YingYangMom ago

Stupidest comment ever.

VieBleu ago

best comment on the whole thread.

RobinRedBreast ago

Great work OP, there's a lot of shills in the comments, but I truly fell like you're onto something here.

Also a pig farm....

The mafia used those too.

Devious1 ago

Pigs eat anything, good way to get rid of bodies / bones etc...

Fateswebb ago

Oh I get it, not brand new or fairly new...

VeryDicey ago

there are so many shills on here I dont get it, this is bogus. the people behind this could only be motivated for one reason... to save their ass

BlackListMedia ago

It's a fucking pig farm.. Those freezers are for pigs.. Would be absolutely surprised if anything else went on there. But.. can't really dismiss anything.. especially a pig farm.

VieBleu ago


TheRedPi11 ago

"similar floor outside of inside floor of instagram" wtf?

VieBleu ago

It's not working, it's clear who you are lol

VieBleu ago

shill - these two are usually together.

EDIT- The names are AgainstTheNWO and Devious something

nmgoh2 ago

TIL The US flag is covered in Pentagrams. This must go really deep!

VieBleu ago

Here's something interesting: https://voat.co/v/politics/1577099

Hillary Clinton Gave the Eulogy at the Funeral of the Mother of the Assassination Suspect who Threatened to Kill Trump at the Inauguration (politics)

submitted 4 days ago by remedy4reality

Here is the video about the Perp >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5rIZKs6KT8YouTubeYouTube written version >> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4133938/Florida-man-threatened-kill-Trump-Clinton-friend.html

Hillary Clinton gave the eulogy at the funeral for the mother of the recently arrested assassination suspect who threatened to kill Donald Trump at the inauguration, and he sat 2 seats from Hillary at the funeral. Crazy, huh? His mother was a 9/11 victim, too, and sat two seats from Muhammad Atta on Flight 11. That's another amazing coincidence, no? Guess what, there is more. They found the mother's wedding ring in the rubble, but 4 flight data recorders did not make it :( http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2497916/Wedding-ring-9-11-victim-Clinton-family-friend-1-6-million-tons-Ground-Zero-rubble-provide-hope-daughter-died-hit-run-decade-later.html The daughter, Sonia Puopolo ( sister of the suspect ) created a charity and wrote a book about the miracle ring that was featured on 'Ellen' and made the author a nice little sum >> http://www.soniasring.com/

In 2010, Let's Roll Forums completely blasted and debunked this Mother/Daughter/Ring story and exposed it for the LIE that it is. The Mother and Daughter SHARED THE SAME NAME ( can you say CIA cutout? ) and by the time you track down the Mothers 'true' identity, it looks FAKED. http://letsrollforums.com/passenger-fl-11-sonia-t21842.html --- In fact, the IPTC data associated with the CNN tribute/obituary of the Mother PROVES that it was created 8 MONTHS before 9/11!! You can't make this stuff up. These are FACTS.

VieBleu ago

This is a whole lot of effort to go to to beat down 40 people CTR.

PresudentMcCheese ago

All swirls are "pedo symbols" now? No one here has eaten a cinnamon roll?

redditsuckz ago

I didnt know the whitmore farm was a bakery?

These are symbols combined with all the other symbols at the farm and the fact it has ties to James Alefantis.

VieBleu ago

Careful, you are laying it on a bit thick now.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Even if you found the exact location of the 'killroom' from the original instagram post, it wouldn't bring us any closer to a conviction. What are you expecting to find there?

justforthissubverse ago

There's some interesting info here, but the subject is sensational and I don't see definitive proof this is the same freezer.

VieBleu ago

so can you get rid of this? it is a confusing, meandering spam post

redditsuckz ago

Thats ok i have done the same thing a few times.

VieBleu ago

yeah, basically anything baked, boiled or steamed, but especially baked because you know, Satan bakes his pizzas wherever he is, with his fire breath! New lead YAY look for SCORCHED PLACES AROUND CLUBS IN SCOTLAND. PLEASE HELP NOW!!!!!!!/SARCASM IF YOU CAN'T TELL

VieBleu ago

Pedo Spiral on food packaging; http://i.imgur.com/bN2ykPm.jpgJPG> really? you really see this food packaging and think "pedophile!" So this guy below is suspect because of the word Pinea? What are you implying? What is the connection to pizzagate?

Chef Barry Koslow of "Pinea"..in english = Pineal gland/third eye; http://i.imgur.com/2zVMOAa.jpgJPG>

"Pinea" restaurant;http://i.imgur.com/c8ob4yW.jpgJPG

Ab ovo = twin eggs from which Helen of Troy was born> So what? Was Helen of Troy involved in pedophilia now? or is all western culture simply suspect?

