zagreos ago

This is important. Let it not be forgotten.

swaglord123 ago

Ive found this NSFW

someone linked it in this thread

it apparently comes from CPP hacked site

please dont tell me this is John Podestas voice

samhara ago

Is that creepy shit safe to download.. It unprotected on the server? who did that?

swaglord123 ago

I have no idea, its OK to look at, nothing explicit

ploppy ago


PizzaGate711 ago

It's a Clinton beneficiary - See the red hat for $25.

PizzaGate711 ago

Couldn't be anymore in your face with a slice of pizza being the cursor!

this_somuchthis ago

but pizzagate is just fake news, amirite?

Greenmonster71 ago

What's with all the cats ? Does anybody else notice that is a recurring theme ? Or is it just a coincidence ? The drawbertson seems like that's just his kids doesn't it ? 185,000 followers ? Seems a little high profile to be a blatantvpedophile account, but I could be wrong. Does anybody else think that they could be encrypting stuff in photos on any platform, like Instagram, tumbler,Flickr , or gallery2, or even in videos or youtube videos ? If so is there a easy comprehensive way to run a check on the media files if you dl them ?

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Yeah I saw it...didnt mention it because of the flood of other leads....but it is a true example of the mentality of these Sadistic retards.

Selnee ago

If not anything else they could get into trouble for selling fake Louis Vuitton on their website. The government is very good at shutting down websites selling fake shit and LV is pretty good at fighting this too. Nike and Abercrombie & Fitch may not be happy about their clothing either. You can report at

zagreos ago

It's important that we not only archive these webpages on; we should all be saving these webpages to our harddrives, since pizzagate related webpages have been occasionally censored even on

weedageddon ago

I thought this was a really weird video. Has a strawberry milkshake in it and ping pong . I found this website from the IG account: that was following some of these people

Dasistnichtgut ago

If it doesn't have to do with the Podestas or govt, you're being diverted. It might be real, but just tells me people were getting too close to the big guys so they dropped this in as a distraction. Gotta sick with the government stuff!!!!

Forgetmenot ago

They are fundraisers and campaigners for HRC through the sale of those hats. They are connected.

Dasistnichtgut ago

I guess my fear is getting caught up in the little fish and ignoring the big ones.

Dasistnichtgut ago


pizzaequalspedo ago

Expose them all

tapsnapornap ago

Done. Good to see someones got archive links too but I dont think theyll last long.

Mommyplayer571 ago

EDIT: someone reports the thread is still there and stickied. Somehow I missed it twice. (Original post: I'm so sad. 8Ch had 25 threads of PizzaGate stickies. Now it is gone. I did catalog search there on pol just now.)

PGTAway818949 ago

Thread 25 is still stickied on 8ch with archives of the previous ones.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Actually I checked again a 3rd time and for me it isn't there. But hey, I'll defer to others. I'm tired of all the censorship.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Thanks. I still couldn't find it but I'm relieved. I'll edit my post.

alliecapone ago

That's pretty damn odd for /pol/ from what I've gathered. What the cuck???

alliecapone ago

TLDR version: I think these kids are being drugged at these 'farms' they look disheveled many times, hair uncut on boys. They look kinda dirty, poor angel babies. Some search terms related to benzo slang might help us.

Going through the pictures I noted the drugged looking boy (he was drugged I can tell) Some benzodiazepine medications are sweet to the taste (klonopin, Ativan and Valium IIRC) I think the child pictured with donut stuff all over ate a drugged donut. I'm seeing kids being fed 'treat' type foods, and they wouldn't notice the sweetness after the pills are crushed and mixed into something. Xanax is very bitter, so that'd be noted. Psych doctors have been taking heat lately, especially in the UK, they're more hip to the 'benzo epidemic' there. And maybe it's because they've busted those rings there? They haven't caught on as much here, if you've had a script for it doctors are now afraid to try taking you off. I've tried getting off them forever, and the doctor I have now said I might never feel normal.

Anyway, those benzos are absolute mind erasers. I've seen people do odd stuff on them like one friend was sedated and we were looking around the pharmacy area and she started stealing things. Unloaded a damned bounty, I didn't even see her do it. Next day she was quite puzzled as to where the nail stickers and stuff came from, she wouldn't believe that she'd taken them. So kids likely aren't remembering much after eating, or drinking something. I call it a mkultra pill. Once you're under its spell, breaking the 'programming' iis nearly impossible, it takes great will. I dealt with dissassociation, to straight psychotic behavior. I am apparently a lucky one, because many people have seizures even if they've 'weaned' (it can take years, they say 1yr per milligram a day, they like you to water titrate.)

The benzo deal has been going on since Valium was called Mothers Little Helper (another search term?) I saw the pill bottles JA took pics of and it looked like diazepam (Valium, one of the sweet, and exclusive to Valium- longer acting ones) Anyone get the Dr's name from that pill bottle pic by chance?

It's something that came to mind while going through the pics and thought I might mention it because maybe there's a search term there we could look into.

Ps... I'll check out mothers little helper where I can and see where that goes. I don't have my IG anymore but I'll log back in I suppose, cause it's grinding at me after seeing a couple references to pills. It'd sure keep kids pliable. My husband, he's a bigger guy. He had half of one today to see the Dr and right now, he's out so hard I can barely rouse him (even with sex!). He'd fallen asleep with a chip in his mouth and I thought perhaps someone's telling me something here. And it came to me, the kids are being fed tranquilizers.

