justice4kidz ago


Investigate1999 ago

You got an up vote from me! Thank you.

I appreciated the bird's eye view of the entire building. Now I feel much more comfortable with what I see. I had the rooms in the wrong order, but yes, I see it up.

psmith85 ago

It's worth adding that the wife of Joseph Wills, Cassie Windham Wills, who liked many of the pedo images, works as a doula (midwife), or at least registered herself to online, if no one pointed that out yet.

vhelsing ago

The LLC name, "Here Comes Your Man" may be a reference to the song by the Pixies. The band gave an explanation for the song lyrics that was odd (an earthquake that killed a bunch of hobos). I think it's fair to say there are a ton of Pixies fans who never bought this and believe it's a reference to waiting for a heroine dealer to come. Here comes your man is about the relief when the drugs show up and their connection to the dealer. This may be a way of signaling that the construction company does engage in dodgy (drug related) construction.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Damn, alright then he has to be innocent.

rockcreek ago

Now that we're getting some more pictures of areas and rooms, does anyone recognize any of the stuff in this Apes-Dr. Watcher video? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HXPijkv0Qw

DR WATCHER-we're floating through this forest where trees are lost, always sing, small headphones let's slow tunes that sounds so good, yesterday, brought into this water island, not long before ???, once long hair with virtues, we're moving past there, always ready to see, how it all turns out, we're going to show for free, from the inside out, every day and everywhere, someone get me out of here, out in the middle of the ocean, have fun cut those bodies open, new leaves bloom, old game rooms, full steam where, nowhere, always there to see, how it all turns out, we're going to show for free, from the inside out, every day and everywhere, right now, that was the main street, last years old beat, all to new best freinds, we stop growing, never knowing, when papa says (SHANELLE), all is here to see, ... (end has faint backround vocals I can't decipher.) how it all turns out, we're going to show for free, from the inside out, someone get me out of here, right now,

(probably a complete coincidence but when they sing not long before ???, in the visual part of the video, Majestic ape puts her hands over the lead singer's mouth as if to shut him up, as she picks up a cube with his image) The video is from 2007 so it predates most of this stuff.

rockcreek ago

There was that picture of a man of the roof of Pegasus so I assumed the roof was a flat patio but if you look at this view, https://i.sli.mg/ShEt0a.png it appears both ends of the roof slope towards the middle section. Seems odd, but it would drain anything liquid towards the middle where it could be collected or drained privately instead of flowing out into the street.

rockcreek ago

Thanks for all the pics. That building is the size of 3 or more of the neighboring buildings. What is it about 3,000 sq ft just on the ground floor?

starseedlover ago

Pegasus used to be a DIY music venue before JA took it over. There are many photos of what the inside looked like before it was renovated. Voat thread here https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1542160

birthdaysuit11 ago

How so, it looks to me that this guy was threatened by James.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Valerie Wisemen deleted EVERYTHING off her website.

mrjdouble ago

Nothing smells like guilt more than some moron feebly trying to cover their own tracks.

birthdaysuit11 ago

SPOOR, this is the smoking Gun, James is threatening people who expose this. He's scared shitless. Archived it --- https://archive.is/RtUFL

party1981 ago

Oh, I thought this was one of the strongest pieces of evidence. :(

phlux ago

(Un)fortunately they have been around long before the property was bought.

UHM... from whom did Alefantis purchase?????

birthdaysuit11 ago

So what is it for?

redditsuckz ago

All the Designers for Comet Pizza;

Comet Pizza:

Designed by: Joe Wills, James Alefantis, Peter Hapstak, and myself Built By: Myself, Joe Wills, Peter Vladimirovic, Justin Barrows, Dan Hicks, Piero Passacantando


WordPress has been Deleted;


conversion ago

1) Removed because JA has been shoddy re. building permits and doesn't have zoning approval to open a business? That seems like the most likely reason not to draw more attention to the building ... because whatever building/commercial plans he has are not completely authorized by DC.


2) Removed because whatever JA has planned at the property is to be a front for something more sinister and he wanted to start building that story ahead and therefore posted his business listing and review on Google. But now that has been blown up?

Like everything else: this building location by a children's park, original + added graffiti, renovations, posting so many pictures of the renovations on social media, weirdly worded social media comments, all very creepy.

