! (Student Trip), a "non-stop action day and night. The only way to celebrate the end of high school with all of your friends." Currently works for "I love Travel", the "leader in student youth and travel"

Possible lead?

KolnSandwich ago

Literally everything he does has to do with children in other countries...

I think there's enough information for law enforcement to figure out if this is indeed him.

  • Western Union payment info
  • Two bitcoin transfers (would likely show up in his bank account unless he bought the bitcoin using

dem6nic ago

I didn't expect it to be a lead but thank you for the confirmation. I reckon red7 is Jay Hamilton.

Madwack ago

has anyone contacted the RCMP?

KolnSandwich ago

I have not. I'm not sure how to approach it. It needs to go directly to someone who understands cyber crime as well as sex trafficking.

dem6nic ago Formatted a little.

A side note: Notice from the numbers, there are lines missing. Who is TonyST? There are replies to that person but their questions have been deleted.

AFriend ago

Good stuff... I noticed it said to "Check the QR codes" when ordering and seeing the ages.

badastrid ago

I've been waiting for this.

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

Here's another MrKinkyUK:

Seems to be into incest and violence if you look through the comments and is friends with BubbleWrapBoy who 'likes 'em young'. All NSFW obviously.

sugarskull ago

That is a 'medium build'? Then I am a 'super model'!! I could just choke this oxygen bandit with my bare hands I swear. Bless you all with these finds you are in my prayers DAILY!!

Cantilever ago

Great find! I really wish I could help with this, but I don't know shit about computers

DL4L ago

But look at the fanfic story description:

An AU work. Marceline buys Finn as a slave at a young age, not completely sure of her motivation. How will Finn's twisted psyche develop as Marceline molds him into her perfect servant. Rated M for suggestive themes (possible lemon later), and likely violence

Looking in to story and author etc for indication of code or other means of comm through that site

bignickwicked ago

Holy shit...

dem6nic ago

I don't think they were married. There are no photos of the wedding, no mention of place and time in the details. This looks like a website either of them could have set up when they were dating but they never got round to tying the knot. My two cents.

EllaMinnow ago

Wow that was hard for me to read, selling a baby like that. It was bad enough reading a diluted version like 5 times removed from the initial finding, so I don't want to even imagine how bad it felt reading all the full strength documents and sales pitches and God only knows whatever er else awful things were found in there. And although I'm sure there was alot of terrible truth in that doc dump, do you think it's possible the FBI needs a little hacker help so they're recruiting Cicada style within a relatively hard to access forum? This particular conversation sounds like a TV show with a foriegn cab driver to me.

RobinRedBreast ago

For everyone who wants to decode the passwords, use

I've only tested a few but they appear to be all sha1. Once you have their username, and a modicum of know-hown, test it out on various sites, back up PMs and document everything you find.

Good luck.

pizza_merc ago

Some of this is coding used in output of text.

\r = CR or Carriage Return (return or enter key)
\n = LF or Line Feed (new line. Like a CR, but starts text on the line the cursor is on, instead of moving it down.)

norobotono ago

Just a thought but perhaps the reference to 'bag' means 'boy and girl' as an acronym?

Owlhunter ago

No it hasn't.

Drkadrka ago

In the payments, the transactions appear to be in BTC based on the numbers. This user appears to have purchased someone or possibly 2 persons based on the values. Mid-May 2015 BTC was at approx 240usd per share, so 590.00btc would be 141,600usd

MrGrimm 2015-05-14 590.00000000

I hate to think that it may be connected to Rep Grimm who was busted on tax issues around that time, because that would scream cover-up by the govt. MrGrimm is a popular enough name that it is more likely a twisted metal fan or a fairytale loving fucker than this disgraced congressman.

Has anyone found him in the conversation texts yet? mrgrimm

Fatsack ago

Podesta: "Want to get a pizza for an hour?"

blind_sypher ago

Theyre called fully automatic assault weapons.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I got semi waiting for it to kick off

PizzaGate711 ago

If you triangulate to social media accounts see if location and google maps, local guide is being used. I believe it's another means of communication these sickos make use of, using coded food language and photos and they can ask and answer questions etc and delete as they go.

isthisreality ago

So many amazing things have been happening lately.




fuck_pedo_enablers ago

Here is a vaultdweller in Seattle, might not be the same guy though:

Drkadrka ago

Redseven is a big red flag for me. Red7 is a blackjack card counting technique and the user states that he cannot leave the metro Vancouver, BC area, which to me says he holds a steady job, perhaps working in a casino as a Dealer, Pitboss or Security somewhere where he would be noticed missing or where travelling would be abnormal for him. Doubt he is a shark, as that would allow him travel options. He is looking for a 1-5yo girl for rental first, and then wants to buy one or as he says "adopt" into his "family"

dem6nic ago

I can't archive this page this guy lives and works in canada, had a Red7 production company and founded the RedSeven Charitable Foundation for youths. Also worked for S-Trip! (Student Trip), a "non-stop action day and night. The only way to celebrate the end of high school with all of your friends." Currently works for "I love Travel", the "leader in student youth and travel"

Possible lead?

Drkadrka ago

Wrong part of Canada, but a possibility would be a band out of BC called Red7. They have a Facebook page. @red7pg Notice the heart in heart designs. Aka girl-lovers

KolnSandwich ago

Didn't catch the red7 reference. Definitely involved with blackjack. Could just be a blackjack player though.

When I saw he couldn't leave the province, my first thought was that he's on parole.

Is that a thing in Canada, not being able to leave your province when you're on parole? I guess being a casino employee and being on parole are mutually exclusive.

Drkadrka ago

By this point he should already have a 1-5yo in his possession and he states that he wants to keep in contact to do business again in the future, so potentially he has more than one by now.

Drkadrka ago

Good thought on parole, but I discounted that as a parolee should not be able to adopt, at least they can't where I am, so that would throw up all sorts of red flags with his PO.

KolnSandwich ago

Oh yea no way he'd get an official adoption.

I assumed this was an under the table adoption. Although if he lives in an urban/suburban area I feel like people would notice if a parolee all of a sudden had a kid around him all the time.