  • Off topic here but on the trafficking topic, I wanted to recommend a doc before ya cut off Netflix. I will make a topic when I get on the lappy too if ya want. After seeing a story on dailymail about a girl who's suing Netflix for showing her on a documentary, she's retraumatized :( its called "Tricked" and it does a good job explaining how girls get caught up and how their hands were tied to do much about it. At the end they show a clip of Obama speaking at a CF deal, talking about how bad human trafficking is, called it "modern slavery"."There are more enslaved now than at any point of time" was a typed quote after Obama's remarks. So, I've decided enough is more than enough, now. If obummer was so against it, why'd it take DJT's EO freeing up police a bit more, and severely punish the gangs involved; to make waves? Pisses me off, he let all of this fester for 8 years. Now it's children of the women and other at risk kids. I was naive voting for him once, promptly sat out the next election. I knew McCain was no good. This election cycle is different....Somethings lighting a fire under our asses I think, prolly Pepe. Whatever crap I collect this evening, I have someone I trust that is looking at it, and will do something with it. All I can say is it's LEO, and worked up to K9, many differing units, they know who's good/bad. That same person is making sure I stay safe as well, so good luck getting me ped0beasts! Wish me luck guys, I'm going digging, and sending all to a cloud that she'll check at work. She's seen the chan thread and is sickened, and worried for the kids pictured. It's the best I can do, and I hope it's enough. /rambles

JoJoVoat ago

Good luck. I've a stare at a computer much more my hub going to divorce me.

alliecapone ago

Luckily my husband zonked out. I sent some of the foul pics I gleaned, might not hear what they're doing. I reckon they'll keep me in the dark like a mushroom. But I feel like I'm in position to try and get good LEO to look at this stuff without pushing me outta the police station for asking them to. It could be handed over to Homeland Security, in a large fat PILE though. Hard to ignore someone presenting evidence on a platter. I only asked one thing, she tell me what she CAN. I'll keep things updated. Homeland Sec seems like goodguy feds. I see them frequently around the state.

samhara ago

No way. 'Homeland Security" come on! The title itself is NAZI - - Reporting it to them is like turning in your own ass.

Example: Amish young man [Amish are dedicated to non -violence] soon after 9/11 decided to test the Transportation Security Agency and put a fake bomb in the rest room of a jet liner. We are told they never found it.

Then when he sent them a letter telling them what they had over-looked [just trying to help them with their "War on Terror"] , he was the one arrested. He got 10 years in the slammer.

You need to first understand this premise: "The WAR on TERROR" is an 100% fabrication.

Once you understand that, go to step two: That is: "Homeland Security?" They do not work for you. They are not your friend.

Listen to what Webb says in the vid listed today "I don;t know why it took me so long to figure it out"

alliecapone ago

Settle the hell down Beavis. Evidently I missed it, just now duly noted. Goin back to trusting very few. Creepy how much I've seen it now, and Detroit and Chicago profited together at one time, why break established connects. Didn't think much of it down in Detroit then. Just my typical 'great, govt again, wtf?' Thanks btw, I thought when I minor snapped on a poster last week I was bad. And I felt bad too, was martha stewart in comparison to you, Oscar! I'm not exactly lazily fat bastard postin. Had drinks, then searched dirtball hashtags. And, I binged on Webb the other day after missing posts. Bronchitis!

Hope you're not as UP TO HERE today. When I get to snapping at people and afraid I'll chase a valuable person away, shitposting on Twitter helps. Anyway, cheers.

I listen to Webb, it's still sinking in. Thought I'd mentally tried preparing for the worst, my imagination wasn't even close.

samhara ago

URGENT: Police stations are protecting these fuckers. Fuck the police if you have damning evidence. New rule: the game has changed release it no matter what it is.

They haven't gotten this far with their dementia for nothing.

alliecapone ago

Ok understood. But to distrust them all? IMO, the whole LAPD and "rogue cop" Dorner op is evidence that there are good ones, but I see what happens when it's known the good guy feels like he needs to speak. They were shooting at people in a vehicle (was a chevy truck, common as hell) and it indicated more than Dorner being THAT much a danger. I didn't send anything that wasn't already public for a couple days. Evidence, that does need to go somewhere we can all agree to trust with it. Until wikileaks convinces me a bit more, it can't be there, not for me. My gut says Assange is alive, but not "OK" I feel like I'd be sending evidence right to (((them))) on who needs to clean up their internet mess.

We do know the spooks in LE, and their rats scan these forums for stuff to report as a possible "problem" for the bad enterprise of the PD. If I hop upon evidence, posting it here or chan clues them in just as much as if I were to take it into the station in a pile. Keeping it to myself, and something happening though is also bad news bears. There's a reason my safety is being insured, though. I'm a loudmouth on Twitter, and drop Webb videos in trending hashtags. I was even told I need to make sure I post a "not suicidal or heart sick" disclaimer and sticky it. I was also loud about the officer who shot the FBI agent for unknown reasons. But... No worries, I will not be takin stacks of evidence to anyone, I don't trust that even my officer would be safe if I share, last thing I want is good officers suicided. It's likely that I'd send it to George Webb. I trust him to do what is right, without signaling to badguys, He will put sunlight on it without any good officers having to risk even having the info. Does this help ease our tensions now, samhara? I don't trust THAT easily, which is why I only trust this ONE. I wont even send evidence to wikileaks and treat it with suspicion like I do cops. Assange would likely do more to show POL because he KNOWS we don't trust shit anymore. I understand your concern, and totally respect it. If I find evidence, or what I think is damn proper evidence... it's gotta be handed to someone though. After Webb let loose this, I trust he's not 'limited hangout" now. I'm not looking through real life horror stories to sit on it like I laid an egg, so someone needs to be trusted. I think we can agree that GW can be trusted, fully. While I'd love to share it here, I think that people are employed not only to slide, and distract, but to report what we are finding. Sorry for calliing you an asshole btw. And thank you for posting links as well. I've been thinking a lot on what you've said, took it to heart, realizing there's one person who WILL act upon what is found, and will report what he thinks, Webb is our brave soldier right now.

I won't send her anything more, and didn't send anything but choice pics from the chan thread. Example...I've been on twitter and pulling my guttermind out to check hash tags. I'm in the process of archiving and all of that first before I even share with YOU GUYS ;) I've also got a notepad copy going so that if the post is lost, it can/will be shared with others.

samhara ago

Thank you for your reply.

Good idea! "drop Webb videos in trending hashtags."

I never trusted Assange nor Snowden.. By the time they were promoted in the Mass Media, I was un-hooked from that whole information source. Assange was brought up in a cult that did child abuse "Anne Hamilton - Byrne" And likely sold, as a boy. His "name" is not "Assange" For me, they were hang -outs from the get-go.

