JoJoVoat ago

wow is all

DustyRadio ago

I call it my Without Remorse list. After the excellent Tom Clancy book. There are a number of people who need Without Remorsed.

VieBleu ago

Are you fine with torturing someone you don't have proof positive they are a criminal and if they happen to be innocent you can live with yourself no problem? And you just hope no one decides you are a criminal and does the same to you?

Apparently torture doesn't work, and people just say whatever you want to hear to get it to stop. Also, are you going to waterboard someone without proof positive of a crime? If you have proof, why not just prosecute them like a civilized society does, instead of becoming just like them and torturing because you think it's fine for you to do for "good reasons".

Downvote this.

VieBleu ago

Apparently torture doesn't work, and people just say whatever you want to hear to get it to stop. Also, are you going to waterboard someone without proof positive of a crime? If you have proof, why not just prosecute them like a civilized society does, instead of becoming just like them and torturing because you think it's fine for you to do for "good reasons". Or are you fine with torturing someone you don't have proof positive they are a criminal and if they happen to be innocent you can live with yourself no problem.

Downvote this.

Aasb ago

Attention: There is a "hidden" gore picture in one of his instagram posts, or maybe Im hallucinating?

looks like a dead person with a heavy wound.

VieBleu ago

I think what we are seeing is a phenomenon where the prevailing aesthetic is "hipster degenerate" and so every arty person jumps on that bandwagon, and it also gives camouflage for actually abusive people who do real damage to children. Some of them are innocent, some of them are not. The innocent ones will point at anyone questioning this stuff and shout "Censorship!! Art is Relative!!" The child abusers growing among them like weeds will join their chorus and snigger.

Our job is to be able to discriminate between real abuse and stupid choices in art. Not an easy task at all. Bascially it could devolve into a witchunt instantly.

Innocent until proven guilty is the way it has to be.

dmthirdeye ago

Any guess why the LA Police department doesn't do anything about it? Ever seen their sheriffs badges? You might recognize a familiar symbol.'s_Department#/media/File:Badge_of_the_Sheriff_of_Los_Angeles_County.png

iamcrd ago

If i were you I would find an alternative to /4/chan. Its run by social justice warriors, feds, and really really sick people.

TweedleDee3000 ago

fyi, the pandas are a sheet of acid, i.e., LSD. That's how acid is distributed, on blotter paper, with little printed cartoons, logos, etc. See the comment on the side of the pic too, it's a sheet of acid.

RedGreenAlliance ago

In the photo with the boy with the pizza tattoo

A German person comments "kommst du mit wenn ich es mir stechen lasse?"

I speak a bit of German but was shaky on this phrasing. So ran through google translate and it comes back

"Do you come with me if I let it pierce me?"

Extremely odd comment about this pick, if not interpreting a paedo connection.

Sandy008 ago

The way this creature discusses his childhood, and his need to draw childish drawings, is code for being a pedophile. Apparently they justify their lust for kids by claiming to be children trapped in adults' bodies. Therefore, I'm just a kid, so I should be able to molest other kids!

Mtnchan ago

This is the most important post going right now, nearly everything we now know came from following social media leads and connections starting with the CPP IG. The content is so similar to what was found on and around CPP, that it shows a connection, probably through the bands, between DC and LA / Hollywood, there's a really strong link to Disney or at least to people who have worked for the Disney franchise. It's ready to see what these people are into via the feeds, it's like looking through their garbage, many are plainly just into the tripping /drug sub, some are just hipsters.

DavidBernheart ago

This is AMAZING! "Miley Cyrus leaves a trail of bread crumbs leading to Pizzagate!" Who doesn't want to click on that? How do we promote this?

redditsuckz ago

It's pretty clear to me now that pizza is a code word for pedophilia

Its clear pizza is also a code word for eating babies/children....

Baby in chicken costume - Comments on eating the child;

"Me After I Kill A Large Pizza by Myself" - pizzaslime

"You Are What you Eat...So I Am Pizza - little baby" - mypizzabrain

And I think this has more to do with satanic rituals then pedophilia since these people rape and eat these kids in order to steal their life force;

Aleister Crowley "The All Seeing Eye" Explained In His Own Words.


Just a heads up to people wanting to save the archive pics...just click the "screenshot" tab on the archived links then right click and save the pic.

