vector3rector ago

Not sure about Yarmouth.

I haven't looked into the town at all, if you are referring to the town.

mattblak ago

so much disinformation, there has never been any proof of child porn found on their computers and I thought it was originally a differennt pizza place that alegedly had the cp on it, Ryan is total fuck knuckle imo what the hell is he talking about, Titus didnt say he had the cp himself, ryan should shut his crappy channel down

Lunari ago


Dec is when this sub became fully compromised by disinfo distraction shills and it's too tiring to repeatedly attempt to explain this shit to people because they believe this idiotic disinfo nonsense and disagreeing with them gets you called a shill, etc. I've recently come back here but it's even worse now and it really Is just too ridiculous to try to deal with this shill disinfo and the idiots blindly believing it.

DeathToMasons ago

The FBI is in on it.

slickleg64 ago

Has the traffic cam moved recently? Sounds like this is a shill setup for a false flag, Innocent pizzeria owner attacked by pizzagate gang

Not defending Alefantis but approaching this with skepticism, No hard proof has been presented, If this were to be true wouldn't the "hacker" upload a video of him gaining access to the page and a censored view of contents? or just something to prove this lead? It wouldn't be a bad idea to get the pubic oh his side before any further action.

Tread lightly, don't take claims like this without a grain of salt, all it takes is one muppet for this investigation to blow over...

angular_planes ago

Can we get this flagged Authenticity in Question at least...? This is a load of bullshit

tapsnapornap ago

Anyone able to find a source that verifies this?

Lorent ago

Maybe he's being protected?

wokethefkup ago

Guys he's trying to make a profit with ads. It seems like he's jumping on a bandwagon trying to profit because he knows we are searching for smoking guns also notice the comments him and a friend very clearly talk about "oh he told me only u knew blah bmah", if you were afraid for your life like his friends comment suggesting about some hit and run then certainly you would not attach an account to yourself so publicly.

roundhouse1776 ago

I would actually recommend watching the video. Just so you have all the information and it can be either corroborated or debunked in your head later on. Critical thinking on an individual level is what is needed to stamp out both the proliferation of fake news and well as the increasing censorship of the internet and media.

roundhouse1776 ago

Completely agree. I am shocked at how fast this was able to reach the top of the front page. It means we have a much bigger problem here than I previously thought. All this "SMOKING GUN" crap needs to stop. There is absolutely no evidence provided to back up this claim!

I think the definition of "smoking gun" should be stickied at the top of the forum.

VieBleu ago

yes yes and yes.

VieBleu ago

WOW just looked at this. For once, this is a real bombshell.

We need to support and protect all involved.

V____Z ago


Vanscribe1 ago

Wow awsome I guess average people can do something give us the bame to the police department you called so we can all call them and ask why arrests have not been made. Gangstalking is very real and I have learned alot about it.

shoosh ago

I'm specifically interested in the segment about people coming forward.

I wonder how the Australian person would use his defense re Australian Fiona Barnetts claims.
How does he explain the Australian government lack of inveatigation?

abcdefg222 ago

Wow. Just wow. I hope this is it. Maybe we should all call this tip into the dhs operation blue tip line... you know... the one with human trafficking commercials set at a pizza parlor.

Blacksmith21 ago

I remember that happening. It was up and down in 5 minutes, if I recall correctly. And I think a heated debate ensued over such deletion.

vector3rector ago

Those weren't secret files.

They where comets directory files.

This was discussed and cleared almost 2 months ago before /r/pizzagate was deleted on Reddit.

The guy doesn't know what he's talking about.

If so, please have him come on here and prove they are pornographic files. Im not defending Comet. I'm positive Alefantis is guilty. But dont feed into these attention grabbing dipshits.

They guy posted a tweet immediately after, with a link to his Patreon, soliciting money, for re-posting shit people put up and resolved, close to two months ago.

I dont think many people read the first two comments to the first Frosty Tightass Thread.

My name is Dean Fougere, I am the creator of the YouTube Channel "Titus Frost", author of the historical fiction novel "The Lost Truth", also control the twitter handle:

VP at D-2 Incorporated Barnstable/Yarmouth, Massachusetts Area Oil & Energy D-2 Incorporated

Current Clients in the Oil and Gas Industry include:

Halliburton, Kellog Brown & Root (KBR)

U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army (TARDEC), NATO

Titus Frost is a Vice President and in charge of all sales & marketing at a company selling precision oil & gas sensors to the US armed forces, NATO & other big companies, but in his free time he covers chemtrails, flat earth, and spreads pizzagate disinfo. Very interesting. Also claims to be a "Member" of anonymous

This guy is clearly full of shit.