Mare Nostrum = (Latin for "Our Sea") was a Roman name for the Mediterranean Sea

Ab ovo usque ad mala = From the egg right to the apples (From start to finish)>

Is every Latin phrase suspect?

@Vindicator - can you flag this for accuracy in question?

redditsuckz ago

Its there to see if anyone sees anything I missed with the roman thing or the Latin meaning and translation...if no one sees anything it will be removed but not Barry Koslow works at because the "Pinea" does mean Pineal in english.

VieBleu ago

I'm trying to be really patient with your group, so take this as being helpful.

The way these forums work isn't necessarily to just throw up a whole bunch of pictures and links and have everyone discuss them and then take down things that don't mean anything. Basically you are taking away everyone's time doing things in this manner. You need to find very relevant data, put it in a concise as possible form, and stop doing this stuff. Do you know what spam is? because you guys are spamming this forum with stuff you don't understand that means nothing.

You see some satanic symbols on those farm doors - first of all, you have to circle with a photoshop tool what you are trying to point out, so that it is very clear. Secondly people use stars as decoration ALL THE TIME. Stars are not pentagrams, and almost never Satanic. Not the other way around.

There is absolutely NOTHING on that egg packaging whatsoever. NOTHING.

The word Pinea is not a strong enough reason to put ANY PERSON up on a public forum, especially not one on this topic.

You guys are doing more to damage this investigation than an entire army of CTR shills. PLEASE STOP. You simply don't understand the culure well enough to jump to the conclusions you are making.

redditsuckz ago

These people have an obsession with ancient gods and such so just trying to find all the the connections..but do you think this is the same farm as in the diagram that James Alefantis posted?

VieBleu ago

In the USA we watch tv shows about ancient gods, we are taught about ancient gods in school, it informs our dance, arts and society. It means nothing. These people are not "OBSESSED" it is WRONG for you to accuse them of that.

No I don't think it's the same farm, your post is so full of meaningless stuff that anything of value is lost. You have to learn to hone down your work, and wait until you really know what you are talking about. It's like you are throwing noodles on the wall to see what sticks. And bringing all your friends here to upvoat you en mass drowns out other voices. If you all actually care about those children, you are going to stop ruining this forum, but no one will stop you but yourselves. Please consider what I am saying very seriously.

redditsuckz ago

Why dont you think its the same farm?

And you dont think its important that Barry Koslow who is connected to the same people at the farm has "Ab ovo" in his company name which were the twin eggs from which Helen of Troy was born In her youth and as the story goes she was abducted by Theseus. Abduction seems to be a theme in pizzagate.

VieBleu ago

OK you win.

YingYangMom ago

I just saw this update 3 picture and wow, IT IS the Whitmore Farm. Tom's creek Alefantis Instagram pic! Check out the plan and even the frame of the Tom's creek photo hanging on the wall, it is the same. This is it! So Whitmore Farm IS the pig farm that JA is referring to when commenting "No extra food!". Sick comment, btw, if you think about it... http://i.imgur.com/GUcbhhq.jpg original pic: http://i.imgur.com/162OfAC.jpg

VieBleu ago

the no extra food - means don't feed the pigs because I want them hungry, for what I bring? ufhhhh Oh please please let this end.

YingYangMom ago

Yep. It is creepy as hell.

redditsuckz ago

This is a video showing the Whitmore Farm;



Youtube description = "Welcome to Whitmore"

VieBleu ago

Mals or Machls satanic Symbol 3rd from second row - letter P = numerical value 30;


How is this Satanic? How is it linked to pizzagate?

Eastwood350 ago

Because the Op posted this link: http://archive.is/Q7htg and the symbol on the woodwork at the top of the barn windows is a match.

Strange woodwork too if you ask me, it looks like those domes they have on mosques.

VieBleu ago

brilliant wow you guys are just stunning in your perception. There are mosques hidden inside satanic symbols and Helen of Troy abduction scenarios, how did we miss it all before? /sarcasm for clarity

VieBleu ago

You obviously put a lot of time into this. However, you need to go through and circle and indicate precisely what you are talking about. For example I do not see Satanic imagery in this link - "

Satanic imagery on front of barn - Facebook; http://archive.is/Q7htg>

Please show me the imagery - explain it like I am a child please.

What is wrong Mare Nostrum? why can't you say Mediterranean Sea without being suspect? I don't understand.


redditsuckz ago

The red ohm symbol;


Looks like the Enochian symbol for letter "P"...


We have to know the symbols to spot them and with the satanic pentagrams on the barn doors this looks like one to.

