Dressage2 ago

Falls Church has huge Moonie corp. housed there and many many other biz of Moonie are also housed in their building. I believe DEA is also at same address. Someone posted once the people of Falls Church are all weird. That is bc whole town made up of Moonie recruits.

listenandsee ago

Hey! Just another lead to follow: here's Tom's Creek Rd in VA - http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/2323-Toms-Creek-Rd-Blacksburg-VA-24060/79169659_zpid/

I'm headed to bed, but that's one large property..maybe one of the others on that road looks promising?

ich1baN ago

Wow very interesting @listenandsee ... really weird that they would name it this.... Looks like a bunch of farm houses with huge properties. Thanks for the comment and research, will look into this.

listenandsee ago

Here, to make it easier: http://www.archermodern.com

listenandsee ago

It looks like if you search voat there has been some research done on this road and the farm possibly found.

Also, Christopher Boutlier, who I believe shows up on some of Alefantis' instagram posts, is renovating a barn this year for art and design collaborations.

Intheknow ago

those pics are creepy for sure

Op_Op ago

This is wrong. The correct farm is it at this location. 10720 Dern Rd, Emmitsburg, MD 21727 (https://www.google.com/maps/place/10720+Dern+Rd,+Emmitsburg,+MD+21727/@39.655105,-77.2941137,785m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c9b683fe1ae849:0x662ce29c804e0e3d!8m2!3d39.655105!4d-77.291925)) This is Whitmore Farm. http://www.whitmorefarm.com. The reason I know this is the correct farm is because it looks exactly the same on google maps, and their website states they have Ameraucana's, Marans, Welsummer's, and Delaware's which is the one that is the smudged one at the top left of the Instagram picture, plus they sell a lot of pork (sows).

ich1baN ago

That farm is probably no doubt connected, but the farm directly north of the JA drawing that matches google earth is not whitmore but a totally different farm.

Dressage2 ago

I believe it is more than possible there are numerous farms involved all over. It will all come out soon.

ich1baN ago

WOW you've been awake for decades? I've been semi-awake for like 8 years now in terms of knowing the deep dark roots of Freemasonry.... I had no idea it was this evil (I found out about the satanist Pedo circles that go as far as the UK Royalty and the Queen of England stuff literally like 4 weeks ago).... I now read scripture with a different lens such as this one:

Luke 17:2

It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin.

And on your sausage suggestion. You know it's really strange now that I think about it. But I've ALWAYS been repulsed to eating the type of low grade sausage that people put on Pizza at say like pizzahut. I'm not saying they are putting children in that sausage but I've never EVER been able to actually eat it and I'm not allergic to sausage or any ingredient in it. But every time I try to eat it, I immediately get the urge to vomit and I actually did once when I had a sausage pizza... it's not one of those vomits that comes about hours later.... It's an IMMEDIATE response like the Holy Spirit inside my body is like GET THIS THE FUCK OUT OF YOU AND NEVER TOUCH IT AGAIN

ich1baN ago

OR are attempting a final solution OR have one in place.... these Google Earth images are probably more than 12 months old... We really need some intel to make further analysis.... I need @28leinad82 to do the research on the farm that I have identified in my google earth image which is south of the Whitmore Farm.

Votescam ago

https://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0LEV1UsUnNYJ3UAK79XNyoA;_ylc=X1MDMjc2NjY3OQRfcgMyBGZyA3lmcC10BGdwcmlkA2hMWjRnRHVrUXoyaDc1U0xHZWk4U0EEbl9yc2x0AzAEbl9zdWdnAzEwBG9yaWdpbgNzZWFyY2gueWFob28uY29tBHBvcwMxBHBxc3RyA0hhbXN0ZWFkIARwcXN0cmwDOQRxc3RybAM0NARxdWVyeQNIYW1wc3RlYWQlMjBhZmZhaXIlMjBpbiUyMFVLJTJDJTIwcGVkb3BoaWxpYQR0X3N0bXADMTQ4Mzk1Mjg0MgR1c2VfY2FzZQM-?p=Hampstead+affair+in+UK%2C+pedophilia&fr2=sa-gp-search&fr=yfp-t&fp=1 Hampstead case/pedophilia - Ricky Dearman: that's a search page to show how similar the situation is in UK. There are however, other pages where the attempts to deny the reality of this case continues to go on. But, Ricky Dearman's own children make clear that "shops" in their nearby town were involved. Rumors of MacDonalds being involved. - Snopes labels it "false." !!

Votescam ago

"The Final Solution" ... ??? May also be some health protection here after a generation or two of cannibalism. Feed the pig - eat the pig. Also a sign that their system is bogged down with disposal problems?

EQJ ago

My map search on link provided showed Sixes river, not Tom's creek?

ich1baN ago

It might have been an error, try refreshing b/c.... Trust me... that is Toms Creek. I studied the whole fucking 20.8 miles of Toms Creek comparing it to that one section drawn by JA until I found the only part of the entire tributary that matched.

Edit: And btw, there is no such thing as Sixes River... What you probably saw was Sixes Road which crosses over Toms Creek in my google earth link.

ich1baN ago

Thanks Expose, I was like 70% sure, but now you made it clear... Appreciate it.

Intheknow ago

Can we say"Soilent green" In the movie cloud atlas theres a part that the actor is running after escaping a nursing home and screams a comment about soilent green. I think thats how its spelled. Just a thought. Dont eat the meat.

Cbradio ago

Hmm, Toms River pollution is full of fertilizer and various elements from it. Would make it easy to wash down life waste. There is a corp on nytims of many, allowed to bypass us sanctions to be in Iran, Sudan, Iraq etc, 2010 article. America Biosystems from Ronoake, Va, industrial, pet,livestock,chemical enzymes and microbials.

Every company on this long list allowed to bypass sanctions is suspect.

Nd.found rodent research where microbrials can induce infectious disease by change many variables. Sciencemag.org, Aug 16, 2016, Kelly Service, "Mouse microbes may make harder for Scientific studies harder to Replicate."

I found wifimifi internet county filing request in va, near adopt/ Dr offices of podesta pals in rural. I'm going to try to find that for this farm.

Cbradio ago

Hmm..I just looked up the drawing you posted by JA. I know from travels that pigs will eat human, esp if ground up in mush. Not saying it is that, but the drawing and set up are perfect for that, and for them to order ham pork, how they disturbingly; just might like, and consider " sustainable, recyable..

I have got to find that Cali dinner part on wikileaks, I swear I saw one comment, who will bring meat grinder. And www.meat grinder.com, sells many portable meat grinders, bone mills and bone paste machines.

ich1baN ago

Interesting, please post the wikileaks if you find it.... I also find it interesting that the location of the farm is exactly where Toms Creek meets the Monocacy River, meaning that any feces runoff would go directly into the Monocacy River and contaminate the ENTIRE watershed of the DC Metro Area (this is just a theory of mine, not sure how valid it is but it's at least peculiar if this is their farm that they chose that spot).

Cbradio ago

Hi, thanks. Its not on wikileaks, but I found it on a county in VA for. WiFi mifi approval. But, I see this farm is not VA, but going to look if they tried to get mifi WiFi build on, county approval.

