ArthurEdens ago

Time travel doesn't exist so I don't really care

zlomsocz ago

comment on the totality of the idea, there are people with platforms perpetuating a false narrative, who all have ties to the super elite, who all have platforms financed or created by the super elite, and all claim to be under the guise or veil of being leaders of promoting the truth. i call their approach "intelligence edging", leading people who might be curious about the nature of their reality, into a false narratives, and away from reality. Or as this day in age i have to say "real" reality.

ArthurEdens ago

Your abstract diatribes aren't relavent and aren't helping. Get a grip and formulate your findings into short simple and pragmatic posts. This is an investigation that doesn't have time to praise your ego. Find evidence, not crazy scientology baloney.

zlomsocz ago

Accoriding to webre blog" Project Pegasus time travel was also used for political surveillance of future societal change agents.

Mr Basiago revealed that the reason Project Pegasus was able to identify Mr Carter, who was the then Governor of George, in 1971, as a future U.S. President, is that the program was in possession of a copy of Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe by Alfred Lambremont Webre—a book that this reporter would not write until 1999 and would not be published as a library book until 2005, but which bears a quote on its front pages of a statement made by President Jimmy Carter.

According to him, Mr Webre's book Exopolitics was, among other written works, physically retrieved from the future by Project Pegasus and brought back in time to 1971 or a prior time. At that time, 1971, Mr Webre was General Counsel of the New York City Environmental Protection Administration and had been placed under time travel surveillance by the U.S. government.

Mr Basiago has also stated that Project Pegasus identified Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, the great granddaughter of U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, as a his future ally.

Thus, there is historical precedent for the covert political surveillance, via remote sensing in time, of a person of interest like Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower. "