VieBleu ago


What is wrong with an Enochian P? what is wrong with Ohm? These aren't that, but if they were, so what?

VieBleu ago

No it doesn't. It looks like a farmhouse decorated with late Victorian woodcut lace. Westerners use all kinds of shapes and forms for decoration. It doesn't mean a thing.

Eastwood350 ago

This looks nothing like Victorian woodcut lace at all. The symbol on the very top matches the ohm symbol and the sides look like domes. There's plenty of Victorian lace decorated homes in the East and none look like what the OP posted at all.

You're going all out to debunk this OP's research and spending an awful lot of time in this thread doing so. Are you a friend of Jimmy?

VieBleu ago

Everyone loves Jimmy Stewart - is he a pedo too? OMG NEW LEAD!!!!!!

redditsuckz ago

So explain the satanic pentagrams on all the doors...

VieBleu ago

There are no pentagrams on the doors whatsoever. I looked at the video. No pentagrams. You are delusional or a shill on this alone.

VieBleu ago

which link - you have to be very specific

BadGuacamoleTV ago

I know. It;s so hard to pick out the disinformation vs the misinformation. It's like playing a game of "Shillism or Autism."

RoomWithAMoose ago

The "Help Wanted" image is just a screen capture from spongebob. Spirals in general are not the issue, as far as I know. They aren't unusual shapes, otherwise let's investigate every spiral galaxy because spirals! The spiraled triangle is the shape to be looking out for as far as I know.

redditsuckz ago

So "nothing to see here"?...im glad you dusted of your 2 month old alt account just to post that as I notice a few newly reactivated alt accounts attacking this thread.

Dressage2 ago

Keep researching as you have them in a tailspin with this new lead! I cant believe how they are so wild about this. This definitely has to be the place!!

RoomWithAMoose ago

WTF dude?! That's not what I'm saying at all. Why are you reading into me that way?

Alt account? It's my primary account. I lurk here and participate more in closed investigative groups outside of voat/reddit.

Attacking? I sourced an image referenced in the post, made a joke about natural spiral formations (galaxies) and then suggested that the spiral triangle is more likely the symbol to watch out for. Sounds like I was pretty ferocious.

VieBleu ago

sorry, there really is nothing to see here, or if there is, you cluttered it up so much with junk that it is blocking anything useful. HELEN OF TROY doesn't have a thing to do with pizzagate.

BadGuacamoleTV ago

I'm sick of all of these "smoking gun" fucked up going nowhere posts with "pedo swirls" everywhere. Why mislead us?

TrishaUK ago

Someone needs to do a blood swab test in that 'killroom' see if any HUMAN blood registers!!!!! (obviously I mean a Professional person, don't want any loan vigilante getting into trouble) Safe better than sorry as the saying goes!

VieBleu ago

I'm curious Trisha - would you have any interest in editing your comment so that you are not making a general callout for people to go investigate this farm in person?

TrishaUK ago

I don't know how too? I tried. I could add that the Police check with dogs?

VieBleu ago

Hi Trisha - if you want to edit any comment you make, you can usually find it by clicking the parent link on for example my question to you. Then you click edit if you'd like to change it.
The reason I asked you the question was because if people get it in their heads to visit a place in person, it can cause trouble for them, scare people and otherwise cause problems like claims of "harrassment". Anyway, thanks for responding. It is great to see that people in the UK know about pizzagate.

TrishaUK ago

Thanks for your help VieBleu, I now know how to edit!! Still new, still learning :)

VieBleu ago

very glad to hear it.

pierrebezukhov ago

I think the really significant 'Farm' is the Farm at CIA HQ's. Can anyone debunk it? And there's another one that warrants a good looking into called Button Farm. Just saying.

reasonedandinformed ago

Read the skeptical reviews of this...that I believe legitimately challenge the claim.,,prior to voting on this sensationalist post.

redditsuckz ago

banusaur ago

WOW! You figured it all out! The evidence is irrefutable! They have a freezer! And there's an insta from JA that nobody but you has ever seen before!

Some random farm that has no connection to any of the existing research? There's no way this is an attempt at misdirection!

Serious note: these innocent people are probably in danger of a false-flag that will be blamed on us. The narrative fits nicely with the homophobic rhetoric by the shills "protesting" Comet the past few nights.

VieBleu ago

yeah, you are right - makes sense. Those protestors are heinous, loud, unattractive (sorry but true) exactly what would be posted there as an op.

redditsuckz ago

Some random farm that has no connection to any of the existing research?