Things like this JA can't hide, all a matter of public record. He purchased the property, he created the new contracting companies, he posted about the renovations on social media and people commented, new graffiti appeared after he purchased the property. If he wants to open the property as a business, he will need a DC business license (and likely zoning board approval). So will he open a business or will he sell the property now? We will be watching.

conversion ago

1) Do they have a permit specifically to do this excavation work at this property? I looked at the permits linked above and didn't see anything that specifically said excavations. If they are doing foundations work, that may even require a special permit. And what could they be doing? It looks like the first part of the excavation work follows the 2 white PVC pipes which look possibly like 4" sewer drain pipes. So possibly they wanted to locate those pipes. But in this photo they are breaking up all of the asphalt and there is an excavation already completed by the far wall where the step ladder is sitting. So it appears that they are actually lower the entire floor?

If this is illegal work it can be reported to the DC building inspector.

2) Any guess why there would be a ping pong table at this location if they are renovating the entire building? Because they take breaks and play ping pong?

3) What is the graffiti above the ping pong table? Has anyone analyzed this?

redditsuckz ago

mfproper is Matthew Proper and he has got to be a contractor;

he has a hammer in his instragram indicating he is a builder


James Alefantis asking Matthew Proper and Joe Wills for advice;


Joe Wills worked design in Comet Ping Pong;


Matthew Proper construction permit



Matthew Proper MIGHT have worked at Square Form Design with Joe Wills and Scott Cummings;


But so far Alefantis is connected to construction contractors Joe Wills, Scott Cummings, John Kreher and Matthew Proper and "Amos".


Contractors, such as Matt Proper of Freeman Builders in Washington, D.C., say they are booked through the winter.



Freeman Builders LLC








mfproperTeacher/student #lifelessons

k8damonoh wow is that #mattproper on a social media platform. I don't even know who he is anymore?!




Christopher Boutlier AKA cboutlier is More Connected in DC than Alefantis - Worked with Biden and ROYALTY


cboutlier AKA Christopher Boutliler - Home Designer

Before graduating in 2009, he began working full time for one of his instructors, Lisa Adams, principal of Adams Design in Georgetown, contributing to design projects for the Biden family and a member of Spanish royalty.


Satanic Art;



Christopher Boutlier, LLC




cubes ago

Original link so things don't get lost

CONFIRMED: PEGASUS is an active project of Alefantis / CASTELLUM ACHILLES LLC


redditsuckz ago

Note: 'amos' could be another reference to the place, mfproper and joewills have come up many times in pizzagate

Amos has to be John Krehers "right hand man" and thats got to be him...


Here is a review of Here Comes Your Man LLC;


I came home, the job was done, and his tools,his first mate Amos, and he were gone like it was all a dream, my home is better, and I have this sexy steel tube running the length of my kitchen and I love it!!!!!!!

Amos Name;

The name Amos is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Amos is: Strong; carried; brave. Amos was an 8th century B.C. Old Testament prophet

Someone said the name Amos was even on John Kreher's Facebook before he set the friends to private...

pizzahthrowaway ago

The haitian special thing is mentioned in the wikileaks somewhere I thought?

pizzahthrowaway ago

Man, I don't think they let em live that long

pizzahthrowaway ago

In Valeries strange post about pizzagate theres a pic of her (i think) holding a sandwich labeled haitian. Haitian again....:/

LargePepperoni ago

Found this on her site. Looks like Pedo symbols on the hands. The images switch quick, but I screen capped it.

http://vwiseman.com/durango-arts-center (http://archive.is/3Ge3w))


Update... Again here. http://archive.is/bQFZ6

birthdaysuit11 ago

UPVOAT this people. This is important we need more autists on this.

HarveyKlinger ago

If the museum were legit, why is James the only review of it?

birthdaysuit11 ago

Trust me and everyone here, this is not a meseum and was never meant to be. The location the windows aligned with the playground, the instagram posts, etc. This is a front of some sort. I thought Alefantis only made pizzas?

ArthurEdens ago

The museum is probably a masturbation observatory.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Wouldn't doubt it. What need would there be to change the window alignment so as to perfectly get a view of the playground. The instagram post doesn't help with the hashtag #peeking. They're pedos, and this place is a front. Somone should knock on the door as a girl scout and see if they want some cookies.

Hopevoats ago

I needed a brevity break from this heavy stuff. The image of a Voat user, posing as a Girl Scout, fits that bill!

ArthurEdens ago

The holes and trenches they are digging in the photos are in the "construction company" building nextdoor to Comet Ping Pong. You can see the brick pattern from the hole photo in the corner of the room next to the ping pong table of the trench photo, and down the hall of the trench photo you can see Comet Ping Pong's bar and barstools. If you look at a photo inside Comet there is the same arched doorway but it is plastered over.

birthdaysuit11 ago

I agree but nonetheless, this place is definetly creepy and a possible front. Did they have a permit on this construction?

rush22 ago

Bravo for actual research and information!

conversion ago

DC Land Use Code 062 = Commercial-Garage, Vehicle Sale (CLASS 2): Structure with facility for motor vehicle repairs; devoted to retail/ wholesale motor vehicle sales.

