EQJ ago

THIS is the kill room! Great job researchers! https://youtu.be/mgE1fT6472U

birthdaysuit11 ago

This POST and the JAMES ALEFANTIS 15 Properties post NEED to be pinned to the top. These are leads and very suspicious ones at that.

Olcore ago

Pure speculation here, but what if the playground is used for drop-off/pick-up of children. The area can be overseen from the second floor of building in question and there is even a gate leading from the back of the playground into the alley.

There is something about this place...

fartyshorts ago

Also noticed the tag wasn't there in May

Aaanndgo ago

While I was poking around on streetview, I picked up these 2 guys. I tried to see if I could catch a view of them again to see where they were walking or to which car but found nothing. This is the alley across from the properties.

Lovethelight ago

podcast interviews of Chip Tatum done by Ted Gunderson (archived material from the 1990s) Chip describes a CIA program called Pegasus...it was originally started for the CIA spies to 'keep an eye on' the spies...ie make sure they were staying in line....but eventually evolved to also spy on the politicians....https://archive.org/details/TedGundersonRadioInterviewsWithGeneChipTatum

Tyrone88 ago

If you look at satellite images (2016) of REAR property, theyre extending the building into the garden, redoing the attic roof amongst more.

Also, what is this weird character in the window..? A reflection? Reminds me of the grim reaper https://i.sli.mg/Y7PAr8.png

MommyLove ago

Notice how these people are so into "ART"

srayzie ago

Can someone explain the building with the window where the photo was taken from? Also, how do they have access to it?

MommyLove ago

PEGASUS=Horse of Zeus? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pegasus

dafacts ago

Is it possible that the Comet "business" has been quickly moved to here, since the false flag?

EQJ ago

he purchased it in 2014. So probably not for cover-up purposes related to new. But I'm sure he can hide all sorts of stuff there easily

Investigate1999 ago

The wood is beginning to peel off; thus matching the street view image. The discolouration matches, too.

ronnyCPI ago

PEGASUS has been around for decades. It's a covert CIA black project, usually with contractors as operatives. There have been 2 books written about it, one that discusses (Trenton) Parker (whose comments are in one Rodney Stich's books, "Drugging America"), and one by army intelligence plane & helicopter pilot Chip Tatum.

cubes ago

Funy you say CIA... check my post below the finders cult house is only about 2 blocks away and the investigation became a internal CIA matter

ronnyCPI ago

A general description of PEGASUS operation based on author Rodney Stich and others: It began in the late 1970's, comprised of "rogue" CIA assets with a domestic agenda. The CIA cannot operate legally within the US so some of its agents work under cover in business, and do money laundering, financial operations (especially at savings & loans) and stuff like that. I suspect Podesta is CIA as well as many others involved. They combine their interests in various ways: drug money laundering, child trafficking for blackmail purposes as well as experimentation (as in MKULTRA), and personal purposes. They start businesses (like Comet Ping Pong) as fronts and use it to move money and probably children around the globe. See Chip Tatum's writings for his role in PEGASUS.

cubes ago

The whole area is filthy with sex offenders about 50 in a half mile radius


u can search with this http://sexoffender.dc.gov/

only about 3 miles from the finders cult house also The finders were a cult purchasing children, trading and kidnapping




The Finders became a internal CIA matter according to this report


ronnyCPI ago

The Finders report is a great find. Probably related to CIA-connected persons. They keep the children moving, using them in various ways. Some could be secreted somewhere as MKULTRA mind-control victims.

stay_critical ago

Definitely seems high. Is there a way to find out if that number is notably above average for similar population densities?

Edit: *notably

cubes ago

not sure but several kids have gone missing over the years


EQJ ago

It is the blue house.... But the back of the blue house on opposite side from 11th street in alley..... White two story behind it in alley as well?

thicktail1730947 ago

What a courageous judge!

Something is rotten in the art world today.

quantokitty ago

Exactly. What a disgusting bunch of degenerates.

MenaAirport ago

Is it just me or is this Pegasus lead possibly one of the most important leads so far? Does no one live near it and can do some surveillance on it?

EQJ ago

Just googled 3518 11th St and Castellum Archilles pulled out not 1, but FOUR building permits in June 2016! only a few months ago! fire doors and work on the staircases etc.

Moggy1 ago

Looks like they are planning to open an art gallery here, an ongoing project, anybody checked planning permission/change of use ? Remember all these people have normal lives and most probably know nothing of the sordid filth that some of their friends are involved with.

reasonedandinformed ago

I am often amazed at what our collaborators can find. Excellent work!

EQJ ago

PrivateJoker ago

Any missing kids reports in that area?

AFriend ago


quantokitty ago

Is that VOYER as in VOYEUR?

quantokitty ago

Anyone know the ins and outs of Google map? For instance, can you see how a place looked at a certain time or date? Sort of an archive feature?

