YingYangMom ago

@Yuke , @srayzie, @redditsuckz

You have done tremendous work and in my opinion are on the right track. Now step back and think. These architects and construction workers clearly are JA's friends. They must have worked on more than one project at different sites and different times. It is very possible that they've done digging and working at CPP, Bucks and Pegasus together at different times. I suggest you seperate the different projects and sites. Time is the key imho. I was trying to connect everything and I couldn't. Then I said, wait a minute, I can't connect them if they're not from the same project... right?

From: https://flic.kr/ps/3ejvEy (credit to redditsuckz)

CPP (Backroom or Kids party room)?

https://i.imgur.com/YzbJmyw.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Ez3gVh1.jpg http://imgur.com/a/OmA2w https://archive.is/a9b2j https://archive.is/yLNJR (see black curtain at in the backroom)


http://i.imgur.com/6MVGsAZ.jpg https://archive.is/IuWtg https://archive.is/Osbs4 https://i.sli.mg/bNKQZL.jpg https://i.sli.mg/5oTRda.jpg https://archive.is/5hfrN https://archive.is/lE6yx https://archive.is/QluKD https://archive.is/yKJmt https://archive.is/Xr65F https://archive.is/9aAls https://archive.is/ZU62Q https://archive.is/R01Ph https://archive.is/SKXLC https://archive.is/gpGt7 https://archive.is/LHwOV https://archive.is/6Rt69 https://archive.is/iiZLG https://archive.is/TpBiF



Unknown location??? (Need to locate pics)

https://archive.is/oh0eA https://archive.is/ANWmU https://archive.is/Mhdux https://archive.is/Hu7i3 https://archive.is/ws23p https://archive.is/gbUhc https://archive.is/TpBiF https://archive.is/wxZUQ

Edit: formatting

8toborrm ago

OP - I set out to prove you wrong and I cannot. And In fact I think I have some more evidence for you. need to grab my charger then I'll put together the post

Investigate1999 ago

post this image as a submission (if it qualifies)

I'm a mod, and in my personal opinion, it qualifies. The table appears to be at CPP.

willofthewarrior ago

I didn't agree with your stuff about the 'kill room' at the beginning, but your pegasus research is top notch. As next steps someone should scour for any media statements about the "museum". Also worth looking into the name of the other guy on the LLC registration. BTW not sure if you noticed but under permits you listed both CASTELLUM ACHILLES LLC and ACHILLES CASTELLUM LLC. Are these two separate entities?

Also found this:

https://archive.is/bX1mr Company Name: CHRISTOPHER ACHILLES LLC File Number: L23652 Filing State: District of Columbia (DC) Filing Status: Active Filing Date: May 26, 2005 Company Age: 11 Years, 8 Months Registered Agent: Robert A. Harris IV 1630-C 19th Street, Nw Washington, District Of Columbia 20009-0000

Same agent. Different address. Voat thread says this is the entity he owns Comet Ping Pong through. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1429742/6897230

The Harris connection is probably nothing. He's an attorney http://www.harrislawdc.com/attorneys/

1630-C 19th Street, Nw looks like a residential address. Maybe its his apartment or something.

One last entity I found. It's defunct as of 2007.



Company Number EXTUID_2673573 Native Company Number 223871 Status Revoked Incorporation Date 10 December 2002 (about 14 years ago) Dissolution Date 10 September 2007 Company Type For-Profit Corporation Jurisdiction District of Columbia (US) Agent Name JAMES ALEFANTIS Agent Address 1531 33RD ST., N.W., Washington, District of Columbia, 20007 Inactive Directors / Officers JAMES ALEFANTIS, agent Registry Page https://corp.dcra.dc.gov/BizEntity.as...

The agent address is again a home.

srayzie ago

I've had time to read thru this whole thread now. I am very convinced. The only thing that bothers me is the ceiling work. What are your thoughts on that?

Yuke ago

Which ceiling work are you referring to? There are construction pics of the upstairs ceiling, with a central skylight that match up with birds-eye views of the location. Downstairs in the Square form office area with the rolling mezzanine that provides an "upstairs" is essentially a separate or different area at the end of the building, hence being able to see an upstairs and a downstairs, and it doesn't look like any construction was done to make it so other than building the mezzanine. The workroom pics don't show the ceiling but the fact that tiny details such as the brickwork pattern that I found suggest it is the same place. I'm quite confident on this one, I went over it many times.

srayzie ago

@Yuke I understand now after seeing the video someone made with your information. That is some really good work! The bricks matching on both walls really stood out to me. The picture where the guy is leaning with his hand on the wall on the right matches too! You can see the bricks behind him and the brick patters on the right is a match. This is all so weird. Who's going to go thru all that work for a museum that isn't displayed? I'm confused about who lives there. Wiseman? Nobody? You seem to really know what's up!

