PizzaGate711 ago

James Alefantis and John Kreher's 'HECOMESYOURMAN' business is reg at: 3124 JENNINGS RD, KENSINGTON 20895 Maryland United States Source:- Google Maps Location -,+Kensington,+MD+20895,+USA/@39.0301201,-77.0674447,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89b7cedcffcd5cdd:0x9698a633b080ee7a!8m2!3d39.030116!4d-77.065256?hl=en

Guess who turns out to have lived there? People connected to Childroots... Cassie Windham Wills and Joe Wills of James Alefantis Square Form lived @3124 Jennings Road; Album

John Kreher Identified in "kill room" Construction pic - Project Manager at The Ley Group Construction

Property Details - including number of residents listed as living inside the home and neighbouring properties along Jennings Road - 7, 13, 21 (1 bath), 7, 14 residents etc. Is this another street associated with James Alefantis where the surrounding homes look to be boarding houses?

ich1baN ago

He didn't...I got it from redditsuckz

ich1baN ago

Well the user above posted this link which shows an older girl with Caris James? Is this potentially an older sister?

concernedaboutitall ago According to this blog, Scott Cummings helped build CPP. He also says he has 3-year-old daughter, who I think is Caris. Does Caris have a sister? Didn't Alefantis say in the Kelly interview the tape photo was due to two sisters?

yabbadoody ago

then there would be a birth record. or should be.

BlueTesla ago

You're right he did. Theres no evidence if a sister anywhere, a little suspicous if just one daughter got all the attention

ZalesMcMuffin ago

You deserve one. Great material.

waybackwhen1987 ago

didnt alefantis in the megan kelly interview say that was his god daughter taped to the table??

concernedaboutitall ago

Yes. I believe Caris James is the goddaughter?

NotAnIdiot ago

Did you archive all of those pages?

JSchoolDropout ago

From Portland Natural Casket Company website via Wayback: Note the emphasis on Ritual:

About Us

When I was a child, my mother taught classes on Death and Dying. She would often talk to me about how death is an important part of life and how various cultures have different rituals and burial rights. I found her openness on the topic refreshing. Now that I have a child of my own I have been thinking a great deal about the importance of ritual in our lives. How the loss and burial of a loved one is such an important and fragile time in life, and how green burial, lends itself to a more natural grieving process.

dafacts ago

If i had to guess i'd say it would be common to have things like staff directories covered by a password. Parents of kids who go there are probably given a password. But the general public shouldn't have access to info like that. Not every password area is hiding CP.

reasonedandinformed ago

But the password protection exists at the most basic level, like trying to get more information on a particular location. The site provides no specifics on the locations and absolutely zero information about the staff (names, background, credentials). The nature of the password protection is actually very suspicious if you look into it.

oldskeptic ago

Matt Carr and his wife have a Portland background:

"Owners Jena and Matt Carr opened Little Red Fox in 2013 as an ode to their years living in Portland, Oregon"

He worked at Politics & Prose, too.

My opinion is the Carrs were recruited to the Comet block, and were given strong incentive to relocate to DC.

militant ago

Good job once again OP, but I'd rather read a 'normal' text + pictures thread.

FoxMcCloud11 ago

You're first "fact" was already proven wrong. That is a very common name and photos were found and did not match here on voat. Still, other connections look okay.

quantokitty ago

Another awesome post, DonaldMcRonald2016!!!

Fantastic investigative work. The thing is that all the more easily gotten to info has been revealed and posted. It leaves that underbelly that will expose JA & Co for what they are -- and also who they work for. What are the chances JA would align himself with someone that builds vaults and coffiins and that tags pics of a man holding an innocent baby with #chickenlovers? There has to be a work permit for Comet Pizza that will show what was done to it.

RedGreenAlliance ago

@DonaldMcDonald2016 I think this is some sterling work you've put in and clearly good research. However I think it would greatly benefit from a text-based repost breaking down all the links you have in this sequence with archived links. I am loathe to say a ELI5 as this is 18+ material but a 'treat us like we are new PizzaGaters' Idiots Guide would be ideal. Maybe more simpler images which translate better on social media with a link back to tour OP address so it can be viral but also lead to the deeper research you have clearly done. Good work though!

Throeaweigh ago

These square cubes remind me of the 'saturn cube'. (saturn was a mythological character who ate children, and often symbolised as a black cube)

OrwellKnew ago

By piggybacking off of your lead and associated names, I have discovered another "child charity" in the OR area that needs to be investigated

Has the pedophile double heart logo. Strange talk about child abuse victims and spaghetti dinners

creepy a/f

ZalesMcMuffin ago

The image is a bit hard to read/navigate, due to size.

For those struggling, try using ctrl key and either mouse wheel or +/- to zoom in and out.

Yuke ago

This is something that I have looked into. The link between Alefantis and Scott Cummings (of Square form) is a little tighter than is alluded to in this (poor) image. The last image is, I believe, actually INSIDE Comet. Square form WAS based at the same address and they have since moved to 5624 LAFAYETTE PLACE, EDMONSTON, MD. This directly links Alefantis to a casket maker. Something I found that I believe to be quite important is that they are a federal vendor Government contractor Also Wooden Iron Manufacturing. Facebook here (same address and telephone number). And Scott Cummings has produced a highly suspicious Pedophile-looking symbol in his work

Lots of leads surrounding this one (I really don't know why I didn't post all of this sooner)

redditsuckz ago

Maybe thats why he had 2 organizations at 5037 Connecticut Ave NW;

He has Comet Ping Pong with 12 employees

And The Big Cheese LLC with 4 employee.

