shillcrusher13 ago

Biden is so incredibly creepy.

shillcrusher13 ago

Look up Biden creepy on youtube. There is no doubt he is a pedo and someone who just insinuates his way into people pants. Look at he way that he treats people who have to deal with him on camera... groping, sniffing, people's daughter's, wives, on camera... WTF???

PieInTheEye ago

What a creepy dude in the video ... obviously as bent as a corkscrew ... but it makes sense that such a person would be called upon by like thinking creepers to 'decorate' their house with post-art 'art' with a predilection for death and nihilism (satanic if not in name). Considering James Alefantis' mother Susan Alefantis of Alefantis & Associates (McLean, Virginia, near the CIA HQ in Langley) is an interior designer, it would fit in that James circulates in the same politician/lobbyist ass kissing circles as this Christopher Boutlier creeper.

derram ago :

Art House: For collector and designer Christopher Boutlier, the key is to connect with your surroundings

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