Jakestr ago

I think I know which YouTuber he's talking about with the truck and that person is a psycho both of these are very fast rising YouTube channels that came out of nowhere and I never trusted this guy

Naspert ago

Nice try to discredit the guy for having a real job and beeing interested in conspiracy theories. These ad hominem attacks are shill 101...fact is that the guy was with us from the start! He was one of the first to bring attention to pizzagate and i don't see the gain for him....spending hundreds of hours investigating and creating content. He doesn't need to solicit money from people if he has, as you stated yourself a well payed job, if anything this adds to his credibility. He indicated having bombshell proof back in December, if he was just in for the Patreon moneys and the exposure he would have just broke the story back then. The files had several layers of password protection, (the very definition of secret) why would anyone bother to protect them let alone distribute them via the internet, doesn't make sense whatsoever. you present zero evidence beside ad hominem attacks, go back to your shill cave.

edit: typo

vector3rector ago

You clearly haven't read any of my posts, if your going to try to call me out as a shill?


...fact is that the guy was with us from the start! He was one of the first to bring attention to pizzagate and i don't see the gain for him....spending hundreds of hours investigating and creating content.

Ok? Show me the source(s) showing that.

How and when was he one of the first ones to bring pizzagate to attention?


He doesn't need to solicit money from people if he has, as you stated yourself a well payed job, if anything this adds to his credibility

I actually never said he had a well paying job. I was blatantly calling out bullshit on all his "qualifications", that he seems to be publicly bragging about. He's provided no proof he is the VP of D-2 Incorporated Barnstable/Yarmouth., Or any of the other bullshit qualifications he's trying to preach he has.


He indicated having bombshell proof back in December, if he was just in for the Patreon moneys and the exposure he would have just broke the story back then.

But he still hasn't provided it yet? So ----?

So--- here is the same news, release in early November.


The files had several layers of password protection, (the very definition of secret) why would anyone bother to protect them

You mean they were encrypted in ssl, requiring a password to access the directory files.,


why would anyone bother to protect them let alone distribute them via the internet, doesn't make sense whatsoever

Uhhhhh --- Really?


you present zero *evidence beside ad hominem attacks, go back to your shill cave

Something tells me, this might be Frosty Tightass.

Just speculating here.

Naspert ago

I don't get why people on voat spend that much time and effort shitting on fellow investigators. But if you do so anyway, at least stay factual and don't go on on a contradictory ad hominem rampage a la MSM.

vector3rector ago

I don't get why people on voat spend that much time and effort shitting on fellow investigators.

You begun the attack by trying to call me out as a shill, yet you've clearly never browsed my posts to make that assumption. You also have came on here and made less than a dozen significant comments. Of which, most are emotionally erratic and dont provide meaningful information or sources. If you see my comment history, I try to be progressive and reasonable. This lead, is not a lead. It's a SSL encrypted directory file.


But if you do so anyway, at least stay factual and don't go on on a contradictory ad hominem rampage a la MSM.

Say's the guy re-posting a .jpg, that could have easily been made on MSpaint., I provide(d) links showing discourse and disclosure, (1) month prior you'r homie's "December bombsell".

This isn't a rampage., Im just showing your boy Frosty, lacks credibility. He is taking credit for prior discussed information, that had no reasonable significance., Yet your trying to praise this, like he just found a picture of James Alefantis jerking a little boy off.

You are doing a disservice and behaving like the "shill", by trying to mislead emotions, with insignificant information., From a attention seeking, soliciting, plagiarist., And by not providing us with evidence, to his qualifications or credibility. He has also, yet to come on here, to openly discussing "his findings".

Naspert ago

You sure are very passionate about discrediting Titus Frost...but unlike you i'm not getting payed for this, got shit to do...happy shilling! here is a link to his steemit post, sounds credible to me.

vector3rector ago

This is clearly Titus.



but unlike you i'm not getting payed for this, got shit to do

I would love to be paid. You clearly have no proof of such allegation., You just keep trying to call me a shill, like that's some form of argument? One click to my comments and submissions would show you otherwise.