VieBleu ago

Regarding this: "Just a heads up to people wanting to save the archive pics...just click the "screenshot" tab on the archived links then right click and save the pic."

Remember though that if you screenshot, identifying information from your computer may be incorporated into the screenshot data.

redditsuckz ago

Sounds like you dont want anyone making screenshots and saving any evidence?


@VieBleu is a shitstirring troll and is not to be taken seriously.

VieBleu ago

your reaction speaks volumes. HA HA HA. Outed. I merely reminded the researchers here that screenshots preserve their information. To protect them. Have a problem with that? OF COURSE YOU DO. Use alternative preservation methods such as archives, or clearn your metadata so it isn't preserved. End of story.

And that description of me by the most reviled mod here is my badge of honor. I wear it proudly on my bio. Thanks for reminding everyone that I am willing to fight to keep this forum from degenerating into a witchhunt calling for vigilante justice. No sweat by all means, keep it up.

redditsuckz ago

Exactly what information do screenshots preserve?...and is there a link to back up what you are saying?


Use alternative preservation methods such as archives, or clearn your metadata so it isn't preserved. End of story.


Screen-capturing tools are the most common way people try to preserve websites. These tools can be extremely useful and easy-to-use, and they are often free or low-cost. However, they have some downsides. First of all, if you need to submit evidence in court, screenshots are not the way to go.Screenshots can be altered and they do not collect metadata. It is not advisable to use these in court, especially if you capture them yourself.

VieBleu ago

just one example - google is your friend

Screenshots can be iffy, can preserve info you don't want preserved and when they are uploaded can provide more information about the user. I am not saying don't use screenshots, I am saying be aware if you want to protect your identity, and someone advocating screenshots when there are archives available that are much easier may have an alternative agenda. Use both, but use archives when possible.

redditsuckz ago

Then people should avoid using certain screenshot programs with their phones that preserve metadata but....

When you upload pics to imgur it strips the metadata;

Does Imgur strip off EXIF (or whatever metadata is embedded in pics), and if not, can that be an option? Sometimes you don't want GPS coordinates of your house going online.

[–]MrGrim[S] 658 points 3 years ago

Yes, it does. Anonymity is important to me.

VieBleu ago

We could have easily had this discussion without you going nuclear with my badge of honor. It was not a big comment, it was just "watch out".

Everyone worth anything here has had some fight with some mod by now. Fail. And aligning yourself with racist a-whole Crensch is pretty much discrediting you way more than that admission by Crensch that I am a commentor with some sort of superpowers. Double fail. Thank you for playing.

redditsuckz ago

I will cross it out...but you provided no alternative or solution and it just sounded like fear mongering and my comment you replied to had nothing to do with taking your own screenshot but a better option of making the screenshot and just saving it.

VieBleu ago

Here's another piece of advice you probably won't care for and didn't ask for but I'm giving it anyway. - aligning yourself with racist a-whole Crensch is pretty much discrediting you way more than that admission by Crensch that I am a commentor with some sort of manipulative superpowers. Double fail.

If you want to find out how much of a racist Crensch is, go into his submission history and look at all of his posts, especially the innocuously titled ones. You'll find a smorgasboard of jew hating talk about how to kill and consume them. Nice, that's who YOU are using as some sort of arbiter of good and bad. Think you've gotten a little lost along the way.

redditsuckz ago

Im not aligning myself with anyone...I just provided a link to information. And who's to say Crensch is not playing an over the top hateful act and is actually Jewish?...I have seen it before.

Were Jews really running these hate sites?

...if so...why?

VieBleu ago

we've argued enough today. I'm not going to argue about if a duck quacks like a duck is it a duck. too many more important things to do.

Forgetmenot ago

Upvoated this too!

Forgetmenot ago

Had to upvoat.

VieBleu ago

downvoted you.

Forgetmenot ago


Forgetmenot ago

I think I accidentally replied to the wrong section. I am not pro torture.

VieBleu ago

lol ok fair enough. I downvoated all the replies in that little bundle that are clearly shills or just a holes that don't care about this forum and advocated torture. thanks for your response.

Forgetmenot ago

I don't advocate torture. I saw the convesation and did not recognize it so I think I must have clicked the wrong reply. I do advocate prosecuting pedofiles to the full exten to of the law and changing our laws to for stronger mandatory penalties. Torture makes us them.