If this was a true CASTELLUM, they could have been sending signals through Google maps. Would be a good way to let people know there's an "art shipment" there.

Luxxy ago

Have you people noticed how eccentric these sickos are? They ALL seem to be in some type of "ART" Marina, Podesta, Alefantis, Wiseman, etc. Art is a way of telling people a story about something you "enjoy" - maybe the clues are in they're art.... asides the fact from there collections being messed up as hell, maybe there's more to it

Seiferus ago

I'm sure this has probably been brought up before, but if you slide the time back on the Google maps street view you can see that the "Kids" spraypaint has been there since at least October 2011.

Pathfinder_ILF ago

has anyone seen this musicvideo , made inside comet pinpong? strange is when the guys(suits come from the secret backdoor., this chinese dude who uploaded it popped out from nowhere and has added lots of images i have never seen before to the video , he even identified the musicians instagram accounts n stuff. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2dhM_OO3KE (edit link)

**edit2: do shon fengs commet: There is all kinds of occult symbolism in this video RED FEZ CAP symbolizes Beheaded christian, the shirt pecker nose mask guy is wearing, A baby's head on a stick, bunny (Fucking), monarch butterfly, they didn't just make a video shooting random scenes inside COMET.. Watch and hit pause YOU'll see.. ** implication: western mythology(eyes wide shut masks) <-> greek mythology(pegasus,pan) <-> arabic mythology (redcap)

i watched the original video with the real music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-qaqce9pbE

it sems like the girl working there is getting a list of nono´s.

then the other guy with the mask breaks all those rules , the last rule refers to the "bug" and then he turns the light off , at the same time the singer sings " they will never believe you , its all in your mind."

very chilling ...

edit3: ahh sorry i posted the wrong link, please check this video , it has different stack of screencaps then were saved from 4 chan over here !

Pathfinder_ILF ago

song lyrics: From the debut album "My Country"released September 2nd, 2014. lyrics Unusual as usual the citizens are horrified.

You punched a wall and used your force

But it really didn’t make you wise

Didn’t you know they'll lie right to you

They will say that it’s all in your mind

Get a soul. Get a sign. How do you

think you’re ever gonna beat em’

you never learn to read your lines.

The criminals are casual

cause their behavior’s everyday, so never you mind

It’s the punctual that's crucial

once you bring it to the border line.

Didn’t you know I look right through you

It’s insane what goes on in your mind

Not a soul, not a sign. How do you

think you’re ever gonna beat em’

You never learned to read your lines

Didn’t you know they lie right to you

when they say that it’s all in your mind.

Not a soul not a sign. How do you

think you’re ever gonna beat em’

you never learn to read your lines

Nadakai ago

Double post sir

Pathfinder_ILF ago

why downvote ?, i can´t post my own thread.

Werwer12 ago

This house had permits pulled by Alefantis. He worked on it and owns it. The front curb is painted red and the word "KIDS" is also painted in the same red paint on the cinderblock wall next door. This property is near a playground, and in my comment above, you can see the building out back of the house overlooks the park and is a direct line of site to the house that this woman captioned with the word "peeking"

heks_ ago


That said, two conflicting things occur to me. 1) Given the context of the investigation here, it seems creepy that this window just happens to overlook a playground, and 2) If this was something shady, doesn't it seem kinda odd that this Valerie woman would advertise her participation in it on her website? From what I'm gathering, James Alefantis is not advertising it, hence the need for the sleuthing in this post to definitively tie him to it. And yet, this woman is advertising it.

Ok, actually a third thing occurred to me, also along the creepy lines ... It appears that the lower pane of the window in her picture is mostly covered. This could be benign, but it would coincidentally block any very short people from being seen from the outside. But this point is feeling like confirmation bias to me ... I'm sure there's probably other reasons to block out the bottom part of a window. Still, what's troubling about it is that this seems to be yet another case of the coincidences starting to pile up. Yes, this Valerie person is advertising the name of the project (does she give an address?), but it doesn't seem that Alefantis is advertising anything about his involvement in it, and it's also overlooking a playground, and just the bottom part of the window is blocked out in a way that would make kids invisible from the outside.

Despierto ago

Exactly what I thought. Another possible point of interest: look at the location of the deadbolts on the doors to the garage. I'm sure there's a normal reason for putting them so high up...

Luxxy ago

Alefantis did advertise it, he left a bloody review on the place.

heks_ ago

Maybe I'm missing something, but leaving a review on a place does not typically count as an advertisement that you are involved with or own the place. I actually find it a bit odd that he would review a place he seems to own or be involved with without disclosing his involvement. In other words, it seems like Alefantis is kind of hiding his involvement with this place, since, as I understand, he owns it through a holding company that doesn't use his name (except for including his middle name), then he leaves a review without mentioning his involvement, which could mean he's using the review as a way to signal people in the know. But then, he could just be trying to make something he's involved in look good and it may be no more nefarious than that. I'm trying to remain objective here by acknowledging what seems weird but also acknowledging that some of this stuff might be perfectly capable of being explained in more mundane ways.

dreamdigital ago

This is really good info because I was following Pegasus and trying to figure it out since it came to light. The "Kids" on the wall particularly was alarming and the fact that it's marked as a business. Let's not forget people that when you google this business there is only 1 review that shows up.