Also, I trusted GW until he brushed off 9/11. And therefor mocked researchers into it, as all shills do.

My only thought was that the threat of dumping the 9/11 details / documents worked. And that they will continue to cover-up the 9/11 crime, (as though it's not totally apparent, on its face, for anyone who bothers to look?), if only the Pedos are reined in .

I do think that people watch what I do and what I write and its been that way for a long time.

As long as what I write is only of interest to those whom study such things, the Powers-that-be , at least so far, have not cared to harm me Though others around me have , obviously, been harmed. Or "retired," perhaps in some cases.

( I study fake deaths and they are much more common than most people imagine.) . Though I had the Forum / BBS I worked on for 8 years defaced / brought - down / vandalized and a threat letter sent, just recently; since the "Pizza" research broke. And the cat who did it apparently has two identities, so must've been farming info from the start. I have no bad will towards him; he can keep his scam as a Alt. Weather Man ; fine "Captain Kangaroo" "Mr. Green Jeans," whatever he wants.

There was another man on the BBS who I believe was there to watch me. The thing was brought down when his view number hit exactly and precisely 100K. Nope. Too much of a coinky - dink.

I was getting friend requests [Facebook] from highly decorated military officers, supposedly in Iraq and elsewhere, with smiles on their faces, all last year.

I believe they are helped when people who do not have security clearance nor access to top secret documents can figure things out with public information. It's take the stress off them and encourages them .

It's not hard to figure out any of this without the official documents.

They are not needed.

The notion such documents, "smoking gun," are needed is itself a psy - op. The proof is always missing - allegedly subjectively, for those who choose to deny it. That's the catch.

That is also why I did not, and do not, trust Assange. Because he was all about leaked documents and missing the major points.

Look at George Webb. Does he produce documents?

( I hope Assange's retired somewhere nice and warm and beautiful. It could be. You never know. He could've been a dutiful agent and been retired with honors.. Or brought back every so often to refresh his legend. )

It's an old trick. .. ."Well, yes, but we need the documents to prove it."


Thank you for your efforts. Until a large "critical mass" of people figure things out and learn how to think, reporting things here or there is not going to do it. I always speak out and have made it a habit. I'm very satisfied with myself for that achievement. The perps can go fucking rot in hell. - -

samhara ago

Hacker finds child porn on Comet Pizza website, turns over to DC Police Dec 1; no arrests but he is now being gang stalked

You can see clearly here that what I was writing was not the result of a diseased MAD mind.

I was clashing on the cymbals over this for a reason.

samhara ago

Comment just disappeared.

samhara ago

Hacker finds child porn on Comet Pizza website, turns over to DC Police Dec 1; no arrests but he is now being gang stalked (pizzagate)

You can see that what I wrote to you was not a result of a diseased MAD mind, Alliecapone.

I was clashing on the cymbals for a reason .

alliecapone ago

totally understood...I think even trusting one officer, could put good officers in harms way. This officer and I click because they're the only person I know, in real life that believes Dorner had something, and he died for it. I've never seen anything like the manhunt on him, desperately shooting at common vehicles, bombarding houses to look. Denying the scanner traffic millions heard cinched it. And....LAPD they birthed corrupt stations, NYC too I think. But ESPECIALLY LAPD

samhara ago

I apologize if my tone sounded harsh. Please forgive.

It worried me that you would walk into a trap.

Truly, the reason the police and law enforcement ignore these things has nothing to do with the public's help, nor lack of assistance, as the case may be. They ignore it because that is their orders. Do they really need us to tell them what is going on?

As I wrote below: There were no Amber Alerts regarding children for eight years..on my phone.

Do you honestly believe those families and love ones of the missing children for the past 8 years didn't make reports?

Now I have two Amber alerts in the past two weeks.

Do you really believe that's because people started reporting it, all of a sudden?

There have been many recent pedo busts in the news.. Why now? Was the FBI ignorant of the Pedos before last week?

If you report to them you will just red - flag yourself. So if you do report, make sure it is anonymous.

BallsDeepInReality ago

Yeah... planting a fake bomb anywhere is hella different than handing over publicly available communication located on the Internet that appears to reference child abuse.

Yeah, DHS was the same term the Nazi regime used, that is fact. Just because it was created under false pretense, doesn't mean those holding positions are going to turn a blind eye to kids getting raped.

I do have a question... why are you trying to discourage posters from reporting to LEOs?

samhara ago

I don't know what LEO is. Definitely do not trust the powers-that-be.. I would not do anything alone. I would make sure all records were publicized and viral . Do not give your name when you give the report.. also, cc the hell out of the report.

If it's very very public and the whole State of where-ever-you-are-located are notified, then you might get some action.

I noticed that for 8 years under Obama I received only two Amber alerts, and those were for elderly people. Trump has been in for less than a month, and I've gotten two already for children.

All of a sudden the Amber Alerts are turned on.

As a researcher on 9/11 I know you can not trust the police.. Nope.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Go gangsta on their asses!

alliecapone ago

I'm in the city for it... But shits changed a lot. I hung out with gangsters in the 80s-90s in an odd era of my life, they freaked right out over a child molestor. Most were uber protective of women. They sold crack and weed, and shot at each other. Women were regarded as 'queens' and children were to be protected. Now they treat kids like lil foot soldiers, and manipulate the women and girls. It's gotta be mainly cartels, and their associates who haven't a conscious at all. Pretty sad when you talk about gangsters and refer to old ones as 'decent gangsters' :/

BallsDeepInReality ago

That culture still exists in prison.

Inmates will tear a pedo to pieces given the chance.

Forgetmenot ago

I cut and paste this from another thread. I will add the link to that thread in a sec.

I think the chain and doll part is relevant to the pic of the doll with the chain. See below.

