Hand0fVidar ago

So what do you plan to do to help stop the jewish menace, kike?

RaceRealistjew ago

Could you describe the exact nature of the jewish menace please? The only menace I'm aware of is a nigger menace. I've heard it has something to do with the protocols of the elders of Zion?

Hand0fVidar ago

Yeah, look up Zionist occupational government. The civil rights movement wasn't a bunch of broke niggers using teamwork to get shit done, they had jews funding them and feeding them lines and spinning the news reports all along the way. Jews let niggers off the hook for the heinous shit they do, then protect them with hate crime laws. It's the jews that dominated the slave trade that even brought them here!

RaceRealistjew ago

Did you know that southern jews were not in favor of the civil rights movement? Some NORTHERN jews backed the civil rights movement. Other fine southern jews wanted the nigger kept segregated. You talk about jews like we're all of one hivemind, which I assure you we're not. Unfortunately, there are a lot more northern liberal cuck jews, so that's all that's ever stereotyped or discussed in these parts.

Hand0fVidar ago

Take your wares elsewhere kauffman, I'm not buying.

RaceRealistjew ago

Oh, is this the part where you turn into an irrational white nationalist and retreat behind insults? Let me know if you want to continue to have rational discussion, I do enjoy debunking the typical jew myths. My favorite myth is the protocols of the elders of zion, we could start with that if you like.

Hand0fVidar ago

Like how it wasn't ACTUALLY written by a jew, but is a direct representation of shit outlined in the talmud? Kinda like how niggers don't draw the a wyatt mann comics themselves yeah?

I have no breath to waste on jews. You are word twisters, liars, decievers, manipulators, subverters. Reasoning with a jew is like sleeping with scorpions. Everyone likes sleep right, so why wouldn't the little guys wanna just curl up with ya'? I am not the meshugannah goyim you want to shill with. I have said it before and I will say it again, I will not rest until the very word "jew" is buried and forgotten, never to be uttered by mortal lips again.

Which is funny when you think about it, because it sounds like the goofy shit some of the sheboons say about whiteness. Funny how whites have all the money, how we own the slaves, how we have the most incestuous sex and are the biggest sex offenders...

It's funny how the jew makes all of his own traits and behaviors accusations to be hurled at others, to make them seem as though they are ridiculously trying to reverse them, when in fact it is, as usual, the jew crying out as he strikes you.

RaceRealistjew ago

I was more referring to it being plagiarized from a novel written by Maurice Joly.. You can purchase the book it was plagiarized from here.. If I remember correctly, a journalist in the London Times exposed it in series of articles in the 1920's. I will gladly discuss and debate facts with you.

As for the rest of your post, you're acting just like a nigger.



I'll leave a last few thoughts for any other lurkers reading this - the vitriolic irrational hatred on display here is exactly why racism and race realists are not taken seriously. I hate being around niggers, but I've got statistical and rational reasons to do so. If we show others these factual reasons, it's really not that hard to convince them that blacks are problem. When instead they see posts like the above, they're not even going to listen to you - because these white nationalist kill all the jew types are fucking crazy.

lystmord ago

On the contrary, anyone who sticks around race realist forums long enough gets redpilled eventually on the Jews. I did indeed leave places like Stormfront initially because I was baffled by the Jew hate; but when you keep running into it, you have to ask what's going on. You get educated sooner or later, you hang out only on neutered kosher forums with lackluster energy like AmRen, or you abandon race realism entirely.

I don't think there's any vast conspiracy or anything, and the issues with Jews are less immediate and in-your-face than blacks burning down McDonalds because a worthless thug got shot. But they're there, and eventually people start seeing it. You can keep pretending other people aren't eventually going to wake up to the hugely disproportionate influence of Jews on social liberalism, or you can accept the measure of accountability Jews DO have for this mess we're in like an honest person who doesn't put their ethnic group before all else.

Maybe some whites DO reflexively blame Jews for everything. But it's hardly any worse than your whining, kneejerk defensiveness about your people.

Hand0fVidar ago

Stfu and gtfo kike, how can you even try and say anything after the shot Eugenenix got given. You're probably just another one of his shit-tastic alts. The audacity of you subhuman pukes is transcendent. You're doing exactly what I described, using your preemptive accusations to invalidate said accusations ever being applied to the chosen people.

