ALEFANTIS INSTAGRAM - HIS BUILDER - "Square Soft Design and Pizza are logical bedfellows" - Vaultmaker for Alefantis and Little Red Fox DISCOVERED Found his BUILDER WHO ALSO MAKES COFFINS IN PORTLAND (
submitted 8.2 years ago by DonaldMcRonald2016
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waybackwhen1987 8.2 years ago
didnt alefantis in the megan kelly interview say that was his god daughter taped to the table??
concernedaboutitall 8.2 years ago
Yes. I believe Caris James is the goddaughter?
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waybackwhen1987 ago
didnt alefantis in the megan kelly interview say that was his god daughter taped to the table??
concernedaboutitall ago
Yes. I believe Caris James is the goddaughter?