Read the entire post before getting triggered...you missed some evidence;

"James Alefantis "The Farm" Map diagram - "Lock up Mom";


Satellite image of The Whitmore Farm showing same diagram;



Serious note: these innocent people are probably in danger of a false-flag that will be blamed on us.

?what?...so everyone should stop all investigations because the government will put out false flag operations to discredit the investigation because they are implicated in the investigation?

banusaur ago

You could go in circles all day, couldn't you?

Class act.

VieBleu ago

not circles, SPIRALS - uh oh, OP IS SUSPECT !!!!!!!!!

crazimal ago

"implying" is a rather old 4chan joke about people too stupid to post on 4chan, usually immature thinkers leaping to conclusions, or what now is called larpers

implying this is actually somewhat appropriate to the shit-tier posting ITT

how apropos

not to say there might not be something there about the farm, about the people named, etc., but:

you people who keep saying soros has coloboma need to look at this!!! Title Here no fucking coloboma on soros,

As you can see in this clear picture from cnn, he has a prominent iris nevus (a brown spot, a mole basically) on the lower part of the right iris below the rim of the pupil, which is clearly visible, and circular.

All this BS about Soros's supposed coloboma needs to stop, it is very discrediting to voat and to this subverse.

If you cannot see what I am talking about, go find a better screen and look at other images of Soros.

There are thousands to choose from. In all the images that good enough to see Soros's eyes without shadow, reflection or blur, he clearly has complete, circular pupils in both eyes.

How many times do I have to say this before the coloboma fantasists will give up their larping?

redditsuckz ago

It all matches up...even the road to the house on the diagram...that is toms creek going around the property.

redditsuckz ago

They do it out in the open...like everything they do...like you said...why would anyone question a farm has a walk-in freezer?...no need to bury it or hide it underground.


Also they could talk about "chickens" all day in their communications and no one would suspect a thing...this is why these people become farmers and "pizza" shop owners so they can talk in code all day without raising suspicions.

redditsuckz ago

No one is going to convince me it's not there, especially this.

Im not here to convince anyone...you can look at the evidence or find your own evidence for or against it and make up your own mind...as you already have...

it doesn't even match up at all to JA's diagram.

Yes it does...Old barn...new barn and house all match;



Right along toms creek.

At the farm there is a pic of the whiteboard that Alefantis might have taken the pic from near the bottom of the page;


Something funky is goin on at that farm and the satanic pentagrams on the doors are a big clue.

carmencita ago

I have wondered this myself. I think she has the coloboma eye and may have been IVF to supply blood for the elites. Again I have read that the father may not be the paternal father. This of course is only imo. They get a woman to accept the IVF and that is it. He seems to be have been with that child quite a lot.

ArthurEdens ago

Looks like a nice farm. Too bad it's satanic. Could be the "kill room" or not. Good find.

DefenderOfTruth ago

That is not the "pedo" symbol! Also, there is no "pedo symbol", it would be the boy love symbol if anything. That is a spiral sun, quite common in a sun logo. There is a triangular spiral that means Boy Love. I do not see any connection here.

I think we've gotten really far in uncovering pizzagate. & I'm convinced this is serious and really happening. However, lately I've been seeing a lot of finger pointing at business that are only loosely associated. Be careful not to go on witch hunts just because someone uses a spiral. There is a specific boy lover logo. Stick with looking for that first and foremost. The girl lover logo is a butterfly. I guess that means every business with butterflies is pedo too!?

SoundEffects ago

I'd like to see the shills justify this one! Great find!

redditsuckz ago

I wouldnt eat that food if it has that seal of approval.

You'll find the Homegrown Here logo proudly displayed in restaurant windows, on menus, at farmers' markets and at grocery stores.This logo was created to help identify Frederick County farm products that were grown or processed in Frederick County.


redditsuckz ago

We dont know forsure if they were making a walk-in freezer for Pegasus but we know they were building on the top floor at Pegasus and there could be another walk-in freezer there somewhere underground.

carmencita ago

OMG. Are there any recent pictures of Juniper and Caris? I believe Caris to have the coloboma eye like Soros. Does Juniper have that anomaly as well? Have not seen a picture of Juniper.

anolegion ago

What we could look for is any pig farms roughly within the DC-Emmitsburg radius sold around early 2015.

Jakestr ago

Upon looking at it closer I don't really think those are the same freezers and I really don't think that this is the far

redditsuckz ago

You can see the pentagram in the video on the door;


This "old barn" is connected to the "original barn" that has the dining hall area and the walk-in freezer.

anolegion ago

Because the two plates at the far side look like doors to me.