VieBleu ago

yes I see. you can see how your comment looks like it was mixed in there with the torture porn guys. I totally get you want to say that to make it clear. thanks again.

Forgetmenot ago

Ok :)

strix-varia ago

Well, Flaming Lips actually says it all. Wayne Coyne...Cyrus's "daddy" or "handler" perhaps.

Forgetmenot ago

I have often wondered about that also Chelsea manning.

DustyRadio ago

Yes. I have often thought something was terribly strange (outside of the story being peddled) regarding that situation.

Forgetmenot ago

It is really a mystery, and makes me sad for them to be so tortured like that.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Do you guys think they as in Miley know what they are doing?

Forgetmenot ago

Absolutely. She is complicit and celebrates that lifestyle. Deviant vermin all of them.

Forgetmenot ago

Cory haim died the same week as Andrew breitbart and the coroner was the same for both of them. Also the coroner died a few days later from arsenic poisoning. Corey Feldman stopped talking right away.

IPleadThe2nd ago

He always gave off the pedo vibe.

Forgetmenot ago

All these sick scums need to be exterminated like vermin. It really bothers me that they parade images like this publicly. this is a glimpse into a sexual predators mind!

doolord ago

You'd think they'd program her to be a Shillary supporter. Would certainly fit their agenda.

Azzipdoe ago

Lol. Vindicator 'moderator', and fellow shill "fajsioef8" argued a few days ago that swirls don't mean anything. Insulted a pizzagate poster for even posting something with swirls, they were so offended. Amazing. The moderators on here are complete and utter trash.

VieBleu ago

sometimes the posters here go too far with identifying identifying every spiral found anywhere as PROOF.

Spirals are a common graphic symbol and a level headed approach is required.

Vindicator is the best mod here.


This comment of yours makes you suspect, not the other way around. Yeah go ahead, whine and attack me.

TheHolyGrail ago

Fuck these people. Where are the FBI?

Mtnchan ago

Reminder sizzlepie is pizza and Satanism combined, tons of satanic,

we need to follow all these as any one may be connected to clues and understanding about how all this works

TheHolyGrail ago

I hope the FBI sees this AND DOES SOMETHING.

Mtnchan ago

So I think this path is a subculture of trippers, LSD, shrooms, DMT. Where we see that there often is crossovers to satanic, at that intersect on the more extreme end there's hints at consuming blood of babies and cannibalism for the high and power

EllaMinnow ago

Looks like it to me too. Panda sheet of acid reminds me of high school.

Mtnchan ago

If someone can archive, sorry I can't, have to get to work. more of the same here, maybe some clues about what the do with babies? See the art piece with the fetus hooked up to the brain

Warren West photographer is pzzapants on IG private

The art here:

And this demonic art:

Lots of private accounts I'm noticing

Forgetmenot ago

I spotted possibly Amanda Kleiman From heavy breathing the band that performs regularly in CPP. In the link you posted.

Mtnchan ago

Similar costume anyway

Dasistnichtgut ago

Am I the only person he creeps out? I always thought there was something wrong with him, even when I was a kid.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Why are liberal elites so obsessed with pizza?

Not many people love (real) pizza more than I do, and yet you won't find pizza references all over my social media.

Why are the liberal elite so obsessed with babies and children. Moms and grandmothers are obsessed with their children/grandchildren, not single hipster guys in their 20's and 30's.

Why are liberal elites so obsessed with art depicting depravity of all kinds.... torture, satanic themes, pedo-erotica, blood and violence?

I find myself wondering if pizzagate didn't exist, why someone would logically be interested in all these things and I can't make sense of it.

micha_ ago

Great questions from a healthy mind. I was wondering the same and I think the answer is quite simple: First the term liberals is sloppy and not correct. They are not liberal, they are intolerant. The correct term is leftists, or progressives. And the term already explains a lot: Normal progressive people want to change the world, they reject traditional values.

Therefore this political group is an almost perfect host for all kind of "progressive" ideas. For example feminism. Was invented by the CIA and propagandized by Gloria Steinem. Which group was the receptor? The left.

Or lets take modern art. Also a CIA invention. Who was the receptor of this poison? The left.

