"First and foremost, Caris has been (somewhat) successfully identified.
She is apparently the daughter of one Scott Cummings, who is married to a Cory Woolman.
Their instagrams are (or were, before they mysteriously set to private) woolmings.fam and woolmings_family, ostensibly a combination of their last names (Woolman and Cummings). They also had the accounts ccwoolman and scummings; I’m a little suspicious why they used so many accounts, but I digress."
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dafacts ago
You know who else works at Portland Natural Casket Company? Cory Woolman. ccwoolman - one of the Jimmycomet comment regulars.
This bitch. http://archive.is/dWcSe
She was a previous Comet employee, now works at the coffin maker place in Portland.
See her work history here, she also loves working with kids!
concernedaboutitall ago
I went to that radaris link, and it said Cory had worked at and possibly managed a preschool. Childroots
The photo that I saw when I went to their website really concerned me. The girl looks like she is screaming http://i.sli.mg/9qDqpg
OrwellKnew ago
Your link didn't work but it's ok -_-
Muh archive: http://archive.is/LzDJY
anotherskeptic ago
I live down the street
redditsuckz ago
Background on Scott Cummings;
"First and foremost, Caris has been (somewhat) successfully identified.
She is apparently the daughter of one Scott Cummings, who is married to a Cory Woolman.
Their instagrams are (or were, before they mysteriously set to private) woolmings.fam and woolmings_family, ostensibly a combination of their last names (Woolman and Cummings). They also had the accounts ccwoolman and scummings; I’m a little suspicious why they used so many accounts, but I digress."
more of his instagram names;
Scott Cummings is the guy with the girl strapped to the table AND the "chicken lovers" pic;
Pic of Joe Wills and possible Scott Cummings in the back;
Joe Wills Sliding platform + vault door;
Portland Natural Casket Co - Employees 2 Scott Cummings and probably his wife;
Little Red Fox 5035 Connecticut Ave NW has work done on a "File Room".
pizzapartywithkids ago
Just to be clear, Woolman and Cummings are a married couple.
eMalum ago
This shit gets confusing when married folks have different last names.
hanknut42 ago
Cumming is the guy who said he designed Comet pizza as far as i remember he boosted about it
joe_hill ago
source : they're married http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2972931/bio#spouse
pizzahthrowaway ago
Archived that from imdb since that gets edited a lot
pizzapartywithkids ago
Looks like her imdb has been edited but it was on there as well I think.