I NEED to find the VA one I found, it might be on the VA subverse, but its been about four weeks ago..)) Wish had it now to show you..

ich1baN ago

I'm not entirely sure what wifi mifi is? Can you explain this to me? Thanks.

Cbradio ago

Sure, it is to add their own internet towers for WiFi, mifi..hotspots..needs county approval...

Cbradio ago

Ah good find. A month ago, I posted a area around there, that was going for WiFi mifi approval. I posted the source...it reminded me of that Hawaii warehouse with underground WiFi.

lollipolli ago

http://cannibalclub.org/index.html somebody on one of the PG Facebook investigative groups posted the link to this site (the cannibal club)... could it be for real?

ich1baN ago

GOOD FUCKING GAWD.... WTF.... You've go to be fucking kidding me.... Yes this seems as real as those who believe in www.flatearthsociety.org... From the website:

Where do you get your specialty meat?

Our avenues of procurement vary. Most of the businesses and institutions who supply us prefer to keep those relationships discreet. On the individual level, bodies are often bequeathed to us. For some, this is a way to supplement life insurance and offset funerary expenses. For others, such as Cannibal Club member Gwendoline Fenwich, who was served to her friends and relatives at the Club in January of 2008, being prepared as a meal, and thereby reborn into the bodies of the living, is an attractive alternative to the more the traditional practices of burial and cremation.

We take considerable care to ensure that all our meat is produced legally and ethically, and derived only from young, healthy bodies.

Votescam ago

Wouldn't part of the goal be to have all of the public unknowingly partaking of these animals fed humans? It will of course have negative effects, eventually. That's why the reference is to "young" animals who aren't showing signs of "mad cow" disease. What happened here in the US more than 30 years ago or more was that cattle ranchers (and presume all involved in domestication of animals) began to feed animals to animals - sometimes even road kill. This is some of what Oprah ran into when she interviewed a former cattle breeder (as I recall it) who had written a book. (I'll look it up and link to what I can of the story.) This led Oprah to declare she'd never "eat a burger again." That led to Oprah being sued, though she won the case.
But it was going on with ALL animals. At a certain point they will show the effects. However, chickens, for instance, don't live long enough to show the effects. That's why the guy is saying "young." Well, young still doesn't guarantee that any animal fed another animal is healthy. In fact, this kind of animal cannibalism was stopped hundreds of years go because of the illnesses in animals it unleashed. Will also try to provide a link to that info. Only cows live long enough to show us how ill they become. This was also linked to Alzheimer's in humans at one point. Will also look for a link to that.

ON EDIT: Here are the LINKS -- it's taking me a while to do this as the links I picked up today were converted into script on my computer so I'm having to go back and forth to pick up the info.

Top Oprah Controversies - http://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1939460_1939452_1939475,00.html

Guest was Howard Lyman, Author, "Mad Cowboy" http://www.madcowboy.com/01_BookOV.000.html

Howard Lyman on YouTube "Talk" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCMWctmCCqU

Info on the Lawsuit - http://www.madcowboy.com/01_BookOP.000.html

Mad Cow And Alzheimer's Have Surprising Link http://www.madcowboy.com/01_BookOP.000.html

There are a lot of other articles on this subject which you will easily find. Here are two more: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15694685 http://www.rense.com/general59/sdme.htm


The Intriguing Connections Between Alzheimer’s, Mad Cow, and Chronic Wasting Disease | We Are Change http://wearechange.org/the-intriguing-connections-between-alzheimers-mad-cow-and-chronic-wasting-disease/

ich1baN ago

Votescam, yes, that's part of one of my theories (the whole passing off the food unknowingly to the public) I state it in the OP and throughout the comment section here. I know about the madcow disease that broke out near the early 2000s that came from Europe and England pretty well, but had not heard about the Oprah story you are mentioning nor the other ones you are citing. That would be really interesting if you could find some citations and link me, b/c perhaps this cannibalism aspect has wider implications to not only humans eating humans, but of humans forcing domesticated animals (especially herbivores) to eat other animals. If you haven't seen this site that @lollipolli linked, it's a must read b/c these psychos are all interrelated and they attempt to pass of their disgusting habits as if it is as natural as a mother and father protecting their children.... this is as real as those who literally believe in a flat earth.

Votescam ago

Yes, I have links and information I gathered today and will post to you now -- and then I will follow the thread back to the conversation and try to find my post and make sure the links get posted there. Here ya go --

Oprah -- Top 10 Oprah Controversies - TIME

Top 10 Oprah Controversies - TIME

During the height of the mad-cow scare in 1996, Oprah invited Howard Lyman, a cattle rancher turned vegetarian, ...

Name of book by Howard Lyman http://www.madcowboy.com/01_BookOV.000.html

Mad Cowboy

how the cattle industry potentially exposed Americans to Mad Cow Disease by feeding cows the remains of live animals - including other cows. As a result of his remarks, Lyman was named a co-defendant with Oprah Winfrey in the infamous "veggie libel" case brought by Texas ranchers in Amarillo.

In this shocking and powerful book, Lyman uncovers the dangerous and potentially deadly practices of the cattle and dairy industry.

Cattle ranchers turned cows into cannibals. Until August 1997, cattle were routinely fed the remains of other cows. The Department of Agriculture and the FDA banned the practice, fearing the spread of bovine spongiform encephalopathy, better known as Mad Cow Disease. But it remains legal to feed cows "rendered" -- dead and ground up -- parts of certain animals, including the blood of other cows, despite the fact that this practice may allow deadly illnesses to enter the food chain. In 1995, five million tons of processed slaughterhouse leftovers were sold for animal feed.

"...I felt better knowing that there was one answer to many of the different ills afflicting both ourselves and our environment. Everything revolved around the fork." (MAD COWBOY, p. 81)

Mad Cowboy - Full Documentary

Mad Cowboy - Full Documentary

HOW TO TELL THE TRUTH AND GET IN TROUBLE I am a fourth-generation dairy farmer and cattle rancher. I grew up on ...

Lawsuit NewMadCowboy


Alzheimer's in human connected to animal eating

Mad Cow And Alzheimer's Have Surprising Link

Mad Cow And Alzheimer's Have Surprising Link

It turns out that both diseases involve something called a prion protein, a finding could one day lead to more ...

Strittmatter's team made the discovery after looking at hundreds of thousands of molecules that occur naturally in the brain. The prion protein turned out to be the best at interacting with a protein called amyloid-beta, which is what forms the plaques in Alzheimer's

"At first they said, 'No that can't be,'" Strittmatter says. "It's too bizarre that these two diseases would share this common protein."

But he says it seemed less strange when they considered that both diseases affect brain cells and cause dementia.

Thinking the unthinkable: Alzheimer's, Creutzfeldt-Jakob and Mad Cow disease: the age-related reemergence of virulent, foodborne, bovine tuberculos... - PubMed - NCBI


Thinking the unthinkable: Alzheimer's, Creutzfeldt-Jakob and Mad Cow di...

By Broxmeyer L

Med Hypotheses. 2005;64(4):699-705.