ArthurEdens ago

They look like doors but they're riveted shut if you look closely

Freemasonsrus ago

Really cool place. I certainly hope nothing nefarious is going on there bc I'm guessing it is rented out for large events like wedding receptions and that would make those memories pretty fucked up if you later found out it was a "Pickton" farm.

anolegion ago

True. That freezer does not look newly built. So, it's not at Pegasus. Nor at Comet apparently.

The #killroom freezer would make sense as located on the pig farm that Alefantis DID buy, about two years after looking into Whitmore Farm.

Fateswebb ago


redditsuckz ago

Here is the other guy;

thomiccor AKA Thomas Michael Corcoran


Joe Wills has a baby with Cassie Windham Wills named Juniper and worked at the PEGASUS museum. Juniper or Caris James went to "The Farm"....or both did.

eyeswide0pen ago

That guy has his own farm too. You can see him in his youtube video driving to it.

waxdino ago

Are you suggesting this the "killroom," or a similar type of room elsewhere? I don't think it looks the same. How many times does "the killroom" need to be found?

anolegion ago

I agree. So we still have not located the #killroom freezer. The building site photos are most likely at Pegasus. But we don't know whether it was in fact the freezer being built. Nor have the necessary vents been spotted at that location.

Also, Comet Pizza does have an outside freezer according to employee testimony. It could be the cubic structure at the back of Little Red Fox, but that is not the #killroom either.

Dejure ago

Effin upvoted!

Zinnsee ago

I'm pretty sure those are 2 different freezer. Look at the location of the door and the aircon elements.

Here the aircons are on the right side when you enter the door. And on the farm you can see the pipe of the aircon coming out to the left of the door.

Stukov ago

Dimensions aren't the same either. Still good info on the farm though.

ArthurEdens ago

I wonder if they were shopping for freezers and the one marked "kill room" wasn't the one they ended up purchasing.

joeysaperv ago

The floors are nothing alike.

The floor in the instagram photo are metal panels and the joints run parallel to the door threshold.

The floor from the exterior of the cooler is concrete and the expansion joints run perpendicular to the door threshold.

reasonedandinformed ago

I think your analysis on the freezer is good. I just checked it again and agree it is not the same freezer from the instagram. It still does not make this farm non relevant as I do not have all of the other context.

redditsuckz ago

The floor on the outside looks exactly the same kind of floor as the floor in the instagram...is it possible that pipe could be for something else besides cooling or could be an extra small fan? I have looked at other walk-in freezers and the floors dont match the cooling rooms...they usually match the rooms they are made in.

Zinnsee ago

The floor doesn't look the same for me, one is sheet metal and the other is concrete.

The pipe on the farm picture could indeed be for something else that we can't see in the instagram picture. But on the right side of the freezer on the farm there is clearly some sort of office visible and it would be strange to route all the piping for the aircon trough there if you have empty space on the left side of the freezer.

Fateswebb ago

I noticed this as well, could he have posted a stock photo before actually purchasing the thing?

carlinco ago

The first picture may be mirrored

Zinnsee ago

And where is your evidence for that?

carlinco ago


anolegion ago

Clearly not the same freezer. Also, Whitmore Farm's livestock and facilities are nothing like Alefantis' blueprint.

He obviously entertained plans to buy Whitmore Farm and turn it into a pig farm but for some reason didn't follow through.

redditsuckz ago

James Alefantis took the pic at the farm...the blueprints were on The Whitmore farms whiteboard...there is no indication that Alefantis drew that picture.



Haldelos ago

Makes sense...the first link I found to Whitmore months ago was a real estate sales video on youtube...so the farm was/is definitely on the market.

iamthepizzanow ago

Requesting archive and a bit of help with more digging:

Whitmore farm blog: Kent Ozkum is the writer

There was a thread previously about him: It ties into everything as well https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1456674



PGTAway818949 ago

Remember folks this is the same user posting "coffee gate" bs all over here a few weeks back. Double check this work carefully.

VieBleu ago

OP doesn't even know the difference between a pentagram and a star. Claims there's a pentagram on the barn door.

I watched the video DEBUNKED - there is no pentagram @Vindicator @justforthissubverse

remedy4reality ago

By that standard, the entire Dallas Cowboys Organization is implicated in PG !!

ArthurEdens ago

You're totally right, stars are no biggie https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a4/Baphomet.png

VieBleu ago

this is ONE picture. There are a MILLION and ONE catalogues produced in America that sell stars as decorations for all kinds of things around the house - America has stars on it's flag. Stars are on Christmas trees. The entire Dallas Cowboys football team wears stars on their helmets to play football. The Sun that represents the light of Jesus Christ often is ALSO A STAR actually.

You cannot be this childish and indiscriminate at discerning every symbol that presents as evocative of evil intentions.