Drkadrka ago

There would be no paperwork for it, unless he knows someone in the govt to falsify it for him. And I would definitely notice that with my neighbors. Unless he does the hidey-hole thing and keeps her in a hidden room away from the world.

I think he wants the younger age to groom her to act as his daughter though, because he initially asked for around 9yo iirc, unless they could get younger I'm BC, which the seller said they could get 1yo and up for him and he switched to 1 to 5 with young being better, eventually settling at 1-2yo.

To me that says he wants to have a "normal" life and be able to claim her as his own child, which sounds as if he can get forged docs.

Edit for formatting

srayzie ago

I can't see the ghostbin links on my phone. That's horrible! Did it show if the guy got the little girl?

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

alcon32 in California, might not be the same person though:

KolnSandwich ago

There's another alcon32 elsewhere in the dump on a different forum.

alcon32','alcon32','$2y$10$aiCBN61H8RLe/OGgQR/60Oa2ZAta8fE2SjVM11PYplhErtYuW4vZy',1436879102,'[email protected]',

I'm pretty sure that's his e-mail (Although a lot of the time they enter invalid e-mails). I'l try to figure out what the name of the forum is but it's pretty slow to dig through all this .sql stuff

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

Searching for dmannn in Austin Texas lead me to this forum:

Which lead to this site with a password:

AFriend ago

His pinterest says he is in Tyler, TX... I just so happen to live in the area. :)

neurofluxation ago

Calling any 1337 hax0r to get past that bit of ice...!

pizza_merc ago

Further info into the scamming site being run by Mr. Mann:


KolnSandwich ago

Ya youre right. I scrolled further down and it looks like its his kid. so not as bad as my first impulse.

Drkadrka ago

Vrasidas80 may be

He is a professor of Greek cinema and his book covers the first 80 years. Tenuous at best, but people tend to use what is familiar or memorable to them when creating SNs and PWs. Also, he requests a victim in Athens, so perhaps when he was on a research trip? When the cats away, mice will play and all.

ETA- I said Greek cinema, which was incorrect, he is the department head of the Greek department.

lump ago

No, it's a Greek name. Probably some Greek pedo. I've been to Athens. Lots of shady areas.

Drkadrka ago

Also, I believe the professor listed to be of Greek extraction based on his name, which matches the screenname.

He is Greek. It even says he returns to Greece frequently to visit family and friends.

You know who else is super into cinema art? The Podestas. They even had a 5 meter by 5 meter x 4 meter high basement excavated under their home for odd format 4 wall cinema viewings. I know it is not anything alone, but given John and Tony Podesta's pizza and pasta related dominoes and other oddities, it is worth considering.

klondike1412 ago

Plus Greek child trafficking rings with Frank Giustra are highly suspected....

Drkadrka ago

Well academia is filled with these types of people, so I wouldn't rule it out. There is something about ancient Greek culture that draws pedophiles, they can't seem to resist referencing it as if it gives them a sense of self importance. Just look at James "Achilles" Alefantis and his Antinous profile pic.

If someone could index the names and dates of correspondence with the payment file, we could track some of this a little better. I don't have access to a PC at the moment so I'm strictly working off my phone, which is tedious at best and at times impossible to search properly.

TheRedPi11 ago

Amazing work! Thank you @kolnsandwich 💗👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Madwack ago

Fuck Ya!!!

Hanging is to good for them.

Chistock ago

Please forward everything into the FBI.

shivers123 ago

Some of the usernames can be triangulated with users on many other sites. E.g., POF, as Drkadrka has found, or Faceparty, where creepy mrkinky can be found: Let's go down the list!

KolnSandwich ago

Dude, this list is just the tip of the iceberg. There are tens of thousands of pedo usernames in the full dump.

There's also some hacking forums mixed in and some random drug/fraud stuff. (which doesn't really interest me, people should be allowed to do drugs if they want)

iamthepizzanow ago

Holy fuck this is huge. Thanks OP.

IShallNotFear ago

If it's not too much to ask, could you please get this on a searchable web page? One of the key takeaways from the Wikileaks dump was that when the public can easily search documents, things get uncovered quicker. Since this doesn't have any obvious pizzagate tie-ins yet, it is possible that this is the kind of material that people not yet following pizzagate would be interested in.

bikergang_accountant ago

Better yet, let's give it to wikileaks.

KolnSandwich ago

I completely agree. I'm not very familiar with pizzagate whereas some of you probably have encyclopedic knowledges.

If anybody knows a good way to make it searchable I can do that. Even just a pastebin-like site that allows 2-3 Mb chunks of text would be good.

The whole dump is 2.3 Gb so it's not trivial (and I'm not very experienced in this sort of thing.)

I could copy and paste all of the .sql from the biggest webpages though. WikiLeaks is underappreciated. These enormous leaks really need proper curation to be usable at all.

Diggin2Hell ago

4-5 barebone sites on this host would work by breaking the datasets down into 4-5 chunks. Bandwidth will quickly run out though..

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Is the 2.3 Gb all text? That's a massive amount then.

KolnSandwich ago

It's text and code gobbledygook, but yea, it's 2.3 Gb in .txt format.

Drkadrka ago

Another possible...Hellboy5 is an active Minecraft player profile and one of his friends is I shit you not, DUCKSEATPIZZA.

Drkadrka ago

Tenuous link:

Found a ps3 sn for Hellboy5. With link to a twitter. Where it says "pizza girls and games"

KolnSandwich ago

-08-12',1,1),(136,'hellboy5','Hello,\r\n\r\nDo you have service in Chicago area?','2015-08-17',1,0)

Chicago. That's probably him.

fuck. Don't look him up and don't look at his facebook page if you want to sleep tonight.

Drkadrka ago

I'm so past sleeping at this point. I've already thrown up from the stress but we press on . After what was done to me I said if I ever had the chance to put one of these bastards down I wouldn't stop until one of us was dead or in prison and I guess my chance has come 20 yrs later.

Make sure to screenshot everything, even if it is just a maybe they might be them. If the FBI and DHS want my research, I will give it to them gladly and I would hope everyone here would do the same.

Stukov ago

Please do some archive on his stuff, since you didn't provide a link.

