AmeroAmigo ago

From StarSeedLover's post

Video of a band performing at Paper SunYouTube (archive) - Looks like it was on the first floor, rough brick walls. Same room as "kill room"?

The band is True Womanhood, the song is "The Monk", and the EP is "Basement Membranes" and the lyrics say in this video "We eat our young." Check this out.

These other videos available on Youtube contain disturbing content as well. This gets better and better.

LeChevalBlanc ago

I've followed this link for a few pages :

What strikes me - in spite of all the edgy-weirdy stuff - is that I never get the "bad" feeling that I got right away from the JimmyComet IG pictures and comments. There are a few kids here and there. They look as healthy as they could be in this kind of surrounding. No bad intention or focus from the photographer.

Most pictures relate to things I could have been involved in many years back (art school and rock hype). Even the "Voodoo" and ugly esthaetics don't surprise me.

Of course I now find it just silly and boring but nothing more.

Somehow it confirms me that JA, with all his "cultural" arrogance does not belong to the same world. If for one reason, I would never have expected then to be even remotely connected with someone in touch with the political elite. Strictly impossible.

APC_Frankfurt ago

Glad the investigation of Pegasus continues, hopefully with less gut and more wisdom. One fundamental exortation is always PUT THE MONEY WHRE YOUR MOUTH IS. So from AJ point of view what is the fundamental reason to become a museum founder and owner. In his mind likes his arcadia of ancient names the winged horse Pegasus, the Antinous alter, the Castellum domain. Why he is expanding his operations, why is opening the purse for that. How he is projecting for the future of all this? These are fundamental questions that precedes the details. Can we speak with his accountant or the bank? Alas not yet BTW that crossing where there is the playground is designed with a elevated basin that contain 3 trees. This deisgn is perfectly horizontal to Washingtho layout. Pedophilia, snuff, prostitution is endemic and institutional, might as well also be a kind of pyramid scheme those at the top that joined first gains the most? Everybody dont fight each other, do it for the children and please stop swearing, there could be children reading voat too.

FriesischShipping ago

It's the keyhole...and if it was meant to be a PsyOp, we haven't seen the big boom yet, or they seriously underestimated how the plebes would react and how far investigators dig into this.

DarkMath ago

Sorry but you need to explain the Ping Pong Table in the original picture. That points to Comet Ping Pong not Pegasus.

rockcreek ago

What's the address of Pegasus? It's not 3518. That is a neighoring house according to Zillow, perhaps the one with kid written on the front wall..

Investigate1999 ago

Thank you for convincing me! The hanger stain did it.

I don't see the siding. I only see a brick wall.

I don't see the cracks in concrete from the outside perspective.

On a side note, we should take note of the markings on the indoor floor around the tree table. I'm sure that they'll come in handy later.

Yuke ago

Sorry everyone, I'll take the blame for the most recent use of "Kill room" although I did put it in quotation marks in my post on purpose to say that it's not really the kill room just the site of the construction pics (although in my defence the guy in the video put his own spin on it and said it was the kill room multiple times - not my intention, read my thread). A couple of things to clarify: the part at the far right of the Pegasus building is the part with the rolling mezzanine, that is the only part that I have seen that rolls, so to say the whole floor rolls as someone did, is not accurate.

Singleservename ago

Occam's razor should have killed the '#killroom' at Pegasus rather quickly. A restaurant proprietor has pictures of a walk-in freezer, well in all likelihood it is located near his restaurants.

If the building site photos do indeed depict construction of the freezer (only evidence is the patch on the floor at far right corresponding But walk-in freezers usually have insulated floors?) then the freezer is likely at or near Buck's or Comet.

Since the building site photos do not correspond to McCullough Construction next to Comet, it has to be somewhere else near Comet if it is an Alefantis restaurant freezer.

The FBI also confirms there is an outside freezer accessed through the rear of Comet.

But satellite images seem to show there can't be, unless it is hidden in one of the buildings on 5039 Connecticut Park. Because Comet has no side entrance or rear access to the Buck's and Besta parking lots.

Could it be at Little Red Fox next door, where there is a structure in the back that looks like a freezer, even if it's square not rectangular?

cubes ago

Did you look at the rest of the photos in that gallery? "Flickr gallery (archive) of photographer Chris Chen (Fur Cafe)." Strange eyes wide shut mask's and what looks to be some sort of candle lite ritual's tagged as performance art..

This pic was just one of many strange ones Tags: Mt. Vernon Sq. Civilian Art Projects Offerings Marissa Long mrsa long Michael Terzano Rob Corradetti Pizza Party

Fateswebb ago

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. This was created more as a garage or a storage building. Why would it have a basement. The main property on the other hand it makes sense.

AreWeSure ago

the "tree trunk table" is known as a Live Edge Slab table in woodworking circles. Pretty nice one too. The wood is Black Walnut.

Now in one of the pics the wood has a water stain on it and the other doesn't. So perhaps these are from two different times.

The other possibility which more is remote is you have two slabs taken from the same log. You would end up with virtually identical shapes that way. If you were a design head and were fitting out an office space, you might do it this way and have almost matching tables.