History of feeding animals to animals from 400 years ago----

Important links:





Kuru is an incurable, degenerative, and ultimately fatal condition similar to mad cow disease, but instead of contracting it by eating contaminated beef, you exclusively get it through eating human flesh. Kuru was first identified in the ’50s in Papua New Guinea, where it spread thanks to the cannibalistic habits of the Fore tribe. The Fore would ritualistically consume the bodies of their dead—including the brains, where most of the infectious proteins (called “prions”) can be found.

Symptoms of kuru include tremors, hysterical laughter, slurred speech, and eventually being unable to move or swallow. The incubation period is typically between 10 and 13 years, but cases have been reported 50 years or more after exposure. Most sufferers die within a year following the onset of symptoms.

10 Engrossing Facts About Cannibalism - Listverse

10 Engrossing Facts About Cannibalism - Listverse

Evidence says our ancestors had cannibalistic tendencies as far back as 800,000 years ago. They had good reason ...


Mad Cow and Alzheimer's


The Intriguing Connections Between Alzheimer’s, Mad Cow, and Chronic Wasting Disease | We Are Change

The Intriguing Connections Between Alzheimer’s, Mad Cow, and Chronic Wastin...

By Dr. Mercola Alzheimer’s disease, which affects an estimated 5.2 million Americans,1 is a devastating degene...

Hidden Connection Between Mad Cow And Alzheimer's

Hidden Connection Between Mad Cow And Alzheimer's

Cbradio ago

Idk, I'll look, but I already found a lot of Illuminati iniation people and groups on Fb, esp Africa ones, with dead bodies, commenting, " this is what happens if you break the rules.

olive611 ago

Part of me thinks they aren't really talking about pigs, maybe it's a human breeding farm. The "lock up mom" part gave me chills. It's a really fucked up thought, but at this point anything is possible.

Votescam ago

Just as we recognize other aspects of this "business" of trafficking humans/children -- i.e., kidnappings, selection of children, cooperation of fathers who are already abusing their own children, financial reward for them, ways to transport the children, holding areas for the children/humans - background of all of this (CIA-MKULTRA/Monarch) for purpose of Mind Control, we also recognize that disposal of bodies has to also be considered. From 2nd paragraph: Quote: "MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people's mental states and alter brain functions, including the surreptitious administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis,[10] sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as other forms of psychological torture."[11][12] See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra This torture and sexual abuse has to be continued in order to keep the control going. Special persons are told they are "elite" and steps are taken to ensure that the torture doesn't show. This is for the purpose of creating split personalities -- where the new personalities can be programmed to fulfill certain roles: homosexual prostitution, drug running, spying/espionage also for blackmail.

See: Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave

ich1baN ago

I've thought of all the theories for a while and so far the most probable and plausible to me is still the pig farm.... John Podesta wouldn't have spent 2 years as a farmhand slaughtering pigs. The idea that they can feed humans to pigs and have a ready to made evidence destroyer is so obvious for many reasons plus they can also still partake in their satanic ritual abuse by eating the pigs which is essentially eating the humans still. They don't need to breed people b/c they have enough supply from orphanages, adoptions centers, etc etc.

And the mother pig being locked up is a well known tactic to keep the mother pig from her piglets so she doesn't eat them.

NeedPolyGF ago

Pigs don't eat solid bones. The bones and teeth would have to be ground up or dissolved.

ich1baN ago

Yea, someone mentioned that on this thread too.

hanknut42 ago

they'd never breed humans that'd be dumb. Why waste the money/time when you can go to different countries and steal them? Look at all the kids from the Luzattto pics they are all eastern european looking and look nothing like her. Also Silbsy in haiti trying to traffic the kids to the DR. And the emails in the files that price out how much it takes to ship childern its really cut and dry. Edit it could be a place to keep them thou that meaning the extra food part was about "piglets" that are areally childern captive

I-am-not-James ago

google earth can, and has, blocked out buildings.

I watched a Carine Hutsebaut interview showing a google earth blocked out image of a Belgian pedo Castle called Mother of Darkness. at 44:14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0-QGu8lOO4

If you've got the money and power you can block it out.

hanknut42 ago

also if you got the CEO of google prob on your client list :D

Edit PIC http://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000158-6a12-d435-a9ff-7f5ae4080001

I-am-not-James ago

# oh mah gawd

hanknut42 ago

yah that girl whos ducked taped to the table on JAs instagram looks like she has down syndrome to who the hell would do that to her?!

I-am-not-James ago

hmmm, to me that kid didn't look downs syndrome. I grew up with a neighbor kid, my best friends sister had downs and I'm very familiar with the look. I thought the kid looked like Alafantis. I thought it was his kid.

hanknut42 ago

she looks exactly like the actress who played on AHS Jamie Brewer

I-am-not-James ago

Jimmy Comet’s insta pic shows JA holding a little baby whom he says loved the farm: https://i.sli.mg/kkDLPl.jpg


he loves children: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKTiUaloDDA


he doesn’t like children at all at 15:10 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZQxYQ49p0U&t=903s

and he also refers to babies as hotards: https://i.sli.mg/uecSMT.png

Is love what's really happening down on the farm?

I suspect they've moved locations. I don't think these people can stop their addiction habits enough to scrap the plan, maybe postpone it, or move it, but not entirely scrap it.

ich1baN ago

Yes, this state of ambivalence and bipolar attitude is exactly in accordance with Freemasonry. The masons (33rd degrees) believe that they should commit an equal amount of evil and an equal amount of good to balance each other. It's most likely why the Shriner's hospital is intended for the most disadvantaged children and cancers.... Shriner's in case you didn't know are 33rd degree masons. This is balancing the bad that they do.... so at the same time JA loves children but he also hates them.

It matches the dual nature to everything they talk about and post about such as the Janus double head in Roman mythology, the double-headed eagle that is referenced all throughout freemasonry... to them there is no such thing as absolute good and evil, they just believe in doing what society perceives as both good and evil.

I-am-not-James ago

I never knew that detail, quote: doing what society perceives as both good and evil.

That explains the wikileak spirit cooking chef to the stars and politicians, Marina Abramovic's interest in janus head art. https://i.sli.mg/zwkZsU.jpg

and duality art. http://www.sli.mg/af6wGn

If their looking for balance it would make sense that they throw one of theirs to the wolves, as a counter balance.

ich1baN ago

YES!!! Ding ding ding! Exactly, few people realize this in their art.... but it's EVERYWHERE in their posts... especially the male-female duality that is prevalent in a lot of their art. I actually think they don't think of people in terms of genders... they don't believe in genders. That's why they praise the ISIS-Osiris-Horus story so much and give it so much homage. A ton of the connected artists such as Ann Leda Shapiro has tons of this sort of ideological thinking in her drawings (she is connected to JimmyComet via Jerry Saltz).

Here are a couple of her pieces titled "HeShe" and "Woman Landing on Man in the Moon".... it's literally the stupidest fucking art... it's not even art, it's shit:



I-am-not-James ago

I forgot to mention that the theosophy system believes that an ultimate ascended being has no gender, and at the core everybody is non-gender sexless. I think their attempt to bring hermaphrodites and trans is an attempt to rush that gap of non-gender.

ich1baN ago

Yup, exactly... that's why this idea of gender equality and the universities and institutions pushing this whole agenda of a "non" gender Zee is all completely INSANE b/c it plays into the Freemasons and satanists partaking in SRA.