Btw, is that person "Bohemian Lady" as in Bohemian grove?

KolnSandwich ago

sorry, new to voat. Am I allowed to link his facebook page? Otherwise google his name from the twitter page and chicago.

Stukov ago

Pretty sure anything like that is allowed on Voat, just use before you link cuz they often take it down.

Fateswebb ago

Beware! By the nature of peer to peer networks you are exposing your identity unless you take precautions not to. Just warning to consider online safety and use a vpn or safe computer or proxy and even then take precautions and never follow leads in person just hand them over to public or police.

Fateswebb ago

Wow man the information war is on, and we are well armed. No more hiding this shit. Hackers and other activists are literally engaged in a war for truth and justice. This is pretty amazing!

theyrcoming ago

Fabulous!!! This is huge

Hackers are after the Pedo's

save_thechildren ago

Suggestion: Please send to FBI also- may help with their current investigations

Votescam ago

Is anyone passing this info along to authorities? Police?
How do these people get away with this? Hope you're right that this guy will get caught! And the child will be freed. BLESS the anonymous hackers!!

Drkadrka ago

I am relaying tips and screenshots to FBI as I post in here. Have also relayed the ghostbin link. Am also noting when tips need to be relayed to partner agencies in country of residence for these fuckwads.

Votescam ago

Thank you for letting us know. And thank you for all of your work and research. I'm one of those who doesn't know how to do it -- thank you again!

noob421 ago

Do you have availability in Bakersfield, California, USA? Looking for adult female. , 3/19/2016 theanomaly00 Yes, we have.\r\n\r\nRegards.

noob421 ago

Parsed and am reading through some of the dumps. Holy shit. Unbelievable that somebody could make this up.

Drkadrka ago

And another one. This time in the UK, Leicester. Slayer007. Also on POF.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Looks like a freaking Pedo! Vomit!

KolnSandwich ago

Damn. Yea he's in there too. What a dumbass, reusing the same username.

Fateswebb ago

This dude is surely packing his bags... but the name is probably one that more than one person has thought of before.. still for them to be on here hmm maybe we should remove his name from here until... hmmm nevermind.. burn slayer James Bond burn... you seem to like the idea of hell based on your name. I sure hope that hell is real, just because of people like you. Not because I'm religious.

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

There's a slayer007 in this forum here:

It says Bodmin, UK

Drkadrka ago

Yeah but he is in IT, meaning he may work at multiple sites, at least in my experience, unless you are in a huge company, you tend to float in a region. and he is in one of the cities he listed as working in m-f when looking for a victim.

Obviously this is the internet so we can't be 100%, but a lead is a lead, and if I am wrong on everyone but one pedo, it will still be worth it if they save a single child.

Drkadrka ago

He has been reported to FBI with request to forward to UK authorities.

madmanpg ago

Be VERY, VERY CAREFUL in handling this type of material. If this is a dump from a pedo forum, there might be material in there that is criminal to possess.

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

i checked with CNN they said its ok

DevilintheDetails ago

In this sea of filth..I found a laugh

Drkadrka ago

Just started reading on the link. The first US person I found was charley1113 in Tennessee. He is on POF with a pic. From Tennessee.

LargePepperoni ago

Report this to the FBI

kafkaT ago

We are the FBI now.

Cigarette5mokingman ago


pizzaequalspedo ago

So pathetic. Bill/Obama/Bush allowed this to go on and for LE to turn a blind eye for decades.

JoJoVoat ago

they get very wealthy off of it...

Drkadrka ago

Done. Included his little bits about being a pilot who hasn't flown in 6 years too. Real easy to narrow that shit down with FAA records. Here's hoping Comey is on top of this shit.

Cultural-Enrichment ago

Good on ya for reporting him, here's to hoping the sick fuck ends up against the wall.

Drkadrka ago

Fuck that shit. Throw him in genpop and pass out filleting knives.

KolnSandwich ago

Damn... Not very smart reusing usernames.

He's also on ''

bikergang_accountant ago

I have no idea what hungercoins are. I looked it up. The internet doesn't know either.

Maybe it's specific to the forum.

Also we need to admit the potential comedy of FBI agents talking to each other.

Drkadrka ago

I believe they are a site specific derived currency based either off the dollar (the $2746 average price for a rental) or perhaps off of Bitcoin, which would explain why not $2750 for an avg price. The bags would each contain a different number of hunger coins, so bag 1 is 1BC , bag 7 is 7BC.

This may not be correct, but it would allow the traffickers to maintain their own books without having a traceable standard currency (allowing them to diversify the currency withdrawals into euro, dollar, peso, etc so as to not draw as much suspicion) while still knowing which screennames have how much credit.

One person, KKevin123, wants to buy a 16yo, preferably pregnant, in London and is told he will need to deposit 1/3 of the avg cost first ($29500) so is that 100k for a 16yo and he needs to pay 30k to get it going or is it $30k and he has to pay 10k?

They float back and forth between currencies so I think the coins and bags are derived from something else like the dollar and would have been available to view the conversion rate on the website, because the buyers don't ever seem confused.

Fateswebb ago

Most certainly bit coins which are Anonymous(able) electronic currency. Very popular for shady operations.

Stukov ago

Maybe Hungercoins are valuation of child porn? Since they like to trade those or something? It doesn't have to be an actual cryptocurrency, it can simply be a common commodity.

Xpol ago

I saw a onion link that was removed but had been screenshot once and there was an image of a naked girls and hunger coins.

Trying to find.

Stukov ago

My google search of what are "hunger coins" first page didn't answer my question, but had a child with a shirt "coins 4 kids"

Did find that in 1969 (from newspaper clippings I can't access full text of) that Rome minted "Hunger Coins" and distributed them to 20 countries. Could it be a rare collectable that's being traded?

Fateswebb ago

Nah after looking closer it seems to be a similar but different currency than bitcoin.

Drkadrka ago

Not a valuation of CP. They specifically state that they don't sell CP, only sexual services, when asked by a user.

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

Maybe they are like the coins you get at Dave and Buster's

kingforpres ago

I know this is a leap, and I have never seen the movie(s) but could there be a connection to the hunger games? I know Jennifer Lawrence was young and a hot commodity when they came out. Plus I remember reading the the director of the xmen in which she was basically nude, was apart of this shit show.

