VieBleu ago

The guy is in marketing. He got the job after writing a book that probably didn't go far. The company makes a doohicky that helps oil companies measure the separation between oil and water. The company is in the oil business so yeah, it probably sold to those companies. This does not PROVE Titus Frost is a shill.

He also helped organize an anti-Monsanto protest in his area, so what does that make him, a flaming lib communist? No.

You just go so far, find an oil company involved, and that's it, HE'S NOT PURE ENOUGH.

ArcherMcTaco ago

To other diggers saying that, go through the old reddit archives. There should be a story on here as well about a guy being followed and having his kid harassed in this thread. As far as what happened to me, I got off easy. I won't go into detail because the nature of what I got gives away a bit too much, but I don't even think they really know who I am. Just scatter shot anger at jokes I make. If I were a threat I would be hacked sure, but I genuinely am just a lurker and shit poster... Not a digger. I raise more questions dead than I do with any shit post in my circle. I also have a guardian angel who I will not talk about, but if my name came up it would tip off that persons WTF meter and he would rage at whoever put me on there.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Crazy. I don't know anything about the guy but he was crazy aggressive towards me during my whole thing

Aloha808 ago

Sitting on a smoking gun for months like a douche

sK_DirtMcGirt ago

This link may be a little more relevant

It has a screen cap of the protected area (with the files) in one of the replies. You may have to browse the thread a bit to find it, tho.

The357Cure ago

Pedophiles better swing in mass executions. And we better kill them slowly. None of this humane, pussy-ass breaking their necks. NO. Hang them slow, hands unbound. Make it special.

Then we bring our children by and teach them that this is what moral, CIVILIZED societies do to predators who harm children.

I'm not joking. I'm not being shocking for the sake of it. I'm dead serious. I would do this.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

I am sick at the number of people who respond with "we can't sink to their level" when I say we should hang all of these fucks. If a child murderer/rapist/cannibal doesn't deserve to be hanged, who does??

The357Cure ago

That's what I call comic book morality: the notion that Batman killing the Joker is just as evil as the Joker killing 1000's.

I blame the Jews.

8pinkstars ago

Agree 100%

cakeoflightylight ago

Maybe he realizes he has to have a real job?

cakeoflightylight ago

I decided to look into Flat Earth also. I try to be open minded. It has zero to do with the discovery on CPP Pizza. But there are some aspects of Pizzagate which relate to Flat Earth, primarily that NASA might be a cover for the top secret harmonic mind control that they do on MK Ultra victims. You can choose not to believe in any theory you want but I don't think being a Flat Earther has anything to do with being controlled opposition. If you understood that, you would move along but sadly, you don't because you've probably never even considered the Flat Earth arguments or many of the other conspiracies that are simultaneously going on.

roundhouse1776 ago

The reasons I see for flat earth theory being controlled opposition:

  1. It's completely idiotic, yet whenever it's brought up, there are always people who rabidly defend it

  2. Known and suspected shills are always pushing it.

  3. Articles or people who try to discredit conspiracy theorists like to list it, more frequently than more popular or widely accepted conspiracy theories.

cakeoflightylight ago

I never saw that this was brought up as a topic on pizzagate forums at all until very recently when David Seaman claimed that it was being brought up ALL THE TIME on pizzagate forums. I looked into David Seaman at that point and realized that he only worked at HuffPo for approximately two months from what I could tell, before he was fired. I haven't learned anything from David Seaman. I've never heard of him before Pizzagate. I'd never heard of Brittany Pettibone either. Suddenly these people come into my world via twitter and I am told to come to Voat. I came to Voat and found that most of the discussion is met with people accusing other people of being disinfo shills, or it's being deleted.

While I agree that some of the stuff being spread on Pizzagate is fake and that there are most definitely shills out there (I know from experience before Pizzagate how common that is) I don't think being a Flat Earther is relevant to making someone a shill at all.

Also I don't think it's idiotic to be a Flat Earther. I think if you're that concerned about Flat Earth being brought up, beware of anyone who brings it up on Voat, not just people who bring it up in other places.

As for Titus Frost, I had seen his name before but couldn't remember where. Then I realized it was probably from watching Flat Earth videos.