Or mass immigration. Who was the receptor of this wage dumping and social cohesion destroying effort of the Soros of this world? The left. Which shows exeptionally well how retarded the left is, because traditionally the left was fighting for worker's rights. But with multiculturalism it was even possible to make the left forget the workers and turn against them, by becoming the biggest supporters of wage dumping mass immigration.

Or lets take the fight against traditional values and therefore the family? The left.

And how can the family destroyed even more? For example by propaganda for homosexuality and putting that PERVERSION on the same level as the marriage of woman and man!

Now imagine you are a pedo. Where would you go? To the political group with common sense with traditional women and men, therefore conservative groups, or would you seek shelter among progressives, which anyway hate one of their parents or families or traditional values and dream about a "better future" by destroying the established traditions and values? Ofcourse you would go to the left.

And if the propaganda is mighty and good enough, many normal left leaning people one day would even begin not only to accept your perversion as normal, but they even would begin to fight for it! Because you were being discriminated!

That's the reason why the left is so attractive for all kinds of filth, sickness and perversions and why it is such a great tool to destroy cultures, nations and people.


Which btw does not mean, that there are no pedos among conservatives! But the difference is, that the conservative pervert knows that it is bad, what he is doing, therefore he is not pushing it, while the leftist pervert is so retarded and mentally ill, that he even believes this was progressive and a good agenda.

Forgetmenot ago

Great questions I have been asking myself the same but I don't ask anymore I am convinced that the elites are evil, running around in tunnels, trafficking humans, spirit cooking, murdering secret society manipulating sexual deviants. they remind me of Nero and Caligula. They are an infestation and the scariest part they run the world.

pizzaequalspedo ago

And to get in their little club you have to prove how depraved you are by pushing the envelope

Forgetmenot ago

It is a world wide network, makes you look at the shadow government differently now.

Rmm ago

Yeah sure smacks of the kind of art Podestas like. They all seem to think child trauma is cool and edgy. Grateful for your research---wonder how many others in this set are into same.

abcdefg222 ago

Wow. It doesn't get any more clear cut than this... so sick.

DavidBernheart ago

Agreed. Fire is "lit" I think. "Oh man, that's so lit!"

Aniabub ago

I dont think miley cryus is miley cyrus anymore. Remember when those 'rumours' went around that she died but nope im ok im just a slut now over night!

I dont have proof or anything, i just think she looks a little different to when she was normal.

truthseekertx ago

One of the commenters, Sachem Arvidson, is friends with Zachary and the flaming lips. His instagram has a couple of pics of getting babies drunk and giving them cigarettes.

blackfyre_rebel ago

WTF?!??!?!?!? BLEH VOMIT

truthseekertx ago

Yeah this is just sick!!!

truthseekertx ago

Whoops. My bad. Completely missed that. Will definitely do so going forward.

racoonbite ago

some of us can be convinced, that what we see, is wrong. this is why we will, no amount of disinfo, they are there, fuck you......limp dick

racoonbite ago

ummmm. i can archive things......ffs

racoonbite ago

i cant, at all im not smrt

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

If this post cant redpill somebody.....they are a Satanist.

YingYangMom ago


This picture is not only disturbing, but the <gangstasnaps comment "Finally some material to jack it to" comes with WATER DROPS, a MOUTH and a FIRE emoji. If we didn't know better, they wouldn't mean much, but since we know how fucked up these sickos are, we can easily imagine them meaning: BOIL, EAT, ROAST.

doubletake ago

Incredible job. The Miley Connection is so excellent, and you gotta know it is only the tip. It is also incredible how narcissitic these folks are. they love themselves and their world. and they love to post totally incriminating psycho-pedo confessions. The "baby girl head on top of a taco giving a pizza to zachary" -- ... get these fux.

thebabyseagull ago

Why don't they even try to hide it?

These people know they are untouchable?

blackfyre_rebel ago

Pretty much. They have gotten away with it thus far, and 60% of people would probably think I had gone insane if I talked to them about pizzagate.

blackfyre_rebel ago

Fucking nasty. The picture of the kid with the pizza tattoo there is a comment in German. I translated it and it says: Do you come with me if I let it pierce me? (kommst du mit wenn ich es mir stechen lasse?)

iamcrd ago

There is a LARGE german pedophile community online and off. There are programs in Germany looking to treat and help pedophiles there.