Pegasus Five Star Review

nitro169 ago

So the kids on the wall is from 2011, maybe ownership changed hands, but the operation remained the same? Has anyone checked the previous owner???

Waalchastazoor ago

How does Antoninus Liberalis fit into the Pegasus myth? I'm not familiar.

Baluga ago

James Alefantis owns Comet Ping Pong. And this building.

Xobolo ago

Am I the only one seeing the park for children just across the street ?

Werwer12 ago

See my post above. The park is overlooked by his building actually.

In_Cog_Nito ago

ps. I can't get the google caches on archive.is but have saved the webpages locally, is this possible?

I could only get one of the three, but I took a fullpage screenshot of the other two. Not ideal, but it's something.

following cometpingpong - fullpage screenshot (archive)

profile cache #1 - archive

profile cache #2 - fullpage screenshot (archive)

rutkdn ago

http://vwiseman.com/about/ Says:

EMPLOYMENT CURRENT: Projects Director | Comet / Buck's / Pegasus / +

archived: http://archive.is/KDI5L

jstayz44 ago

Additional thought to the one above: What if we found out who the crew of videographers are - creating "digital regret" for politicians, high-ranking gov officials and pursue that route? That would give us the evidence, find out who the victims are and get them to rat out who bribed them? We need to get that visual evidence of the victims to get to the perpetrators, right?

jstayz44 ago

Is "digital regret" as seen on her map a term used for the work they do to blackmail people? Is she one of "those" people, and maybe keep an eye out for this term to see who else is involved tangentially...to further understand the networks? Not a shill with a deceptive distraction, just brainstorming.

Edit: adding definition from urban dictionary: [Definition of "Digital Regret" from the Urban Dictionary (https://www.google.com/amp/s/de.urbandictionary.com/define.php%3Fterm%3Ddigital%20regret%26amp%3Dtrue))

Werwer12 ago

Her picture here... http://sli.mg/gdJSwO.png was taken from the window on the second floor of the garage building. It is a clear line of site ONLY from the second floor, as to get above the neighbors yards and playground. The alleyway doesn't line up perfectly to those houses, but the alley does lead to this building.

Here in this picture you can clearly see that the power lines block the view of the buildings http://sli.mg/xQJG9L.png

Here is the view from the house itself. Here you can clearly see the window from across the playground and the power lines blocking the view. http://sli.mg/ySgbUB.png https://www.google.com/maps/@38.9326805,-77.0288751,3a,60y,346.66h,80.74t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sBBdUZPBvAG92ncgZo7QMLA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

pleasedontsuicideme ago

Whoa uh...I remember that building was connected to someone earlier and people were questioning it. Whoever owns it has a lot of money, and I remember people were concerned about the bars in the windows (a lot of DC buildings have that because of break ins) and the scooter in the yard.

Any idea who owns this? My google skills are failing me right now cause I'm tired and can't seem to find the address.

Edit: Okay, now I'm all confused. I thought that those castle-like yellow, red, and blue buildings were the ones in question....but google is listing that white building with the bars on the windows as Pegasus? Can someone explain to me cause I feel dumb....

Despierto ago

What bothers me as much as the park, is the DCPS prek-elementary school two blocks away. Raymond Education Campus. On the google map you can see it two blocks away from the Pegasus house. I don't know what to make of it, or if there is anything to it. But given all the strange connections between these people and organizations that are supposed to protect children, it might be worth looking into.

I highly doubt that they are abducting children from that park. But given Alefantis' apparent fondness for hypnotic sedative benzodiazepines, maybe they don't have to. My guess would be that the children playing in the park are like the children that have allegedly been seen unsupervised at late hours at CPP.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

if you add .png to the end your sli.mg links we can view them in within your post.

Werwer12 ago

Thank you. Fixed

Gorillion ago

I didn't understand til I saw it's god's eye position over a fucking playground. JFC. It never ends with these people.

LadyMinx ago

I didn't get it either. Thx. WTAF?

Waalchastazoor ago

I finally decided to look up what "castellum" meant and it can refer to a watch tower or a signal station. Curiously the wiki article uses Hadrian's Wall as an example of where this term is used. Hadrian being the Roman Emperor and lover to the 13-year-old Antinous.

nitro169 ago

I wish you could check and see if any children have been missing in this area, You can't even see the ages or pictures of the kids missing, WTF?