I-am-not-James ago

Franklin Scandal, they threw a guy to the wolves. Then the pedo charges were swept under the rug and completely overlooked, but this time they couldn't do that cause it's too well known.

I'm sure their uppers are scrambling to know how to balance this thing out.

If you're right, and my years of study on their beliefs makes me think you are, they would likely hope to throw somebody to their gods to appease a balance of some kind.

If I were JA I'd vid my affidavit and send it to numerous lawyers upon an accidental suicide, and I'd take them down. By his own belief system it would ease his imbalance on the other side, he'd get off easier in his after-this-life.

ich1baN ago

"Franklin Scandal, they threw a guy to the wolves."

Was this in the documentary? I watched the whole Discovery Channel Documentary and didn't see this mentioned but perhaps I missed it.

And very interesting thought process on JA and afterlife. One thing I can think of though is that JA might be an "untouchable". I know a lot on here are saying he is a just chum fall guy... but he may indeed be more powerful than we all believe. I know a lot of people posit he is a CIA agent, and others posit he's just Brock and John Podesta's butt hole buddy... but I think this guy could potentially be much bigger than that behind the scenes... he did visit the White House 4 times and on some of those occasions spoke with Obama which tells me this guy is bigger than we all think. If he was just a pawn figure, he wouldn't be having meetings with Obama imo.

EDIT Just to confirm that JA could be bigger than WE all thought. Here is a comment from another thread:

[–] Newzhawk 3 points (+3|-0) 7 hours ago Mentioned in george webbs series wheres eric braverman and who killed monica peterson,it was said that JAMES ALEFANTIS was in Haiti day Clintons flew there to bail Laura Silsby outa jail for child trafficking,, date should be easy to check but him being there confirmed? Needs checking.


I-am-not-James ago

IMO, the sacrificial goat or sheep (depending on what duality view they have to take at the moment) was Lawrence E. King. I’m not sure if he was their goat or black sheep. During the Franklin Scandal their team shifted the focus to finances and pedo shit was swept from the trial meaning that it was kept alive and well in politics and in DC. Same with the masons many varied branches, Crowley’s thelema, and theosophical Society U.N. teachings.

This during the Reagan/Bush eras, Cathy O'Brien's vids describe Bush as a perp. It's interesting that O'Brien was never sued, neither was Bryce Taylor or Carolyn Hamlett. That would have uncovered the rats nest and instead they ignored it and it didn't get any traction. They can't ignore it this time.

IMO it’s important to know their hybrid mash-up cult beliefs to get a bead on the next shit they’ll do. This connects with Aldous Huxley’s book, Brave New World, connecting to their immortality control driven science and experimentation schemes that they fund under the heading science, technology and or “think tanks”.

James Alafantis is more a leader in the occult saide than the political wingnuts who act as mouthpiece, example: Obama was picked and groomed early. JA’s interest in occult is referenced by JA’s Chapel Perilous movie shows interest in deeper occult. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1545521

I don’t think these political doughheads are masters of the rituals, as shown by Jpodesta wikileak he needs help from Abramovic. JA’s Instagram pic showed a signed thankyou letter for the ‘’cooking’’ describing how it helps her on her campaign trail. There ain’t no ritual big enough fortification to help them.

Down a little bit of a rabbit hole, WikiLeaks spirit cooker Abramovic references the slaughter of sheep and goats. https://i.sli.mg/Yek1Gw.jpg If they need a white duality sacrifice they’ll use a person from that white checkerboard domino. https://i.sli.mg/1wGH21.jpg she looks like she’s in a trance, high or both.

Sheep are normal people, their sheeple cattle they send to slaughter, the public. It’s different than the cheese and pasta they use.
If they need to balance black duality sacrifice they’ll do that: https://i.sli.mg/4gmSPa.jpg notice the same trance.

If they need to sacrifice a goat, one of their own type, they’ll do it as a mercy sacrifice, signified by the ‘’artistic’’ use of stones to represent her wings of mercy, necessity, sacrifice of honor for their cause, taking one for the team. https://i.sli.mg/mT51df.jpg

They’ll take a sheep or a goat, throw one of their own to balance as a sacrifice. https://i.sli.mg/wQ42dU.jpg The goat mutilated is a threat and warning to someone and that someone would have known who they were. They’d either go peaceably to the slaughter for the good, or not peaceably, but it’s a threat. Sometimes a threat to stop and stay in line or that they need one of their own sacrificed in ritual.

Further down the rabbit hole, rock music took a shift via Tavistock scientific experimentation, run by the worlds political elite. They used the same ritual symbolism, Led Zeppelin was in the open about their following Aleister Crowley. Rumor had it that the singers son died in a crash as a sacrifice for the band. His song lyrics led more speculation but I’m not sure if he ever admitted to it publically or if was rumor. His sons death changed his life and rumor was that he split from the band out of fear. Song Dirt in a Hole lyrics some claim refers to his feeling about his sons death: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/robertplant/dirtinahole.html

Paul McCartney spoke of the sacrifice aspect in the book called Billy Shears is Back, and Memoirs unabridged version. Check out the webpage. It explains the sacrifice of one of their own, the sacrifice of others, it’s the black and white sheep or a goat, one of theirs. This is in keeping with biblical symbology to some degree.

The Rolling stones was a product of this as shown in the 1973 album cover pictures. A lot of the songs referenced this.
Rolling stones goats head soup album cover from ’73: https://i.sli.mg/HrFhAd.png The goat head in the soup is a warning threat, same as Abramovics holding up the mangled goats head by the horns.

and https://i.sli.mg/DiPE3A.jpg note horn image on the head, under the suffocation veil, death threat.

Their history loops and that's why I know somebody in that click is going to go down and that’s a given but they’ll want to balance it out with sheep, either pure white or black sheep or both. They always have to make payments sacrifices for what they want and for what they did wrong.
They offer a sheep for what they want and a goat for what they did wrong, in balance of duality, the black and white board game they refer to in all their symbology .

ich1baN ago

Wow man really good stuff you pulled up here, there is definitely some significance to the duality part of it. I just want to state that most of the psycho groupies involved in this probably don't practice the duality part, I think it's reserved for the highest of the elites such as 33rd degree masons and people like Marina b/c they are considered "gods" at this point and can "choose" to do whatever it is they want, just as long as they balance it.

Very good post my brother. @I-am-not-James

Btw, you know where that trance psycho death stare is from, right?

Aleister crowley:


Aldous Huxley’s book, Brave New World, connecting to their immortality control driven science and experimentation schemes that they fund under the heading science, technology and or “think tanks”.