DustyRadio ago

These sick fucks are so confident that people will never be able to bust them that they have zero problems just being their perverse selves on their social media.
They know the media is on their side and will readily shout us down for daring to suggest these people are, indeed, sick fucks!!!

PepeDidNothingWrong ago

Picking out a lot of heart shaped sun glasses in these pictures which was a signature prop in the film Lolita.

Also, the comments on the picture with the kid showing off his Pizza Love tattoo is beyond the pale.

Mad_As_Hell ago

On the picture of him with the taco/young girl (shudder) he's wearing two pairs of them, kinda looks like girl love double heart symbol

truthseekertx ago

Yeah he has quite a few pics with the double heart glasses. Very odd.

iamcrd ago

Lolita symbology. I can find you a lot of this even on facebook. Yes its also the GirlLove Symbol (heart). Also if the girl looks provocatively with the glasses partially off. Just search "lolita" and "glasses". I've seen many code words used but yes pizza is a popular one and kids love pizza so its also a good way to justify kids there.

Pizzainmyass ago

Odd and kinda gay but not criminal. If it has been going on the two hearts on the eyes seems like a pretty far reach and to do it on the eyes is just all around inconvenient. I'm sure a t shirt or necklace can get the same symbol across without preventing yourself from seeing. Shit would be falling and all that

Forgetmenot ago

Then the laws need to rewritten to make this criminal. It used to be that animal abuse was not criminal until the public realized that serial killers often abused animals before escalating to children and people. So they made laws to criminalize animal abuse in order to arrest them quicker. This might not be criminal but it should be. It laughs at crying babies, and makes sexual comments about babies clearly in distress. I hope some vigilantes teach them a lesson.

Pizzainmyass ago

Freedom of expression is very important and right now we are dealing with many threats to it. The animal abuse is hurting an animal directly which obviously isn't tolerated. What IS criminal, is what they're actually doing so for there to be any proof and it not warrant an investigation is the problem, not the fact some douche wore two pairs of sunglasses

Forgetmenot ago

Don't confuse criminal behavior such as networking with pedofiles in order to facilitate a crime and freedom of expression. It is clear they are sharing tactics and also sharing trophy pictures of their victims. This might violate Rico laws but I am no expert. Criminals don't have constitutional rights to freedom of expression. The problem is the laws are not properly written. But as awareness grows there will be some new laws written. These criminals will not be able to use social media to collude, plan, share in the spoils of the crimes that they participate in.

Pizzainmyass ago

But they have to be proved criminal first. Do you actually think every person to wear two pairs of heart glasses like that fits criteria to identify someone? A replacement to think about it: Do you want to stop people from posting their kid in chicken costumes? You can't say that the glasses aren't a reach. I'm not saying that's not what they are but that with what we know we can't label him as something but I'm very happy for people to look into him. Miley Cyrus is cancer

Forgetmenot ago

Actually innocence until proven guilty only applies once you are charged. No one is charged, this is simply a citizen investigation and more of a public relations issue. In fact as long as these pigs put their lifestyle on social media they are exposing themselves to public scrutiny. The burden of proving innocence is on them as long as this investigation stays out side of official channels. We have the upper hand here. Once the official investigation they will be afforded all of the protections that apply, innocence until proven guilty, a right to counsel. For now they are avoiding to clear their name and behave like modern day Charles manors and i for one have a right to my opinion. If it looks like a duck and acts like a duck and talks like a duck....guess what we have a duck or pedofile I mean! Exterminate the vermin every last one of them! They better watch it the public is getting pissed off!

The_Invincible_Moose ago

I wonder if the watch-eye on the forehead in his avatar is related to the illuminati.

Forgetmenot ago

Of course it is. These are hard core satanic luciferian illuminatti they go by a lot of different names. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck and acts like a duck then it is a duck. Just plain old common sense. we need to use common sense and logic. And stop second guessing ourselves.

Z11Mama ago

Although the saying seems common, the 'Pizza Slut' (made like 'Pizza Hut') also appears on who we believe is one of the daughters of Scott Cummings. Caris?

racoonbite ago

careful, you get it already. op has no proof, just stuff

SayWhatNOWAY ago

zacharyancox's Instagram Profile | ... › zacharyancox › photos Forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza

Zachary Cox | Facebook Facebook › zacharyancox English

sleezepizzaOKC hashtag on Twitter

Twitter › hashtag › sleezepizzaOKC @zacharyancox #dude# ucan #screenprint #right? wegottagetUuh # sleezepiestarterkit #sleezepie #pizza #bikeriders ...

