thirdeardeaf ago

It's already been found. Here's how it all works I think:

  1. Kids killed in satanic rituals at Pegasus Museum. Address: 3516 11th St NW, Washington, DC 20010
  2. Remaining body parts fed to pigs at "The Farm" by Tom's Creek. Address: 10720 Dern Rd, Emmitsburg, MD 21727
  3. Pigs raised on human kid remains served on pizza at Comet Ping Pong. Address: 5037 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008

In other words, there is no illegal activity at all at Comet Ping Pong. This is why James invites any and all inside. It's just a place occultists can take the "sacrament" indiscreetly: pizza with toppings from pork raised purely on child human remains, specifically, the parts left over from their killroom evenings on the first floor at Pegasus. What better way to get rid of the evidence? And I bet pigs raised on baby flesh make some really tender pork products; maybe we all even eat them all the time and love it ourselves without knowing.

eyeswide0pen ago

There's a picture and a reference to a farm on his instagram.

redditsuckz ago

Good find...thats why I was thinking "toms creek" is named after the guy Thomas(Tom) Corcoran...I mean what are the odds that a guy named tom likes Alefantis Map pic?...somewhere in Enon Vally it might have an exact match up to "The Farm".

anolegion ago

The double row of trees is lining the creek so the water is in between.

anolegion ago

Maybe rotated?

anolegion ago

The river bend is pretty exact, as are the locations of the old barn and house.

anolegion ago

That farm has already been identified, it's in Emmitsburg. It doesn't currently have pigs so that note would be a blueprint.

redditsuckz ago

Do we know who owns the property?

anolegion ago

I think it's still Whitmore Farm. Extensive tour here.

Note lots of dead animals, perhaps as expected. Weird ones too, at #8. Pentagrams at #34 and a weird liturgical looking dining hall at #47.

iamthepizzanow ago

This, should be at the top of this thread.

redditsuckz ago

See if anything matches up with the diagram;

Satellite view...zoom to compare houses and barn and creek + water front;,-82.4055009,3572m/data=!3m1!1e3

Dressage2 ago

Has anyone ever commented that on this map there are the names of chickens? Welsummers, Marans (known as Cuckoo Marans), etc. Could this possibly mean little boys as the "chickens"? Also, the sows are the girls?

derram ago