I don't want to discuss Flat Earth on here or why people think it's idiotic, but I will say I have numerous Facebook friends and groups that discuss Flat Earth theory and the vast majority of them do not seem to be Pizzagate investigators. I heard there was a conspiracy theory that Flat Earth is a CIA psyop months ago, and that is one of the reasons I decided to look into it. I have concluded that Flat Earth is a real movement and not a CIA psyop. I think because of our level of disbelief that something could be true, it makes us less likely to look into it for possible acceptance. I don't think it's a good idea to link it to Pizzagate or to shills, because I do know that Cathy O'Brien said NASA is where they took her for MK Ultra torture programming. I'm not a shill, nobody is paying me to be here. I'm here as a concerned citizen and I think people who want to divide and conquer will keep hammering on this point.

I see the same thing on Facebook all the time with people who are Pagan or Satanists, they get really upset any time someone brings up Satanic Ritual Abuse. I admit, before I watched the Fuel Project Know Your Enemy, I was into New Age stuff and I could not recognize illuminati symbols to save my life. Back then I thought the theories I was seeing on Facebook about Satanic ritual abuse and Satanism and ritual abortions were too crazy to be true. Now that I know better, and now that this is coming out about Spirit Cooking etc, all I can say is that they are all so extremely Satanic and psychotic that the world is really not ready to handle this information. Only by investigating what we think is crazy do we begin to see what is real and what isn't. Personally my line of too crazy happens to be around the Max Spiers level and reptilians. That's where I get annoyed with the fakeness. But Flat Earth is not too crazy to be true, it's just something we are conditioned not to accept as possible. Moving on.

VieBleu ago

I'm curious - you are not a Satanist, right? So why do you pick a name/handle that is the favored sacrament for a Satanic ritual?

cakeoflightylight ago

It's pizzagate related and it came to my mind while I was creating an account, just like all the people with weird names on this board. I'm a Christian. Not a Satanist by any stretch of the imagination. This question was asked before... I don't understand how it isn't obvious why people choose mocking sounding names referring to Pizzagate.

VieBleu ago

it isn't obvious at all, that's why people ask you about it. Invoking a high Satanist ritual ceremony daily must be uncomfortable for you as a good Christian.

cakeoflightylight ago

There's a user name abortionburger and tons of other users with offensive sounding names. I heard about the OTO ritual cake of light around the time that J.A. was on this board harassing people and the next day I was banned from my original account for posting something about Planned Parenthood organ trafficking. So when I created a new account this was the first name that came to mind. It's not uncomfortable for me to mention what Satanists do, it's uncomfortable to me to know that they do it though. I'm not looking to avoid the fact that evil exists.

VieBleu ago

actually, I was going to mention abortionburger as someone who also gets asked a lot lol. she really should change that name it is so off-putting even over time - yours not so much.

cakeoflightylight ago

Well actually the name is like an advertisement of sorts, if people think Satanism is fake, they can google Cake of Light and see that Satanists eat human flesh in a ritual, then the whole thing about Kuru and HRC makes more sense.

VieBleu ago

yes true. thanks for answering I get it now.

roundhouse1776 ago

Hey thanks for the detailed response. I'm not accusing you of being a shill, I just personally do not think there is any validity at all to flat earth. I think it originally started as a psyop and now has a following that is a mixture of legit conspiracy theorists and shills.

Everyone has their own "pet" theories though. I'm sure I believe in at least a few that most others in the conspiracy crowd think are stupid or crazy.

cakeoflightylight ago


DriftingDevoid ago

Wow the shilling is this thread is real. So hard to establish any authenticity.

ArcherMcTaco ago

The "We the Pizza" 'Hack' (again, not a hack. The person who got it said they got it by following the 'Pizza' instructions and social engineering their way in) is a bit harder to verify. For one, I didn't download that shit on my computer so I cannot say for sure what it is. Its also a big reason Reddit shut down pizzagate bc people did share legit cp.

When that first happened, the person who shared it gave the out a megaupload link with the un edited pics. They were freaked out and paranoid. It was allegedly 2 people (one of which allegedly went missing) and the 'hacker' said the D.C. police were harassing them. The problem with this is proving it was from 'we the pizza' and not someone just Larping and sharing CP. According to 2nd hand info: - The CP shared isn't the kind of stuff you would come across on regular cp sites -Exif data was scrubbed

I wish I could give more answers, sadly it's hard to verify a lot of shit due to the law and how paranoid everyone is.