ArthurEdens ago

And what about the symbol at the top of the barn?

VieBleu ago

Just Freaking Stop.

ArthurEdens ago

If you say so

justforthissubverse ago

I have added flair to this. But there is still interesting information in the post. People can judge for themselves. As a rule though, I really dislike "click bait" type of headlines.

reasonedandinformed ago

Good observation. There seems to be an effort by some trolls to sensationalize and misdirect. Not claiming this definitively here, but we should always approach with some skepticism, especially when they scream "major find" with questionable links. Just look more deeply before upvoating.

waxdino ago

There is this strange phenomenon- top posts with lots of up votes. Click on it, top comments are calling it bullshit. Hmmm...

justanotherpizza ago

reasonedandinformed basically nailed it. If I am browsing via "Hot" instead of New, then I always click through 2-3 pages because good posts will get votes but might not break to the top because of this tactic of controlling the first page.

reasonedandinformed ago

Right. It gets upvoted by shills who know it is off-base (in this particular case). The OP may actually just be misguided and too easily convinced on his own work, or he may be CTR. I am not sure on that. The CTR people will upvoat things they know will waste our time or make us look to be foolish, racist, or tin-foil conspiracy people. Those who are actually looking for evidence will quickly see that the post lacks merit and be upvoated so that our skeptical comments end up at the top. It is a repeated pattern, but when you see this, it usually means one of two things:

  1. Dubious post, with justified concern, which I think is the case here. In this case, the doubters show a strong history in support of pizzagate and have made good contributions.

  2. Legitimate post, with CTR concern, where they are trying to dissuade us from something that merits a deeper dive. In such a case, the doubters show a strong history of shillery (caution trolling without support, posting misdirection posts, regurgitating old info to cause forum sliding of an important post, etc.).

justanotherpizza ago

this is a succinct observation, it would be interesting to put together a post with these kinds of observations to help subscribers make sense of what they are seeing when coming here.

reasonedandinformed ago

I almost think a crib notes on how to navigate the shills would help "Dealing with Shills." I think the main thing the site needs is a tagging system. Right now, it is driven by "sourced leads," meaning it does not provide a good place for people to posit a theory, a meme, or a call to action. Add to this "Dealing with Shills." If we could tag, we could provide all if this in a structured way. Right now, anything that is not a lead/sourced gets deleted and subjugated by the Mods to some other place no one visits on VOAT.

VieBleu ago

you don't have to be so careful. This stuff is ludicrous -

what is up with Mediteranean Sea - really? NOW THE SEA IS SUSPECT?

Edit: OP decided the sea was not completely a suspect in pizzagate and able to be taken off for now. So glad, I love the Amalfi coast. Such a reasonable OP/snark

reasonedandinformed ago

It is those elements which make this OP seem like true CTR...mixing in potential concerns with lunacy to paint everyone as crazy. The heavy upvoats on a post filled with holes is more evidence of CTR.

ThePuppetShow ago

The door on the "killroom" freezer is on the end of the unit, this one is on the side.

remedy4reality ago

This 'work' is literally nothing. The sensational headline is totally unsupported by the 'evidence' presented.

justwanttohelp ago

All I can do is downvoat :( but I will downvoat... I never downvoat, but this must be downvoated

pizzagatesleuth ago

We should be able to report comments to the moderators like you can on reddit. That would prune down the disinformation shills considerably.

VieBleu ago

it is awful. allowing this to stay up without even a flair is incredible. the shill mods must be having a pizzaparty and laughing themselves sick.

JoJoVoat ago


MolochHunter ago

All the mods have to do is enforce independent language in the titles - 'potential killroom found' - and then otherwise this methodical post is circumstantial evidence definitely worthy of investigation by formal law enforcement

I think the pentagram on one barn could be a fancy, but that the owner has ensured a pentagram goes on the new barn as well indicates a distinct and not fleeting attachment to the occult. Not fire, but certainly smoke.

VieBleu ago

I looked at the video of the farm - there are no pentagrams at all on any barn doors.
The mods are completely staying off and allowing obvious forum slide. Must be having a pizza party too. There is no smoke or fire here, this OP is here to slide the forum and distract.
There are many other posts of the same ilk up right now. Full on attack really.

Investigate1999 ago

I stayed away for a couple of weeks, and the shills and mods haven't changed a bit. It's disgusting.