Why would you link his bullshit website, with more holes than fishnet stockings. There is obviously no credibility because he's providing no proof on his shitty website? And Neither are you, on here. You are just wasting peoples time by trying to call someone a shill., And im calling out your(s), and his bullshit.

Here, let's call out every bit of his bullshit. Please provide a compelling argument proving otherwise.

He states:

Back in December I had covered the protected section on Comet Ping Pong's website. This protected section was found to contain Child Porn which Pedophiles refer to as "Cheese Pizza". The Anonymous hacker who broke into the protected section saw I had covered the abnormality on their website in my film, so the hacker contacted me and one other person. This is the story of how the smoking gun evidence in the PizzaGate Scandal was found, and delivered to DC Police as of December 5th, 2016. So Where are the arrests?

  • We already posted links in my prior comments, Showing this was discussed on reddit, (3) months ago and discovered on 4chan in November.

He says these are download files and he sent them to DC police.

  • Why not make backups as evidence, like everyone else during PizzaGate?

  • Why was no one else able to download these files? I can assure you, there are more elite hackers than Titus Frost., Somehow, no of the many cryptography and digital security experts researching this as well, couldn't even attain the download files?

  • Why send it to DC police and not federal agencies that actually have the capacity to potentially crack the encryption/password?

He claims this is evidence,

that he sent to DC police. Not only can you easily forge that., but there is no proof of correspondence. He easily could have sent those emails to himself and isnt showing us the MailerDaemon's, failed delivery reply.

  • A simple google search of his recipient, "[email protected]", returns us no such email.

  • A simple google search of "MPD stevens, marcus" or "Marcus Steven DC Metro Police", we get no such officer.


THE FOI request for "The Edward Welch Plea Deal" , means and proves nothing.

The picture of the crashed car, proves nothing

, except that maybe his car, doesn't fit the economical quality, to match his said job of VP, of D-2 Incorporated Barnstable/Yarmouth.


His accident report

Shows nothing as well. Could have been issued for any one, at any any random accident. We have no evidence it was a targeted assault. In fact, they have information of the other vehicle, with "license plate number and everything". It states someone was charged. Does he provide proof that the individual who caused this hit-and-run, hit and targeted Dean Fougere?

Because that would be attempted murder.


and lastly

Help me out by up-voting and re-steeming this and or by making me an Independent Journalist by funding me on Patreon with monthly support.



TLDR : He is clearly Asking for publicity. Wants to be a independent journalist., And asks/solicits for monthly support, through Patreon. He is trying to sell other peoples compiled information and threads, as his own articles on patreon --- This is called plagiarism

Please show me compelling evidence showing otherwise.

Naspert ago

Titus giving props to voat researchers in his 4h documentary, also addressing massive shills like yourself. I hope you get payed well, judgement will come eventually. what did you do for the movement besides shitting on dedicated researchers?

vector3rector ago

As I have said., You haven't looked through my post history., Nor exhausted any time to back up any of your "shill" allegations.

Im personally calling "Titus" as a plagiarist., who doesn't do any actual research himself. He can call himself a "freelance reporter"., But he is not a researcher by any means. He is rehashing other peoples threads., And is "hyping" up things with no credible standing of evidence. People have released public back ups and archives of data they have found. Titus has not.

Nor has provided proof to the public.

You are the text book definition of "disinformation shill", because you dont source shit. You just keep linking his dumbass, inaccurate, videos., and Shitty, inaccurate website, that doesnt provide archived datta or evidence of having accessed Comets.

Titus, Is pretty computer illiterate and uses vague ambiguous statements, saying "he hacked Commet". In his next video, tell him to describe and analyze how he orchestrated his attack. The info sec community is hesitant and weary of his statements.

grlldcheese ago

You're doing God's work.

I'm too tired to even fight with these idiots already. I just jerk around the shills already.

We're reaching peak fuckery right this instant. AG sworn in a few days ago. It's funny how they think it's worthwhile to keep this up. If it's a shit cash grab that at least makes sense. These pedos are going down imminently based solely on the desperation in the air.

Selnee ago

Wouldn't it be admissible in court anyway since it was hacked? Seems similar to breaking into someone's home for evidence without a warrant.

gangpressorliber ago

Everything should be turned over to multiple sources. Even if you get a source that talks like they are very grateful for your work and encourages you to keep it up.

micha_ ago

Very interesting video, but doesn't make sense to me. Anyone who is threatened, is very well advised to come out! That's the best life insurance. Imagine the scandal, if you could prove which police officer was sabotageing a CP investigation.