Birdzeyeview ago

oh shit yeah this is SO LEGIT isnt t it wonderful to think that all the WORK done here INVESTIGATING and RESEARCHING all these WEEKS has led to Podesta and Killary and that sick fuck who makes the cawfins and the sick fucks who sold their kid WHERE IS CARIS JAMES!!!!!!! and the sick fucks who hid Eric Braverman, Killed Monica and Julian, and all their sick satanic pedo mates are now all cooling their heels in the cooler until they hit Death Row and all get their lethal Injections and omg then it is GAME OVER!!!!!! we are the champions we got them all put away!!! they will be publically HANGED by sunrise next weekend yahdah yahdah yah !!! woo hooo MISSION ACCOMPLISHED pat yo selves on the back the kiddies are all free from the dungeons and the pig farm and Pegasus museum and thanks to all here they now will not be steam cooked and eaten and cremated in the kilns after their organs are harvested they can play in the fields freeeeeee thanks to all here!!!!!

stellarcorpse ago

You mock it all. (with great wit.) But talk of Pegasus got the pizzagategear guys life threatened and that of his family & GF so we must of touched a nerve. Did we? As for Marina, seriously, my old friend masochist Ron Athey is far more exciting. Few of us actually take seriously that anyone is being eaten. I sure don't. No one has killed Julian. He is alive and still his sexy, yummy self.

stellarcorpse ago

I am one of the few that think many will get away with it all. The kiddie stuff that is. I'm jaded like that. The Satanic angle; I'm skeptical of. Takes discipline and commitment and for good or bad, a sense of spirituality. These people don't strike me as being particularly deep. Maybe poseur blood & guts stuff to impress their rich friends. The kind heavy metal teens indulge in. Nothing truly esoteric. Not to say other elites don't indulge in this. But these in question, strike me as hopelessly shallow, rich, entitled DC brats. Oh and Marina is an unoriginal bore.

WhereIsCarisJames ago

Where is Caris James?

TheAmericanPatriot ago


PakisLove2GetShot ago

People need to remember that walter mitties, compulsive liars and conmen exist. They're scumbags trying to offer you hope that Alefantis & Co will get caught for either money or attention.

There was a 4chan thread where a screenshot of the passworded zips was posted and right after that, they were deleted from the website. There was a short window of opportunity to crack them and not one person claims to have done so. The guy could have sent the link to wikileaks and not said anything but he was probably retarded.

This Titus Frost guy isn't offering any proof and asking for donations, its pretty obvious what he's up to.

PakisLove2GetShot ago

The idiot who hacked into the comet ping pong website gained access to a page with zip file asking for download codes.

Instead of getting someone to crack those codes, he posted a screencap on /pol/ for bragging rights and got the files deleted. Utter fucking cunt. He could have just given the link and password to wikileaks and not said shit but he HAD to brag on /pol/, fucking ADD piece of shit.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

That was my thought too when I saw the post on /pol,/ "why in the fuck would you post this until AFTER the contents had been revealed??"

carlip ago

This is an obvious shill account. Look at the CCP scp

MolochHunter ago

but one thing you can use conjecture on: why does a pizza shop even need a 'private' part of their website, worthy of needing encryption?

I'm pretty sure them pizza recipies arent solid gold intellectual property

Devious1 ago

I was in the original chans when all this was going down. This password was cracked, to reveal the encrypted docs, which were never decrypted - cracked

MolochHunter ago

wait - does this mean that even though edgar Welch's one bullet 'miraculously' hit Alefantis' computer, the public p/g community HAS a copy of his data - we just cant crack it?

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

As far as we know, all that exists on "our side" is the screenshot of the File List on the Password-Protected page on CPP's website. The contents of the files were never discovered. No idea if someone has an actual hard copy of the .ZIP files.

cakeoflightylight ago

I just want the FBI to crack it. After that video I saw of John Podesta torturing that little kid yesterday I don't know if I want to see anything else. I just want them all in prison or to off each other or themselves and I want all the kids home with their moms.