Go fucking write in your diary about it, get gassed, shill on somewhere else.

RaceRealistjew ago

Aww, is the nazi mad? It's so cute when it's angry.

Hand0fVidar ago

Better question, did that alt-account question hit a little close to home...?

WhiteAmerica ago

I got three questions, but question two is basically the continuing of question one, so feel free to answer with just one answer. Question three is just a separate question.

1) Considering that "true free speech" is what most of us are looking for in a sub like /v/niggers, and considering that we are grown enough to form our own opinions and not fear to be "brainwashed by the evil NatSoc", how do you condone the ever-growing list of deleted posts and comments on /v/coontown. Because what banned us from Reddit was the removal of free speech to "higher interests" like revenues and SJWs bitching.

2) I don't understand why people, that try to promote a place where open minded and out of the "PC format" discussion can be had about niggers, would delete posts related to Jews when, even if not all jews are evil, there is clearly a predominance of jews in the medias, and when medias are considered as the Fourth Estate. Could you shed some light on this?

3) How does it feel to have a co-mod that offered a 17 years old girl to rape her? Edit: added the link https://voat.co/v/Niggers/comments/390424/1653740

  • Sorry for any spelling/grammar/weird mistakes that might've slipped in, my native language is french and not english.

RaceRealistjew ago

I thought it would be amusing to see the reactions of the more extreme jew haters on here. I was literally randomly given mod powers and have decided to embrace my inner troll Jew (TM). Also, there's nothing that can be done now that EugeneNix nuked coontown with anonymity, so it might as well go down in glorious flamewars.

On a serious note -- a moderated community is usually more focused on a goal, such as combating the nigger plague - I think the nuttier white nationalist and jew conspiracy stuff will drive more people away than it will attract. A more moderate anti-black message without any side issues has a far better chance at success. Personally, I'll probably be migrating over to /v/racerealism - I like their approach.

Sure - the jews are very successful businessmen and are smarter than you.. Also, corporations are setup to produce profit for shareholders - corporations make more profits with racial tension and controversy because more people will watch it. It's not a giant jew conspiracy - or if it is, they forgot to give the memo to most of the other jews - in which case calling for all kikes to be burned in ovens seems a bit extreme.

Out of line IMO, but he's deliberately trying to stir up shit like a good troll and you're letting him. Maybe if you moderated your subverse, you would delete the post and move on.

RaceRealistjew ago

I'm going to bed, but if you have any more questions feel free to PM or reply and I'll check back tomorrow.

And remember: Around blacks, never relax.

RaceRealistjew ago

NC here myself. Hello neighbor!

RaceRealistjew ago

I'm actually a southern jew and am not particularly fond of bagels and don't cook them. I don't keep kosher though, so I could give you some good BBQ recipes.

JohnnyRebel ago

Why would anyone choose your sub with jewish censorship instead of coming here?

RaceRealistjew ago

Some people prefer not to be around people like this. They're almost as bad as niggers.

RaceRealistjew ago

Unfortunately this was done shortly before I was made a moderator. I can't say I am in favor of it, but there's absolutely nothing I can do about it since it's irreversible.

StoodintAffleet ago

Yeah, I was going to stay subbed to both Niggers and CoonTown, although the rules in place on Niggers are more to my liking. Then I saw EugeneNix was continuing to make an ass of himself here, then he did that anon thing to CoonTown... so now I'm unsubbed from CoonTown. Which is unfortunate because I think race-realist jews like yourself have a constructive place in the discussion about niggers, but I can't support the censorship or the chimping out that I have been seeing on CoonTown lately.

RaceRealistjew ago

I'm curious as to what your stance is on the more extreme antisemitism here? The more extreme posters here who believe the holocaust was a hoax and that some sort of jewish conspiracy is responsible for everything bad kinda put me off.