DevilintheDetails ago

Plus brock pierce is linked to bitcion and clinton foundation and he is a fucking pedophile who was part of the xmen scandal DEN and that Collins-Rector creep who is a convicted pedo

"Pierce is active in the Bitcoin/Blockchain ecosystem, with numerous speaking engagements, conference activities, and community involvement. In May 2014, Pierce was elected Director of the Bitcoin Foundation.[5] Pierce is founder and managing partner at Blockchain Capital,[6] a venture capital firm that is amongst the most active venture capital firms in Fintech.[7]

Pierce supports non-profit and advocacy efforts, and is a member of the Clinton Global Initiative.[8] He has been a guest lecturer at the Milken Global Conference,[9] Singularity University,[10] Stanford, USC, Caltech,[11] and UCLA.

In 2000 three young actors filed a civil lawsuit claiming Pierce sexually abused them , also naming fellow Digital Entertainment Network executives Chad Shackley and Marc Collins-Rector."

Drkadrka ago

That was my first thought, it was the brother iirc and the wife, Mary. Getting pizza for an hour. Sus AF.

IAmJohnBarron ago

or sharing one slice of pizza, scumbags

redditsuckz ago

People are gonna need to go to hell and back if they want this to stop.

shoosh ago

Yes! The power was always supposed to be in the hands of the people, but western democracy is an absolute joke. It's not free enterprise, it's corporate-politicians with lobbyists salesmen, and politicians as liaisons between the sheep and them. We should be patriotic to the welfare of the people, not to these groups who don't serve the health and welfare of the people.

Votescam ago

Sadly, if you take another look at the Constitution, the Founders actually created an Elite Patriarchy, endowed it with land grants and gave them immense power and influence over our "people's government" -- the nation's wealth and natural resources.
Founders also protected the system of Slavery for Elites (Washington, Jefferson to name two) which guaranteed the Civil War. All of this while proclaiming "all are equal." And, don't forget the violence of genocide vs Native peoples -- that is after stealing their land and their children who were often kidnapped and forced into "church schools" run by Mormons and RCC for the government. Coincidentally, in those schools, the children were beaten, murdered, sexually abused, hung -- just about anything that could happen to them did happen.

shoosh ago

Yes, that's why political Masonry is pretty much hidden from the public. Most people have no idea that it was founded on masonry and equate it with nice shriners who help children's hospitals. Most of the members who aren't the top degree ranks don't know that there are 2 masonic parties -- the top chosen 32 degree plus and the lower who don't know what their upper level is really doing. The public are far too trusting of anything they've been taught as true.
Maybe soon they'll understand that been fed with propaganda and fake mainstream news for a long, long time.

DopeandDiamonds ago

So the email is "hungerdeals" so hunger is another word we need to search for in the Podesta files. There is talk of "bags" "bag 7" . "If you pay any bag you can do whatever you want."

What could bag be code for?

Drkadrka ago

Bags are different amount of currency. There are tiers to the organization. It appears a bag 1 is approximately 1bitcoin, seemingly rounded to dollars because redseven paid 1.01btc(390usd) and then he needs a bag7, which seems to be 4.265btc(1820usd). the seller on the thread seems to be a middleman who only communicates about renting sex slaves, he refers all purchases to his boss "Matthew". God this is all so fucked up.

dem6nic ago

Can confirm a bag is £1000 in UK colloquial dialect

1754llp0l171c4l ago

So one bag is around 1200$?? Almost too spot on:

Shitseverewhere ago

Ok I found something, weird references to different foods, like pizza and pasta.

TimesUp ago

"I'm taking a very big risk here, wish there was a way for you to prove that your operation is legit before sending money, but I guess that's the gamble I'll have to take. If all goes well after this first meeting, I WILL COMMIT MYSELF TO DONATING $25,000 to adopt a little girl into my family, it is the only thing in life I really, really want, to be her daddy."


Yeah, be sure the trafficking operation is legit before you donate money!

Chakana369 ago

I may have missed something but I couldn't help saying "donating" - I will commit myself to "Donating"? Could this or does this mean these sickos are paying for these children by donating to a particular childrens charity? Help me out here or point me in the right direction please

Violetti112 ago

A charity (in another country) is a well known cover by money laundering.

Betty_Swollocks ago

Da fuq I'm clicking that!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Make sure to archive this stuff.

shoosh ago

We need to find the top players and see if there's implications with Guistra-Clinton Foundation or any other child help-agency funding group. I wish I could do what the police force and politicians are not.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Giustra is a Freemason is he not?! If Frank Giustra is in Vancouver and this transaction is in Vancouver then what group is this and can we get the local Vancouver Canadian police involved?

shoosh ago

I'd have to check if he's in Canada or has a shipping company out of there. USA corporate has a lot of stuff in Canada. There are a few threads on this forum about the Guistra-Clinton connection using Vancouver, but I suck at bringing anything up on the voat search so I don't bother anymore. Without being able to refer to the original info on those threads if my memory is correct the Guistra mess caused a political problem in Vancouver B.C. I either read that on this forum or a different webpage, but this forum doesn't allow discussion no-pg related.... too bad cause like you say, knowing more full details can motivate people to take some action.

Maybe now would be a good time for someone who can find those threads, link them up in a new discussion, or in this thread discussion, with new eyes to make link ups and motivate toward action.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yeah, I've likely seen it as I've posted about that on another thread. The search on here is iffy at best but Giustra is shady no doubt. He made money on stocks in the 90s and some time later Vancouver closed its stock market due to too much fraudulent stock activity. Then he gets into mining, then meets Clinton cause Clinton wants to borrow his private jet for charity work and miraculously invites Giustra to tag along and the rest is history. Uh huh. Riiiiiiiiiiight......

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Even if it doesn't, there are still children out there being sold. That's what makes me so freaking mad at so-called "journalists." They are so worried about keeping their job, they won't report on anything to do with child trafficking anymore. Even if they don't believe in Pizzagate, they could have used this as an opportunity to bring awareness to other trafficking rings.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

You dont become a top reporter in amerika unless you are dirty. See Megan Kelly.

shoosh ago

Makes me wonder what intelligence agencies are doing? Oh, they're busy planning their next war to send patriotic adults who fight for them while they let this crime go on among the children of the world.