If Alefantis is really intending to use this property as a 'Museum' or some type of 'art gallery' or 'event space' open to the public, he is taking a big risk spending $s on renovations prior to applying for new zoning. The property is in between 2 residential streets and 1/2 block North of a children''s park. South of the park on the opposite side of Monroe street, the zoning is MU-4 (mixed use commercial). However, he is the middle of a residential block. If the property at one time was used for motor vehicle repairs, presumably it was not open nights. I would not want a business open to the public in the middle of a residential block where I lived or where I owned rental property.

Of course Alefantis does not seem like the brightest bulb so perhaps he doesn't think he needs a zoning variance.

Headstart ago

Art gallery / museum seems like an extension of the pedo /satanic art that was being displayed at Comet.

Someone of Alefantis's status, most likely already has assurances from the city that his zoning will be approved. Usually zoning changes are made by the city council (not sure if this is true in this area). Usually citizens are supposed to attend and voice opposition / support, but it's very easy for corrupt city officials to hold a meeting and claim no opposition present...

MolochHunter ago

Can someone local please contact the school and ask if there has been any missing or inexplicably traumatised children. If they say yes, you tell them there's a whole online community that may have some answers

MolochHunter ago

because at the end of the day (with the exception of the most graphic and specific images, which id rather not witness anyway) only a court of law can label smoke as fire. For our purposes, we just need enough smoke that the general population loses all faith in and reviles the establishment if it fails to act

conversion ago

Can someone on the deep web search the 'Dick boyZ' term to see if it has any attributed meanings or connections?

Given that the Oct 5 and Oct 11 time stamps (top of thread) for the 'Dick boyZ' items are pre Pizzagate, this cannot be some type of elaborate hoax. It would seem likely that the graffiti was created by Valerie Wiseman given that (1) the 'Dick boys' graffiti was not present in the May 2014 google map image of the locked plywood gate (2 months prior to Alefantis buying the property) and (2) that she has it as a background image on her phone. So why and what does it mean? Is it some kind of inside joke in their circle or is it something more sinister?

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

how do we know that was the background on her phone? i saw the picture but how do we know its her phone and not somebody elses?

zlomsocz ago

the real project pegasus https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1500304

conversion ago

Zoning for the Property -- 3518 11TH ST R NW:

Someone that is an experienced zoning attorney, please review the Use Restrictions and update this thread.

I highly doubt this property in the middle of a residential row house neighborhood is zoned for any type of 'Commercial Activity'. I will be contacting the North Columbia Heights Neighborhood Association regarding this Google Business Listing as a 'Museum'.

SpikyAube ago

Maybe call the police and report a disturbance there, or say you think someone is growing weed in there. Maybe then the police will show up and it'll get on the news, and people will find out about how this super special innocent kid friendly pizza shop owner/50th most important person in the world/wealthy and generous benefactor of the arts and political parties/esteemed member of the international ping pong network/media darling is also the owner of a weird back alley museum with its own viewing platform in the roof that overlooks a children's playground. Maybe that'll make people finally understand that something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

Headstart ago

Museum handjobs.

You don't like what you see, you don't pay.

zlomsocz ago

If anyone is previously unaware, Project Pegasus was originally a name first coined and promoted by paid Disinfo Agents Alfred Lambremont Webre, Andrew Bossagio, and Laura "Magdelene" Eisenhower.

Quick Background: Laura is Susan Eisenhower's Daughter, learn more about Susan's elite connections here: https://isgp-studies.com/ngo-list-foundations-and-think-tanks-worldwide

Alfred is descendant Of Pre-Castro Cuban Heirarchy, (Alfreds Three Brothers Louis, Philip, and most Notably Septime run with the CAP Donor network and are all friends with James Alefantis, a simple google image search of the brothers names along with Alefantis will yield still publicly available images of Septime with Brock and Alefantis etc:


More on Alfred Webre's rocekefeller connections here :

https://isgp-studies.com/coast-to-coast-am-radio-on-ufos-aliens-and-conspiracy#alfred-webre ^^SNIP"With a background involving Yale, the Ford Foundation, SRI, and the United Nations a complete and total Rockefeller flunky. Self-styled exopolitics expert, along the lines of Michael Salla. Claims there are intelligent civilizations on the moon and Mars."

