maxine3 ago

Oh great a local person! I have heaps of questions to ask! Who's the owner of these venues?

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

They're using us to clean it up.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Why is Bimbos listed as a location for a Members Only Freemason ran 'Parent Support Network'?


ConcernedParent2 ago

Those are definitely the Kewpie baby dolls.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

  * posted by @ConcernedParent2 * * here - * * Here are a few codes that I find the most relevant. I do not have time to go digging through the photo archives, but I know we have seen the following items in lots of suspected photos, especially the kewpie dolls that seem to make a constant re-appearance:

1NationUnderAGroove ago


1NationUnderAGroove ago

Well the 'broken link' didn't exist before I made my OP

my OP clearly mentions NO HOTDOGS on the menu, have you looked at my OP yet?

The new 'broken link' with the short description mentioning Deluxe Dogs has been added to be the 'top hit' on any web browser...

Where the original 'top hit' with no mention of Deluxe Dogs is about halfway down and yes works perfect..

So why would any business change their own 'top hit' link to a dead end,

When the original one still works and leads you to their page?

This was all changed Sunday night, right after my voat post started showing up in "google searches" for "bimbo deluxe menu"

And actually have a look at my Original Post before replying again..

All details are VERY CLEAR in my posts, I'm not gonna keep repeating myself

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Check my OP -

More details pics/etc in there.. And check the comments also, more info in them


Azzipdoe ago

If you can't understand what's going on here, I genuinely don't understand how you're able to breathe and walk on your own.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Yep, I'm trying!! Can you recommend a site like imgur?


Azzipdoe ago

Try gyazo, easy for taking screenshots that upload automatically too

1NationUnderAGroove ago


Pretty odd for them to change late on a Saturday night , the 'top hit on web search' to include a mention of 'Deluxe Dogs' but the link go nowhere??!!

open links in new tab

Previous 'Top Hit with no mention of Dogs ' -

Works perfectly...

Just abit strange it all has been changed....

1NationUnderAGroove ago

My point is in the last 2 posts I made, If you can't take the time to look at the links etc... why bother commenting?

If you looked at the links you'd see what I'm talking about..

Previous post -

waybackwhen1987 ago

finally a post about melbourne... firstly the bottom end night club and various other venues are well know to allow trafficking of narcotics in there venues this is a well known fact where theres drugs theres usually other illegal activitie and from the time I spent heavily involved this for part of my life there are rumours of trafficking occuring usually prostitution rings around the vietnamese circles i.e richmond vic street etc, pedophiles exist here in abundance one of the worst of them being ousted via TOR in an investigation on the deep webb known as lux.. for those who aren't familiar he ran a site similiar to lolita city that had a video daisys destruction ... he was from epping i know a person who went to school with him, he was silenced and has refused to hand over his pgp keys from.what i heard however quite a few pedophiles were caught as a result of this investigation. these people are very real they exist and they are here operating as we speak the police are involved and there appears to be nothing being done as our msm is nearly as bad as US. Any ideas people??

mattblak ago

all speculation lol do you even live in melbourne?

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Did you read my OP - If you did you would see I clearly state this -

Also, at this point I am making NO accusations of "Child Trafficking/Pedo Crimes etc.. I have followed a simple Web search, which has lead to a 'paper trail' following the early investigation of CPP. I ask we try keep personal opinions/theories to a minimum at this point, and work on the evidence "they" are presenting us on Social Media Sites etc..

If you have actually followed the whole CPP saga, and had a look through the links in my OP

You'll see there's clearly some patterns following very close to CPP

Have a look for yourself!

If you've got a reasonable explanation, I'd love to hear it..

projection ago

As a firefighter in Melbourne in 1989, a policeman told me that our then president Brian Parry, was known to police as an active pedo but it was impossible to get sufficient evidence against him.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Thanks for your comment and thanks for reading!!

Of course it is highly possible as we've seen with the US , these sick networks run deep and high in society, the higher up they are,, the more they have underneath them to take the fall..

It all works on blackmail etc...

projection ago

Yeah, I think you're right. It's an absolutely vile truth to accept.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Mate, I am swamped already... 😩

If you can find weird comments/emojis linking to any of the accounts I've listed, post them here .

That would be a good start!


Piscina ago

Good find.

goodguy1367 ago

Anyone else seen this video with the guy in blue giving directions to the guy who ran down the pedestrians in Melbourne? Possible false flag? And to make it more suss he's doing it right in front of 3 undercover cars. Link below

waybackwhen1987 ago

No false flag he was a junkie icehead I am from melbourne he was known to a friend I know who lived in the flats with him south yarra. He was always troubled and involved in narcotics, simply an ice bender and psychosis that went out of control

goodguy1367 ago

So what about the rest of the video, the apparent professional photographer on the second level then the CCTV showing him hit not one person then intentionally brake and go around someone on the ground?

mattblak ago

mmm I've seen all the videos including peekays before he deleted them all in a very suspect manner, who can be sure, there are many weird things that occured on this incident, none of it relating to pg though

1NationUnderAGroove ago

No false flag with this, just a fucked up ICE/Meth addict, the guy cheering him on is just another ICE head getting excited about a car doing burnouts..