Podesta’s one hour pizza.

make an ordering of 1 or 2 hours
, if I could pay to meet her for just 1 hour
if I see a girl for 1 hour, it won\'t be the same girl I will be able to buy completely, that\'s fine.
but I don\'t want 2 hours, just 1 hour
If you pay any bag you can do everything you want. You can ask for sexual service of 1 hour with a minor without problems but this minor would not be in sale, because this part of our system work randomly.

It’s one of how many well organized global middle-men?

I\'m simply a communicator between you and the people work in this part.

It’s global.

I\'ve already given you the details of the age and country/province/area of a girl I need to meet,



It doesn’t sound like English is their first language but they could be masking themselves.

What’s the person doing with so much turn-over? I need to see that you guys really are for real and have girls like this to sell me

We offer sexual service how you know. The human traffic service is very different
we are only the communication sector not finance

This makes me feel like I'm going to vomit, but if we don't stand up who will?

Truthseeker3000 ago

Are these people really from Vancouver Canada? I heard there's so much trafficking there it's ridiculous. Also, it is mostly Chinese populated in Vancouver city and this person speaks broken English. Are they right in the Vancouver city area? Could we contact the Vancouver police?

shoosh ago

Are these people really from Vancouver Canada? One of the sellers said they deal globally. I'm not sure how many on that article were out of Canada. I haven't been at my laptop to check the real link.

Vancouver City and suburbs is a mixing pot of 3, 4 and 5 generational European immigrants and new immigrants from other parts of the world, including 2 and 3 generational immigrants from China, and other parts of Asia.

I worked with a 50ish yr old woman who moved away from Vancouver a few years ago due to fear. She said in past years different ethnic groups (including white born citizens, Sikhs, Chinese and other nationalities born citizens, and immigrants too) spawned serious gangs. As a port city it has a lot of drugs. She lived in an area that had serious gang problems and even the police would stay clear. Yeah, so she moved. Police wouldn't do anything.

Canadian politics is equally f'ed up as US politics, likely why Guistra-Clinton used the Vancouver port.
Canada is a massive country with a population is 36,481,844 smaller than California's population which covers a small area. Canada's patriotism toward politicians who claim to have their best interests at heart shows the nature of how sheep herding is evident in a huge country with a small population, compared to US huge country and large population.

I wish I could get hold of the border shipping changes out of Vancouver for the month of September, Oct, Nov and Dec 2016.
I landed on a webpage in Nov, before I thought to get screen shots of everything and it showed really strange wording for family units sent to Australia. I wasn't as suspicious as I am now, but would like to look at that record again. Now I can't locate that webpage and didn't think to record what page it was... I've seen so many pages I don't remember what that specific page was called.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Thanks for your informative response! Yes, you are saying exactly what I've been told and yes gangs are HUGE they have free reign and drugs flow freely. Many, many people are hooked on fentanyl coming in bulk from China and Vancouver won't even ban pill press machines which gangs are using to make synthetic stronger heroin in pills (fentanyl pills).

About the Vancouver Ports, I've been told that the Hells Angels completely run it!!!! They have full clearance throughout and even control the union overseeing the jobs to control who gets hired at the ports for fuck sakes!!! Scary to think what goes through those ports besides the massive amounts of drugs. I saw some newspaper article about it to back up my friends claims, it's crazy up there!!

Their prime minister Trudeau is thought of as some rock star which is a total joke considering Soros mentors him and the people are too blind to see it and dumb not to know.

shoosh ago

Their prime minister Trudeau is thought of as some rock star which is a total joke considering Soros mentors him and the people are too blind to see it and dumb not to know.

Sounds like the US and almost every other western country too. How far reaching are the effects of the multi-billionaire Soros types? They're all buddies with Agra Khan, etc, that's why they're all bringing in unvetted refugees.
There plan is not to build up a healthy world by bringing in vetted immigrants and refugees, but to make it dangerous.
We who have eyes can see this.
Others are too blind and dumb not to know. I read an article today saying it estimated 4 yrs and North America would be in the same dangerous situation as the west. It's going to be a shit-show in Vancouver, New York, and other cities that already have a large gang group.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Agreed. It pisses me off that all of this info is there for law enforcement to do their jobs and shit this shit down, but for some reason they ignore it and allow it to continue! This needs to be stopped!!!

DopeandDiamonds ago

The name on the email address is "hungerdeals" so hunger must be code for something. Any idea what the "bags" "bag 7" mean?

Edit: "Bag" maybe means boy and girl? Maybe bag is just code for the child.

AnonymousRider ago

I think bags are like bitcoin purses.

DopeandDiamonds ago

h the development of this hungercoin account being involved with the money laundering case in another post, it could be anything.

AnonymousRider ago


carlip ago

Hungerdeals has a twitter, but 0 activity.

path ago

Sliding in the DMs

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

It seems to be some kind of payment option.

shoosh ago

In drug sales a bag means an amount, a dime bag or nickel bag.

I don't know what it means in child slavery language.

a website talks about bag men but I don't know if it's referring to the sales person or child:

A chaotic, binational wholesale market opens every Friday and Monday in Dajabon. Thousands of merchants and buyers show up, allowing smugglers to pass money — usually $1 — via Haitian bag men to Dominican officers, who look the other way as the human cargo moves amid the chaos.

DopeandDiamonds ago

It could be but doesn't fit well in the context. Maybe since they do not appear to be English speakers they are calling it a bag like we would call a package? I have heard of it being refered to as packages or gifts.

shoosh ago

You're explanation sounds accurate. The bag man in Haiti language sounded like a delivery of a package.
Hunting says, "I bagged an elk, or whatever their hunting."

A purchase of something.

DopeandDiamonds ago

Sadly I was thinking of the hunting aspect. Fucking makes me sick to think about a kid in the same terms.

LargePepperoni ago

This is close to where George Webb says the shit is going down. The hospitals were built in northern Haiti, even though the damage was in the south.