"Here are a few codes that I find the most relevant. I do not have time to go digging through the photo archives, but I know we have seen the following items in lots of suspected photos, especially the kewpie dolls that seem to make a constant re-appearance:

chain collar = looking for or is a slave dog collar = looking for or wants to be treated as a dog doily= tearoom scenes (public restroom) fur = bestiality kewpie doll = looking for or is chicken (young) Click here to see what a kewpie doll is kleenex = stinks or into BO mosquito netting = outdoor sex paisley = wants or likes boxer shorts teddy bear = bearish physic & attitude or wants to cuddle ziploc bag = wants or has drugs"

gardenofbacchus ago

Hey guys, I was probably the most active person in these /pol/ threads, there were about 10 of them all up so it'd be good if we can get the other ones posted up. I'll be editing and adding to this post throughout the day as I'm pretty busy. The archived links are images of interest i've taken off each instagram, all these accounts need to be archived though.

I spend a good few hours combing through the MK site and associated instagram accounts etc and found some fucking damning shit. This is a list of accounts that are all associated with each-other and are all connected. This ring is absolutely huge. The common theme symbolism runs through every single account - pizza, hotdogs, young children, rose emojis (at this point likely symbolizing young black children) and satanism/satanic and degenerate art. Every single one. drawbertson's account is particularly disgusting - the guy is clearly selling or distributing images and videos of his 2 "boys" to people all across the world. Wilfred Cortez's too. They aren't even trying to be subtle about this. I've made sure i'm not jumping the gun and succumbing to confirmation bias here - these accounts are ones that are interacting with blatant pedophilic posts from other accounts. They are all guilty to some extent. I've included the most suspicious images from each account under the instagram links.

Here's the list i've got so far. These people all need to be thoroughly investigated. Again - they're all linked to one another via comments i thought were bizarre and likes of eachother's specifically pizza and child related photos. Follow the trail and go through the entire accounts and study the comments and likes. We have to be thorough and diligent.

As i said i'll be updating this with more images and accounts throughout the day. Sorry for the shitty formatting, i'm trying to push all this out as fast as i can. Cheers guys

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Excellent work!! Very well mapped out!

SalOfTheEarth ago

I've been following this sub for a long time... I've been a pizzagate believer for a long time. Everything about this post from OP to your comment seems like a set up. We're being coopted by the CIA or their about to use a false flag to discredit us.

gardenofbacchus ago

Not sure what you're talking about here, are you insinuating these Instagram accounts are part of a set up or my posts and myself are the set up...? Sorry you feel that way dude, that's a sad state to be in. Not sure what to tell you but I'm most definitely not part of any set up, just want to see this trash brought to light .

mergen ago

Oh Jefree Star is in drawbertson's insta pics. Just so you know, he owns a make up line which is rumoured to be a front to drug dealing

TheHolyGrail ago

Every time you consume MILK you are SPIRIT COOKING. The baby, who the milk is intended for... Is killed.

Wake up.

gardenofbacchus ago

Where's this from? Where are the milk references specifically? Very curious. The whole satanic aspect seems to indicate these people are complete moral relativists and live on a completely different planet to us. They literally seem to feed off the innocence and purity of kids and get off on sapping their completely pure life essence while indulging in absolute moral depravity and evil

TheHolyGrail ago

Can you not see how humanities actions are participating to this? Humanity is practicing moral relativism each time they recoil in horror to see a dog considered meat by one culture, yet happily consume an equally sentient being such as a pig.

Does humanity not see how this changes the entire biosphere content? The entire energy field? Constant bloodshed and for what, our preference of taste? This cognitive dissonance is majorly impacting the outcome of all decisions.

Stop it now or nothing will change. People must become sensitive to all life and work to live harmoniously amongst one another and all forms of nature as best they can. That is not to say there shall not be disagreement but at least it shall be confined to the mental plains.

Time to grow up humans. Take responsibility for your actions and take a step forward. One earth family with a disease right now that has to be cured.

gardenofbacchus ago

A good point and I can understand how we are contributing to a hypocritical state of relativity when we criticize this - but the issue is that these people are raping torturing and murdering (at the highest level) infant human beings. It doesn't get lower than that, it really doesn't - yes we kill animals to feed ourselves, but these are literal children being abused for nothing other than the completely solipsistic and selfish pleasure of the abusers . We don't do this to animals , we don't kill animals for the sake of watching them die and deriving biological pleasure from it. These people aren't like you and I, they are as good as aliens to us and that's what we need to come to terms with.

TheHolyGrail ago

So you are saying it's morally relativistic, the end justifies the means? I do not mean to be rude, as you strike me as intelligent and incredibly reasonable but does that strike you as a tad hypocritical? There is a major problem in the world and I wish to find real solutions, yes it takes time but will be beneficial in the end.

We kill animals to feed ourselves because we find pleasure in the taste of meat. There are far superior forms of protein, in cheaper and widely available plant matter. In philosophical dialogue, there is no way to reduce the argument to anything other than the immortality of meat consumption.

It was a privilege of the upper classes, the consumption of meat and in the 19th century become industrialised. I think anyone who denies the ritualistic slaughtering aspect, is naive.

If the parasitical aliens are feeding from cruelty, we have a duty to stop contributing to it. For it is said violence begets violence... We may judge a man by his treatment of animals and so do too, animals judge us on our treatment of them and others.

alliecapone ago

This needs MOAR upvoats, thank you kindly!!! I'm about to the point where I'll start figuring out (cause, ya know, I'd never know how or who to do this... wink) how to out them to 'real life friends and family' AND their neighbors. If Sessions won't start this shit rolling soon, someone needs to. Rather a mob form in their neighborhoods, and get em than them go free, the slimy shits.

I'm angry, incredibly angry after seeing this shit, thanks for sharing and keeping that active! I've been lurking /pol/ and wanted to post but the threads are gone, and being a newfriend ya might not believe me.

A word on pictures with roses...especially in the mouth. In prostituting advertising many put a rose or flower in their mouth. Means they'll take anything orally. Could be a bisexual girl, or a high end escort saying what she's down for. I did a bit of researching on all of that, and that's where the biggest money and clients come from...being willing to eat anything..sick. Butterflies and cats indicate they're sex kittens/slaves. I saw someone wonder about the roses in one of the archived threads there. Roses are a way they discuss money. Roses or airplane emojis, especially ones together, look at who they follow and who follows them. Escorts are essentially human trafficking, could find some people. Maybe some of these trafficking networks work together, especially in Cali, Vegas, NYC, and Seattle.