Also, I remember a picture taken from a window in a white 2nd story building. It was aimed across the playground at the houses in front of Pegasus. You could see the phone lines and playground so you can see where the photo was taken from. I wish I could find the picture. If I can remember right, that is the building that Wiseman lives in. Maybe it was taken from Pegasus aimed at the other building. I remember it looking so creepy. In the video where your information was laid out, I think the building I'm talking about showed a man on the roof. Really strange. I was confused at the time because I didn't know about Pegasus at that time. Is there 2 buildings or what?

If you know what I'm talking about please explain. It's all coming together for me now and would really help. Sorry about my horrible explaination of what I'm talking about lol. I just woke up and am texting out a confusing question.

Yuke ago

Unfortunately for us we're trying to play catch up. Pegasus being worked on is about 1-2 years ago, also Square Form being housed there as well actually, as they now have a new home at 5624 Lafayette Place Edmonston, Maryland. One of the last pictures I added shows an event being held at Pegasus, so I'm guessing things are quite different inside now, and the work room is almost certainly something else now too (you would have to assume open museum space given its listing as a museum). I would assume this is why Wiseman is involved, doing work related to the Museum. I think I know the pic you are referring to, the one tagged "peeking", at houses across the way. I would guess that the house is not involved as we only have sales data for one building (Pegasus) and that cost $200,000; he wouldn't get Pegasus AND a house for that. The building with the man on the roof over-looking the playground is Pegasus.

JoJoVoat ago

Thank you! I guess when we initially looked through all those pix we missed it... the date on the flikr pic is 11/7/2016 I looked at the satanic calendar and checked the month of Nov and low an behold.... sacrafice on the 4th...

Nov 1 Satanist High (Holy Day related to Halloween) blood human sacrifice any age (male or female)

Nov 4 Satanic Revels sexual oral, anal, vaginal 7-17 (female)


Edit: I do have it posted on my twitter account.. Ill ask over there and see if someone can identify the whatever that is on top.. someone already thought it looked like brains.

ich1baN ago

Any responses to your friends on twitter?

Btw, just so you know the dates of the Chris Zee Flickr won't apply b/c that is the date he cataloged the photo from JA's account, the picture was likely much longer ago.... but more than likely did line up with some sort of satanic holiday regardless.

JoJoVoat ago

Thank you! Im blonde and Im sticking to that... lol I literally just figured it out as I was posting some of the pix to my fb page.

I jump on twitter, post and run back to voat most of the time. Same as FB..... Are you on TWitter? My name is HereWeCome@maga_proud

ich1baN ago

Haha, no worries JoJo :-) and Yes, I'm @ich1banF40. Follow me and I'll follow you back.

srayzie ago

This is what I've been saying but thanks to @yingyangmom who explained it very clearly I'm going to post this...

In my opinion, if you look at the backdoor that leads outside, from an inside the backroom perspective, the secret passageway is hidden on the left of the door. There is a 2 to 3 foot brick wall, but you access it from behind the black curtains at the back of the room at 3:25 of this video here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=YJrkbgiETzs&app=desktopYouTube

If you look at the backdoor of the CPP, from the parking point of view, it's hidden behind the wall on the right of the doorway.

There could be a stairway there that leads to a basement or underground room...

YingYangMom ago

Thanks. I believe this picture here is what proves my theory. Look closely at the wall all the way up to the ceiling. The ceiling gives out the space that is behind the curtain. I think this is evidence. I'd love to see someone submit this as evidence for PG.


Edit: formatting

Yuke ago

I don't believe Comet to have any hidden areas at all. When you walk in the door the first part you get to is the main dining room, if you continue walking forwards the bar is to your right. Behind the bar is the kitchen. If you continue walking forwards past the bar you get to the ping pong/band area. At the back of the band area are black curtains, one to the left, one to the right, these cover the entrances (with a small amount of steps) down to the back room/party room. The party room has a small bar to the left, the exit door is on the back wall, positioned to the right hand side. There is a black curtain just to the left of the door that covers the wall, why I'm not exactly sure but there's no room for anything significant to be behind it, my guess is its just covering a really shitty looking wall. Here is a pic from outside the exit door of Comet, note the seating that you can see up against that back wall where the curtain is. There is no room for anything to be there. https://www.flickr.com/photos/creativemorningsdc/16741344017/in/photolist-rvnLjn-iPfgVq-e9TrGG-iPfQm7-em2WW1-jcbn4j-e9MMor-iPfLQE-4oNuUM-e9TrYs-e9Tt8m-ys1F9T-nxwAo4-e9MMuz-e9MMBZ-ronH5C-jc6YJM-egLYPX-ronJKm-6jR5Kz-nxwCwx-7xYVWB-ys2tBT-oJ47Ja-ftgjF1-bSQ7Aa-c2HWnd-iPdqv4-iPbSz4-jc9mEA-6ZNbnt-bSQ82p-e9Tr3J-6ZNaWp-pCLeZG-nMYHmd-6ZSbqy-8usKCK-aKBE1n-29J4Go-6NXYSY-iPgY8Q-c2HRHd-ft1VFt-bKnWnV-bDVpMq-sFCE3a-ft1Y5i-c2HUDs-iPgp7s/

