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comeonpeople ago

Old -- and fake -- news.

The password protected page is a default page automatically set up by the webhost. If you make an account with that host and create a site, it will automatically have one of those pages created by default.

The list of files was just a bullshit hoax. Anyone can make a fake screenshot.

reasonedandinformed ago

Wrong. It took you to the screenshotted page until they changed it after it was exposed in early Nov.

comeonpeople ago

The screenshotted password protected page was real. As I said, that page is generated automatically with that webhost.

The screenshotted page of the list of files, accessible only after inputting the password, was fake.

deorder ago

I pointed this out before:

This is all just running in circles. Crazy how people repeatedly present this as new information.

You can find the hosting provider at:

Examples of other Jimdo CMS websites their "/protected" pages:

You can find more at:

AreWeSure ago

Several people are here are claiming the Comet gunman was staged to shoot the computer that hosted this superduper secret list of files

stellarcorpse ago

Can you give us one sensible reason why a Pizza Shop owner would have such secret encrypted files Mr. Logical?