KolnSandwich ago

It doesn’t sound like English is their first language but they could be masking themselves.

That's what I was thinking. This line showed pretty good english though:

We understand your preoccupations but we don\'t work that way.

DukeLeto_2 ago

I think Spanish is right and on top of that I think we are seeing translated Spanish to English. It would account for some literal phrases that doesn't make sense like "... how you know" could originally be "como sabes" which could be actually translated to "just so you know"

Truthseeker3000 ago

No, Vancouver Canada is mostly all Chinese and this definitely fits.

NerdyNoodle ago

Preoccupations = literal Spanish translation of "worries". Preocupado = worried. The person is hispanic.

superlinda ago

This word comes from Latin. So it could be any number of countries... In French "preoccupation", in Italian "preoccupazioni", in Romanian "preocupare", and so on.

shoosh ago

I'm not sure if this is one conversation with one person, or a few salespeople and customers.

KolnSandwich ago

it's conversations with multiple people. It's their support messages in a fairly raw format. Ihere's the full paste:


we need ip´s and their profile names, pictures, email adresses and passwords

bikergang_accountant ago

IP's are possible. We see third party clearnet services mentioned. I'm going to do a report of all clearnet sites mentioned and email each company requesting their assistance. It will be out of our hands at that point as they will likely work with the police and not us (duh) but if they've logged any ips there are your ips, there are your raids, there is your physical evidence tied to an individual.

Massive regex of a mountain of sql here I come.

KolnSandwich ago

Massive regex of a mountain of sql here I come.

You seem to know what you're talking about.

I'm an sql noob so I couldnt even figure out how to open the database in mySQL because it was too large and taking too long :(

bikergang_accountant ago

Well it is going to take a long time.

KolnSandwich ago

There's 2 e-mail addresses in there. 1 and 1 so those are probably going to be deadends.

There may be hashed passwords I'll see if I can find it.

edit: making a pastebin with password hashes

here it is:

I don't know what type of hash they are. Looks like SHA256 maybe? Didn't see anything that looks like salts.

bikergang_accountant ago

To tell if they are salted we might look for another site's data (if the whole host was compromised with multiple sites). Find similar user names and compare hashes.

Multi-round salting with unique salting has been the standard for a long time. Seeing as we don't see a salt column they didn't do at least the unique salt part. Likely this could be rainbow tabled.

Get me more databases and I can at least do the first kind of analysis.

Edit: These are not salted.


It's sha1

Pizzatemp420 ago

This is lovely information. I'm gonna have to boot up my pc for the first time in months.

pizza_merc ago

Edit: These are not salted

Hohoholeee shit


U: gunafuckakid
P: bananas55

Why not just store this in plaintext at this rate?

bikergang_accountant ago

Rainbowing all of them would take time unless you have a fast way of doing it. is useful but to do all of them you would have to script past the captcha and use jsdom to parse the results.

I'm adding it to my potential todo items today along with deploying a cdn, buying a car, and finding clearnet domains in this data, and setting up to go backpacking.

The other option is downloading the 15gigs of rainbow table. I'm not certain which is easier.


what do you want us to search for?

KolnSandwich ago

I'm actually not up to date on pizzagate but I saw this and knew you guys would find it interesting and hopefully know what to look for. As you can see, this is my first post since making my account 2 months ago.

There's 2.3 GB of text in the .sql file so hopefully there's something useful in there. I guess look for any links to all of the other stuff you know about. Sometimes people reuse usernames/e-mail addresses.

downwithpizzaelite ago

That link sounds kinda dangerous.

nomorepepperoni ago

Have to agree. Those of you brave enough, please continue to bring back the interesting comms.

To those looking, suggest you sandbox (or use a burner system of some sort, ideally) and try not to work from a network you normally use, if possible. Yes, even if you're using Tor.

Drkadrka ago

Don't give a fuck. They can come at me. I'm so clean I'm fucking Mr. Clean. Department of Homeland Security already has all my info and thinks I'm an alright guy.

KolnSandwich ago

Here's the payment info for the exchange I pasted:

INSERT INTO pays VALUES (1,'Bitcoin','Dear Customer,Send the amount of %n bitcoins to: 35B8NsUDugQTQz1e1A53JBH3nPfLWZNF4q','bitcoin.png',1),(2,'Dogecoin','Dear Customer,\r\n\r\nSend the amount of %n dogecoins to: 9whUM7K6Xk2sX4k3F4PpNKsHvuxD7NUufq','dogecoin.png',1),(3,'Western Union','Dear Customer,\n\nPlease proceeds to make your Western Union transfer to the following account:\n\nName: Grzegorz Kowalski\nIBAN: PL92109000754216361071382852\nBIC/ SWIFT: WBKPPLPP\n&#321ososiowa 7, Szczecin.\nPoland\n\nRemember confirm your deposit with ID of the transfer.','wu.gif',0),(4,'SEPA','Dear Customer,\n\nPlease continues to make the deposit SEPA to the following account:\n\nName: Grzegorz Kowalski\nIBAN: PL92109000754216361071382852\nBIC/ SWIFT: WBKPPLPP\n&#321ososiowa 7, Szczecin.\nPoland\n\n\nRemember to confirm your deposit receipt.','sepa.jpg',0),(5,'Litecoin','Dear Customer,\n\nSend the amount of %n litecoins to: 3NVgCdYCNFvAtoWzQNTWr3UMyWk9NaUKdg','litecoin.png',1);

As you can see, he did send the bitcoins.