Investigate1999 ago

Do a web search for that city. However, I don't think that they'll resort to kidnapping playground kids. There are lots of others to choose from.

zoot3d ago

What the fuck, so this is a watchtower next to a children's playground, labelled ironically / tongue-in-cheek as a museum? fuck me sideways batman

Waalchastazoor ago

I think it's more significant that it connects back to Hadrian and Antinous since Alefantis's instagram photo was of a statue of him.

zoot3d ago

Well ofc the greek styled connections are of importance, but the application of modern terminologies is just a slap in the face

apparatchik1488 ago


quantokitty ago

OMG!!!! This is amazing!!!! Definitely an upvoat for you!!!

Yes, this is what I was hinting at, but couldn't find ... but you did! Had to be some sort of house they were using to store this "artwork" for the museum!!! I wonder if that means we should be looking for code words referring to artwork shipments? It's an idea, but stellar work!!!

Womb_Raider ago

This could explain why they have such freakish art. Perhaps they talk about 'art' as code, and use their distasteful art as an alibi if every approached about it.

quantokitty ago

You never know. A quote from Washington Life: "If you’ve ever dreamed of strolling through a museum with a slice of pizza and glass of wine in hand, you need to befriend superlobbyist Tony Podesta." They were talking about his home, but his home had a cage and stuffed animals in the bedroom. Why would a childless man have stuffed animals in the bedroom?


So perhaps they called these places museums as a code word, or it could be that JA used it or that if you shipped to museums, no one would check the contents. Have no idea. None.

nosilence1 ago

You are on to something.

rootthemout ago

Those stuffed animals and tissue paper next to the bed, reminds me of the photos of Epsteins bedroom pictures

quantokitty ago

I must have missed that. Epstein is a special kind of pedo.


I'm extremely pleased to see that the based autists are finding so many leads besides just Comet (this thread and others on v/pizzagate). A worldwide pedo network has to have lots of facilities, not just a single pizza parlor.

darthveddit ago

Well as we have seen this is not just a pedo operation. At the worst lvl it involves human organ harvesting, and deadly satanic rituals. The only people with this many fingers in pies, are usually mafias. And the only satanic one, with strong possible ties to Abromavic, and Soros would be the Serbian mafia.

nitro169 ago

Didn't Obama just let in 2500 Serbian refugees that Australia refused?

darthveddit ago

Probably. He probably let them in because they are all criminals. Australia has a Serbian mafia problem. Look it up. I also wonder why George Bush, and Bill Clinton destabilized the region in the 90's. I need to read up on that conflict.

VieBleu ago

don't forget drug running.

darthveddit ago

These people are into way worse shit then drugs. Try complete takeover of the US Government through blackmail. If Hillary would have won this mafia would have controlled the worlds largest military.


Sorry for the slow reply. I was somehow blocked from commenting for a while, but it seems to be working again.

Cannibalism and satanic stuff came up when we were running the #SpiritCooking op. I hadn't read about any organ harvesting angle yet. So in response to your comment, I did some Googling for evidence and came up with this Breitbart article, but it was about Africa, which I suppose might hypothetically tie to the Podesta ring via the CF. But maybe there's a more definitive connection that I'm not aware of?!?

I'm not sure if there's a way for me to ask for any further links without sounding like a shill (this website seems to have a very different culture than reddit), but I'll ask it anyway: Do you have any more links to evidence for me to read about the organ harvesting angle? Thanks.

darthveddit ago

Apparently when alphabet agencies speak of human trafficking, that encompasses organ harvesting. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_trafficking. This is a strange thing for a mafia to do, that I just found. They must have thought this guy had some power. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2119103/Serbian-gangsters-killed-rival-ate-disposed-body-using-MEAT-GRINDER-dumping-remains-river.html Here is a map of trafficking leading mostly to the Adriatic Sea. The Adriatic Sea has quite a few Serbian mafia controlled harbors(speculatively). These port cities are the mafias haunts so I'm assuming they control a large portion of the harbors, not to mention it looks like a lot of the traffic goes from there mostly into Munich. http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/world_maps/illicit_trafficking_2000.jpg


Thanks for the link, but that was NSFL. Wew. We've got a lot of work to do.

Gorillion ago

No one ever said it was. I'm getting shill vibes off you, buddy.

17 mins member. Encouraging change of focus away from Comet.

thicktail1730947 ago

Please don't discourage people from following broader leads.

Baluga ago

Well, I'm encouraging a move away from Comet. Everything at Comet on the internet is discovered. Seems to be a seedy nightclub that pedos like. There's tons of other places and connections to examine.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

do you like nightclubs?


Sorry, no, not a shill. I'm certainly not discouraging focus on Comet. Just complimenting OP on finding new lead.

All of us were new to voat at one point. I've been a Trump supporter on Reddit. since July. Give me time, you'll see.