srayzie ago

From this picture, if it is taken of the back door, the the area I'm talking about is inside the building, in that party room/2nd bar, to the right. Behind the black curtain. That is where I think people get into an area between Comet and McCullough. People have reported tons of kids playing in the ping pong room for hours as if their parent isn't even there. Where do they end up going? A person took pictures of many things there. She said 20 men walked back to the party room/2nd bar area and didn't come back out. So, they went back and looked. They took pictures. I am posting a video for you to show you what I mean. If the men weren't hanging out in there, they would have had to go in the back and to the left behind the dark curtain. I highly doubt 20 men show up at Comet and just go out the back door. Where did they go? Plus, in the 1st bar area, there is a white door that seems sealed up. There is a table and chairs in front of it. Here is that video. The curtain area I'm talking about starts at 3:00 https://youtu.be/YJrkbgiETzs

Now, I agree with what you found at the Pegasus building. All of that makes a lot of sense. But I also think there is something at Comet. He's got money and connections. That wouldn't be hard to do. He could have done both buildings. Plus, the day after the shooting, those 2 guys that said they found the tunnel under Besta Pizza, posted a video. It showed 5 boys and a guy jogging away that looked really suspicious. https://youtu.be/RMGGSY0A8r8 That starts at about 1:45. Also on that same video, at 3:11 it shows James Alefantis staring at the men. He looks creepy. He's standing in that little doorway. He has his car parked right up against the building so nobody could go back there. Is that the area where there was a gap?

There are so many little questions that make people so confused. If you, or anyone can explain these it would be helpful!

P.S. Don't forget in the tunnel video I shared, it shows that sign telling patients to go around back to the clinic area. Many people looked into that and I can't find the thread but it seemed like a really dirty and weird place to have a clinic. The doctors website looked all creepy too and even showed a babies penis picture so he could describe circumcision. Weird! So I'm wondering about that as well!

Yuke ago

Hmmm, I'm a bit suspicious of that first video. It uses old photos (the ones with the little girl) and they way they're used suggests they were taken by her friend that went to DC. If that's what she's claiming, then she is lying, the photos can be found doing a search. Also, she sloppily suggests people went into the back room and disappeared somewhere, she assumes behind the curtain...completely ignoring the fact that the exit door is located in that very room!! The second video was recorded by people who are known satirists so I don't trust that video. Now, about the supposed Alefantis person. If you look above the door its part of the White building, Little Red Fox, so you'd have to assume that either little red fox has two doors at the back of its building, or the door to the right is an exit door from behind Comets kitchen.

srayzie ago

Ahhh it's all so confusing. I wish I could just see the outside of it all in person. It's hard to figure out where and what everything is. I'm not good at that like you. I live on the other side of the country tho.

So @yingyangmom and I have been discussing this... https://i.sli.mg/h6YBqf.png See the back door to the left? Next there is a small building that looks like an add on. Then there is a door to the right of that. From the video I showed you, @yingyangmom is thinking that big black curtain to the left of the back door, leads into the add on, the kill room. But, in the picture I just shared with you, I put an arrow on the 3rd back door. So if that is the back door then the curtain she mentioned would be on the right of that back door and that isn't where that add on room is. What do you think @Yuke ?

I hope I made sense and I'm sorry @yingyangmom if I just botched that whole story up built that's what I'm thinking you mean?

Yuke ago

It does get confusing but if you picture Comet as the long building that it is, it gets easier. Essentially, everything in Comet goes from front to back, the only thing that is to one side is the kitchen area, but even that, in the grand scheme of things is still within the long shape of the building. In the picture you linked the door on the left is Little Red Fox, the add-on is possibly Little Red Fox' cooler and its possible that Comet shares the usage of it, accessing it from the door on the right of it (though that is just a guess on my part at present, I'm looking into it to find more certain info). And obviously the door on the far right is Comets exit door at the far end of the building.

srayzie ago

Thank you. Supposedly, he would tell people going to his party to enter thru Bucks back door. I'm not positive if it was Bucks or Besta. But, that means they are connected inside to each other. So there could be a place somewhere between all those places where men meet up with these kids. I mean there could be a secret door under the stage or anything. I think Pegasus has the kill room but Comet has a place too where men are using kids. I'm glad you're looking into that add on room. I'm surprised people haven't been bringing this up.

