1NationUnderAGroove ago

Ok, so these website etc... OPEN LINKS IN NEW TAB will fix ASAP

Have 100% been edited since making the post above -

I used this page to find the owners names, it now includes this -

"These days it’s owned by the Colonial Leisure Group, which operates at least 10 venues around Melbourne, including younger sister, Lucky Coq."

And this -

There are also dessert pizzas and $4 hotdogs.

"Hotdogs were 100% not mentioned here before this post!!!! The sentence ended at dessert pizza !!! WTF!!!

Also in DuckDuckGo search -


Top hit for BimboDeluxe website now mentions "Deluxe Dogs"

Link to their website now mention Deluxe Dogs goes nowhere !!??!!

  • it's the second link in the search link above

Their original menu link with Blurb not mentioning "Dogs" is about 5-6 down and the link works perfectly!!?!

Very Strange!!!

1NationUnderAGroove ago

  • link to Bimbo Deluxe website, now mentioning "Deluxe Dogs" leading nowhere -


  • Link to website NOT mentioning "Deluxe Dogs" seems to work perfectly -


Wasn't this sort of stuff happening with webpages etc at the start of "The CPP investagation"??

n0mar ago

Here's a 1 star review on their Facebook page also worth noting:

Bunch of baby loving Phedophilles- who the hell uses images of dolls depicting infants in S&M and sex house with infants on the front cover??? Sickos

December 23, 2016

Over on Lucky Coq's Facebook page, there has been a few complaints about "sex jokes" :

You shared a joke recently that tried to make a punchline of violence towards sex workers. From what I can see, the post was deleted but no apology or acknowledgement was posted in its place. This kind of behaviour is despicable and completely unacceptable.

November 8, 2016

Wtf jokes about dead sex workers? I'm speechless. Definitely won't go here or to your other bars/pubs ever again.

November 8, 2016

Joking about dead sex workers is never okay and I will never visit this establishment again because of that.

November 8, 2016

Other from Lucky Coq:

Gross macho fuckhead pub. Fuck you sexist dogs.

October 27, 2016

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Thank you!

I have found a few more interesting leads etc leaning more towards Lazer Pig, will post it all in a few days

Chatman ago

Fine, have one too

VieBleu ago

OP has researched a lot of interesting leads and makes no wild accusations, but gives us plenty to work on. A good post thank you.

1NationUnderAGroove ago


Post your findings in the coments with Archives if possible

  • Links to known 'pedo' comments/emoji's/hashtags on Social Media sites - Links to 'weird profiles' leaving these comments etc

  • Links to Owners - Max & Pat Fink, Eddie Crupi Social Media Accounts etc

  • James A/CPP links in Social Media Friends lists with Bimbo etc

  • Freemasons involvement in Australia

  • Bad reviews and any other 'relevant' media stories etc..

  • Dig deeper into IOE (ioe.org.au) and the 'Parent Support Network' link to Bimbo Deluxe

  • Look into IOE - childrens programs, bad reviews/media etc..

Forgetmenot ago

This needs more upvoats. Wow! Edit: just saw the comments below and I am wondering why the votes are so low. Needless to say, upvoated!

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Just posted by @ConcernedParent2

here - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1636468

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Thank you,

I will edit this reply abit later with the links etc

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Taken from here - http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/111993983



here are common trends I have noted down Suspicious insta accounts always have

  • -pizza related posts

  • -alien related posts

  • -posts of gems and beads

  • -posts of them with infants or children they call "nephews" or "Neices"

  • -Sexual imagery

  • -Nudity

  • -Weed/420 posts

  • -Donuts/CD's

  • -Chicken's

  • -Children dressed up in costumes (as chickens sometimes)

  • -Abandoned Shoes

Voat post by @aaallaboard Link to OP - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1635533

1NationUnderAGroove ago

  • Facebook reviews of Bimbo and Lucky Coq, found by @n0mar

  • Here's a 1 star review on their Facebook page also worth noting:

  • Bunch of baby loving Phedophilles- who the hell uses images of dolls depicting infants in S&M and sex house with infants on the front cover??? Sickos

December 23, 2016

  • Over on Lucky Coq's Facebook page, there has been a few complaints about "sex jokes" :

  • You shared a joke recently that tried to make a punchline of violence towards sex workers. From what I can see, the post was deleted but no apology or acknowledgement was posted in its place. This kind of behaviour is despicable and completely unacceptable.

November 8, 2016

  • Wtf jokes about dead sex workers? I'm speechless. Definitely won't go here or to your other bars/pubs ever again.

November 8, 2016

  • Joking about dead sex workers is never okay and I will never visit this establishment again because of that.

November 8, 2016

  • Other from Lucky Coq:

  • Gross macho fuckhead pub. Fuck you sexist dogs.