I have been writing about this Alfred Webre connection for weeks see here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1480769

Bossagio (as well as webre and laura eisenhower are a part of the coast to coast am, Rockefeller Foundation funded, CIA Linked disonfo network) See link:


^^scroll down to see accurate bios of Laura, Alfred, and Andrew

NOW TO THE IMPORTANT PART OF MY POINT, "Project Pegasus" ; according to the Webre/Eisenhower/Bossagio disinfo group, Was DARPA project, which they have been talking about for over a decade, which revolves around Time Travel, and using it to look ahead at what the future presidents would/could be across different timelines. (please look into how alfred webre describes "project pegasus" on his disinfo blog here: http://exopolitics.blogs.com/exopolitics/2011/12/time-travel-and-political-control.html

(This all has uber relevance to the current geopolitical situation, considering the american election, wikileaks, and pizzagate) Simultaneously, we have these bizarre dis-info networks, that were created years in advance to craft and control the narrative on "truth" for a time like this.

I don't disagree that the Government and NGO's have technologies, and super-computers that can deduce probability and look into the future,

But I also don't see a coincidence, That the same folks who claim to have had involvement with the original project pegasus time travel stuff, are the ones here now who control the "truth movement" as seen above

cosmicmind ago

I just became aware of Webre during pizzagate a few days ago, I saw his video in my newsfeed interviewing Ole Dammegard and Carine Hustebaut, whom I also just discovered during pizzagate.

I liked Dammegard and Hustebaut's previous video and thought I'd check this out. It's the only video I watched on his channel.
Now that you've brought this up I looked at some of his other vids. He didn't look like the same guy on the Alefantis pics, because he looks so much older than the person in the pics.

I would have expected Jones or Icke, (actually I'd be surprised if they weren't), but this guys vid with Hustebaut and Dammegard regarding pizzagate seemed so genuine and sincere.

recent video: Alexis Brooks: Multi-dimensional experiences, the coming shift & separation of densities
I’ve got 2 separate YouTube addresses on his same channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jf1pynw4fZk&t=160s at 4:00 She says the transformation will be birthed through tragedy. Is this why their playing the shell game? They want a fucking big tragedy and what more tragedy than the public standing up against the heinous treatment toward children from global government.
This reminds me of the movie Time Bandit, at the end it says this is needed to evolve, to which I say Bullshit and a big fuck you to bdsm game players. It also reminds me of the belief called, The Law of One, which says it doesn’t matter if it’s light or dark, as long as it’s duality. Similarly there’s the domino black and white board, which doesn’t matter to them as long as their playing on one or the other.

another recent ytube: Trump & The Chronogarchy meet the Ascension: Alfred Lambremont Webre https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKltrA-78BU
at 11:50 he says the cia called trump as president long ago, (the Simpson tv show has a lot of shows years ago showing Trump as president, causing a big financial collapse, and coincidentally there’s a lot of articles coming out claiming there’ll be a global financial collapse.)

I’m listening to this now and it seems this is where they get their time – immortality dilemma, as they can’t find existence outside of time, so the teachings always need power but they only need to use a power, they want to be the god. This is teaching goes back original recorded beliefs. It seems that they’re still involved and use science as the Egyptians did, which is to evolve their immortally as gods. This explains all the elite funding of sciences and child charities.

In Dammegard/Hustebaut pizzagate interview Webre says that he was sexually abused in Cuba as a child and he thought it was a European group, but he made the listener (me) feel compassion for him.

Now I'm thinking he could easily be a pawn in this based on his own information.

This is one weird freaking rabbit hole; more like a rat hole and I'm getting dirty - feel nauseated right now from the depth of the whole thing. Their charity pacs and funding links of science, chem, bio all seems to make sense now.

SpikyAube ago

If it was all legit, why isn't Alefantis talking about it openly, like 'so excited to have bought the building for our new museum today! Or - Our new museum is coming together nicely, it will showcase ancient Greek artefacts and will be opening soon! Or - 'Started work on our new Museum Pegasus today, digging some holes for the interactive educational science installation' or whatever. The fact that there is no mention of it as far as I can see, openly, anywhere, when it seems he gets about all over the place in various publications and blogs with his restaurants and gallery stuff, makes it very suspicious.

Headstart ago

Good points. It's worth noting that museums operate as non-profits, meaning it could just be a mechanism to receive "donations" for "services." And laundering money.

Museum = Non Profit status, which translates to tax free money.

birthdaysuit11 ago

It's more than suspicious. I don't know anyone that has these kinds of connections, doing these kinds of projects; potentially illegal projects involving shady renovations, in shady areas without permits. It would make sense if a place like this was open to the public but it's hush, hush so this tells me it's a front for something.