YingYangMom ago

I see. You're absolutely right about this and explained it very well, thanks. Which means that the way to the add-on from CPP would be from the kitchen area. There is no other explanation. Alright. On that same picture, the add on is in between 2 doors. The one on the right is CPP and the one on the left is... Buck's? Oh my. This would make sense. Is the building left to CPP Buck's? Ok, but where do the 20 'older men' and children from this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=YJrkbgiETzs&app=desktop end up then? They go back to the party room and disappear. Either they completely leave the building by the backdoor of CPP (the one that you've marked in this picture) https://i.sli.mg/h6YBqf.pngPNG or... there is a secret passage way or staircase behind the black curtains at the back of the party room. Makes sense?

srayzie ago

I don't know where but I think there is a secret door. It could even be under the stage or something. I think there are 2 locations. I think the kill room might be at Pegasus. But people are going somewhere at at Comet too. I'm not sure what is next to Comet except the McCullough building. I think maybe Little Red Fox and next to that is Besta. He would tell people at parties to enter thru Bucks so it has to all be connected inside somewhere. If so, the basement could be anywhere in there.

YingYangMom ago


YingYangMom ago


There is enough space inside the backroom for a secret passage way or stairs that lead to undeground space. Let me just emphasize that JA did say that he had a basement in some interview, can't find that article right now, but I'm sure somebody could. I also remember in a government document that CPP was 1 story building, but had 2 floors. I suppose that means it has a basement. Now let me explain where I believe there is a possible secret passage way. In the picture here https://archive.is/yLNJR you can see that on the left of the door, there is a black curtain. Look closely at the wall on the left and follow this all the way up to the ceiling. There is approximatively a 2-3 feet space available that goes all the way down behind the curtains. If you position yourself at the door facing outside, you'll see nothing but a wall on your left, but if you go back in the room and pull the curtains, you might find a stairway there, that leads to an underground space or basement. Watch this video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=YJrkbgiETzs&app=desktopYouTube and pause at 3:28 and 3:51 and you'll understand what I mean. The woman that visited the place says that she kept seeing older men and children going to that room and not coming back and when she entered the bar herself, she didn't see anyone but a single waiter. There MUST be a secret room somewhere and the black curtain is the only place for a secret staircase. Also if you watch this video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYy0JPyZZ1E&t1m30s you can see at 1:34 of the video (when JA opens the backdoor that leads to the parking that there is a 2-3 foot wall on the left side which is the same wall that the black curtain is hangs over. This is enough to hide a secret passage way.

YingYangMom ago

I don't see the problem with work being done at more than one location, meaning CPP, Bucks and Pegasus. These are architects and construction guys friends of James, there is no doubt in my mind that they've worked on different projects at different sites. The pictures prove it.

JoJoVoat ago

https://www.flickr.com/photos/146343979@N02/30839316085/in/photostream/ So I clicked the flickr photo link you posted above and decided to look through the pix again . Okay so WTF is on this Pizza in this picture? Omg it looks like human organs or shit. please look at this.. Edit: who's flickr account is this? Is this James A?


The CPP hoody seems quite significant, I think, as it helps connect these workers directly with Alefantis.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Any refrigeration lines running through CP?

Another advantage of an outdoor walk-in is the location of the condenser. Refrigeration systems work by removing hot air from inside the cooler or freezer and blowing it outside the unit. On an outdoor walk-in, the hot air goes directly outside. On an indoor unit, the condenser either emits warm air into the building or requires the installation of a remote condensing unit, which involves running refrigeration lines through the building to the roof or an exterior wall. With an outdoor unit, this hassle can be - See more at: https://www.katom.com/cat/walk-in-coolers-and-freezers/choosing-the-right-walk-in-cooler-or-freezer.html#sthash.jfaQDPXb.dpuf

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Good Job! Upvote!

MONOLITHicide ago

douglasdevelopement.com ,need help with this. major property developer in dc https://www.google.com/search?q=douglas+development&source=lnms&prmd=nmiv&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjClYK8wKnRAhXKTCYKHSB0C-wQ_AUICSgD&biw=360&bih=510#imgrc=lQL6eCggSrsM4 there logo is to close to boylove

goodguy1367 ago

Yes this is the Pegasus building!! Those stairs outside will be the stairs u can barely see in the top left hand corner of the doorway (tiny white triangle) of the JC construction pic also seen with the bloke standing in them in the other pic, which that doorway wld lead in to the garage on the left side (looking from outside pic) of the Pegasus building, it definitely is the Pegasus building not McClloughs good find!

goodguy1367 ago

Yes this is the Pegasus building!! Those stairs outside will be the stairs u can barely see in the top left hand corner of the doorway (tiny white triangle) of the JC construction pic also seen with the bloke standing in them in the other pic, which that doorway wld lead in to the garage on the left side (looking from outside pic) of the Pegasus building, it definitely is the Pegasus building not McClloughs good find!