Diggin2Hell ago

(3,'Western Union','Dear Customer,\n\nPlease proceeds to make your Western Union transfer to the following account:\n\nName: Grzegorz Kowalski\nIBAN: PL92109000754216361071382852\nBIC/ SWIFT: WBKPPLPP\n&#321ososiowa 7, Szczecin.\nPoland\n\nRemember confirm your deposit with ID of the transfer.','wu.gif',0),

Here we have a real name and western union transaction details. Namely Grzergorz Kowalski Ososiowa 7, Szczecin, Poland, if you have access to WU you can try searching the #s, probably a dead end without a warrant or high level access

Ososiowa alt speling "łososiowa",+Bydgoszcz,+Poland/@53.1610489,17.9066961,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x47030de40a8e12b9:0xbb26cbdcf006e07!8m2!3d53.160753!4d17.90955

Google map of area

Business at location, can anyone find a link between the doctor their and grzegorz? Probably a dead end/google misattribution. I don't know how polish addressing works. Halp here

list of all publicly searchable profiles on facebook with this name

Top result for google search "Grzergorz Kowalski Ososiowa 7, Szczecin" without quotes

I don't have fake facebook or linkedin to trawl these profiles further, halp

Turns out there's a port in szczecin, and there's a gzregorz kowalski who works for their navy stationed there. Maybe it's a case of mistaken identity, couldn't find a picture. Warrants would clear this up real quick.

Maybe one of you can help identify him in these pictures from the navy ports gallery I have saved the whole gallery,670933/gmina

Please submit to FBI/europol on my behalf

YingYangMom ago

FYI, PAYS also means 'country' or 'countries' in french. Similar to Spanish (Pais).

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

Seems there's a Polish artist called Grzegorz Kowalski. Could be quite a common name though.

KolnSandwich ago

According to wikipedia Kowalski is the 2nd most common last name in poland. so probably not much there.

I think his name is the polish equivalent of 'Greg Smith'

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

I thought as much. You never know though.


nobody will be able to trace this anywhere useful

KolnSandwich ago

I'm hoping some of the bitcoin transactions weren't properly mixed. Also in the OP I bolded the Western Union number, which may be useful for this particular guy. I'm not familiar with how WU works though so I could be totally wrong.

Drkadrka ago

I searched the number but it is so old that it has been cleared from the online access. WU is required to keep records so based on the numbers and date, a warrant will produce the sender, recipient, locations, etc.

DopeandDiamonds ago

WU requires a govt issues id with the name and address matching the person's info who it is being sent to.

If you use it frequently, you kinda have an account so to speak that prevents holds being placed on the money for whatever reason. I assume since it is a private company the rules are the same no matter what country you are picking it up in or sent from.

KolnSandwich ago

So Vancouver police should be able to track this fucker down given that WU number?

DopeandDiamonds ago

Western union has the transaction number, the info of the person who picked it up, who sent it, what time it was picked up and where it was picked up.

If this didn't happen in March of last year, the police would have video of the shitbag picking it up.

I would assume they use unsuspecting people to pick up the money. The runners would do the money transfers, several different ones actually and pick them up at different offices to keep clear tracks.

For such big amounts you have to go to an actual western union not the one at the corner store to pick it up.

Edit: I meant to say that March was a long time ago and I doubt they have the footage still. They can track other wore transfers under the same recipient and may have video of them.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Pretty sure you can not send 25,000$ through WU.

DopeandDiamonds ago

He didn't. It states he sent $300 to make sure they were for real and sent the rest in bitcoin. The seperate transaction numbers are included in the text. Hard to follow but it is there. The very bottom is the bitcoin info and in the middle is the $300 Western union info.

Edit: another comment to my post states there is more to the convo and he updated it after i wrote the comment.

KolnSandwich ago

Based on my understanding, it was just the first $430 that the buyer (redseven) tried to send, but then they didn't want to accept western union so he ended up sending bitcoin.

Sorry there's more I didnt paste there. I'll pastebin their entire support thing in a few minutes.

I'm considering writing it all up concisely and sending to Vancouver PD.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Good God! If this shit is legit, I pray these Evil MFers are going down!

KolnSandwich ago

The rest of the dump has some of the most fucked up shit I've ever read in it. This stuff is completely tame compared to the rest of it.

Fateswebb ago

I don't think I want to look, I feel I'm already scarred by this shit. I'll read the parts others. Bring up some but digging into this snapshot into hell may be more than I can deal with having 3 daughters.

KolnSandwich ago

I honestly would pass by this dump if I were you.

I had to leave work early after I read some of the stuff in other parts of it. It's next level fucked up shit.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Really? Jesus! I could hardly read this! Fucking Evil Rat Bastards!

PGTAway818949 ago

I would advise people to be careful before just digging into this stuff. Are we sure there isn't cp in here? Thanks to anyone who is brave enough.

KolnSandwich ago

Yea there's no CP. The anons who hacked it removed the cp from the torrent. Sorry I should've put that in OP.

It's all explained better in the blog post.