MolochHunter ago

allegedy of John Podesta, but whoever the fuck it was needs to hang by their scrotum. I didnt watch it, wasnt game to, I know how this shit can compromise your mental health

cakeoflightylight ago


Devious1 ago

I'm pretty sure that was the case. Yes

Edit: I think the news of the bullet through the hard drive of the computer was to say to the elites, don't worry - data has been destroyed. - Why else would a bullet go through a locked door and into the computer casing, directly into the hard disk - destroying data. These guys are not that smart - they are sloppy and leave clues that are there if you look hard enough.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Even sloppier when you look at the bullet-hole and where the HDD was, because there's no way that bullet would have hit the HDD unless fired straight down.

Devious1 ago

Agreed "staged" comes to mind. The bullet went down directly into the HD area.

MolochHunter ago

oh, yes, I thought it a dreadfully obvious giveaway at the time

stellarcorpse ago

I have been saying from day one that this is mainly about child porn/ child rape films . Perhaps those pizza parties these elites in the Podesta emails are so obsessed with are CP viewing /filming parties. Not sure about DC but these do occur among the wealthy, well connected elite in Hollywood where I live. Also Satanic Cults almost always film their ritual abuse. Also a thing in Tinseltown. (they don't call it Hollywood Babylon for nothing.) It's a billion dollar industry. The famous Pegasus Museum may be a place where production takes place or viewings. Hence the freak out by Alefantis at the pizzagategear guy.

Hope we get verification and proof of this. Those hidden files for a pizza parlor always bothered me.

ArcherMcTaco ago

It's old news, but mostly accurate news. Until the files are cracked no one can say with 100% certainty what are those files. However it is suspect enough for investigation to be warrented.... but still hasn't happened to this day.

Basically stack it on top of all the other accusation and piles of evidence.

srayzie ago

How would trying to prove that Pizzagate is real benefit him other than just being a concerned citizen? What would his job have to do with anything?

The_Invincible_Moose ago

Aaaaannnd, the next tweet begs for money:

Hey ya'll if enough of you support me I can become a journalist full time: @ImperatorTruth on @patreon. #OnPatreon

abortionburger ago

To be fair, that's his stickied tweet. It's been on there since I can remember.

vector3rector ago

This genuinely made me laugh.

Frosty Tight-Ass doesnt realize those where directory files. They weren't hidden and this was clarified close to two months ago before Reddit banned /r/pizzagate .

roundhouse1776 ago

Lol, good point. I was more talking about the "steer it astray" part of your comment.

roundhouse1776 ago

I don't think so. I think Seaman is an opportunist who saw a way to get his name out there and make some money. He just repeats what other people are saying and claims to have "insider" sources.

MolochHunter ago

hes a reporter more so than an investigator. No sin in that, we all have a role + function

vector3rector ago

A bad one at that.

He doesn't realize those were directory files. In no way were they hidden. He doesn't even know what he's talking about. This was cleared up close to two months ago. He's more than welcome to come on here and back up his proof.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

He doesn't realize those where were directory files. In no way where were they hidden. He doesn't even know what he's talking about. This was cleared up close to two months ago. He's more then than welcome to come on here and backup back up his proof.


vector3rector ago

Thanks Hefe. All pizzagate and no sleep makes me rushed and careless.

party1981 ago

This would explain why the bullet went into the hard drive. They are setting Alefantis as the fall guy.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

The bullet couldn't have gone into the hard drive through the bullet-hole we were shown unless it was fired from directly above the computer.

Hazilla ago

Exactly. The so called "gunman" apparently shot at a wall, which then deflected the bullet off and shot the PC directly in the top and centre of the PC at a 90 degree angle, hahahaha. Even if that was the case, the hard-drive would not have been touched imo, as it looks like it's just a standard ATX case which would mean the hard-drives would be down at the bottom at the front of the case.

The PC was blatently shot at by either Alefantis or someone he knows to give himself an excuse to destroy whatever was hidden on those hard-drives, and give a nod to his fellow pedo friends to reassure them that he has destroyed the evidence.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

Your second paragraph is pure speculation, but I don't know why it couldn't be correct.

stellarcorpse ago

He will not be a fall guy.