And if you watch carefully, there is not the slightest evidence presented by Frost. Just claims, without any possibility to check them.

Why isn't Frost giving a phone number from the police, and encouraging people to call the department and demand an investigation?

"Titus Frost" not showing any evidence, giving no names, not putting any legal pressure on the police/FBI makes all my alarm bells go on.

Do not believe, what you want to believe! Be careful. Always look if there are hard facts - or if it are just claims, which are supported by unverifiable screenshots or photos.

unbiased_researcher ago

Disinformation. Ignore.

deorder ago

Exactly. The same happened to me when researching the login page and following the PG Discord. Further described at:

It did not take long for me to notice they still had a lot to learn. I understand. For some people, especially the younger ones among us, this is all really exciting and a chance to feel being a part of something big but at the same time they are also being very naïve.

I indeed noticed the same with the blockchain scanner.

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

But then I think about all of those episodes of "To Catch a Predator" where the guy says "but I was just going to come here to warn her about talking to guys like me on the internet" while Chris Hansen looks at him with that dead-eyed stare.

EricVikingurr ago

Thank you.

deorder ago

That is exactly the reason why I replied with this message to the OP as well.

I am not sure why this is happening as well. Not only with this specific topic. I still believe there is something and that CPP just plays a small role inside some bigger scheme. Had been researching this from the start. Sad to see this happen.

UndEr_DistrEss ago

When every single agency is corrupt, I think releasing to the public is a better strategy than just giving it to the "proper" authorities. The DC police would probably try to shove it under the rug if they were the only ones who obtain this info because I'm positive that there are pedos within the ranks; they will not throw one of their own under the bus. Hope this guy finds somewhere safe to lay low until this shit storm hits full throttle...if that ever happens.

EricVikingurr ago seems like a honey pot or maybe access to the admin. I'm curious if anyone has researched Big Cheese LLC? I just started researching the site so I apologize if its all been covered before but here's what I found. Big Cheese LLC is a District Of Columbia Limited-Liability Company filed on June 9, 2005 . The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is L23854. The registered agent is a DC attorney by the name of Robert Harris, here is his profile:
There are 14 companies that have an address matching 4834 Sedgwick St Nw Washington, District Of Columbia 20016 also registered by Robert Harris the IV (

One weird thing I found after doing a Google search for Robert A. Harris IV is a trucking/transportation company possibly owned by him or someone else by that name

Another weird company registered by Harris ( It's just strange that the main suspect is James Achilles Alefantis and there just so happen to be two companies named Achilles connected to the the attorney who's name is registered on the website. The same attorney who also possibly owns a trucking company of all things.

Throgmorton ago

Sounds like a red herring to me. If this "hacker" found something, took it to the police, and they did nothing, do you really think he'd go, "Oh well, gave it my best shot and they didn't respond with action. Might just forget about it and go back to Battlefield 1."?

He'd be posting whatever it was in every forum he could find until someone took notice. Doesn't jell for me... jus' sayin'...

Don-Keyhote ago



V____Z ago

What is disinfo? Can you made a legit argument with facts, sans caps?

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

Wouldn't this "hacker" be in deep shit? He pretty much admitted to hacking and possession of child porn to the D.C. police under his real name. That doesn't make sense.

GeorgeT ago

Frank Winstead ANC already blew the whistle in 2008 yet nothing has been done about it.

deorder ago

The mentioned screenshot is circulating the web since the beginning of November. It is just the login page that someone changed using the inspector. The emptied version of that list; to pretend they removed their evidence; was created by someone from the PG Discord.

The protected login page is just a way to log into the CMS management back-end. All websites hosted at Jimdo have them.

You can find the hosting provider at:

Examples of other Jimdo CMS websites their "/protected" pages:

You can find more at:

micha_ ago

You make a claim, I watch the links you provided, but there is no evidence at all for your claim. But you have one enthusiastic kljd... poster, totall ynew here, who claims you were correct and that it was false info and hurting PG.

I smell a rat. Or should I say a pedo?

V____Z ago


Don-Keyhote ago

It's noticeable how all these internet insider things with this group of YouTube blogger dudes lack verifiable evidence, always mutually support each other, and never find leads that go anywhere or even mention the Clintons. These guys can't even accurately quote Podesta emails phrases or recite names that a real researcher would know by heart. Fuck all yall.