October 27, 2016

Copied from comments in OP here https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1631697

Micheal84 ago

I came on this by following the link from OP


Changed the url to http://www.bimbodeluxe.com.au/gallery1/

Nothing but see the searchbar, i tried different things in there nothing, but search for Pizza!! leads you here


From here you can go to the members page.

Bimbodeluxe has a member page!! Any Australians know about this? http://www1.eposportal.com/Cornerstone/LoginFS.php?company=5

Archive: http://archive.is/8hqZi


Archive: http://archive.is/VJJnS

Edit: didnt archive all my finds due to time shortage, feel free to do so. ;) http://archive.is/oUuec http://archive.is/cox5S

1NationUnderAGroove ago

I just came across this 'Members Login'


1NationUnderAGroove ago

Thanks for reposting!!

1NationUnderAGroove ago

1NationUnderAGroove ago

@l4l1lul3l0 - @THE_LIES_OH_THE_LIES - @Micheal84 - @witch_doctor1 - @Voatposter - @n0mar - @Inkslinger - @Houston_of_Oz - @derram - @podesta4prison - @Mister2568 - @wokethefkup - @alliecapone - @Aasb - @NikitaVerite - @PizzaGate711 - @FoxDen - @4warned - @Chatman

Hey everyone, if you could copy/paste your comments/research from my previous post here -


I screwed up while editing the OP and had to start again, so any help greatly appreciated once again!!

alliecapone ago

Upvoated! Love your username btw...made me pull out the "Great Clinton" :)

MolochHunter ago

Guys... seriously... aside from the baby doll logo, aside from freemason connection (freemasons at low level do do good things for community) ... is there ANYTHING here that actually suggests child trafficking?

I've been to this place half a dozen times. Seemed perfectly innocuous. Cant be utterly conclusive, but -

Tread carefully guys - this sort of thing can be really bad for our community's credibility. REFRAIN from conjecture until you have something more substantial. Or else normies will think us pizzagaters have an axe to grind with anyone who sells freakin pizza

waybackwhen1987 ago

same been both laserpig and lucky coq multiple times im not seeing anything solid at this point your best of looking into the people that run places like cloud 9 tramp etc and going deep into that shithole of a scene if you wanna find real drugs money and prostitution i can guarantee however that even then your just knocking on the door

virtuous_pedophobe ago

Is that you Megyn?

MolochHunter ago

lol. not every venue exhibiting moral degeneracy is a pedophile nest. My comment didnt rule it out of all contention, but I have personal experience of being in this venue. Have you?

virtuous_pedophobe ago

Everybody should be allowed to expose moral degeneracy regardless of wether it's a pedophile nest.

MolochHunter ago

im not saying you cant post this or limiting anyones freedom of speech, im just saying everyone with an investigative boner on this topic/thread is prematurely hard

virtuous_pedophobe ago

Maybe - but it does not hurt to have it documented here on VOAT.

Who knows maybe that venue is being investigated in 10 years and this VOAT-thread can give corroboration. Or maybe not, then nobody will care.

In any case I think it's good that people collect evidence and make it accessible.

MolochHunter ago

that is perfectly meritorious

VieBleu ago

the OP is careful to say they are making no claims of trafficking based on what is in the submission.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Also, at this point I am making NO accusations of "Child Trafficking/Pedo Crimes etc.. I have followed a simple Web search, which has lead to a 'paper trail' following the early investigation of CPP. I ask we try keep personal opinions/theories to a minimum at this point, and work on the evidence "they" are presenting us on Social Media Sites etc..

Just please have a browse through the InstaGram links etc.. They are littered with known 'pedo symbology, hashtags and comments.

Previous post is here - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1631697 More info in the comments

virtuous_pedophobe ago

Also, why do we need to have evidence of trafficking to shine the light on pedophile-friendly places.

Azzipdoe ago

Amazing work. Going to keep looking into these links.. The archiving and screenshotting is PERFECT too. Wish every post was like this

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Thank you! If you could look into the instagram posts, hashtags and comments/emoji's that coincide with the already known 'pedo code' and share the links back here. It would be a huge help!!

Thanks for reading!

VieBleu ago

STRANGE - Before i log in, this post shows 31 upvoats on the subforum. I thought that strange already as it is only 15 minutes old. when I log in, it shows a much smaller amount of upvoats, like 5 plus a few downvoats.

EDIT: Makes sense now, OP had reposted again at the same time, so I saw the old post with more upvoats then the new.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Odd... Thanks for reading!!


Here is my relevant post to this submission: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1587638

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Thank you!! 😎

Chatman ago

Shut up and take my upvoat!

VieBleu ago

I'm much more expensive than that.

153sdsd ago

Wow, no even a symbol but a straight up naked kid on the facade of the building

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Archive of this post - http://archive.is/V1tij