Yuke ago

You're almost there. The triangular shape you see in the top left of the doorway featured in the construction pic with the guys digging is more likely stairs on the inside that lead upstairs. It makes sense as most stairs are located near to doors.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

im confused as to what square form is

Yuke ago

Square Form is a company that produces custom metalworks. They do tables, benches, custom shelving etc. It is owned by Scott Cummings and Joe Wills and they have a few people working for them. They are friends of Alefantis and can be seen in many of his instagram photos.

ich1baN ago

Square Form is a Comet Ping Pong connected company... I believe they do construction work for them, there have been some posts on it in the past. The workers all have connections with CPP and one of the couples ccwoolman and his wife also ran a child care center in Oregon.... just really creepy connections where they seem to work oddly close to children... sort of like the fact pattern of Jerry Sandusky, which I did a post on here:


quantokitty ago

Just because walls are brick doesn't make them at the same location. The parameters of the room aren't even close to being inside the building that JA tagged Pegasus Museum. This is an open space. The house is not open and there are supporting load bearing walls/rooms. The kill room would be larger than the total space required. The kill room I would guess to be attached to that farm where JA buy things and his friend works.

ich1baN ago

The pattern is identical there is no mistaking this... the same discolored brick is in both photos as well.

quantokitty ago

Absolutely not. The room has totally different dimensions, but you believe what you want to.

Investigate1999 ago

The discolouration is a perfect match, when looking at 3 photos.

quantokitty ago

No it's not. Nor is the room dimension the same.

Investigate1999 ago

We are always only looking at corners of rooms.

How many photos of rooms did you look at? 2?

quantokitty ago

No, I looked at a few. Look, I don't think it matches. I haven't downvoated anyone and argue about it. The dimensions are off. Wasn't it an open concept also? I seem to recall it looked like a barn or something like that. Homes like the Pegasus Museum have load bearing walls ... it makes no sense.

Investigate1999 ago

I'm getting a few of the names mixed up, so I don't know if Pegasus is an open concept. I haven't heard of anytbing about this being a home.

I think that most open concept so far is that platform office space, which matches the watchtower thing. I don't know.

The construction room definitely has a standard ceiling. The number of exposed bricks in this corner match. The number of rows do too.

Do you acknowledge that the young guy leaning with his left hand is on the fourth row from the bottom?

*** EDIT ***

Here are the 3 photos for reference.

quantokitty ago

Do I acknowledge the young guy is what?

And look at the floor. That's the ground floor. You can tell because the door is open. The floor looks like cement. They don't put cement in those types of homes. Yes, they do it now in trendy homes, but this home wasn't trendy. It was owned by a Russian immigrant. JA is enough of a jerk to want cement, but this is being renovated, so it's before he could have had cement floors put in. The next problem is that this is on the ground level so it's the first floor. Do we know there isn't a basement, because there isn't a basement in this home. That's why it looks like a barn to me. The lack of a basement, the open concept and that door ... definitely a farm door.

Investigate1999 ago

Yeah, I think that you're misunderstanding us. You keep mentioning "home". You're the only person, that I know of, who brought that up. We think that it's a commercial building, or an office building. At least, that is the impression that I got. I could be wrong.

Anyhow, I do agree with you in that I don't think that it's a home.

Do you acknowledge that he is leaning against the fourth row of bricks with his left hand?

quantokitty ago

Well, I think they're two separate places. But if you're correct and the Pegasus Museum is the place where the picture was taken of the concrete floor, then, yes, it's commercial space. You know, you could be right. Maybe I'll go through a look at everything again. It just seems all wrong, but he was doing something with it. Your theory is the kill room and it's as good as any.

Investigate1999 ago

I wouldn't guess that they are killing anybody there. I'm just confident that the 3 photos are of the same corner at different times. I'm also not confident of the specific building.

There is that photo of that guy sitting on the edge of the loading door. His leg seems to be hanging down, but that can't work very easily with the exterior photo of the back of the building, because the big door is practically at ground level.

I don't think that the construction is taking place in a barn, but don't give up on your theory. :-)

quantokitty ago

So you agree it's not that building? Not sure why everyone is so adamant about it being Pegasus. Makes way more sense for it to be either on one of the farms they frequent.

Investigate1999 ago

I don't know if it is Pegasus or not. I'm just trying to be open minded about as many ideas as possible, until people start revealing more evidence.

I agree with his claims on the brick work, but not much else. I'm still open to it being next door.

I'd need to look into the documents that contain the addresses to confirm my views. A lot of the documents just went over my head.

quantokitty ago

Yes, but it keeps sliding into the brick work being the #killroom. The brick room wasn't the #kill room. At least I don't remember it being. This was the #killroom:


This can't possibly be in that space. It just can't. So why are they going on and on about the brick and this being where the #killroom was? I'm not understanding where the two were linked.

Investigate1999 ago

So why are they going on and on about the brick and this being where the #killroom was? I'm not understanding where the two were linked.