I used to hang out at a forum and the 'internets famous' were ones we'd dig after and find info. In retrospect we probably needed lives but I learned a lot there. Some were even caught in email entrapments agreeing to go to UAE for anything goes on 'yacht trips'. That was to prove they indeed sexytimes escorted, many times it roused the name of pimps and what not. I'd share with the class, but don't wanna cause them more trouble. We dealt with a nasty ctr type character in the forums. I didn't recognize it til I saw the guide to forum spies. So, this whole industry so to speak is well protected. People got doxxed, and death threats over that mess.

(so if ya guise are here, please to be getting the research glasses back on)

gardenofbacchus ago

No worries man, I am extremely invested in this and will do as much as I can to bring this garbage to light. At this point it is undeniable what's going on and that's what makes it so disgustingly frustrating. These people are so brash and un-subtle in what they're doing it's just mindblowing. Keep digging, as I said i'll be updating as regularly as I can. As i've said, the "laterbabes" account needs to be thoroughly investigated because I think it will lead us somewhere. These people are all in the same circle, this strange old-school skater-art ring, there's got to be some sort of kingpin at the heart of it. Chin up brother we'll get there.

gardenofbacchus ago

I should also add, please nobody sabotage any of the work we're doing by messaging or tipping off these accounts, as angry as you may be. Stay silent and just dig.

catchingfire ago

I archived some of the pics from Clare Gillen's account. This account has really some weird and creepy stuff.

Child with blood or ketchup on the face:

child dressed as chicken:

pentagrams on her face:

pizza tatoo on her leg?


more pizza and one eye covered (illuminati/MK ultra symbol)

Note: One commenter on this picture linked to Pizza Brain's account!!! Pizza Brain is the one who posted the "pizza slut" picture on his tumblr:

This one is maybe nothing, but it reminds me of an abuse victim and a bloody handkerchief:


gardenofbacchus ago

This woman is a complete lunatic . Fucking disgusting

archons ago

Check out her friends artwerk666 and Dessie Jackson, Sick freaks.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I think we are seeing an artistic display of the ¨bloody hankerchief pizza related¨

redditsuckz ago

Note: One commenter on this picture linked to Pizza Brain's account!!! Pizza Brain is the one who posted the "pizza slut" picture on his tumblr:

Yeah they are all connected in some way...some kind of "pizza culture"...

"Me After I Kill A Large Pizza by Myself" - pizzaslime


"You Are What you Eat...So I Am Pizza - little baby" - mypizzabrain

"Pizza Culture" - as the Pizza Brain referes to themselves. He even has a sign in his pizza place referencing "pizza culture".

"I eat little cream"

Piscina ago

The last one is an anal rape victim. Look at the comments.

samhara ago

"Jérôme Boye Quintin2 weeks ago SuperFusionAJ93 Because it's REALLY a commercial for sadistic pedophiles. That is 100% Truth Reply 14
WolfieTheAnimator WolfieTheAnimator5 days ago agreed" Pay attention to "jokes"

Blacksmith21 ago

This one --->> (Refer to Girls as Two Bitches)

Anyone take a close look at the tattoo on his leg?

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

Seems to be a sad clown.

samhara ago

The Royal Order of Jesters - Freemasonry's Animal House

We've done lots and lots of research into the Joker / Jester meme. Naturally many fucking psychos are great actors. The mask is also used [D'uh] to conceal one's ID ! That's why in the U.S. sometimes it's illegal to wear a mask in public.. i.e. bank robbers . "Terrorists"

The "Anon" adopted the mask of "GUY FAWKES" [likely a made up name]

There is a mock human sacrifice made of patsy "FAWKES" "FAUXS" / [play on the French word FAUX which means "false" / Fawlkes is pronounced like English "Fox" ] every year on Nov. 5th .in Great Britain,

The original false - flag political event - to give power to "King James" was around 1700 ..

"Remember Remember the 5th of November" sort of like "Always remember the 11th of September"

So they are still enacting public performances / rituals even though the event was 400 years ago. They still burn the effigy every year and it's a mock human sacrifice as is "Burning Man."

The "Royal Jesters" Masons connect to the organizers of "Burning Man" -

The original desire which prompted the yearly "Art Work" "Community building" in the Black Rock desert named "Burning Man," was to "Burn A Man" [i.e. kill someone] , and named "Burning Man"

There is some speculation that "Burn the Man" is the ritual part of an effort to get rid of humanity - replace it with robots / slaves; ie. Transhumanism - And was apparently founded by practicing Satanists - people who vie with the G-d of all, for top slot.

Also connects with Eugenics / check the work of George Webb

& connects to trans-gender cultural movement - check the body-work on likely XY chromosome Abramovitz.

Steve Outtrim - Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon: The Shadow History of Burners Pt1

Steve Outtrim - Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon: The Shadow History of Burners Pt. 2

Steve Outtrim - Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon: The Shadow History of Burners Pt. 3 - Satan - #252

Steve Outtrim -“Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon: The Shadow History of Burners Pt 4: the Cult” – #253

Steve Outtrim - Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon: The Shadow History of Burners P5a: Burning w/the Man

Steve Outtrim - Silicon Valley's Secret Weapon: The Shadow History of Burners P5b: Burning w/the Man

If you notice the "Grateful Dead" also use an apparent dancing Pedo-Bear [attractive to children] for one of their logos.. They are often also seen with the "Royal Order of Jester" emblems [link to info above; first citation]

Psychedelic Intelligence: The CIA and the Counterculture

Dr. Hans Utter "Laying the Dead to Rest, Part 1: Occult Networks in the Holosonic Control Matrix"

Dr. Hans Utter "Laying the Dead to Rest, Pt 2: Legends, Narrative Warfare, & Hippie Psychopolitics"

Dr. Hans Utter “Laying the Dead to Rest, Pt 3: Alchemical Processing: Engineering the Social” #256

Forgetmenot ago

Tatoos were mentioned in that thread. There was a screenshot of a conversation where they described child handlers being Tattooed. i don't know how to link but it is in the thread the link was made my blood run cold.

unclassified ago

Man there sure are a lot of sicko's in this Country. The wealthy sure are perverted low lives.