Shitseverewhere ago

Every one of Wiseman's pictures has the butterfly/split personality theme going on.

SpikyAube ago

Something about her just screams pain, it's horrible, I feel intensely sad looking at her :-(

birthdaysuit11 ago

Yeah, I noticed that too. Likely a victem of ritual abuse or mind control. I think we are in the right direction with this research.

Shitseverewhere ago

Yep, I think so too.

RecycledUser ago

Awesome job, thank you! Upvotes for all.

centima ago

Amazing timeline and post. How can we get someone to check this out. Is this enough evidence?

birthdaysuit11 ago

Remember the subway system goes right under this road, if you look at the overview it actually goes right under this small roadway, I'm not kidding. Good work OP, this is the research we need. Something tells me this house is more than just a museum.

bolus ago

just a heads up - the www server for this domain is defunct, but it has an active and functioning mx record.

that is to say, there's a working mail server hosting this domain. i can't archive the mx-lookup site i use, because scripts, but i've taken a screenshot. i will not share said screenshot because ip addresses start leaning into dox material.

redditsuckz ago

Great Job putting this timeline together!...

So PEGASUS might be a code word for this specific "kill room" that he had built and it does look like that 3518 REAR building/house has same kind of red bricks that have been painted over white on the outside of it add to that there are bars on the windows.

3518 Rear;


Here is some more info for your timeline...

Oct. 9th 2014



Harvard Business Services, Inc ?

Registered Agent John Kreher

The company's principal address is 16192 Coastal Highway, Lewes, DE 19958



Oct. 22, 2014

HERECOMESYOURMAN LLC Registration/Effective Date


Dec. 11th 2014 - Report Year


Need to find out who Boris Tochilin is if he exists.


Little Red Fox 5035 Connecticut Ave NW also has work done on a "File Room".



Little Red Fox has large "Vault Door" installed;

ALEFANTIS INSTAGRAM - HIS BUILDER - "Square Soft Design and Pizza are logical bedfellows" - Vaultmaker for Alefantis and Little Red Fox DISCOVERED Found his BUILDER WHO ALSO MAKES COFFINS IN PORTLAND


For the lurkers;

Anyone can register an account and look up the companies in Washington D.C.;


Valerie Weiseman Projects Director at;

Projects Director | Comet / Buck's / Pegasus / +

What is the + symbol? (+)



PEGASUS with James Alefantis


She removed some resume info;


***EDIT 2

All the Designers for Comet Pizza;

Comet Pizza:

Designed by: Joe Wills, James Alefantis, Peter Hapstak, and myself Built By: Myself, Joe Wills, Peter Vladimirovic, Justin Barrows, Dan Hicks, Piero Passacantando


WordPress has been Deleted;


phlux ago

I assume then "museum" is the code-word for kill room. Search all emails for "museum"

Sentastixc ago

Absolutely great.

Maybe a follow up question, who are the kids in this neighborhood. We saw some schill video of guys going around Besta and they saw a guy jogging with 10-15 minors. Could it be there are a lot of CF adoption agencies with buildings in the neighborhood? Anyone looked into that?

I want to dig myself, but my speed has been throttled by my ISP to 16 kpbs.

reasonedandinformed ago

Excellent digging.

rutkdn ago

Great job spoor. Thanks for taking the lead on this one and running with this!

Dr_Truth ago

Great post! Up votes for everybody... I need some to help with the shilly weather...

JSchoolDropout ago

I cannot understand why someone would invest in building an art gallery in an alleyway. Not for curb appeal or sidewalk traffic. The only thing I can see that makes this property unique is it's proximity to a children's playground.

AreWeSure ago

Art galleries don't rely on foot traffic. Just like small scale concert venues don't. You go to the neighborhood, because you like the show.

Like espresso shops an art gallery is a signal a neighbor hood is changing

AreWeSure ago

So the business that came to my mind was not child-trafficking or drugs, but real estate development. There was a developer here in NY that quietly bought up most of an industrial neighborhood and when he turned it into housing, he gave great deals to the retail spaces in the neighborhood to start getting getting people to visit. For his "anchor tenant" he gave a famous chocolate maker a long term lease where the rent was free for the first two years.

It's now a luxury neighborhood with a lot tech/internet businesses in the office spaces.

chickyrogue ago

great dot connecting i upvoted everyone here!

quantokitty ago

Spoor, you put a lot of work into this. Amazing detail and fills in the background of where PEGASUS MUSEUM came from. Congrats on doing such an outstanding job.