ArcherMcTaco ago

Bingo. They are encrypted files get the crack get your answer. The section used to be unprotected, now it is under lock and key. The files were only removed when people started digging and there was no password. No clue if they were put back.

roundhouse1776 ago

Controlled opposition. Also, go to his twitter page, pinned at the top is a tweet asking for money from his followers so he can be a "full-time reporter". Sure..more like being paid twice to be a full-time misinformation agent.

VieBleu ago

when did asking for support and money become a cardinal sin? We live in a material world.

ArcherMcTaco ago

It's true and has been known for a while, but the files are encrypted and no one has cracked them

ArcherMcTaco ago

It's legit. I have seen this for myself and even more damning is the dates on those "files" match up to suspicious emails from Podesta... But hold your horses because its not solved. Go through the old 8chan archives and you will see that those files are encrypted out the wazzoo. No one knows for sure what is on those files, no one we know has cracked em. All we know is they are the size of a video file on average. Unless those files get cracked, it's not enough to convict because it is not beyond a reasonable doubt.

Also no one "broke in" it used to be unprotected (but hidden from the main site), then a password was added.

It's the Stenography in the Stratfor ''pizza'' sites all over again. We can prove that there is a link to suspicious things and pizza code. We can prove the link to Podesta and the existance of more suspicious material. What we cannot prove is that the files have any CP or instructions on getting CP (supposidly the stenography for Stratfor had instructions for getting CP, not CP it's self only cracked image was of Moloch.)

Fun fact: it was around this time diggers started getting phonecalls of little girls laughing or screaming (if they searched on their phones) or emails to their gmail accounts telling them to fuck off and quit digging.

archons ago

I remember some people were claiming their gmails were being harassed, very odd spam emails were making it past the spam filter to them. Did anyone post evidence of this though?

Wolftrail7272 ago

Wow. I remember this. Completely forgot though.

carmencita ago

Hey, can these be hacked, because if they are encrypted that means no, right? Wow. Phone calls of laughing or screaming girls? This is insane.

ArcherMcTaco ago

It's why its being passed off as "new"

witch_doctor1 ago

You speak the truth Sir. I was lurking on 8chan when that was going down...didn't chime in as I have no hacking skills. But I can confirm that the file sizes were about what you would expect from a video, and that there was no indication that anybody was able to crack the encryption. So, I too am doubtful this guy is legit.

slickleg64 ago

Whats the 8chan thread?

cakeoflightylight ago

You don't need enough to convict - that's the FBI's job - they can crack them.

ArcherMcTaco ago

fingers crossed.

Criticalthinker615 ago

i remember that well. around that same time a pedophile followed my family and i around a store and a weirdo showed up in full ledger joker costume and tried to scare my kids. crazy stuff. never felt closer to being in a movie.

ArcherMcTaco ago

I feel sorry for some of you. I too have had some weird stuff happen to me (nothing I will go in detail about, I don't wish to Identify myself by outting the attempts made and confirming anything). I seem to be a pain in the ass but not able to be singled out or 100% confimed (yet). It's more just sad attempts that even the most basic retard would know how to avoid falling in. But yeah, weird attempts to get me to respond/react. (It helps I also have 1 guardian angel who will bat for me if it does go that far)

I'm no Vaguard of cracking this. I will say certain rumors if they seem helpful, bounce some ideas, call bullshit and clarify but I ain't clicking shit and I ain't downloading shit. I ain't putting myself or my family at risk because if you are only a spectator it looks insane for them to go after you. It looks even crazier to the normies in your life who notice the weird shit. Use script blockers, use ad blockers, use tracker blockers, install custom greasemonkey scripts if you are savvy enough. VPN if possible but that can be a double edged sword, so if you don't VPN (or even if you do) be honest and open on a public forum about your legit concerns about this. and for fuck sake don't use Chrome. It will keep you safer than snooping around with no record of why and allowing these sites to go free range on your browser.

roundhouse1776 ago

You are passing secondhand information off as facts.

ArcherMcTaco ago

What part of " I have seen this for myself" is second hand. What is in dispute is what is in those encrypted files, no one knows. No one cracked the encryption and no one wants to risk downloading CP on their comp. Go read the archives yourself.