Snailracer ago

JAP $700 shoes, size 8-12, custom made? Or $700 sleepover with J.A.P. (Jewish American Princess) age 8-12? Yeah, MK sounds like pedo-pimps that sell shirts on the side.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago Looking at this girls instagram. Loads of Illuminati and Pedo stuff it seems to me. It seems she has a tattoo of a slice of pizza on her leg? Seems she is probably a MKULTRA family. Probably been the kid getting raped before. Of course it is just speculation on my part. She has got more pedo symbols

thebabyseagull ago

These are worse or certainly more insightful than comet pingpong,,much more to work with in my opinion.

But are we sure its not a decoy?

How long has the page been up?

Why haven't they taken pizza related posts down or gone private in light of pizzagate?

Seems like the first thing you would do if you are involved in pizza related child abuse and pizzagate was all over the web?

samhara ago

This was here before Pizzagate broke.. They are gas-lighting everyone. If they take it down or don't? That doesn't really speak to the issue, logically , i.e. if it's pointing to real sado-child abuse events or not.. It could be either way.

Psychos at the far end of the sociopath spectrum, and their puppets, don't think like you or me.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

One reason could be that there are sooooo much stuff out there in plain sight that no one has picked up on that they dont think or remember to take it down? That or its random or its a set up to make us look crazy. But it has the feel of the real deal. This Clare girl, I know a girl just like her 15 years ago. Very messed up, very molested as a girl growing up. It feels legit but I dont know for sure.

doubletake ago

there's nothing unfortunate about this post. it is a fantastic discovery. PATTERNS of behavior might be all we have on this level of investigation. And we just don't have patterns, we have an established CODE SET. These are outrageously similar to Cosmic PP. It gives credence to the creepiness of these folks. All very much in the same vein as CPP comments went. An entire army should be proweling these kinds of data sets. These are exactly the kind the leads that LE follows. Hints and probabilities are the first stage. This place would be a bullseye. Absolute certainty has to be left to the courts.

ConcernedParent2 ago

This may be nothing but check the comments out:

patriciachangny: The pizza part we can provide 🍕🍕

eunsunleerising: @patriciachangny wow thanks! ; )

Clicking on Eunsunleerising's account doesn't seem too suspicious but then you get pictures like these that make you wonder:

Again, look at the comments:

eunsunleerising: ;)

gingerreidI: swear these little chickens. 💙

sweetmarilee: Thank you for the post these are so wonderful

mpcase: Carlitos!

jacquelinemorav: My favorite little chiken!!!

It could be nothing, maybe these people just get really freaking excited over their children's pictures... but damn, I never talk or share photos of my kids like that. I don't have time to go through all the photos, I have to go pick my children up from school, so if you guys want to keep digging, you better do it now while those accounts are still active.

catchingfire ago

The boy on Eunsunleerising's account looks like the boy on the creepy picture from drawbertson's account, called in comments "Angel Carlitos" or "Charlie":

Could be also him on teddy_drawbertson's account:

Actually there seem to be twins, Charles/Charlie/Carlitos and Henrique. Here they are dressed as "Chicken littles":

ConcernedParent2 ago

Yeah, they are twins, they appear in multiple Instagram accounts and people keep saying they are twins.

moremane ago

The same jew that has the "Park Avenue Synagogue" shirt, has this on their instagram. Note the "666":

samhara ago

mom_who_winesOmen child 👌💗😆

Aderville ago

They have a tshirt with MK on it. I know it's the initials of the company but it also relates to mk ultra.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

can you tell us what is on that link before we go to it?

DrumpfBTFO ago

One thing could be helpful in stuff like this. Alot of the stuff considering podesta/alefantis is based on pizza as a codeword.

If some other "ring/whatever" could give insight on whether its meaning is what we really think it is, would be more damning. Right now its quite certain that its code for something(and if you combine it with the artwork etc, not sure how many other conclusions you can come up with besides it being a boy or a girl, without them it could be drugs etc).

I think its better to see if there's anything substantial there. I saw the thread on 4chan in the morning, when they first found it, and there was some quite "interesting" photos. Also someone commented that there was a picture where some child's eye was gouged out(could be an art-piece, he didn't link to the photo in the case that he would be banned, so could be false as well). Quite sure alot of people archived this stuff in case that they take it down though.

Sandy008 ago

The baby with the chainlink on forehead looks dead to me. Anyone else? Absolutely horrifying.

Forgetmenot ago

Thought it was a doll because of the weird hair.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

You're right. He could be dead. Anyone know what does the chainlink means? The poster is two_dads. How many are adopting babies to abuse?

Aphoticamy ago

I'm pretty sure it's a doll. Still weird as fuck.

francisco_DANKonia ago

Interesting. I wonder if there could be a connection to Michael Kors as well.

sound_of_silence ago

link to the mindKontrol image that flashes between the screens mk.gif

just a word of caution as it's a rapidly flashing image...

sneakybells ago


ArthurEdens ago

These are worse than comet's

gardenofbacchus ago

These basically reveal the fact that this ring is unmanageably large and participated in by probably hundreds of people within the same social circles. It's disheartening because we have this information but we can't do anything ultimately

memegod420 ago

I will gladly admit when/if I'm wrong, but the fact that this came from a completely random photo from a completely anonymous person on 4chan and it blew up so fast -- it feels like a set up to me.

Just be extra vigilant when sourcing/verifying things, please.

Lalalola89 ago

Alright I agree with this because one of the instagram accounts linked straight up had comments like "glad the walnut art is returning" and "your kids totally think you're nuts ;)" which I will say seems damning; just be careful of the dots you're connecting because clearly someone is starting to worry and they're doing the best they can to discredit anything which could lead to everything by any means. "In plain sight", we know how this works and just make sure everything is credible to a T.

This is all good and I think we're getting there, I'm just afraid that they'll find a way aside from douchey-tweets to make this irrelevant because it's astoundingly serious and important.