I don't know either. I just find that there is too much text to wade through. This is why I was deleting posts that seemed to violate the rules. I was trying to get rid of as much as possible.

quantokitty ago

Good. It seems the right approach.

ich1baN ago

Don't buy it.... the odds that these 2 photos from the construction stage to where the guy is welding just so happens to have the same fucking discolored brick in the same fucking location? God damn, it's good to be a bit nuanced and anal retentive... but these are the same exact place.... either you don't know what I'm talking about when I say discolored brick or you're just not seeing it... put on some bifocals.

quantokitty ago

Will do.


great work Yuke - still not entierly convinced that is inside pegasus but you make a strong case

curious when the photos of the workshop being there were from??

looks like the construction to the room was done 2-3 years ago - they could have installed the walk-in after the workshop moved out

yabbadoody ago

STOP looking at the walls, and look at the CEILING... which is clearly visible in J Achilles Alefantis's original instagram construction photos.

I don't see ANY indication whatsoever, from these new pics, that the ceiling structure is even CLOSE to those original Instagram pics. And ceilings are a big fucking deal - load bearing, entire structure is exposed while the ceiling is open, major permitting and inspections, big heavy dangerous work often involving cranes and lifts, etc etc etc.

No way, I don't buy this yet. Show me where the ceiling matches, and I might give a shite.

and SECOND, there is NO WAY (without GPS information on the image), or on site verification) to place the walk-in at ANY particular address... it's the interior of a WALK-IN, dummy - with no other identifying information.

That said, it IS possible to match the construction photos with their current address - but you must look UP, not DOWN. Raise you view and gaze above, then tell / show us what you see before pronouncing "Eureka!" like some socially challenged savant, please.

Yuke ago

I have replied to the comment from @srayzie about the ceilings. Read that.

Ihatepizza2 ago

FWIW 'Square Form' has absolute masonic/ occultist meaning.

ich1baN ago

Yes, there have been some really good posts on here about the people behind Square Form and their bizarre closeness to children... one of the couples that posts on Jimmy Comet's insta ran a daycare center with his wife in Oregon.... I can't find the VOAT at the moment but it detailed everything.

wellington33 ago

that last guy is so damn high!

rickman ago

Great work. I do worry about the ceiling though. There is a lot going on in the ceiling of the construction photo for it to fit in the Pegasus building and under those windows.

Outside Pegasus, inside construction room

StrangeHologram ago

Good job! You found it!

Now what does it mean? It's not a kill room after all?

Yuke ago

It is my personal opinion that if there is any killing being done, Alefantis and his immediate circle would not be the ones doing it. I see them more as 'fixers' and others things along those lines.

Investigate1999 ago

I agree. I just think of him as an event organizer.

anolegion ago

Nobody ever said there was a 'killroom' except for JA's gang on IG. Yeah, sure, jokingly as always.

That picture looks like a giant walk-in freezer, supposedly at Comet's (where else?), but we don't know where it is located, and how it is accessed from Comet - which officially doesn't have a walk-in freezer at all according to health inspectors, but does have an outside freezer accessed through the rear entrance according to the FBI.

Now yesterday someone speculated rather convincingly that the original building site with the excavation was indeed at McCullough. And lo and behold, once again this Pegasus project is being connected to it - which it doesn't resemble structurally at all, and where it's hard to see this kind of underground excavation going on, or any plausible function at that location.

Funny how this unconvincing line of reasoning keeps coming up whenever we connect Cullough - which is owned by Edwin S. Rockefeller - both physically and figuratively to neighboring Comet Pizza owned by Alefantis.

Yuke ago

If you look back at my previous posts you'll see that I brought up Rockefeller and McCullough long ago. The reason why I am now onto Pegasus is because this is the right place. McCullough doesn't match up at all, let alone the fact that it's owned by CONNEB I LLC not Rockefeller anyway. He owns unit 4, not unit 7. Look at all of the work-related pics and you'll see the pattern of work.

anolegion ago

I know you brought the connection to Edwin S. Rockefeller up before - even if you were wrong about Edwin Rock being the same guy - but I don't think that his mother's maiden name being McCullough is coincidental.

He likely inherited the properties, then split McCullough Residential and McCullough Realty (bought by the obscure Conneb I).

Looking at the building site pictures though I'd have to agree that the location of the rear door doesn't match McCullough. But I'm not convinced it's at Pegasus either given the structural anomalies (they would have to have demolished the entire beam structure to match it).

Also, we are still at least one outside freezer short for Comet.

AFriend ago


bolus ago

(edit - started to disagree, but convinced myself)

I'm convinced that this is in the pegasus building (great work, btw)

I started to disagree, because the pattern on the inside of the garage door does not match the outside, and the garage door has exterior windows, whereas it did not in the 'build' pics.

inside, no windows: http://i.imgur.com/6MVGsAZ.jpg

outside, windows: http://i.imgur.com/LwfYmJw.jpg

BUT - the grey door to the left of the garage door on the outside shot does match this pic:


on the left, that is the grey door which is opening in, looks correct.

this brings to light two new questions!