By the way, nice 2 month old account. Are you enjoying your totally not suspicious stay on Voat?

Freemasonsrus ago

I would assume if someone did actually crack that section that they very well may have passed it along to authorities and said nothing so as not to tip them off. But that would be the intelligent thing to do and a lot of times the hackers have a need to brag about results. Who knows.

ArcherMcTaco ago

If someone cracked it, it would have to be a person with serious resources. It wouldn't be some one at their PC. I highly doubt it was cracked given how serious the encryption was.

roundhouse1776 ago

Lol, one of the most common tactics of shills is to accuse other people of shilling. My account is 2 months old, just like a huge number of other people on this forum, because we came here after the pizzagate subreddit got banned. Try harder next time.

112263V ago

agreed. old goats please stop acting like....old goats. without us newbs to spread your digging results you would still be a high school chess club.

ArcherMcTaco ago

What happened to my 'Second hand info' argument?

PresudentMcCheese ago

Total Bullshit. But you'll be pizzagate president soon since you give the idiots what they want.

ArcherMcTaco ago

Member for 2 months? That doesn't seem suspicious.

ArcherMcTaco ago

Looks like we hit a nerve. The files exist and were on the site, I saw it myself and there are old archives. No one can say for sure what is on the suspicious encrypted files though. No one has cracked the files.

but please keep copy and pasting this response, it in no way looks suspicious

FriesischShipping ago

I saw them too, the shilly silliness going on here indicates a pedonerve being struck.

ArcherMcTaco ago

I'm not sure what the end game is here. On one hand this draws attention to one of the most fucked up peices of info that shows something is up. On the other hand it is misrepresenting it as big bad hackers on steroids stomped financial grade encrytion in the nuts using nothing but a potato. Here are a list of possibilities:

  • This twitter no-body with no credibility is a secret insider who knows the hacker named 4chan who hacked the server recently and got past the password and financial grade encryption and has personally verified that it is CP (not likely)
  • This twitter nobody found an old story he thinks is new and the normies that JUST started looking into it when the disinfo started believe (likely)
  • He has connections and is being paid to misrepresent this damning piece of evidence because previous misinfo campaigns backfired so someone wants to delegitimize the damning stuff as lunatic speak asap. (likely)
  • This is all fake news, podesta was really talking about pizza, hotdogs, walnut sauce, etc. and $65,000 of taxpayer money spent on importing hotdogs from chicago is just government waste that no one should be upset about because the president deserve to eat good food. (CNN CONFIRMED FACT)

newworldahead ago

"Pedonerve" lol, good one!

TheAmericanPatriot ago

bro alefantis has another restaurant with another website.

crystalclearme ago

Boy look at the waves of down voats. Yes- I'd say a nerve has been hit.

Lovethelight ago

Good to know. What do you think he is trying to achieve?

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

Why would they need a protected section?

cakeoflightylight ago

Top Secret Pizza Parties

Pechal ago

Woah, this is really something....

roundhouse1776 ago

He also openly claims to be part of Anonymous. I'm pretty sure that's not how Anonymous works...

Dejure ago

Surprised they havent doxed or name fagged him for that claim

VieBleu ago

anyone can be and can say they are part of anonymous. You are incorrect.

vector3rector ago

I dont think he knows "how to anonymous".

ArthurEdens ago

At least possession charges

pizzaequalspedo ago

Praying this is true

ArcherMcTaco ago

Change your prayer to hoping someone cracks the encryption. this is old news.

roundhouse1776 ago

We'll see won't we. It's entirely possible, that password protected area on a pizzeria website is really suspicious.

On the other hand, I don't trust Titus Frost. I used to be subscribed to his Youtube channel, but at some point he turned from investigating pizzagate into one of the "Trump is a globalist puppet, this was all part of their plan" people so I stopped following him.

leahxpearl ago

I mean, he could be though? His businesses were bailed out of collapse by the Rothschilds weren't they?

roundhouse1776 ago

It's a possibility, I won't completely discount any theory anymore. But the pure hatred that the globalists have for Trump makes it much more likely he's one of the good guys.

V____Z ago

Debate can be found here


Edit: half way through. The Brit seems to be unintentionally making a solid case for the fact that pizzagate is real, by showing that there are no rational, intelligent or coherent arguments against the evidence. At least he has failed to prevent any thus far...