StoodintAffleet ago

I don't think the holocaust was a hoax, but I think some aspects of it were exaggerated. I don't think all jews are part of a global conspiracy that is responsible for everything wrong in the world, but I do think some circles of jews in entertainment, finance, academia, etc. are responsible for a lot of the bad shit going on in the western world today. I don't think of jews like niggers, because I know jews are smart on average, and that there are good ones and bad ones, compared to niggers where the majority are mediocre at best, and a sizeable minority are violent savages. I have never posted about the holohoax, never posted on KikeTown or GasTheKikes, not a member of Stormfront, VNN, or any of that shit. So I'm actually here to talk about niggers, not jews, but if we get into discussions about Soros or the SPLC etc. then the topic of jews is going to come up.

RaceRealistjew ago

Then you're a reasonable person I wouldn't mind discussing the nigger problem with. I have no problems with liberal cuck jews like Soros being brought up, I just detest all the evil jew conspiracy garbage that gets posted.

RaceRealistjew ago

As far as I know I am the only actual Jew on CoonTown. EugeneNix has told me that he is not a jew, but does have Jewish friends. I'm not really a religious jew though - haven't been to a synagogue in over a year.


If I can really ask you anything, then I am asking you to please explain what is going on with v/coontown right now, and explain to us why v/coontown is not still the default sub for race realism as it was on the other site -- who dropped the ball on v/coontown and why?

RaceRealistjew ago

I don't really know - he kind of made me a mod as a joke and I went along with it. It's been amusing so far.

blacksrule ago

Can you recommend a rabbi to bite my foreskin off?

RaceRealistjew ago

Possibly, but I would need to know at least your general location to give you any sort of recommendation for a good mohel.

You could try http://www.reformjudaism.org/mohel-search

That being said, you likely won't find any that would bite it off, typically it would be done with a clamp device and a knife.

RedditDead2005-2015 ago

I question you being a Jew.

Another Baby Treated For Herpes After A Snip-N-Suck Circumcision Then again, you probably are one, but like all Jews, hide and bury the Jewish warts from the public.

blacksrule ago

I want it done the traditional way. I live in Germany.

RaceRealistjew ago

You should look up David Goldberg

Nigs ago

Looking at the mod logs, you're just as bad as KikeNix.


Do you not know that you're actually following your kike stereotype? Why are you deleting all those comments?

/v/niggers is outgrowing coontown FAST and you're losing subscribers everyday. Once niggers overtakes it, you can fuck off. And I hope you get banned, as well as that kike.

Dindu_Baggins ago

It's EuJewNix on am alt. Don't indulge his depravity.

CitizenCoon ago

It's EuJewNix on am alt.

I suspookted this. What's his deal? Is he off his meds or what?

RaceRealistjew ago

I am not an alt of EugeneNix, though I don't know how I'd really be able to prove that.

Dindu_Baggins ago

You don't need to prove it. Your Jew hubris is more than enough to turn people off.

Nigs ago

Quite possibly. Those kikes are very smart sneaky fucks. It may very well be him on a different account.

RaceRealistjew ago

Offtopic comments will be removed. Please read the rules on the sidebar.

ShakaDindu ago

How is he off topic? He asked a question in an AMA thread.

RedditDead2005-2015 ago

Will you ban posts about fucked up evil Jews on your forum?

RaceRealistjew ago

Maybe. Please see the rules on our sidebar, A post about a fucked up evil jew could run afoul of rule 10 easily. That being said, if there is a direct link between a jew and negroid or SJW activity, I would be happy to allow it, IE discussing George Soros would probably be just fine.

Nigs ago

if there is a direct link between a jew and negroid or SJW activity, I would be happy to allow it.

Bullshit, no you wouldn't you triggered jew. If you don't, then definitely KikeNix would.

Nigs ago

RedditDead2005-2015 ago

Yeah, that's why I hate mods. :( Jews of course try to grab those positions so they can control the forums just like they do at Reddit. Fortunately, you can just create a /v/TheRealCoontown or any other forum so they can't control the conversations. He's probably one of a hundred Israeli shills setting up forums that mirrors Reddit's. Atko really needs to take that power of censorship away from mods.

RaceRealistjew ago

No. I do have a stereotypically Jewish last name though.

Nigs ago

Let me guess, it ends in 'berg'

RaceRealistjew ago

Baum actually.