redditsuckz ago

If you notice JORGE GARNICA and ESVIN ORELLANA(In-House Carpentry Crew) on the "our team page" have the same kind of company sweaters that they guys digging the hole have...but green and a different logo...I bet whoever made the company sweaters for the Ley Group also made them for the company for Alefantis and John Kreher.

YingYangMom ago

There are 9 building permits associated with 5015 Connecticut Ave. over the past 4 years.,+washington,+dc+20008

redditsuckz ago

He was digging the hole 2 years ago tho so any info on permits for that company would be important.

SpikyAube ago

Here's a list of houses the Ley group worked on, maybe some of them are interesting people?

redditsuckz ago

I think one is Judges Antonin Scalias house who was murdered?...what?...

Justice Scalia's daughter-in-law Patricia Scalia - Trish Scalia

Review by Trish Scalia;

House needs to be confirmed...they also removed their testimonials recently also.

Scalia House;

YingYangMom ago

OMG! That's a really beautiful kitchen, that woman's got good taste LOL.

Great find, this needs to be looked into more closely I agree.

SpikyAube ago

Castellum Achilles is the company with which Alefantis asked for a permit to do work on a building that he apparently owns half of - the half he owns is listed as a garage that sells vehicles. Outside the front of that building on the wall the word KIDS is painted in red...

yabbadoody ago

that "hole" looks like an exploratory, where they're testing for a large dig. Look at the outlines a couple feet behind them, and it becomes clear they're looking to set up a stairway... with stairs behind Kreher, widening out at theBOTTOM of the stairwell, which appear to be going NEXT DOOR.

Now IMMEDIATELY next door, we have Little Red Fox, and then Buck's Fishing and Camping (another Alefantis joint, which has a basement). Likewise, if he's heading in the opposite direction, then after a brief interlude the may encounter something at the Construction company next door, assuming that has a basement.

It would be good to see if Little Red Fox has a basement. The construction company next door (McCullough) also has a specialty in foundations and structural.

redditsuckz ago

He has 2 organizations at 5037 Connecticut Ave NW.

He has Comet Ping Pong with 12 employees

And The Big Cheese LLC with 4 employee.

That area also has 2 floors.

I doubt they are selling dairy products...must be something else...

YingYangMom ago

I found this here: (scroll down, he is on 16th pic from top with Joe Wills and John Lewando)

Joe Wills is tagged here in this Alefantis Instagram pic:

Kreher was in Panama with his gf in 2015 at this creepy hotel Panamonte. (Panama) (Panama)

He was also at Comet Ping Pong with gf and friends. Curiously enough, the album's titled 'It was a good party après Buck's' (après means after in french). So they were at Buck's first, then CPP... (CPP) (CPP?)

He's friends with Joe Wills who worked at CPP, you can see his work here :

And he's in several pictures posted on JKreher's FB acc. here:

hanknut42 ago

from the go fund me page help him with all needs. Whether you know John from Tampa, Dallas, Charlotte or DC, you know what a force of nature he is. Let's help him out in his time of need. Nothing is too small OR too big. Thank you so much - John's cronies, darlings, dear ones and friends hes got roots in all those cities lets start connecting dots!

hanknut42 ago

this cam up while searching his name a go fund me page for him

anonRec178 ago

I was a little hesitant to include this one at this stage but I suspect he's a cult member I'm tracking: John Champagne: (they switch names frequently). Of relevance he's also related to the Podestas (unsure how). I'm still looking for documents to debunk or prove this.

See my previous comment:

I need more photos preferably not smiling.

Yuke ago

100% NOT John Kreher.

hanknut42 ago

he looks like he could be a brother of his but the guy in your pic looks a bit older

YingYangMom ago

I agree. Their noses are different too.

hanknut42 ago

tesamontinals on his site have two chevy chase buizznesses reviews so right near comet

hanknut42 ago

ley means ley lines IE supernatural stuff

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Please keep digging

yabbadoody ago

pun intended? :o)

redditsuckz ago

The guy digging in Alefantis Construction John Kreher pic refers to himself as "Bohemian"

Prepper_Jack ago

Interestingly, he may actually be quite literally a Bohemian. Kreher is a last name in Czechoslovakia, though I believe the roots are German. He also looks Czech. Czech Republic was formerly known as Bohemia.

Of course, it's far more likely that he's referring to the "informal and unconventional social habits" definition. Looking at his Facebook page, and that's pretty much the case.