VieBleu ago

oh its gotten much much worse

Did you see this? one of the people whose social media was trawled through, and without any proof was put up by name with a post saying "suspected child trafficker" by faekitty, who was indignant with anyone who questioned her bs https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1590595/7781340 (in deleted subs)

PGTAway818949 ago

What really bothers me is that this post isn't deleted or flagged by mods as "needs more sourcing" or "accuracy in question" when they are quick to it with other topics. This is allowed because it's a distraction. "KILLROOM FOUND" topics distract the subverse for a day or more and shills like redditsuckz know it.

JoJoVoat ago

Exactly! I've gotten to where I scroll down and read comments before looking when its a subverse title like this...

VieBleu ago

I'm really sick of it - they've figured out how to kill this forum with death by a thousand stupid papercut submissions

jangles ago

@VieBleu thanks for this comment

remedy4reality ago

These refrigeration units are literally EVERYWHERE. This entire line of inquiry is derived from a single hashtag on a single picture on IG. And lets just say the same unit is found, so what? What does a walk in refrigerator without body parts indicate? Nothing. It's total amplification of a known dead end. Check this post out>> https://voat.co/v/politics/1577099 It was deleted because the asshole mod said Hillary was not related to PG. Forget that the MSM mentions Hillary first when mentioning PG. I connect Hillary to a death threat on Trump AND a bogus 911 victim and, as he put it, it was a 'little thing' and deletes it.

VieBleu ago

upvoated. And this is what we might want to do - spam these spam threads with better information. I'm putting the contents of that post as a new comment. comment under it.if you like.

DangerPizza ago

All you have to find now is an EEG machine and a flashing red light.

VieBleu ago


redditsuckz ago

Let me know when or if you get the ping...

But if this is the location then DNA tests need to be made throughout the farm grounds...this is like the Pickton case;

Rugrats Season 5:


"Piggy's Pizza Palace:

That's a direct reference to the Pickton Pig Farm, where Robert Pickton would recruit his victims.


Pickton was already known to police for his wild parties thrown on his property under the guise of a registered charity called the Piggy Palace Good Times Society. The non-profit society had an official mandate to “organize, co-ordinate, manage and operate special events, functions, dances, shows and exhibitions on behalf of service organizations, sports organizations and other worthy groups.” But according to court evidence these events were little more than wild rave parties complete with Downtown East-side prostitutes, who were the favourite target of Pickton.

There was a huge coverup because the police and judges were thought to be involved...but they did DNA tests on the farm and over 50 victims were found. They would kidnap prostitutes and then after they were done making snuff films and what not they would feed them to the pigs. Pickton took the fall...

iamthepizzanow ago

Bingo! My first thoughts were of Pickton, I'd be willing to bet its gonna be the same shit here. I noticed from pics from the blog/IG that they butcher their own pigs. Not sure if they sell them now.

anolegion ago

The #killroom freezer has double doors no?

Yuke ago

Looks like a match to me, nice work.

virtuous_pedophobe ago

I don't get it, how does this prove or even hint that the freezer is at that farm?

reasonedandinformed ago

Be skeptical. I am uncertain if the poster is a shill trying to misdirect, so we should analyze everything deeply.

redditsuckz ago

From the map that James Alefantis posted that is by "Toms Creek";

"James Alefantis "The Farm" Map diagram - "Lock up Mom";


Satellite image of The Whitmore Farm showing same diagram;


And then you have the many mentions of "The Farm" throughout his instagrams.

virtuous_pedophobe ago


But IMO it is equally likely that the freezer is located below the Pegaus Museum, this would also explain why they removed the whole floor there.

Fateswebb ago

I don't think they removed the whole floor, looks to me like they were doing plumbing... you can see the pipe in one of the photos...

virtuous_pedophobe ago

This is how you do piping:


You do it as narrowly as possible, and you cut through the concrete in straight lines.

You do not randomly smash up the concrete and work with a jackhammer outside the canal.

Fateswebb ago

Well yeah. But these idiots aren't plumbers.... unless it's kiddy buttholes they are rotor rooting anyway..

Oh also the picture you linked says not found.

redditsuckz ago

There could be many...thats not ruled out.

virtuous_pedophobe ago

Of course. In fact AFAIK it is likely that such a cooler is pretty common on farms in general.

Nevertheless, the Instagram history points to Pegasus: First they dig up the whole floor (which means they are building something BIG), then he shows a photo of the killroom. Could be a coincidence, but I think it fits pretty well. What else did they do at Pegasus?