DING DING DING... This is where it all leads... they are all investing heavily into tech and science that propels immortality. You know Marina is like 70 years old but she looks like she could be 35... they are doing things to prolong their lives until they reach singularity which most scientists posit will occur around 2040. This is where all of their sadistic teachings and satanic rituals eventually lead... that's also when God will destroy them all imo... I could be wrong though.

organic1 ago

You sure know your stuff! I wish I was as good with dates as you are. Things are definitely changing, but I wish it was faster. One of the things I learned recently is that Belgium is the vegan capital of the world because they have over 80 restaurants that do not serve any foods containing animal products. The thing is is that Brussels is practically a stone's throw away from Belgium and it's been said that it's a hub for child abuse and murder. I wonder if people in Belgium are afraid of having these kids put in their food supply, so they just quit eating meat all together.

ich1baN ago

@organic1 @iwakesheeple ... this makes the buyout of Smithfield hams by China all the more creepier considering all the strange Panda references and the human organ harvesting done by the Chinese government via Falun Gong.

organic1 ago

You got that right! Considering the article I read today on Drudge about the authorities knowing that rat meat was in the food for Super Bowl and they didn't tell anyone or recall the food has me believing that they aren't going to tell us what other kids of meat we're consuming.

organic1 ago

Damn, you're right! That is creepy. So glad I gave up meat almost 2 years ago.

As an aside, did you see the ultra weird artwork of Tony Podesta's favorite artist? If not, some of the creatures resembled strange looking pig-people and other chimeras you'd find being created at a genetics science lab.

MolochHunter ago

Bear in mind Alefantis' sketch 'blueprint' has no confirmation whether the map is oriented North (ie his text may not run due west-east)

That may mean the proposed site is elsewhere along the creek in similar bends

ich1baN ago

@molochhunter .... I agree but I've searched the entire 20.8 mile long stretch of Toms Creek and there is no similar triangular bend and curve that match with the accuracy of the one I found on google earth yet..... this is likely it as the site is already zoned for farming.

Haldelos ago

Apparently Its Whitmore Farm https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1456003

ich1baN ago

I've already commented on this as someone else mentioned it too but the whitmore farm is north of the farm in my google earth image. This farm is likely entirely different and I need @28leinad82 to do the research b/c he was the one that identified whitmore farm using his tools and methods and I want him to do the same with this farm I have identified.

organic1 ago

That's a shame they're allowed to exist there. Smithfield Foods is a huge company, so I can imagine how protected they are. Do you know what year they established themselves there? If it was long ago, many environmental groups weren't organized enough to fight them, so it was easy for them to set up shop without much resistance. Now today, I'm sure they're pretty darned connected and thus protected. I wouldn't want to live anywhere near that place. As more and more people give up eating meat either due to their beliefs about animal sufferage or because they aren't sure as to what kind of meat they're eating, business such as Smithfield will become weak. People are already realizing how damaging slaughter houses are for the environment.

hanknut42 ago

hes taken a child to that farm already so yes its the one that the people found. it may be owned by someone else but a good criminal isn't going to put a pig farm in his name. THERES A IG pic of him outside with a child bundled up and says " that kid really loved the FARM"

unbiased_researcher ago

You have Tom's Creek going past the Monocracy River in your sketch. Here is the trace of Tom's Creek in its entirety: Tom's Creek

ich1baN ago

Yes I have Toms Creek to the point it connects to the Monocacy River b/c that is the only spot on Toms Creek that matches the image posted by JA.... just so you know Toms Creek is over 20 miles long.

The image you present and mine are no different, yours is just rotated 90 degrees.

YingYangMom ago



Could this pig farm be in Tom's creek? Because Alefantis posted these two pictures. They are from the same place. A pig's farm.

https://www.flickr.com/photos/146343979@N02/30751357981/in/photostream/ https://archive.is/h6CN1 https://www.flickr.com/photos/146343979@N02/30802685126/ https://archive.is/qIQK0

Actually, not positive it's the same place, but quite confident.

ich1baN ago

Holy crap... I need to go through all of JA's posts again (haven't done so in 4 weeks) with all the new revelations in mind.... Thanks for posting YingYang.

Cbradio ago

Wish I could remember where I posted a WiFi mifi county approval in VA, on vout. It reminded me of the Hawaii property w underground WiFi. I had found the actual county filing in rural va. It was written that its a very rare request,...

YingYangMom ago

Anytime :D

YingYangMom ago

Nice catch. Again, another wierd connection to Georgetown...

ich1baN ago

Good stuff, the artist connection is definitely a potential link, probably more inspiration for these sick fuks more than anything, but the McLean connection with John Podesta and his 2 year stint as a farmhand and his tale of butchering pigs in the WPost is all really good circumstantial evidence.... We are definitely getting closer with all these connections.

YingYangMom ago

Sounds like the Robert Pickton's Pig Farm case. Here are some details about the case that might resemble your theory.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Pickton

1- Robert William "Willie" Pickton of Port Coquitlam, British Columbia, Canada, is a former multi-millionaire pig farmer and serial killer who, in 2007, confessed to 49 murders but only was convicted on the second degree murders of 6 of them. He's currently serving a 25 years sentence (maximum).

2- A worker, Bill Hiscox called Port Coquitlam farm 'a creepy-looking place', noting that it was patrolled by a 600-lb boar that was running out with the dogs around the property. "I never saw a pig like that, who would chase you and bite at you," he said.

3- Robert and his brother David registered a non-profit charity, the Piggy Palace Good Times Society, with the Canadian government in 1996 as aiming to "organize, co-ordinate, manage and operate special events, functions, dances, shows and exhibitions on behalf of service organizations, sports organizations and other worthy groups."

4- Over the course of the next three years, Hiscox noticed that women who visited the farm eventually went missing.

5- After a search warrant was issued and executed on grounds of posession of illegal firearms, some of the belongings of missing women were found at the farm and the men were taken into custody.

6-As the search went on and evidence mounted the number of Robert Pickton's victims grew and he was eventually charged on 27 counts of murder in the first degree.

7- In 1999, Canadian police had received a tip that Pickton had a freezer filled with human flesh on his farm. Although they interviewed Pickton and obtained his consent to a search of his farm, the police never conducted one. (??!!)

8- On March 10, 2004, it was revealed that Pickton may have ground up human flesh and mixed it with pork that he sold to the public; the province's health authority later issued a warning.

9- Another claim was made that he fed the bodies directly to his pigs.

We know that Alefantis is fascinated with pigs as he shared several pictures of pigs on different social media posts. Curiously, he also sometimes likes to zoom in on their eyes...

https://www.flickr.com/photos/146343979@N02/30751306221/ https://archive.is/8UGrB

https://www.flickr.com/photos/146343979@N02/30751305331/in/photostream/ https://archive.is/2lZi5

https://www.flickr.com/photos/146343979@N02/30802685126/ https://archive.is/qIQK0

https://www.flickr.com/photos/146343979@N02/30751311571/in/photostream/ https://archive.is/Pm4PG

You might be on to something here.

Edit: Source and formatting

Cbradio ago

Good post, but such horror..ughh. This place, serial reminds me of early 1900 one in Washington state on an island. A rich female that housed homeless and pregnant females, killed and buried on property, in well, under trees, etc. Said to be haunted, fireplace and all is satanic carvings and murals. There is a book about it. A old hippy lady lives there now, and has boar pigs as guard dogs. I was there once, friends took me. Was strange place, but hippy lady was nice. She said she knew how to keep the bad spirits at bay. Strange creepy day. Never went back.