KolnSandwich ago

,(244,'redseven','Hello, ok I managed to upload the voucher details and where you can see the MTCN number. Sorry, I had issues doing this I\'ll know how to do it next time better. \r\nYes, you can give your superior my email to contact me it\'s:\r\n\r\[email protected]\r\n\r\nI\'ll await confirmation of my payment to you, then will make the arrangements.\r\nThanks for you assistance I appreciate it.','2016-03-19',1,0),(245,'theanomaly00','Do you have availability in Bakersfield, California, USA? Looking for adult female.','2016-03-19',1,0),(246,'theanomaly00','Yes, we have.\r\n\r\nRegards.','2016-03-20',1,1),(247,'redseven','Ok, no problem. Finance managers will be notified in the event of accepting payment if everything is in order. If you have more problems do not hesitate to reach me. Finally, in short will send you an email to the email that you provided us. \r\n\r\nThanks for everything.\r\n\r\nRegards.\r\n','2016-03-20',1,1),(248,'redseven','Hello, \r\nJust wondering how long it takes for you to confirm and receive payment sent by WU?\r\nOnce you\'ve received, and converted to HC, about how long will it take to make arrangements?\r\n I received the mail from your superior about adopting a girl but I would like to meet a little girl for 1-2 hours just to \'confirm\' things.\r\nThanks again,\r\n','2016-03-21',1,0),(249,'redseven','Message from Finance Team:\r\n\r\nWe are sorry,\r\n\r\nWe do not pick up money in localities. You must send to our IBAN exposed at the time of purchase of the bag otherwise the money will not come to us. Please refer to the Agent local where you made the payment and ask for your money back and try to send by other means. Sorry for the inconvenience.\r\n\r\nHD','2016-03-22',1,1),(258,'redseven','Hello, \r\n\r\nI had sent you 1.01 BTC, my wallet says it was successfully sent/received, you must have it, could you please verify and credit my account accordingly?\r\nAbout how long does it take to process the BTC transfer?\r\nI understand the BTC price day to day but not by much, \r\nPlease, could you verify/credit my account ASAP, or refund the 1.01BTC and I\'ll re-send the ful bag amounts, ok?\r\n','2016-03-27',1,0),(259,'redseven','Excuse me, I\'m a little confused, you just buying the bag 1, we can approve it without problems, but at the same time our superior told us that you are already doing business with him, which means that company policies you should deposit a bag 7. Please deposit the remainder for the bag 7 and continue dealing with him.','2016-03-27',1,1),(260,'redseven','Hello support,\r\n\r\nAlright, I\'ve sent payment of Bag 7, please confirm and credit my account. \r\nSo, I\'ve now sent you a pre-payment of 1.01 BTC,($390USD) and now a payment of 4.265 BTC ($1820USD) for a total thus far of $2210USD.\r\nI\'m in contact with your superior via private email, his names Mathew, he needs this payment so we can proceed further with the adoption process.\r\nThank you.','2016-03-27',1,0),(261,'pelleepelle','I would like a girl here in Canada to keep\r\n\r\n10-14 asian latina white or from the m.e\r\n\r\[email protected]','2016-03-28',1,0),(262,'redseven','Hi,\r\n\r\nCongratulations, you already have approved your bag 7. According to the information we have with this payment you going to be regarded as reliable and ideal client for us, so you can start adoption process. This bag is like a first payment of your purchase, which means to be deducted from the total due. I invite you to continue talking to our superior who take care of your particular case. It was a pleasure doing business with you.\r\n\r\nBest regards','2016-03-28',1,1),(263,'pelleepelle','Hi, please read all the site and continue the procedure. Thanks.\r\n\r\nRegards.','2016-03-28',1,1),(264,'redseven','Hello support, yes I\'m so happy to hear you\'ve approved my bag 7 payment, as it brings me one first step closer to adopting my child. \r\nI will have to make further payments either one or multiple, I will discuss with your superior.\r\nSo, I had sent a bag 1 payment previously, could you approve and add that to my total?\r\nI sincerely hope that from now one we can trust each other until this deal is final, I still wish to keep in touch with your superior and perhaps use your services again, I am very grateful for this! \r\nThanks again, ','2016-03-28',1,0),(265,'redseven','Hi,\r\n\r\nToday I get a confidential document for you. You can access it at the following link:\r\n\r\nPlease be careful with this documentation.\r\nRegards','2016-03-29',1,1),(266,'redseven','Hi support,\r\n\r\nOk, I downloaded the single page document successfully, I will inform your superior of my choice. \r\nI will pay the remaining balance soon as I can, waiting for my money to get moved to my BTC exchange. I will try to pay all $10000USD in BTC\'s in one transaction. \r\nI will keep this documentation safe, I understand the importance of confidentiality.\r\nBest Regards','2016-03-29',1,0),(267,'sysadmin','asd','2016-03-29',1,0),(268,'sysadmin','asd','2016-03-29',1,1),(269,'redseven','Hi,\r\n\r\nExcuse me, today came new confidential documents for you. Please be careful, help us to maintain our anonymity.\r\n\r\nTo see please click here:\r\n\r\n\r\nBest regards.','2016-03-30',1,1);

Drkadrka ago

The confidential documents bit makes me think that the human traffickers may be the ones with the govt connection. What confidential documents could he possibly need other than identity documents? A memorandum of understanding for sexual slavery and abuse? I doubt it, I mean it's not going to hold up in court. Whoever is responsible for issuing birth certificates and SSNs, or SINs in Canada, could very well be compromised, because how else does one normalize an investment of that magnitude?They spend 150k and you'd have to keep it locked in a basement? Doesn't fit with the in your face and right under your noses style of the whole pizzagate pedo scenario, especially since the 1-3yo victims are before the age where memories would have formed solidly and thus could be easily assimilated into a sick family unit.

Also, the customer service person is likely a female, older than 30, possibly much more so, due to the use of "dear" as a pronoun when speaking to a customer. It is my experience that younger women and men in general seldom, if ever, use this term when speaking to someone. Possibly 2 or more persons filling the role due to some of the plural pronouns used as well as the indicators of English as a second language, or possibly good counterintelligence by the criminal cartel to mislead investigators.

Truthseeker3000 ago

I know someone well in Vancouver who once told me that some crime ring broke into the legislative office where they keep those documents like birth certificates and marriage certificates etc and stole many of them and the government could never track how many and where they went but they did know who took them and these people were also tied to drugs and money laundering. Apparently Vancouver is a Freemason run city and anything goes. Many Vancouver government officers have been tied to shady deals, drugs and money laundering and even murder. We talk about this a lot actually every time we speak I hear all about it. Fascinating. But yes, these documents are definitely out there from what I heard.

Drkadrka ago

The same thing happened in the former Yugoslav republics in the chaos of the post war years. I can't find a source on that one, but I remember hearing about it in regards to human traffickers.

Western Canada raid found blank passports and birth certificates along with RCMP uniforms:

3000 blanks from the UK stolen:,8599,1827501,00.html

ISIS apparently got their hands on tens of thousands of passports and possibly even a passport printer:

za-throwaway ago

Cantilever ago

Page cannot be found...

Yuser_Manuel ago

I just found that guys page too. and this

KolnSandwich ago

He's also on reddit with the same username.

Seriously these guys are fucking retarded.

fatjohn1408 ago

His last post was a M4F post linking to his account geekyguydrew.

"I have enjoyed a 10+ year career in I.T. and still loving it. I am a proud home owner. No kids, no smoking, no drinking, no drama kind of person. Hoping to find someone with their life in order."

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

We've got this fuckers name address and photo.

Here's this as well:

Account is private but look at the avatar.

dem6nic ago

Pelleepelle is on twitter. Their name is Gerald Mugengi. If you google image search, you will have a face.

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

I think that face is from one of his twitter followers though.

kidavenger ago

Archived here

grlldcheese ago

Holy shit.

This is looking like the happening of the year so far.