redditsuckz ago

VieBleu went into berserker mode when Chef Barry Koslow of "Pinea" was mentioned in a recent thread;

VieBleu ago

This is what was actually said by myself and others about that "look stars on barn doors SATANISM" argument - Had nothing to do with the image posted above and was in fact a very reasonable response.

[–] VieBleu 4 points (+6|-2) 1 month ago

it is awful. allowing this to stay up without even a flair is incredible. the shill mods must be having a pizzaparty and laughing themselves sick.

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[–] MolochHunter 2 points (+2|-0) 1 month ago

All the mods have to do is enforce independent language in the titles - 'potential killroom found' - and then otherwise this methodical post is circumstantial evidence definitely worthy of investigation by formal law enforcement

I think the pentagram on one barn could be a fancy, but that the owner has ensured a pentagram goes on the new barn as well indicates a distinct and not fleeting attachment to the occult. Not fire, but certainly smoke.

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[–] VieBleu 0 points (+1|-1) 1 month ago

I looked at the video of the farm - there are no pentagrams at all on any barn doors. The mods are completely staying off and allowing obvious forum slide. Must be having a pizza party too. There is no smoke or fire here, this OP is here to slide the forum and distract. There are many other posts of the same ilk up right now. Full on attack really.

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[–] Investigate1999 0 points (+0|-0) 1 month ago

I stayed away for a couple of weeks, and the shills and mods haven't changed a bit. It's disgusting.

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[–] JoJoVoat 0 points (+0|-0) 1 month ago


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VictorSteinerDavion ago

Got it and I in agrement with this sentiment, I've had them on my watch list for a long while.

But, I'm still working my way through the issues to make sure I'm not 'throwing the baby out with the bathwater"

gopluckyourself ago

agreed have been downvoting and ignoring for the most part.

VieBleu ago

downvoted, ignored, and also, oh, you didn't last did you.