This Celebrity Is Endorsing Patrick's Pizza Shop and It's Not Miley ... Cambio › 2015/02/18 › this-celebrity-en... Feb 18, 2015 - Miley Cyrus' new boyfriend Patrick Schwarzenegger just opened another pizza shop in Los Angeles

Miley's Instagram 15 May 2014 @zacharyancoxweed: is tight pizza is tight #freaks

131 - Promi-Gezwitscher des Tages: Die Stars bei Twitter, Facebook ... › de › unterhaltung › liveblog May 15, 2014 - pizza underground .... waynecoyne5 @zacharyancox @ katy_weaver

PepeDidNothingWrong ago

Forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza. That's an old Ninja Turtles quote.

EQJ ago

Good job OP! If this doesn't Tie the Pizza reference into what is important in this investigation, I don't know what does! That sick bastard!

truthseekertx ago

Thanks....and no kidding. Was sick to my stomach just going through all the stuff.

Tanngrisnir ago

It is hard to stand. Thanks for the work.

EQJ ago

I honestly can't believe that they still have this s*** up I mean if they're paying attention at all they would realize that this is like smash your computers with a hammer and go hide in the cave type of material!!!!!

Orangutan ago

Can be trusted to keep this stuff online? Didn't they get rid of some stuff or cause problems earlier?

Forgetmenot ago

They are proud and protected by law enforcement, media, judges, bankers, doctors, military. It's a well organized well funded network that has been operating for years. Maybe even before the franklin cover up. This is not news and they know mind control. Don't under estimate them.

Pizzainmyass ago

Protocol zero

doubletake ago

you would think, huh? maybe satan told them they would be safe? they are handing LE their network on a platter, if LE isn't part of it.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

CNN & all of msm have "debunked" pizzagate so they think they're all in the clear.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Baby in pool comment, "pimping" that is hard to explain. Disgusting. All of. And the baby parts one too. How did you find it?

Sandy008 ago

That kid in the pool looks totally drugged.

MAGABoomer ago

Those were not baby parts. Jaysus.

truthseekertx ago

I was reading this article on Miley and her pizza obsession. I noticed she referred to this guy as the biggest pizza slut. So i started looking into his instagram account and BAM!!! This guy doesn't try to hide it at all. So sickening!

doubletake ago

must've been an incredible moment. it is a great methodology to follow out leads. this is gold.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Holy Hell, who is this freak? I would say def a Pedo! Disgusting!

truthseekertx ago

He is real close friends with Miley Cyrus. He is also is the stage manager for the band called the Flaming Lips. His instagram definitely reeks of pedophilia! We need to dig to bring these creeps down!

doubletake ago

do they go way back, or is he a recent friend?

truthseekertx ago

Current friends I believe. A couple posts I saw with them together were within the last couple years.

thebabyseagull ago

Flaming lips played at pedo ping pong ,right?

IPleadThe2nd ago

I think flaming lips (even though they suck) might be a little "too big" for comet.

thebabyseagull ago

Never heard of them outside of pizzagate.

I thought I saw the posters alongside the sex stains promo posters

truthseekertx ago

I'm not too certain. But the lead singer Wayne Coyne also has very odd pictures. Here is a link to his instagram. His insta is filled with lots of fetuses. Really disturbing. We need to look into the Flaming Lips.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Used to be a great band, then Wayne Coyne had some kind of mid-life crisis, dumped his wife of 20+ years for a 20-something groupie type, started hanging out with Ke$ha and Miley and recording terrible music with them, and just generally being a creep. Seriously disappointing for a former fan

3141592653 ago

Around when I started losing respect for him, he did a video with Erykah Badu, and she ended up feeling sexually exploited by it... she said she was manipulated by him and the video ended up totally different than what he promised her, and that it totally sexually objectified her. They both issued statements online, and he ended up looking like a jerk. Shortly after that, and soon after Miley Cyrus turned 18, he did a crappy song with her, and the video totally sexually objectified her, which came across very weird considering both their ages. Since then I've thought he is a total creep. Very sad for Flaming Lips fans

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I agree!