Fateswebb ago

Why are so many people making the comment "they dig up the whole floor" I see no proof of that. What I see is they are digging for the purpose of plumbing which even James has said that's why they were digging.... and you can see the actual pipe in one of the photos. AND in the photo from pegasus of the sliding dungeon door if you look through the door one of the only things you can see these is a sink. Which would be precisely where one of the dig lines was headed. Based on that it looks like they were putting in plumbing to add that sink and one other thing that isn't identified. Hence the two separate lines of dig.... one for The sink and one for ???

virtuous_pedophobe ago

First of all, they dug very deep. Second, they did not dig some channels or some other narrow thing, but rather chaotically dug through the room (in other words they didn't care because they removed the whole floor anyway.) - if you lie a pipe or something, you dig as narrowly as possible and you dig along straight lines. Third, some guy with a jackhammer was working directly on the floor off the "canals", and the whole floor has been already cracked by the jackhammer.


This looks like they removed the whole floor (or a large section of it). No way this was some "piping" - the canals are:

  • too wide
  • too chaotic
  • and the left part of the floor was systematically broken up by the jackhammer.

Also, it seems that the floor in the foreground has already been removed.

It's true that something seems to lie in that canal, but that could be anything.

I don't know what exactly they were doing, but they removed the concrete floor, that is without question.

Dasistnichtgut ago

None of the links are working for me... afraid you're being targeted by more than just down voting :/

Dasistnichtgut ago

Nm, working now as long as I'm not using home wifi.

ProudTruther ago

It makes sense you kill your victims right there then feed the bodies to the pigs that you keep a bit hungry.

redditsuckz ago

The leftovers would go to the pigs...This is where the dining/Spirit Cooking would take place;


iamthepizzanow ago

No doubt that there is irrigation that dumps directly into the creek

Dasistnichtgut ago


redditsuckz ago

I know...finally!!!...pls upvote...and if you already did thank you!

Jem777 ago

Unbelievable. The research is intense. Up voat for you

redditsuckz ago

Thank you for the upvote...this is important.


The Whitmore Farm with its Satanic Pentagrams on its barn doors;


That alone is not enough to raise suspicion but Satanic Pentagrams combined with;

James Alefantis is a gay Satanist

The owners of the Whitmore Farm Will Morrow and Kent Ozkumare are both gay

James Alefantis was 100% at the Farm and took pictures with baby caris

Its also a pig farm - good place to get rid of bodies

The farm has multiple large walk-in freezers

The baby loved the farm;


Jame Alefantis makes jokes about raping the baby in the butt;


James Alefantis makes more jokes about "Butt" with the Farm pic;

"we had nothing to do with this - butt know how it feels...and were all there to see it"


This alludes to anal rape as they might have taken baby Caris to the Satanic Farm while the owners Will Morrow and Kent Ozkumare raped baby Caris while the babys family and their friends stood around and watched like Satanic Ritual Abuse victim Kim Noble depicts in her art;


Pics of James Alefantis with Baby Caris at The Whitmore Farm with his "Pizza Family";


remedy4reality ago

OK.... I'll bite. WHY is it important ?

redditsuckz ago

Because we have to find out what is really going on at that farm.

VieBleu ago

WHAT IS IT? IS HELEN OF TROY BEING ABDUCTED AGAIN? RIGHT OUT OF HER TWIN EGGS? dAMMMMM GOOD STUFF OP That Chef is activating his customer's pineal glands with those eggs right? WoW!!!! WoW

Fateswebb ago

It certainly does look like it could be the one from instagram and the name being the farm... well duh... but I wish we had a picture of the inside associated with the farm.

redditsuckz ago

This needs to be upvoted...My posts are targeted by a bot/shill downvoting.

nmgoh2 ago

Or you're showing yourself to be a witch hunter instead of an investigator. Your "Pentagrams" alone have been at nearly every farm like this I've ever seen. Not because they're pedos, but because they're fucking americans.

Putting stars on shit is what we do man. Or are you saying there's 50 pentagams on the US flag?

If you want to be taken seriously, take your work seriously and edit yourself to only the shit that is objective. Don't make weak shit up by digging through someone's instagram.

VieBleu ago

Don't even give them the credit of being pentagrams - they simply are not. OP obviously can't even define a pentagram.

Ocelot ago

Or you are being downvoted by users who find your research to be inadequate.

ThePuppetShow ago

How do you explain the door on the "killroom" pic being on the end of the unit and this freezers door is on the side?

reasonedandinformed ago

He can't. These are clearly not the same freezers for a large number of reasons. I am very suspicious of the OP after this and a review of his sensationalistic history.

ThePuppetShow ago

The blind upvotes are interesting too. I wish we were able to tell who upvotes/downvotes what, that would make things much easier

VieBleu ago

It's like these spam posts get an instant 100+ votes, and about 30 of us here bother to downvote. sad.

reasonedandinformed ago


AgainstTheNWO ago

Great find. Up voated

VieBleu ago