Even if in any way this was some ' false flag' it would be NO WAY PIZZAGATE related... The general Aus public have absolutely no idea about PG, and there has been NO MSM coverage!

This incident i believe is in NO way a false flag in anyway!

goodguy1367 ago

The youtube video breaks it down pretty well and makes it stink of a staged event, pretty hard to argue with his points.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Honestly notice how he 'shapes up/is boxing' first, this is classic ice head behaviour, our city is over run by these drug fucked losers especially around Flinders/Swanson st ATM!! There is no doubt he's trying to help his 'fellow ice brother' escape the cops..

It should just show how pathetic our police force is, Absolutely hopeless on their behalf!!

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Ok,The only false flag, if any I could think of to possibly connect, is them using this incident to kick all the homeless camps off of Flinders st,,(to coincide with Tourists/Tennis Crowds, and a cleanup around the main Public Transport Hub) which they have done recently.....

Who knows what this sick government is capable of but!!!

dogeminho ago

Gaslighting you, probably.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

I'd say so!! It's all very odd!

gardenofbacchus ago



User890020 ago

Did you archive these?!?

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Archive links in my OP

mattblak ago

this is surely a joke? theres nothing to see there, and that swirl on the baby's head is not the pedo symbol, this is disinformation and doesnt help the cause at all.

Azzipdoe ago

Mattblak... Kys.

gardenofbacchus ago

Please look in the mirror, ask yourself what sort of human being you are and then neck yourself

gardenofbacchus ago

"ACE PIZZA" is another front - "love that pink door" comment, the decor is fucking pentagrams and roses, roses which we now know is code linked to pedophilia.

gardenofbacchus ago


mattblak ago

LMAO are you serious? You're just making everyone look stupid, the hair on the baby logo is not the pedo symbol, so they have bad taste, it's NOTHING like comet ping pong, I checked this place out when I first saw it on here over a month ago, now it's just vomited up like everything on here, just discrediting the cause.

gardenofbacchus ago

Everyone needs to hear this story.

This entire thing is global. Child sex trafficking is running the planet. It has infested every level of society. Listen to this woman's story. Australia is dark beyond comprehension and what we are uncovering happening in the States is 100% happening here and has been for decades.

Birdzeyeview ago

why? it's a pack of BS Fiona Barnett is a fraud and I dare her to come back here and take up my previous challenges to her. She's crawled back under the rock she lives under.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Why would she take 'challenges/orders' from you....

To even think you have that right, makes you fucking sick in the head! I'd crawl under a rock if I'd gone through 1/8 of what she has gone through, let alone having some 'nobody' try make her justify herself through your approved 'challenges'

Show me your research PROVING she's a fraud?

Birdzeyeview ago

read my old posts, she's as bogus as the day is long.

MolochHunter ago

whether or not she's BS, you should be more circumspect about haranguing someone who may potentially be an MK Ultra victim. That shit is designed to make folks give erratic testimony

1NationUnderAGroove ago

YES, ALL AUSTRALIAN'S NEED to see this!! and anybody else that has doubts about this 'sick society'


The man who was Australias number one most wanted, Michael Hand was part owner of the black nugan hand bank....A former green beret....He disappeared for 35 years until he was discovered working for a american company that supplied military style handware such as knives for special forces.......He was found using the same social sercurity number whilst apparently on the run....."CRIMES OF PATRIOTS IS A GOOD STARTING POINT to understand the structure of its day...When the worlds financial systems crashed in the late 70's and a new virtual system was created there was not the need to do dirty tricks with a black bank....kay Griggs perfectly lays it on the table.


It was happening in the 60's and 70.s in Australia.Nugan Hand bank was the fraud in those days....naval intelligence is full of it and they run a lot of the blaack ops.....The jesuit society openly claim homosexuality as a non sinful way.This was and is still the method they keep secrets because everyone is compromised.

pizzagater99 ago

every single one of your links is fucked, i think its escape characters you need to research

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Sorry, will try fix ASAP,

They work for me if you 'Open in New Tab'

waybackwhen1987 ago

too be honest dude im not sure on lazer pig seems like a pretty tame nightlcub pizza joint that area is known for heaps of weird hipster types but i personally have been there a few times and never saw anything remotely suss or disturbing just a weird crowd of edgy cats dressed like its the 90s still haha

Azzipdoe ago

Well no fucking shit.. That's how fronts work. A nightclub pizza joint will still be a nightclub pizza joint.. What were you expecting to see? You're not one of THEM.

1NationUnderAGroove ago


mattblak ago

this whole thread is crazy, these are just weirdo melbournians trying to be hipster chic for christ sake, LOL, either done to try to discredit the whole thing or the people are just dumb and don't realise bad taste exists in society, doesnt mean they are satanist child killing traffickers lol

Azzipdoe ago

Mattblak, do you own stock in one of these pizza places or something? Are you a pedo in danger of being outed? What's your deal? Why so quick to defend something that is CLEARLY suspect to a rational human being?

maxine3 ago

His family is High up in CUB.

maxine3 ago

This is not crazy this is reality. Keep laughing out loud and buying your $4 pizza. I know the truth, and hopefully one day you will too! Welcome to NEW WORLD ORDER the hologram world you drones continue to create.

1NationUnderAGroove ago