That area also has 2 floors.

The Big Cheese MIGHT be Squareformdesign....

First pic/vide is of Dominos..."WORD DOMINOS"...maybe thats what the code/game is

Scott Cummings Base Modern;

Angela Keinholz was "principal" at Portland Natural Castket Company LLC

Now runs another business;

Portland Natural Casket Co - Employees 2 Scott Cummings and probably his wife;

ich1baN ago

Don't forget the insta user named "werkinonmahnightcheese" ... that guy also has casket references on his instragram:

He also seems to be a close friend to James Alefantis. His name alone potentially incites something nefarious "working on his night cheese".... translation > kidnapping minors?

He also posts a photo with a picture of a creepy reinforced van that has wood on the sides. His avatar picture is also a satanic pan half human/half animal reference... a deer with horns.

yabbadoody ago

think about it - "night cheese" - I doubt he's talking about kidnapping, but that is probably a first step. could indicate anything from paedo sex to "soap making" (discussed elsewhere)

ich1baN ago

Or selling kids... cheese is another terminology for money as well.

Gorillion ago

Possible they double-pack the coffins like the mafia does? Easier to hide a dead kid under an adult corpse than two adults to a casket also. Even easier if it's just bones.

redditsuckz ago

I think Jimmy Alefantis/JimmyComet likes and comments on the pics a lot is because he is friends with Joe Wills and Scott Cummings who both work for Square form design;

Joe Wills worked design in Comet Ping Pong;

Joe Wills, John Kreher, John Lewando

James Alefantis tagged him in Instagram pic;

JoeWills Instagram - Private

John Kreher posts a pic of Joe Wills;

And he's in several pictures posted on JKreher's FB acc. here:

More Vault Doors liked by Joe Wills

Need Help: John Kreher Identified in "kill room" Construction pic - Project Manager at The Ley Group Construction

Pics Archived from squareformdesign;

Demonic "Patina"

Squareformdesign album;

Joe Wills Sliding platform + vault door;

YingYangMom ago

The slimg links pics have been deleted. So far, in this investigation, other than being involved in the interior design of the CPP and some professional work for Alefantis, I haven't seen anything suspicious about Joe Wills in particular. I couldn't say the same about Kreher though or S Cummings. Just my opinion.

joe_hill ago

on radaris :

"Skills (of cory woolman): Film Production • Event Planning • Video • Event Management • Human Resources • Business Strategy • New Business Development • Business Planning • Business Process Improvement • Business Culture • Employee Training • Small Business • Working with Generation Y • Early Childhood Education • Child Advocacy • Video Production • Producing • QuickBooks • Teacher Training • Parent Education • Research • Leadership Development"

fuckin b****

"ChildRoots Center for Young Children

Director - Dec 2008 - May 2011"

that is a lead IMo

redberries ago

Great job.


(1) The image is very hard to study - it's either too small or too large to look at. (2) This thread must be very important as I've experienced considered internet disruption while trying to view it.

Rigg5 ago

This is great work and another example to why presentation is so important.

Every time we come up with a new lead, the watchdogs work to remove the content before we can archive.

FR33D0M ago

Very interesting connections! Format-wise, it was tricky to follow along, might be easier to read and parse if it were less cramped and the story unfolded from top to bottom?

shootermcgvn ago

I'm about to seem really stupid, but I always have trouble with these infographics with all the lines and shit drawn on them.

Can someone please ELI5 in text form?

Also I'm a bit drunk.

Have an upvoat because you found something, even if I'm having trouble piecing it together even with a fucking visual aid.

dafacts ago

yeah this is a real mess.. hard to sum up really, very very hard to follow. Wish it was just listed in bullet point order instead.

dafacts ago

You know who else works at Portland Natural Casket Company? Cory Woolman. ccwoolman - one of the Jimmycomet comment regulars.

This bitch.

She was a previous Comet employee, now works at the coffin maker place in Portland.

See her work history here, she also loves working with kids!

concernedaboutitall ago

I went to that radaris link, and it said Cory had worked at and possibly managed a preschool. Childroots

The photo that I saw when I went to their website really concerned me. The girl looks like she is screaming

OrwellKnew ago

Your link didn't work but it's ok -_-

Muh archive:

anotherskeptic ago

I live down the street

redditsuckz ago

Background on Scott Cummings;

"First and foremost, Caris has been (somewhat) successfully identified.

She is apparently the daughter of one Scott Cummings, who is married to a Cory Woolman.

Their instagrams are (or were, before they mysteriously set to private) woolmings.fam and woolmings_family, ostensibly a combination of their last names (Woolman and Cummings). They also had the accounts ccwoolman and scummings; I’m a little suspicious why they used so many accounts, but I digress."

more of his instagram names;





Scott Cummings is the guy with the girl strapped to the table AND the "chicken lovers" pic;

Pic of Joe Wills and possible Scott Cummings in the back;

Joe Wills Sliding platform + vault door;

Portland Natural Casket Co - Employees 2 Scott Cummings and probably his wife;


Little Red Fox 5035 Connecticut Ave NW has work done on a "File Room".

pizzapartywithkids ago

Just to be clear, Woolman and Cummings are a married couple.

eMalum ago


This shit gets confusing when married folks have different last names.

hanknut42 ago

Cumming is the guy who said he designed Comet pizza as far as i remember he boosted about it

joe_hill ago

pizzahthrowaway ago

Archived that from imdb since that gets edited a lot

pizzapartywithkids ago

Looks like her imdb has been edited but it was on there as well I think.

lilwagon ago