YingYangMom ago

Wow. I wonder what she meant by 'knows how to keep the bad spirits at bay'. By feeding them little children? Haha.

ich1baN ago

Thanks for taking the time and effort to post this Yingyang... there is definitely a correlation to all of this and we are really close to closing in on them. This as you noticed above connects to John Podesta and his 2 year stint as a farmhand in McLean during his college years at Gtown where he spoke about his joy of slaughtering pigs and even went into detail of how he would shoot them first in order to stun them which made it easier to slice their throats (I know graphic).

JA and others do focus on pigs and have a fascination on them... you even see it in popular television such as the guy who linked the rugrats and a lot of the satanic type of shows that are running today have strange pig references. I need to review JA's album again and collect my thoughts and try to figure out where they are taking this.

YingYangMom ago

Yes, I archived almost all the renovation pictures there and have been trying to seperate pictures into groups according to their emplacement, house or project. Not easy, still working on it. He also traveled a lot. I see he was in Holland, Turkey, France and perhaps even Portugal and South America (Haiti?) Not sure about some of them because I can't see any of the comments or hashtags.

Cbradio ago

Have you seen any photos with alefontis or gay guy friends in Israel? Esp a beach shot in tightly bikini with a very young toddler, boy?

For I saw Ukraine orphans, many end up in Jerusalem boys town..

ich1baN ago

Good stuff, when you're finished please make a separate post cataloging everything that you have theorized as fitting into place and I'm sure that will draw lots of conclusions and new connections hopefully to some of the more abstract posts out there that are worthwhile but just don't have that last connecting element yet.

YingYangMom ago

I'm sure I'm gonna find the time to do so very soon. Thanks for the advice and encouragement, it's appreciated :D

carmencita ago

Why does it say at the top of the blueprint Lock up Mom??!! Somewhat creepy.

ich1baN ago

Not sure yet, I've been trying to figure that out too.

embers ago

I think the farm was already identified as belonging to the gay anesthesiologist Kent Ozkum.


Dressage2 ago

There are plenty of doctors involved in this operation of pedo.

ich1baN ago

That's the owner of the Whitmore farm... the farm I'm linking to is just south of the Whitmore Farm and I think might be owned by someone entirely different.... would be interesting if you could get @28leinad82 to research that as he seems to have the skills to do this like he did in his post you linked.

ich1baN ago

Jeez... I didn't even know videos and theories like this existed... I literally just thought about what I wrote 2 hours ago... good gawd I hope this isn't true for humanity's sake but I do know that the Jewish Talmud (not all jews follow this) does condone raping little girls as long as one does it violently and inhumanely:


EDIT: Thank god that video with Abe Finkelstein is likely a hoax to divert attention away from what they're really hiding, here is a good article that analyzes it:


Dressage2 ago

Who fact checked that interview as a hoax? snopes and wash post perhaps?

YingYangMom ago

I'm not so sure it's a complete hoax. Check the longer version. He openly admits to being a Satanist and Lucifer follower. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyuDNsTSXl8

Edit: I just read the Henry Makow article and even he, admits that it's a Jewish Hoax, but not entirely. The Jewish Satanist Agenda is exposed and is revealed together with some disinfo an outrageous claims (about the babies being used as meat to be distributed in Mc Donald restaurants) which of course make the interview LOOK LIKE a hoax, but in reality is not. Smart move, but not smart enough for the awakened people of today.

ich1baN ago

Yup, I only meant the McDonalds part is likely a hoax lol... You guys are right that he makes an outrageous claim above and beyond the real atrocities that society believes to be fake in order to make them appear even more fake.

SlackeryTurnBull ago

The "current" instructions on the map of a currently non-functioning pig farm would indicate something not above-board, an attempt at conceiling the true purpose of the instagram. This makes the reference to "piglets" and feeding mothers "extra food" especially disturbing.

JoJoVoat ago

Great job!
I think it's IMPORTANT that we keep our eyes especially wide open on the dates of the Satanic Holidays.
I created a subverse several days ago... I will re-post 2 calendars below.
If you live near these locations....pls be extra vigilant those days /day before.

Yesterday was a SRA Holiday - (1/7)- animal or human sacrifice and dismemberment The next Holiday according to the SRA calendar will be Jan 17th - "Satanic Revels" Here is the calendar:

This is an occult calendar with much more detailed information and same/similar dates. http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cienciareal/cienciareal20.htm

This is my original post on Voat: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1535978

Good luck. I think you are definitely on to something.

You researchers are amazing UpVoat

ich1baN ago

I had no idea there was a Satanic calendar, thanks for sharing.... according to the calendar you link the next human abduction and sacrifice is Jan 20-27:

Jan 20-27 Abduction, ceremonial preparation and holding of sacrificial victim for Candlemas sexual and blood oral, anal, vaginal human sacrifice female or child (any age)

I'm guessing without even looking that a lot of those bizarre ritualistic insta photos from Jimmy Comet were likely on Satanic holidays.

yabbadoody ago

anyone attempting physical sighting contact? Not really advisable. Excecise EXTREME CAUTION... if the joint actually is "The Farm" (as has been suggested here and elsewhere), then it very well could still be a CIA front. I would expect trespassing at a child-pornography/sex trafficking site to be met with extreme prejudice - anal rape, mind control, disappearance or suiciding, and "your ass" might very well be on the menu.

If it's what's thought it may be, then very violent and sick fuckery is afoot.

Assumption being the case and if my hunchies are correct, then I would expect wide area automatic surveillance, spycams getting pictures of makes/models/license plates as autos drive by various "choke points" to and from the area, etc. But probably more, and if nothing's "going on" as they say, things could appear pretty sedate from the exterior, which is deceptive.

Recommend very long lenses, which give a huge "lens-to-tooth ratio" as it's called in wildlife photography. 600mm for 35 format would not be too much. Camera will need to be motionless during shot. Fast ISO needed, some type of steadying, and vehicle would need to be still in order to get an image at that length, but could be accomplished with a little forethought. And again, don't rule out possibility of aerial surveillance. Night photography is out, unless you're a surveillance pro. Quick drive-by from a phone within a vehicle might or might not go unnoticed. In the country, you're gonna stand out somehow, especially if you're not driving right to this place. And if you stand out, you could look like "surveillance" to them. All points to consider.


ich1baN ago

yabbadoody, thanks for the reply, yea it can't be stated enough that safety is of utmost concern... the guy that did the walkby of Pegasus did a good job of looking nonchalant, but that was in a city setting where people walk through that alley often, so this is a bit different as you say.

I know some farms even give daily tours, so one could get really lucky with that and it wouldn't be uncommon to have a camera at such a venue, but I doubt this is that type of farm... never know though.