However the wood seems unprotected, so it's probably just taken at a later time and it got stained.

rockcreek ago

Great work! I wonder if when the building was originally built if that room with the tree table actually had a regular height ceiling, and that ceiling was removed making it a tall room instead of two stories. There are irregular bricks and holes along the line where the "rolling Mezzaine" tracks are and if that floor were removed it would explain why there is a door opening into space and there are no stairs (previous to the metal stairs built by Wills) going up in this particular side of the building.

Ihatepizza2 ago

The woman on the right (sitting down outside) is a person of interest. Anyone know who she is? I've see her face here recently in a related search.

redditsuckz ago

When did JA buy the building and start renovating it?

July 7, 2014

You can see he removed almost everything upstairs and downstairs to make room for his "museum";

Some PEGASUS Construction Photos from JA's Instagram;

Renovation and construction work timeline;

Acidfox ago Interview with Scott who did steel work for comet and Pegasus in 2015 talks about renovating his boss house in D.C. As his first major interior design , he said it took a year to finish ? Could be something ?

Dressage2 ago

Well now, this is getting far more interesting. If you looked at pics of newly renovated Pegasus you will see large O-ring imbedded into ceiling of second floor. We now know that was put there purposely based on these Paper Sun pics. It is apparent the upstairs was completely gutted. We also know that the whole second floor will slide across making the room multi-faceted. Open two story. What could possibly be suspended from that O-ring? Plant?

starseedlover ago

Thanks, great addition!

jackjones ago

PEGASUS meaning: SPRANG from MEDUSA as she was BEHEADED!

Pegasus, in Greek mythology, a winged horse that sprang from the blood of the Gorgon Medusa as she was beheaded by the hero Perseus.

militant ago

Please archive everything buddy.

starseedlover ago

Thanks for the reminder... done

Yuke ago

That's the place alright and confirms my theory that the triangle you could see in the construction pic doorway was stairs leading up.

crazimal ago

Wtf with all the recent sliding of the term "kill room" into discussions of 3518 11th st? The origin of "kill room" is the IG tag that has not been demonstrated to have a connection to any property involved. On the contrary there are clear reasons why the "kill room" is very unlikely at Pegasus/11th st, including size, expense, large compressors/coils (absent from the site) and electrical supply required.

Is this "kill room" mislabeling by shills to confuse or undermine investigation with deliberate falsehood? Or is it just dumb kids' attempt to make their reps with click-bait terms like "kill room" ??

Don't be stupid voaters

billybigrigger ago

I agree it is likely that Pegusus is not the #killroom. There was actually a better lead somewhere I thought, where one of the users who used this term on IG, used it referring to image of a restaurant location that they owned.

More likely IMO, is that "killroom" is a code-word itself. You don't see any of the other terms used in pizzagate referring to the literal act of anything. "Is killroom a code-word?" Is the question I'm wondering.

quantokitty ago

It's been what I've been trying to say. It's like a swarm of people have taken up repeating this for no discernible reason.

goat_cheese_pizza ago

def a swarm. much more active threads these past couple days

quantokitty ago

Yeah, crazy busy. and the numbers aren't up, so why? It's an indicator something is different ... and very wrong.

goat_cheese_pizza ago

they're trying to do what they did to r/politics. once a sub get's too popular, they just mess it up as much as possible so it becomes too much a bother to wade through the shit. great thing about the internet is we can just get up and go.

quantokitty ago

Ha! Yes, we can.

remedy4reality ago

what? you need a label stuck on something to deduce what it is based on the evidence? In essence, you're depending on an admission from criminals for confirmation.

joeysaperv ago

So voat needs to keep calling everything a killroom, because someday it's going to stick?

thisneedstoend ago

same brickwork in the construction photos and the wall behind rolling door in pegasus ( plus the pegasus building is definitely large enough to contain a "kill room" as well. edit: typo + added links:

joeysaperv ago

Agree. There is something fishy about the deliberately ignorant use of "killroom". It has become deceptive to the point of misleading.

Laserchalk ago

It has actually been connected with the Pegasus building. There is a video that shows the identical brickwork. Also James Alefantis himself confirmed it was the same room with a conversation he had with the person that made the connection.

starseedlover ago

I originally saw a video saying "Kill Room" was in the Pajama Factory, but then later it was found to be the same room where they were digging trenches (which happens to be pegasus). Is this true? I would like a source to know for sure.

YingYangMom ago

Nothing has been proven yet. Pegasus is a very interesting spot and it has undergone huge renovations but so did CPP and, iirc, the walk-in freezer was the room that was # killroom. Then Jsmith had another one that he called his Killroom and that one people initially thought was at the Pyjama Factory, but again, nothing was proven. A tiny space (alley) between CPP and neighboring building McCullough was discovered and so another theory came out of that (killroom found at McCullough) but again, nothing concrete because of some discrepancies in ceiling beams, ping pong table being in the dig room et al... It's all very interesting and possible, but the killrooms could be at any of these locations. The smoking gun piece of evidence that will definitely place the killroom at an exact location is still missing. However, I have a feeling that we're getting extremely close and would encourage everybody to keep digging.

Edit: Question. Does this Pegasus building have a basement?

Fateswebb ago

From the property records I saw yes, but if so it doesn't make sense that they would dig, there would be a basement... so if there is one it's not under the room to the left of the furthest to the right because that would have been the room they are digging in.

Vindicator ago

Excellent post.

salinaslayer ago

Yeah that's definitely the "kill room"

norobotono ago

Nice find.