"The Podestas are just sloppy typers"

"The Pizza Slut shirt? Why, you can buy them online! It's just having a go at Pizza Hut. It's a sign she has shitty parents, but it's not a sign of pedophaelia because obviously they don't want to get caught and wouldn't post any evidence online!"

"They really could just be talking about pizza"

Omg is this kid even trying?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Titus Frost @ImperatorTruth 1h Hey @cometpingpong it's too late to have expected us...

Titus Frost @ImperatorTruth 1h @ImperatorTruth The Anonymous hacker had his truck totaled on his cul-de-sac and a man dressed in camo arrested since submitting this info.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

WTF stop down voting!

V____Z ago

It's Saturday night. Alefantis is bored again.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I am beginning to think so!

V____Z ago

He did this last sat. and I think the week before too.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Interesting nearly all our comments was down voted!

badastrid ago

The voat climate has really changed in the past couple months. Here's a thread telling me I need to have compassion for pedos:

SayWhatNOWAY ago

WTF! Who put that thread on here!

badastrid ago

No shit! And who downvoated me?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I was hit last night with every comment being down voted!

badastrid ago

Voat really sucks now. Everyplace kinda does. At least here we can call it out when we see it.

Pechal ago

Can we please get any evidence of this. Of course I don't know how you could show off the evidence but tired of being lead along..

blind_sypher ago

Im a long time member and I can tell you with confidence that early on into the investigation efforts comet pingpong WAS found to have a protected section within its website.

cky_stew ago

But there is no proof this was unencrypted from that section

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

Rmm ago

Yes I saw it too with no hacking (the members link) Thereafter it was taken off Cpp website

Fire_Fly ago

Yes it most def was.

MAGABoomer ago

Jury out. Anon made many claims, literally most of them LARPS or flat out trolls. We've had several fake OMG I broke in, OMG there was hidden section. It was asshattery. So I'm not holding my breath on this one.

roundhouse1776 ago

But there really was a hidden section with encrypted files on the CPP website. As far as I know, no one was able to open them before it was deleted.

cakeoflightylight ago

Nothing on a computer being deleted is ever truly deleted. Right?

Fire_Fly ago

Yep and their website went down when it was found.

MAGABoomer ago

Ok well I'm gonna trust you on that. We had like 3 other "hidden" things such as the menu (fake) and a few other things. All meant to waylay us. I sincerely hope you're correct. I recall them talking about the hidden section on 4chan then 8chan, and it wasn't too long after that we started getting Larpers.

roundhouse1776 ago

Yea the menu was complete bullshit, I can't believe people fell for that. This is legit though, if you were on the original pizzagate subreddit on Reddit back in November, this password-protected area was one of the main focuses for quite awhile.

MAGABoomer ago

Yes, I was one of the originals. I do recall the efforts to get into that. So the spamming of fake shit after that was likely meant to make all of it seem fake. The best larp was the 2 guys who "helped" the FBI break into a pizza shop computer. I get trolling, I really do, but this investigation has had so much fake shit dropped on it that you have to some ways it's good they're putting so much effort into it, in other ways we have way too many innocents on this board who don't realize or only superficially realize what the net is and it makes them vulnerable to fakes.

Sometimes it feels that we've suddenly become like the FB trolling hags on websluts :) They get a bit scary. If you're foolish enough to have social media and have anyone on your friend's list commit a crime you too will be on websluts. They're the trolls of arm chair sleuths. That's why I did the video analysis for the World corp asshattery. Helping out the newfags because they're innocent of such things and easily tricked.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I pray it is true!

ArcherMcTaco ago

it's true, we've known this for a while, but they are encrypted files that no one has cracked.

Chatman ago

Is this the worldcorp leak? I didn't think they had a strong link between the worldcorp vids and CPP members section, as much as I want this to be true

MAGABoomer ago

Fuckitall...there is NOTHING in the worldcorp shit but shit to distract you. That's all. It's a fucking troll.

derram ago :

Titus Frost on Twitter: "Here's the bomb I have been sitting on I dropped in the debate: "Cheese Pizza" aka Child Porn was found in the Comet Protected Section."

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