I know I'm new here but Reddit was pissing me off lol so hi!

The_Bohemian ago

Late to the party but after reviewing most of this, you are probably right. Theres a top level comment above yours listing instagram accounts that are related. Pretty much all of them started posting after Pizzagate blew up.

samhara ago

Also, the sick Pizza references in the mass Media, go back at least one year before "Pizzagate" broke.

I find it interesting that people who could never accept the "fake events" which came fast and furious under Obama, immediatley claimed this was another fake or staged "event" .. Yet had never made that claim around the authentic faked events..

The claim is just used to divert people. If you look into fake events you'd realize they never do "this good of a job" faking the real. The actors are way too shitty.. do you know what it would cost to get an actor to play Alephantix or Pedesta?

And in any case, what would be the motive? To bust themselves.. ? "Pizzagaters" have no cred in the mainstream anyway.

Any way, at least one image of the group , I know did not originate before "Pizzagate" broke. I saw it on a card advertising an Art Show.. The one with the young boys in underwear standing around the candle as if in a trance.

Not everyone into this kind of Art is a perp, certainly. But they might all be related; blood - line, business . or otherwise.

samhara ago

This did not start after Pizzagate broke.. I know one picture I seen way earlier.. Stuff like this areound the Roberta's pizza, which Clinton husband and wife visited and JZee, and Benonce and Bradjellina. Why would they visit that dump. It's next to a meat packing plant and to numerous truck stops. This type of art is massive around there. In a mall nearby , which used to be a cloth factory, there was "Art" some time ago [before Pizza broke] which consisted of what looked like a dead body wrapped in celopane and hung from the rafters like a side of meat.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I agree. I found some photos that look bad for sure, but I also get the same sense as you.

redditsuckz ago

The "Dead on Arrival" is from Manhatten Knights Clothing shop Website;

This is their Tumbler page - a link from their clothing webpage;

Tumbler page has existed at least over a year;

I've seen several photos that, while certainly creepy or weird, don't necessarily point to them doing anything wrong.

This excuse could be used on every instagram pic of Comet Ping Pong and friends that we have seen so far in the last 3 months...

gardenofbacchus ago

Hi memegod, I was the one who found and posted drawbertson's account and that photo in particular in the /pol/ thread. It was directly linked to Manhattan Knights. As in, he had liked and commented on photos they and other associated accounts posted.

ConcernedParent2 ago

What am I looking at in the first link? I just see an ordering page?

EDIT: nvm, I see what you meant, the reason for returning an item.

This excuse could be used on every instagram pic of Comet Ping Pong and friends that we have seen so far in the last 3 months...

Yes, which is exactly why I also said to keep digging, just don't make any knee-jerk assumptions. People should be doing that anyways, but I'm always cautious of new leads because it could be a third party trying to get this sub shut down.

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

What kind of setup? The pics and comments on the children are terrible, let alone the adult porn pics.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I don't know if it is a set up or not, however, I've seen several photos that, while certainly creepy or weird, don't necessarily point to them doing anything wrong. I think it's still worth digging, just be careful and don't make any kneejerk assumptions.

impulse110 ago

I wonder if there is a way to trace instagram accounts basically link to the main accounts and their commentors and their subsequent commentors etc and link them together to see where they trace to. It cant be hard to write a script to do that. Maybe a good weekend project.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

King Khan: That's the secret of the whole Kukamonga Death Cult: I dress up like a homeless person wherever I tour, because it's anti-sexual. When I tour, I'm neither homosexual or heterosexual-- I'm hobo-sexual. So that basically opens yourself up to anything at all-- you could have sex with a piece of cheese and it would be totally natural.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago Look at that kid.... One weird dude has on his shirt King Khan and the shrines. found an article on wikipedia about the band.

¨But even in casual, offstage attire, Khan still casts a magisterial figure: He insists that his Pitchfork interview be conducted with his associate Jamal, the latest recruit into his Kukamongas clan, a secretive voodoo "death cult" whose membership includes the Black Lips and BBQ (Mark Sultan, Khan's frequent collaborator and former bandmate in 1990s Montreal garage brats the Spaceshits). With Jamal maintaining a mostly silent, Professor Griff-like pose beside him, Khan mouths off on the Canadian welfare system, Little Richard, Germany, racism, black metal, having sex with cheese-- pretty much everything except his latest release, The Supreme Genius of King Khan & the Shrines, a Vice Records compilation that collects tracks from obscure singles and mostly European-only releases. Because Khan don't care about the past; for him, the time is-- and always has been-- now.¨

Having sex with Cheese? Where have we heard that crap before? video def satanic shit.

And this band for a nothing band has some videos on youtube that have abnormally high production values. Seems a lot like James Alefantis. He has almost zero talent but is involved with some video productions of pretty decent quality. Seems these Satanist can get quality videos made when ever they want?

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Hey, nice find on this interview... I decided to dig a little bit deeper. "King Khan and the Shrines" have a number of music videos... some of the more recent ones were produced by Hylas Film (

As for the example you posted (Born to Die) - there is a depiction of an owl, death, a bull-headed figure mixing what appears to be herbs, milk? and wine/blood? Somewhat reminiscent of spirit cooking. With children bringing him the ingredients.

There is also another video entitled Bite My Tongue - (also by Hylas Film), that contains graffiti of a dead rabbit, a hot dog being provided to the main 'superhero', the chorus sings "I'll bite my tongue" x 3 followed by "I'll keep my mouth shut for you", a fake newspaper called the Daily Hylas with a pentagram in the middle and hieroglyphics, a pimp eating ice cream (strawberry), the main character, Khan also has what appears to be a pizza shaped logo on his belt.

This pizza shaped belt is also seen in Moonduo (by Hylas) Which also contains the crescent moon logos we saw @ Comet (which they eat similar to Eucharist)

And this is just creepy... Another Hylas video, with kids and clowns and a butcher handing over what looks to be bags of meat for grilling.