1: we still don't know what's in the gap between CPP and the building next to it 2: why is the 'kill room'/refrigeration room at pegasus, of all places? (when a walk-in cooler makes sense at the restaurant)

Yuke ago

I don't believe there is a refrigeration room other than the ones that already exist, so no, Pegasus does not have one. The gap between Comet and McCullough looks to be filled in with bricks and cinder blocks (you can see the shape of the cinder blocks if you look very closely at the bricked up doorway inside) and nothing more. Comet was built in the 1930's, the buildings next door (McCullough etc) were built in the 1980's. So, the Comet building probably had another exit that did go out to the side but when the buildings next door came along that got bricked up and the exit moved to the back of the building instead. Also, please look at both pics included of the garage door; the older one has no windows and the newer one does. The older one matches up better time-wise to the goings on inside.

bolus ago

yeah, i get that they replaced the garage door - but i'm also compelled by the "kill room" picture that the floor (specifically the damage on the far-right corner) matches up with the digging being done in the pegasus room.

if square form has removed it's workspace (conceivable) then the refrigeration room can still sit there.

let's agree to leave that question open - unless you have a better indication as to where it might sit?

Mtnchan ago

If this is correct wouldn't the air handlers be venting out into the cavity between the two buildings, maybe possible to see this from the back side. Permits are by address, so if there was a permit for the work it would be for that address. Well it's interesting, if he has a larger cooler next door, full of food, why not just show it, because it's behind a secret door in a secret room? Still not sure how it all fits together, but does look like the work was done right next door and they had it opened up between the and comet for some reason. Seems like if they were using a walk in there, it would be common knowledge and would have came up sooner, they showed the bucks walk-in and showed pizza stuff stacked in bucks small crowded walk-in, all very odd, perhaps why the comet supplies were badly stored in bucks walk-in?


JA needs to explain or show where exactly the cooler in the photo is - otherwise he is hiding something

ArthurEdens ago

I personally think the kill room is neither at Pegasus nor at Comet/McCullough but at a third location.

8toborrm ago

Could very well be. ALthought I've seen very persuasive evidence regarding the design of the kill room and how certain things line up very well with the hole in the ground. I'll try to find.

Yuke ago

I'm struggling to understand how you can say that it's at McCullough and acknowledge there's a garage? There is no garage at McCullough. Look at the older version of the outside of Pegasus and the new one. The older garage door has no windows, the newer one does. The square Form office area that is all white is the part to the extreme right as you look at the building (the part closest to the playground as well). The other part downstairs is a work room with patchy brickwork (i.e; it doesn't need to be fixed up inside).

ArthurEdens ago

No I can see how you think the middle of Pegasus is the dig room because of the relation of the door and garage and wall. They do seem very similar to what we see on the outside of pegasus. But aside from this, the garage door of the inside photos don't have three little windows like the imurgur photos you have.

Yuke ago

The other, earlier picture provided shows no windows on the garage door.

srayzie ago

This seems pretty convincing to me. Great work!!

throwitawayn0w ago

Great work; so many pieces connect here. I'm glad we ruled out McCollough.

Pegasus: from Greek Pegasos, usually said to be from pege "fountain, spring; a well fed by a spring"

Yuke ago

There is an image that I've linked that explains exactly where everything is https://i.sli.mg/KNWZ7C.jpg

bolus ago

this is good. add the lunch picture and the other angle to show the garage door from inside.

they must have replaced the garage door at some point, though, or maybe those windows are fake.

Werwer12 ago

I would like to add that the title is a bit misleading. This Pegasus building doesn't appear to be a kill room AT ALL! The rumors going around have implied that the kill room is here in these particular photos, but the photos kinda disprove it in my mind.

Yuke ago

That's why I have put it in quotation marks. A lot of people are looking for the walk-in thinking the construction led to the building of it and thus, a kill room. I have never believed there to be a "Kill room" in the way it has been alluded to anyway. So, yes, I am saying that there isn't a "kill room" at Pegasus. Although there is possibly a basement.

redditsuckz ago

There are stairs that lead to a basement at PEGASUS...


look below for all the construction images found for PEGASUS;


Basement at 3518 11th St. NW is 608 Square feet



Werwer12 ago

Yea I understood your intentions. I guess I just wanted to validate it with my comment.

B3nder ago

Now find out if there was a permit to do this constuction at this building...

Werwer12 ago

What specific permit would you look for? Just curious. I think it's okay to finally call this place a dead end. We're all on the right track in other areas, but we need to put this one to rest so our time is spent on the promising leads.

LostandFound ago

Permit application B1503188 / search via https://eservices.dcra.dc.gov/obpat/default.aspx

'repair roof, repair broken concrete, repair railing on deck, replace doors and windows'

B1503188 Alteration and Repair Permit 01/06/2015 3518 11TH ST NW CASTELLUM ACHILLES, LLC

Other permits can be found here http://www.checkpermits.com/contractor/Castellum-Achilles-Llc

B3nder ago

I don't know how. I read that investigators here found out that CPP hat no permit from the city for this contruction (at CPP). So I concluded somebody looked that up somewhere...

