Selnee ago

Why does no one mow their yard on this block?

forkintoaster ago

yeah says "kids 61 6" don't forget the only other information about this weird house "museum" is that someone named it "pegasus" and only one person gave it a review - James Alefantis, 5 stars.
Also remeber it's next door to a playground and it has a back alleyway entrance and there is a strange, large concrete building in the back of the yard with bars on the windows, a loading dock and no seperate physical address on Google maps. when I shared this on reddit I was accused of doxxing and threatened with a ban.

Werwer12 ago

I can't figure out the Kids 61 6 meaning. I read it as kids b1 b. First thought was B One spells bone. Kids bone. I don't think that's it though.

forkintoaster ago

honestly it could just be some kids tagging stuff with spray paint. who knows? it might not mean anything. It is good to document though if later fbi leaks reveal any more child trafficking codes.

Werwer12 ago

This isn't children tagging. This is too specific. The red paint on the curb matches in color. Very purposefully done.

forkintoaster ago

it very well may be. That's why I say archive it in case it meshes with new information. I just don't think anyone has figured it out yet. Just like "Pegasus" probably means something but we don't know what yet.

bfriend13 ago

I see it says "kids" on the wall. But I can't read the rest.

Werwer12 ago <---- Here are the markings on the curb and the wall