DeathToMasons ago

Yes yes and yes. Starting to wonder if they are more than opportunist. Possibly disinfo shills.

V____Z ago

If you have a case to make that would refute this post, please be specific. No "these guys always" bla bla bla. Why would a person be so hostile to those trying to stop horrific child abuse? You being paid?

Don-Keyhote ago

LOL they sell t shirts and make monetized sites and videos but i am the one tryin to make money STFU

ArcherMcTaco ago

Not as big as you think. Again, this is old news and he is exagerating by a bit.

No one has cracked the encryption (unless something has come up with that.)

ArcherMcTaco ago

It's old news. FBI would of had this from when it was first discovered. It seems to be a slow burn... all we gotta do is watch and wait and it does appear that people are finally protecting the people saying this is real. Hopeful, but skeptical is a safe mindset.

ArcherMcTaco ago

Ok, for some perspective from an old goat whose been looking at this when people were asking WTF is this Moloch shit... The 'cp' found on the servers isn't verified. No one has cracked the encryption. It matches times and dates of suspicious emails, has abnormally high encryption used for financial services normally, has a file size approximately the the size of a high def video, and is on an unlisted secret part of a suspected front company.... but no one knows what is on those files that James alefontes denies exists.

Titus Frost credibility has come up a few times too. Gang stalking claims are incredibly suspect and Titus trying to pass off what was people finding open unsecure info as Computer Science III hacking is laughable. Not saying he's a shill, not saying he's sincere. Only that I am skeptical of old information that is damning being falsely represented in a way that can make us all look crazy and by association make the real evidence (that need only be unencrypted) look like crazy babel normies should ignore.

A video on "gang stalking" (at the rate shit is going though I wouldn't be surprised to find its all true later on. Just skeptical)

listentoreason2017 ago

Gang stalking is legitimately the purview of the paranoid schizophrenics. It's just that the internet has allowed people across vast distances to link up and confirm their own "experiences".

Sometimes there isn't a conspiracy. There's just the onset of an undiagnosed mental illness.

Ample4th ago

The New York Times, whose current CEO tried to cover up the Jimmy Savile case at the BBC. The New York Times which also said PizzaGate was "Fake News" and Russia hacked the election with the help of Kremlin operative Julian Assange based on no factual evidence. Yeah, I read that hit piece from one of the biggest purveyors of fake news, The New York Times. It's not going to work here.

listentoreason2017 ago

Sigh. I guess I should link to some wordpress or infowars articles. That'll do the trick.

Ample4th ago

You are correct that you should treat the subject of "gangstalking" with skeptism because about 95% of the youtube videos about it are disinfo. Here is a better source of information on Zersetzen as coined by the Stasi instead of the disinformation term "gangstalking"

These psychological tactics are linked to corrupt police, intelligence contractors and certain CULTS connected to police and intelligence agencies like Scientology. The fact that the hacker had his car tampered with lends him credibility because that is EXACTLY what they do to intimidate.

ArcherMcTaco ago

We'll see what happens. A possibility I havent concidered is the twitter nobody described old news incorrectly and has gotten a bunch of paranoid criminals thinking he's got the decrypted files. God help the poor bastard either way, if he is failing at his job for his masters he could end up suicided. If he is being tracked down he could end up suicided. Bad possition man.

Nana66 ago

They have to give it to Preet Bharara.

roundhouse1776 ago

THIS IS THE CORRECT ANSWER. Congratulations, you win this thread. But they can't give him anything if they don't have anything.

V____Z ago


Lobotomy ago

He took the information to the DC police, of fucking course nothing happened. Nothing would have happened if he took it to the inbred wankers at the FBI, either.

MolochHunter ago

depends which faction of the fbi he'd hand it to. DC police, though - with their chief sucking alefantis' dick on every occasion and charging a raped 11 year old girl with 'malicious complaint' - no hope whatsoever there

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Can he send it to Sessions?

MiamisMark ago

Seems legit to me, but Id like to know what was found here. He says child porn, but there was no evidence of that. I do believe this is all real but I want more proof!

Disgusted-Lurker ago

If this is true and a hacker has actually been able to access the password-protected area and found child porn (I'm skeptical), then there is nothing more anyone can do here.