Jem777 ago

Are those of you investigating this aspect of these despicable acts aware that J. Podesta has talked about his experience working on a pig farm and butchering them alive as they squeled and how it didn't bother him. I read that initially and my stomach churned but the very fact these people who live in multi-million dollar homes in exclusive neighborhoods have connections to or have parties at pig farms is disturbing. Who does that pig farms are filthy smell horrible, noisy...it makes no sense.

rippingtheveil ago

pigs will devour flesh and bone, it would be a way to dispose of bodies,

NeedPolyGF ago

I never heard of them eating bones. My family used to grow pigs.

Melitica ago

Did you try feeding them bones? We never did but since they are omnivorous ...

ich1baN ago

Really, can you link to the Wikileak email for reference? Or was this in an article or something? Thanks in advance.

ich1baN ago

Thanks Aldo... I had no idea about this. This is all really good circumstantial evidence. The fact John Podesta prides himself on his culinary skills and also has acquired butchering and slaughtering skills via pigs is really disturbing when combined with the fact that JA posted this pic of a pig farm on his insta account.

S3m8o ago

This map hurts my head. There was a post on r/pizzagate from a guy with very detailed pictures, everything matched with the map. Every little detail. But I am unable to find it in the archives. It's gone. I've looked everywhere.

save_thechildren ago

Just wanted to add that FBIanon said to look into Cargill - they have 4 "Meat Solution" plants in Va

doubleherpes ago

Cargill was mentioned? What did FBIAnon say about them?

ich1baN ago

Interesting find guys, keep looking into this. I'll try to check into the meat solution plants and their locations and potential business dealings... there should be info online about these plants since they likely employ a lot of people and are part of a major corporation.

Jem777 ago

Just for info. I looked into Cargill meat solutions as FBI anon suggested and surprise surprise they are major donors to the Clinton Foundation. Just doing a search brings up some interesting hits regarding the intertwining of these two companies.

spez_dispenser ago

Rugrats Season 5:


"Piggy's Pizza Palace:

That's a direct reference to the Pickton Pig Farm, where Robert Pickton would recruit his victims.


Pickton was already known to police for his wild parties thrown on his property under the guise of a registered charity called the Piggy Palace Good Times Society. The non-profit society had an official mandate to “organize, co-ordinate, manage and operate special events, functions, dances, shows and exhibitions on behalf of service organizations, sports organizations and other worthy groups.” But according to court evidence these events were little more than wild rave parties complete with Downtown East-side prostitutes, who were the favourite target of Pickton.

153sdsd ago

I have seen the Spanish translation of the episode, the moment when the ball pit breaks the dialogue stops matching the English version, It is just Angelica screaming: "NO please no I don't want to die!!!! in Spanish" this doesn't happen on the English version I repeat, also, it doesn't match the animation, she is smiling since the moment the ball pit breaks until the thing stops. I can only imagine the writers gave a different version of the script to the translators in Spanish, I think they get off on the sound of kids who think they are about to die, on the Simpsons episode "Bart burlesque" Bart gets hired by a prostitute house as punishment and at some point he screams that he doesn't want to die.. check for yourselves

ich1baN ago

Yea there's something really strange going on with it all... I know for MK Ultra I've read several sources that they split the person's personality by creating extreme fear such as putting kids in closed boxes with insects or showing a child a child sized coffin which creates an adrenaline spike.... (this next part is really sick) They also think the moment of climax (sexually) and death have creates some sort of special adrenaline that they are trying to synthesize (I've read it one of the document dumps that FBIAnon released on patents for MK Ultra).... some really bizarre reading that I frankly couldn't handle reading all of.

There are parts where they try to force a child to murder another child and they try to synthesize some chemical related to the adrenaline created from the fear when the child knows he/she is about to die.

wokeindie ago


ich1baN ago

YES! Thanks m8 ... I forgot what they called and you just nailed it... Is there any validity to this sort of thing?

wokeindie ago

don't know. learnt about it during pizzagate only. I do believe that Hunter S Thompson was the sort of writer to write first hand experience and so I believe in the possibility.

153sdsd ago

lets try to drain the swamp, there is one try per generation, the 80s failed, but we are more connected

ich1baN ago

That is the hope. Ted Cruz is better than I thought.... He is backing Term Limits for Congress which is a YUGEEEE step in stopping this Satanist Pedophilia cult shit.

dogwalker ago

From the rugrat episode wiki

Chuckie then nervously states: “I just hope we don’t end up being piggy food.”

spez_dispenser ago

Here we see Guy Fieri and Alefantis preparing a pork loin for the CPP calzones (starts at 5:30).


ich1baN ago

Jeezus.... every time... it's always under the guise of charity or some sort of benefit for cancer victims (Shriner's hospitals which are 33rd degree masons) and such as Jerry Sandusky and his Second Mile non-profit which was for the benefit of disadvantaged youth which is exactly where he recruited his rape victims... I wrote about it here:


IceDagger316 ago

Shriner's hospitals which are 33rd degree masons


I-am-not-James ago

That also connects to the #hotard insta reference.


hanknut42 ago

yah as kids those fuckers did not care when driving around those little cars fuckers. Its about charity because whos going to call your bluff?

ich1baN ago

They made the drawing though.... I didn't. Just letting the facts guide me.

organic1 ago

I don't know that this is plans for a pig farm because Buck's is already getting their pigs from a pig farm not too far away. If you go to Buck's website, they discuss this. Also, I don't believe it's within regulations to have a pig farm near any body of water because of the run off and the contamination to underground water from the pig excrement. Anything else this blueprint could be evidence of?

Lelo113 ago

A human farm? Breeding by abuse or satanic offerings?. It was my immediate thought. And that dudes pics of his food look like organs for sure like an ice cream brain and organ pizza toppings, also makes me think of that weird ass video of eating the baby ice cream and Podesta emails of brings a block of ice cream..?

ich1baN ago

Yes, but why not have more than 1 in the works? There's a reason they posted a sketch on their insta account... it wasn't for shits and giggles, perhaps they have an improvement on "their" process or they are trying to increase production... there are a million reasons why they would want more. My next level Machiavellian theory is this though:

They want to taint an entire city's water supply with the feces of the pigs (hence it being on the Monocacy River which feeds into the entire water supply of the Greater DC Metro Area) that were fed children and have their patrons perform in the SRA without them even knowing... it's next level Machiavellian I know, but these are EXTREMELY sociopathic people that are trying their dearest to influence the entire world and they most likely believe in some sort of influence scientifically if one has tried the sausage or bacon with the DNA of children imbued in it from the contents of the pig's stomach where the DNA hasn't been totally broken down yet (is this possible?)... Aren't the whole pigs used in the butcher process of sausage and hot dog making? Therefore contents in the pig's stomach would still contain the DNA of whatever it consumes?

NeedPolyGF ago

A pig would not absorb or incorporate any whole human DNA. The DNA would all break down in the stomach into amino acids, sugars and probably minerals.

ich1baN ago

I'm sure if you slaughtered a pig 15 minutes after they just feasted on ground human remains, you'd likely still be able to incorporate it in their sadistic food products and the human DNA would be highly traceable at that point. Even if that's not the case, I'm sure they still accept it as is and would eat it even if they know the DNA isn't traceable, knowing that they are still partaking in their SRA.

