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comeonpeople ago

Old -- and fake -- news.

The password protected page is a default page automatically set up by the webhost. If you make an account with that host and create a site, it will automatically have one of those pages created by default.

The list of files was just a bullshit hoax. Anyone can make a fake screenshot.

comeonpeople ago

Here is a november 8th archive of the protected area;

Again, the password-protected page is a page AUTOMATICALLY CREATED by the webhost. You can create an account there, make a website, and see for yourself. You will automatically have the same form on your site.

How it looked after they supposedly got past the login page;

Yes, that is the fake part.

Natural_Vinegar ago

I don't understand what that image is supposed to show. I agree that you can see a hard edge around the text when the image is amplified like that, but you can also see a hard edge around the elements in the address bar and the main (green) menu—which there'd be no reason to fake. Just looks like JPG compression artefacts have been exaggerated?

deorder ago

Yes. These are just Jpeg compression artifacts. The person that created that screenshot just used the inspector to modify the login page into that list.

The screenshot with the empty list orginates from the PG discord. I was there at that time. That person (creator of the PG discord) did not want to give the password, just like the person from the other screenshot at 4chan. When I showed that person this is just a Jimdo CMS login page they ignored me while acting like a "1337" hacker/cracker (=scriptkiddie).

Why do people claiming to be "1337” even think about using Discord.

redditsuckz ago

Yeah your right...I tried a screenshot from the comet ping pong website and uploaded it to the photo forensics and it gave the same compression artifacts.