The "hacker" should turn info over to the FBI and leave it in their hands.

pizza_merc ago

Naw, just report to media and wikileaks

netneverforget ago

did u even read the article ? he did hand it over, nothing happened.

wh0care ago

correction: he did say he gave it to them, and showing some screenshot for supposedly prooving that he had emails with them, (can be easily faked) so nothing at all is prooven here...IF he really hacked it with success, why not just show proofs for some others hackers/techies for verify it ?? it would be easy to do so... IF i was him now i would have go public instead of fearing them, since 1)"they" (in his story) seems to know where he live 2)he already told police about the supposed hack, so from who is he hiding now ? ...all this story seems to not add up...

V____Z ago

The FBI was responsible for destroying evidence of pedo politicians in the Frankin case. I don't know if we can trust anyone considering this ring is connected to the powers that be.

Disgusted-Lurker ago

I agree that the FBI may or may not be able to be trusted.

I, for one, will not dig too far down any rabbit hole that ends up with child porn on my computer. That's where I draw the line and leave it to law enforcement...

ArcherMcTaco ago

From looking at the Meta game of the Comey stuff.... it seems to be 'factions'. Also FBI agents died in the franklin case. We aren't dealing with an entire agency that is involved, we are dealing with infultrators in massive numbers.

MolochHunter ago

yes, well said. We need to be mindful of the diversity and factions within FBI, CIA etc

ArcherMcTaco ago

From what FBI anon here say said, it seems Comey is aware and walking a fine line. Things like the getting people to have immunity knowing that they would lie was intentional. At the same time he's been sending suspected infiltrators off of any case of any importance and has tasked them with entry level paper work.

Trump seems to be trying to clean house in CIA next. CIA isn't a monolyth, it works more like 5 to 7 mini CIA's.What will happen next there is anyones guess.

I do worry this whole thing will be used to justify the NSA indefinately. However it is a damn good case for it as well. Hopefully then it becomes a matter of restructuring how these things are handled so it doesn't become turn key tyrany.

V____Z ago

Just for the record, when the investigator was flying home from DC, with his young son, after having met with the photographer who takes the incriminating photos at the DC parties, his plane blew up midair over a field in Iowa - the most chilling part for me is that the FBI showed up within minutes, swept the entire field for all the papers that came from the investigator's briefcase, collected them onto a big flatbed truck and was gone before the police arrived. This, per Ted Gunderson, head of LA FBI turned whistleblower, slow-killed via Arsenic.

Insubordinate ago

The plane crash occurred in Illinois. You also left out one important fact: The investigation of Gary Caradori's plane crash was conducted by non other than Joliet, IL police chief Robert Wadman. Wadman was the former Omaha police chief and was highly implicated in the Franklin scandal. Go figure.

V____Z ago

Holy crap. <Thanks for the correction>

Blacksmith21 ago

I m unsure of the legalities of it, and not that I want to see it, but a few blacked out images of CP would go a long way of confirming its existence. I am a believer, but it would likely prove to the naysayers that it really did exist on this site. Maybe.

Singleservename ago

Fuck these LARPing pedogate profiteering assholes and fuck the whores that post them here.

ArcherMcTaco ago

I'd work to see if he is being pushed to misrepersent the encrypted files. I find it suspect old info is being passed off as new and misrepersented as a hacking is gonna be the next disinfo push since the "this is fake news, Comet has no basement, pay no attention to the emails of a public figure cause "muh privacy" you racist rapist."

V____Z ago


Catchthem ago

I so hope this is a true story! This would be the smoking gun for JA/ Comet.. (sad for the childeren who are hurt by this though) But this can mean it can all be stopped by evidence.

comeonpeople ago

Old -- and fake -- news.

The password protected page is a default page automatically set up by the webhost. If you make an account with that host and create a site, it will automatically have one of those pages created by default.

The list of files was just a bullshit hoax. Anyone can make a fake screenshot.

TabiCatTwo ago

That's what I thought. Feel like we've come full circle. First time it was exciting, this time it feels delating.

NotAnIdiot ago

Stop spreading lies.

reasonedandinformed ago

You prove the importance and legitimacy of this post and info as you are blatant CTR. Look at his history.

reasonedandinformed ago

Cautionary CTR Troll here.

ArcherMcTaco ago

Yeah, no. Files are real and I saw it for myself. I'm not alone either. Check the old 8 chan archives.