Cbradio ago

I believe he posted for a reason. He likes to show off as leader to his lower crew. Try looking up WiFi mifi own internet in that county filings, for I found one in va, maybe posted on quantokitty subverse on va multi Dr adopt office subverse. That's the time, I found that filing that the county paperwork, even started its a rare request to get.

Sometimes ones protest, but then again; I found the BBC article from 16 years ago, where mbm, bloodbone cow carcass is milled finely, stored and used to power an entire electric grid in UK. And barely any have said a word as daily, tons are shipped on trains, after used up for milking. How evil and no protestors!! @200 cows equal one huge bin of ground mbm fuel! FEMA coffins?? Idk, but clearly mbm bio fuel is huge, and Canada is in works to build one. Science direct.com has research engineers, building it...))

And who is that famous Utube guy that had the friendly farm, ATV, truck farm that keeps being busted for pedo, as parents are blamed for bringing their kids to such a place that Noone knew that pedo was going on?

Bio material.industries are huge. I'm finding mass each day. Why bury bodies like in past cases, when can make money in sustainable energy, bio diesel, mbm fuel, fertilizer, pet food, pharmaceuticals etc..the new monopolies in industries..

organic1 ago

I appreciate your enthusiasm, but not everybody's asleep. As soon as environmentalists got wind of a pig farm operation being built near water, they'd be there protesting and writing letters to their Congressman, so it would be shut down fast. I don't doubt Alefantis has plans for this area, but what else could it be besides a pig farm? I would be more inclined to believe he's wanting to build a factory because certain productions require a lot of water for cooling purposes such as steel manufacturing. Didn't that steel place move out of the Pajama Factory in PA? Maybe they're planning on building a place similar to the PJ Factory here. I don't know; I'm just speculating, but believe you're on to something, so keep thinking about other possibilities. He could be planning a huge indoor/outdoor water park with swim bar for all we know. Just another family friendly water park...

ich1baN ago

Good point, I upvoated you... You're right that JA is sadistic and bizarre enough to have some sort of stupid water park that is kid friendly. I'm not familiar with the Pajama Factory in PA (although heard it spoken of here) so I will have to see what that is all about unless you want to give me a quick run down?

organic1 ago

Thanks and I'm more than happy to tell you a bit about the PJ Factory. It's basicly a collection of buildings that make the PJ Factory look like one huge building. It's insanely huge. Something like 19,000 sqft. It's used by several artists to create their work and congregate, but the nefarious part is that it's also the place where a kill room is suspected to be. There are numerous threads about this, but people have linked the PJ Factory to where one of Alefantis' friends creates the child sized coffins. The thing with the steel shop I mentioned is that as soon as people started investigating the PJ Factory and the steel place, the steel place immediately disappeared from the PJ Factory's website.

Here's a thread to help you get a good grasp about the Pajama Factory and exactly what people are discussing: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1478179

ich1baN ago

Wow... good stuff, thanks for saving me hours!

ich1baN ago

You could be right that it's the whitmore farm, although the river in my google image is the exact replica in the blueprint and should be read as such... Anyways, the theory of them being able to eat and partake in their satanic ritual abuse via covert means of just ordering a pizza or eating a burger with bacon on it is a strong potential considering HOW MUCH emphasis they put on the eating of "human cakes".... there are literally dozens of events from Marina Abramovic online with all sorts of famous people partaking in them... their ultimate imo would be if they could do it unbeknownst to the entire world as they order a pizza slice for $8.00 while sitting at the very restaurant that orchestrated it all. Just a working theory, but worth the attention considering he DID draw a farm and post it on his Insta account... there has to be significance and importance considering all the circumstantial evidence and knowing these sickos don't post things randomly on their insta account.

EDIT: Whitmore Farm is north of the farm I have found, this is a totally separate farm.

JoJoVoat ago

Did you see the picture of the Pizza in Chris Zee flikr, what looked to be organs on top?
Make sure you havent just eaten before looking at this picture.

edit: same flikr account of the map

goodguy1367 ago

Oh for fuck sake! This shit is farrked definitely looks like some body part

JoJoVoat ago

Sick isnt it... I cant look at it any more.

goodguy1367 ago

I'm fucking struggling to eat my lunch 😷

joeysaperv ago

Meh. Just looks like chopped steak pieces.

JoJoVoat ago

ewww what kind o steak u b eatin'?

ich1baN ago

Good gawd. I did not see that before and no that does not look like normal sausage pieces... Btw, so everyone knows Chris Zee is the exact copy of the entire Jimmy Comet Instagram account... not sure if Zee is one of them or us.

JoJoVoat ago

yes, thanks for clarifying. I think investigators should go back through these pictures again knowing what we know now.... I didnt see that on the pizza either at first but going back through them... it stood out- ugh nasty shit. huh

JoJoVoat ago


Thanks for clarifying the Chris Zee ... I thought so.. Same account, I came across the above picture. GROSS!!! Could this be human parts pate?
Wonder if this nasty came from farm.

Heres another... https://www.flickr.com/photos/146343979@N02/30722729002/in/photostream/ and another- https://www.flickr.com/photos/146343979@N02/30722702872/in/photostream/

Dressage2 ago

Think Hannibal Lector. Only missing fava beans. This is reality.

ich1baN ago

I've seen that 2nd photo you've linked before about 4 weeks ago on Zee's flickr when I originally went through every photo and the first thing I thought was that that doesn't look like any meat I have ever seen before nor any processed meat.... I'm not a culinary meat expert, but that just looks strangely off setting.

Edit: There also appears to be a faint image of a pentagram carved into the meat as well if you look closely.

JoJoVoat ago

I wondered that! I was trying to decide if that was something on the "meat" I've traveled to many countries and ate some amazing foods.. that is unlike anything I have ever seen in my life. Closest thing would be pate- which I wouldnt eat anyway if it were the last food left on earth. I would rather eat my own arm..(oh, wait a minute) :-I

Edit: I say this jokingly serious- we should alert PETA

doubleherpes ago

The veins (right side) and convolutions (round bumps along left edge) resemble brain.


ich1baN ago

Apparently an expert already ruled out brain.... some people are working on this and hopefully @jojovoat gets back to us with her twitter experts... a mod @investigate1999 suggested a pancreas which seemed plausible.

JoJoVoat ago

No luck on twitter... tho sometimes I think I am being shadowbanned

doubleherpes ago

Link to where an expert ruled out brain?

Investigate1999 ago

@ich1baN, thanks for chiming in.

Just for the record, I'm not a mod any more.

Also, the brain images on Google show that a brain's bumps are relatively smooth, whereas the pizza picture showed some kind of body part that had large bumps with a rough surface.

ich1baN ago

doubleherpes, please forgive me... I had a link open and can't find it but will try... there at least seemed to be consensus it wasn't brain and @invetigate1999 the mod, had pretty good evidence linking to be more likely a pancreas.

rickman ago

Can you highlight the river on Google maps to show how its the same as the drawing. I can't see it myself.

ich1baN ago


My sketch isn't perfect, it's hard to see Toms creek from the satellite b/c the trees cover a good portion of the actual river whereas JA's insta drawing just has the sketch of Toms creek unhindered by the trees.