And who is "Hylas"? Apparently, the youth-boy lover of Heracles from Greek Mythos:

Strange symbolism across multiple video projects and a very Alefantis'esque name origin (based on his Instagram image).


needs own post

aaallaboard ago

Yeah, that picture of that kid is so fucked up. So much trauma behind those eyes. It's why what we are doing is so important. We will win.

redditsuckz ago

Some Highlights of the thread;

Dead on Arrival;

Doll blow job;

Girls face bloody;

Baby in chicken costume - Comments on eating the child;

Child "compound" picture;

Ketchup and mustard on childs face;

Park Avenue Synagogue;

Mannequin challenge

Refers to two girls as bitches;

Baby with chain link on forehead;

Park slide;

Park slide 2

Children standing around a lantern - pills - rabbit slaughtered - From Manhattenknights tumbler;

Return of Saturn;

Body Parts;

Body Parts 2

4chan thread;

Related Thread;

CP, inc set up a website called CP,inc also set up a possible trafficking website that /pol/ is investigating

BallsDeepInReality ago

The biggest highlight of that thread are the ones trying to derail it.

Holy fuckin' shit. That information really hit a nerve somewhere.

YingYangMom ago


Here is a another "body part" Instagram picture (very similar) but from someone else.

This was posted on a thread today by @truthseekertx who was looking into the account of a friend of Miley Cyrus. The pedo's username is @zacharyancox

sneakybells ago

The lantern thing might be from one of those places that don't get much sun and thus need to stand around a light source to get vitamin D. It happens in places like Scandinavia.

Gorillion ago

Girls face bloody;

"I love my nephew. I see myself in him" sounds like a pedophilic sex pun. Is Clare_Gillen male or female?

Mtnchan ago

Let's try to avoid reaching as it makes us all look like the conspiracy nuts were accused of. The bloody kid is jelly donut filling, you can see the donuts in the bag, but yes he does appear drugged.

sneakybells ago

I didn't notice the donuts. The thing that set me off on that one was the pun of "seeing myself IN him" followed by the drugged look.

Mtnchan ago

Ah, yes maybe so

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Excellent work, Thanks!

Singleservename ago

I thought no pizzagate connection but Justin Reis of 2nd picture seems to be the brother of Victoria Reis, from Transformer.

These really are small circles even for our inbred elites.

thebabyseagull ago

The kids standing around the lantern.

Who is the guy in the picture on the wall?

Could be a clue?

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

Its Lenin.

markrod420 ago

So much creepy shit. The DOA option is totally not normal.

However i will say that the kid with "blood" on his face looks like he has blood on his face, but if you look at the fingers on his right hand they look more purplish than red and i wouldnt be too surprised if that was some form of berries or something rather than blood.

sound_of_silence ago

there's a doughnut on the table... i'm guessing it was a jelly-filled doughnut...

(pic has odd elements regardless tho)

markrod420 ago

For sure it does. The kid still does look either crazy tired or sedated.

sound_of_silence ago

agreed.. pic is an eyebrow raiser just based on that... even if that's his regular expression, i still have to question the adult's creepy band t-shirt...

King Khan is freaky (reminds me of Heavy Breathing)... check out the weirdness here and and his current home page (reading Hollywood Babylon)!/king-khan-and-the-shrines


PGTAway818949 ago

LOOK CLOSELY corner of his mouth is cut

markrod420 ago

I see what you are referring to. Looks like a cut possibly. I'm still not 100% convinced that it's blood on this kids face. Sure is a weird picture to post without explaining what's up though.

Ang68 ago

Also, it says nephew. Means it's a boy.

Ang68 ago

Definite blood. Looks like a bloody nose. Also notice the dead eyes. Not a happy kid.

markrod420 ago

I'm not completely convinced it's blood. I'm not convinced it isn't blood either. But that purplish tint on the right hand has me questioning whether it's blood or not.

Poot_McGarvey ago

wtf is all of this. how is this possible

Stukov ago


unclassified ago

That kid looks drunk or drugged to me.

markrod420 ago

now that is definitely true. Or just really sleepy. dont forget children dont control themselves like adults. When they are really really sleepy they look fucking wasted. But could definitely also be drugged.

ConcernedParent2 ago

Ketchup and mustard on childs face;

Check out that comment: And all thru the haus"

Haus? Didn't someone just find a creepy pedo art center for children called Art Haus or something?

All of these photos are creepy, and so are the comments.

aaallaboard ago

Fantastic work @redditsuckz , many thanks. It's hard to keep track of so much stuff, all this data from sources all over the place, but having it archived like this is priceless. Good job, it is appreciated.

Ihatepizza2 ago

Check linked drawbertson

Every pizza symbol going. $ sign, pizza love, abuse (fist), furries costumes, all seeing eye.

Manhattanknights followers -> pizza9124 is following -> drawbertson (pic above)

Drawbertson -> teddy drawbertson

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

See the money in the picture then the hand that points to the kid....the kid who is sucking? These people think they are just so clever. They always figured to have political cover so they could get away with this stuff in plain sight. I hope they are wrong.

gurneyx ago

Notice he drinking A strawberry milkshake which is also talked about in another pic of some boys walking home from school. I wonder it has a meaning...

Ang68 ago

Wasn't there a "milkshake" song?

gurneyx ago

ugh sorry i checked what it means in the urban dictionary because im too disgusted to even put it in here

Forgetmenot ago

I also noticed a drawing of a man wearing rabbit costume with a carrot in his hand.

abcdefg222 ago

What the fuck. Who's account is this?

abcdefg222 ago who is he related to this website? That picture is so messed up

archons ago

Clare Gillen from that thread is linked to little babys ice cream. She designed some of their artwork. Here it is:

ejd4500 ago

Can you screen shot this directly and post to, or another image site...we should have this readily accessible and not buried in an archived page somewhere.


catchingfire ago

Thanks! Those creepy accounts are all connected

archons ago

Just so you know, the rabbit hole goes deeper with clare.

catchingfire ago

How do we know she designed artwork for Little Baby's Ice Cream? Can you please explain? I cannot see that connection. But I just found a link to Pizza Brain on her instagram.

archons ago

It literally says it was by her. Forgot to mention its actually on their insta, not hers.