But it is old and the guy who is pushing this is misrepresenting what was on there. We don't know what the encrypted files are. No one has cracked them that we know of.

comeonpeople ago

Here is a november 8th archive of the protected area;

Again, the password-protected page is a page AUTOMATICALLY CREATED by the webhost. You can create an account there, make a website, and see for yourself. You will automatically have the same form on your site.

How it looked after they supposedly got past the login page;

Yes, that is the fake part.

Natural_Vinegar ago

I don't understand what that image is supposed to show. I agree that you can see a hard edge around the text when the image is amplified like that, but you can also see a hard edge around the elements in the address bar and the main (green) menu—which there'd be no reason to fake. Just looks like JPG compression artefacts have been exaggerated?

deorder ago

Yes. These are just Jpeg compression artifacts. The person that created that screenshot just used the inspector to modify the login page into that list.

The screenshot with the empty list orginates from the PG discord. I was there at that time. That person (creator of the PG discord) did not want to give the password, just like the person from the other screenshot at 4chan. When I showed that person this is just a Jimdo CMS login page they ignored me while acting like a "1337" hacker/cracker (=scriptkiddie).

Why do people claiming to be "1337” even think about using Discord.

redditsuckz ago

Yeah your right...I tried a screenshot from the comet ping pong website and uploaded it to the photo forensics and it gave the same compression artifacts.

reasonedandinformed ago

Wrong. It took you to the screenshotted page until they changed it after it was exposed in early Nov.

comeonpeople ago

The screenshotted password protected page was real. As I said, that page is generated automatically with that webhost.

The screenshotted page of the list of files, accessible only after inputting the password, was fake.

reasonedandinformed ago

Wrong. I saw it when we got in in November.

comeonpeople ago

You did not go to Comet's website and see a list of encrypted files.

You saw a fake screenshot of it.

deorder ago

I pointed this out before:

This is all just running in circles. Crazy how people repeatedly present this as new information.

You can find the hosting provider at:

Examples of other Jimdo CMS websites their "/protected" pages:

You can find more at:

AreWeSure ago

Several people are here are claiming the Comet gunman was staged to shoot the computer that hosted this superduper secret list of files

stellarcorpse ago

Can you give us one sensible reason why a Pizza Shop owner would have such secret encrypted files Mr. Logical?

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

Don't know if it's real or nt. Someone said the area contained encrypted files. Maybe that's what law enforcement is working on - unencrypting the files.

Hazilla ago

Do we know the page that listed those ZIP files actually existed and that those files exist? Did anyone manage to download them?

archons ago

I actually logged into that page when the password leaked. I am pretty sure I got the files somewhere.

V____Z ago

It sounds like that's what the hackers already did. Maybe if the police were not Masons, sworn to protect other Masons before actually doing their damn job, they would hire some hackers and really investigate instead of revealing the hackers address to some gang stalkers. Why does it seem more dangerous to blow the whistle on child abuse than to promote and take part in it?

The_Invincible_Moose ago

What's with all the duplicated topics lately?

This only serves to fragment the discussion and create confusion. I'm starting to think that duplicating threads is s shill tactic.

ArcherMcTaco ago

It seems suspicious, but we are all way too paranoid. It's drawing attention to one of the most damning peices of evidence, but its being misrepresented as we know 100% what those files are, or that it was found via hackers. Neither is true. It's also not new, it was found back before the reddit/4chan bannings.

Also the source has been considered less than credible. If I were wearing tin-foil I'd say it looks like someone is trying to make it seem like the most damning evidence that need only be decrypted is nothing more than crazy people talk.

V____Z ago

The video just came out two hours ago. But I was expecting complaints on this thread since every time we post good evidence to Voat, this happens. I will link last nights post above so we don't go confusing everyone.

wh0care ago

"good evidence" is not some randoms claims and screenshot on a pay/views youtube channel ! are u new to the internet ?... IFFF he really hacked it, he could be able to provide real proof of it and make it verify by others hackers/ he just have to do that, simple! 2months now this came out and still nothing ? just a random screenshot for supposdly proof that he had a convo with a cops? not enough, especially when u are aware of the amount of LARPer/Trolls/Shills who are floating around PizzaGate investigation...

Edit: and i would love it to be true ! i hope it is ! but i highly doubt of it, this whole hacker story who want to stay anonymous while "them" supposedly know where he live and he give already info on police for his hackers skills etc, so why the hell he want stay anonyous and hide now ? i cant see any good reasons...wise move would have been to go public now, not hiding (IF this true all this make me doubt of it personnaly...).