Werwer12 ago

What I meant by that is that we can obviously see construction going on here. That's established. Finding permits is meant to only establish work was being done somewhere. In the case of Comet Ping Pong, the permits would put a timeline to any work being done. This building at this residence is obviously a work studio, and if it was anything more (not saying it isn't), I highly doubt a permit would show it.

Yuke ago

The information is in the linked thread from spoor.

Werwer12 ago

https://i.imgur.com/YzbJmyw.jpg This picture and https://i.imgur.com/Ez3gVh1.jpg This picture, did it for me!!! Great find!!!! This is absolutely the same place


The grey bricks top and bottom clinch it - the vertical grooves are in exactly the right places in relation to the red bricks. But can I ask why the "Pegasus" building is of interest as anything other than a place to hold art shows?

Investigate1999 ago

In case nobody answers: Pegasus was brought up a while ago due to its location or something. You'll have to search for an answer, if nobody else responds.


Yes, I've read a bit about Pegasus but I kind of assumed it was where children might be being detained. I never thought as of it as a possible location of the so-called killroom.

redditsuckz ago

There are stairs that lead to a basement at PEGASUS...


look below for all the construction images believed to be at PEGASUS;


Basement at 3518 11th St. NW is 608 Square feet



ArthurEdens ago

This is next to Comet at Mccullough Construction, not pegasus.

Werwer12 ago

I disagree. Look at all of the evidence he presents. The windows are a match and everything.

Yuke ago

It is 100% not McCullough. Look again.

ArthurEdens ago

@werwer12 @yuke

I definitely see the Square form office being at Pegasus . These are the same rooms. Same windows doors and white brick.



And the dig site visually matches the steelworks workshop. But you can see Comet pizza through the doorway of the dig site photo and they have thw same steel beams.

Great find on the Square Form connection though.

Werwer12 ago

I personally can't see through the doorway to Comet Pizza. There's nothing in the doorway to indicate that it's CPP. The ping pong tables are what throw it off. It's not a far out claim to say though that this building was storage for a while. James could use it for anything while owning it.

ArthurEdens ago


This could all be coincidence but look at this and see the similarities to comet. https://i.sli.mg/hD8tDr.jpg And you know what, it doesn't even matter at this point where the dig happened, all of the buildings deserve search warrants.

Investigate1999 ago

I just noticed something. That red thing is probably a standard tool box. The beige thing is probably a tool chest.


ArthurEdens ago

Yes yes, i thought looked like a construction logo. That's it, thank you for clearing that up! Great eye!

Fateswebb ago

Yeah also when looking at it as a stool, first I think the door is further back in the restaurant so you wouldn't see that bar, second you don't see the bar where's the bar? But he nailed it it's a tool box! Good find!

ArthurEdens ago

Yeah, I thought the toolbox was the bar and the crossbeam, but it was one of those things where I was still reconciling issues like the white background and no bottles, and the front windows seemed too close. Anyway, human mind filling in blanks.

Investigate1999 ago

I think that it is next CPP, but I think that there has to be another explanation, because the bar stool and the beams across the bar are too close together. There are no drinks through the door way.

[edit: you did good work, though]

ArthurEdens ago

Thanks, I've come to the conclusion that they brought the old barstools to pegasus and that's why it resembles comet through the doorway. This clears up some of the things that I wasn't sure about, like you say no drinks. It's crazy how close in look things are. Cheers

SayWhatNOWAY ago

My thought also! Search the whole damn Pajama Factory and every building the freak Pedo owns!

Yuke ago

I'm sorry but there is a very big difference between the evidence suggested in those pics than from the ones I and others have shared. I find that evidence to be of very poor quality. The beams run through Comet all over, there's not just one. But just to reiterate a point I made about 5039 unit 7 quite a while ago; Politics & Prose holds book groups there, here is a more recent one https://www.meetup.com/Lez-Read/events/235653332/ http://archive.is/4WZuU How can they do that if it's some secret kill room space? They can't.

ArthurEdens ago

I never said it was the kill room. I said it was the dig room. Don't draw conclusions about the kill room and the dig room about being connected. Quality of my photos notwithstanding, because I'm on my phone on a bus, and I'm not here for a pissing contest so relax, the ONLY things that have me leaning that the pegasus building could be the dig room are the flourescent lighting through the door of the square form party matching Margot's workshop lighting--circumstantial, the door and the garage in a similar placement to the outside of pegasus -- circumstantial, the possibility that the comet ping pong table and red bar stool were brought into pegasus because now they have black barstools there now -- circumstanstial, but the most convincing thing so far is the panels of the garage door inside Margot's workshop are seemingly equidistant to the panels of the garage door on google maps outside pegasus. So much so that they almost match identically in pattern and the exterior garage door has odd breaks where the adjacent steel brace would be.



You have no more argument from me.