SherlockMcGyver ago

They're literally talking about actual pizza. You can google the names of the pizza's and it takes you to a place that sells those exact pizzas.

SherlockMcGyver ago

Oh my God, drop the stupid trailer thing. There are a thousand companies named Pegasus in the USA. Get over it, it's the worst possible theory I've heard in my life.

DarkMath ago

Link please. Thank you.

LongTimeReader ago

I need point to PM. Can anyone help me out?

pizzaphish ago

In the third tab it has the last for of the credit card number, expiration date, and settlement date, along with the currency type. I believe these transactions are not in the thousands because of limits for credit card trans. They must be from a website and $5.00 may be cheese pizza? They give them a wifi code tô some place maybe tô download pizza

quantokitty ago

Forget about the trailer. The trailer part was the theory advanced by the OP. The OP did a search for Pegasus and found there's a Pegasus trailer.

It's better to stick with what Alefantis actually posted as a clue and it was Pegasus Museum. Since there is no Pegasus Museum in Washington D.C., it becomes even more imperative we use those words and not substitute "trailer". He didn't say that. It's even more imperative because he made up that place so the words he used are crucial.

I did a worldwide search for "Pegasus Museum" and found one in Normandy. So was he giving out the clue the Normandy Hotel? Does Normandy figure in? Or was it two-fold since the Pegasus Museum is devoted to the D-Day landing, was he saying something was landing and at the Normandy Hotel?

Luxxy ago

No.... but its a start.

Luxxy ago

Child, yes.

Investigate1999 ago

Alright then.

I'm just getting extremely frustrated at the amount of time that I spent getting updated on junk that never seemed relevant.

Your info in interesting, though.

vector3rector ago

The building from google street view, doesnt match the picture they have listed as their business front.

Google also shows Pegasus as a, "Museum in Washington, D.C., United States of America · Columbia Heights" .

They are also about 300 feet from a -- Drum roll-- playground.

Investigate1999 ago

What we need are things the FBI can run on. You know, actual things prosecution can use in court. To be honest, I think we need a) hackers and b) real-life, in-person leg workers to uncover things from the Clinton Foundation in particular, but perhaps also: Alefantis (and perhaps the purpose of this house), Tony Podesta, Soros, the "Hawaii Connection" (Island Distillers / Computer Warriors), elkinsspace/Stratfor; to find/confirm whereabouts of Podesta and Assange; as well as we really need c) reporters from "legitimate" (ie., nobody questions just because of their name) papers that are willing to run at least an unbiased "here's what we do know about Pizzagate" article, even if it [truthfully] admits "this is all still speculation".

I agree with all of this. The things that made Pizzagate credible in the first place were the leaked emails, and the photos from JimmyComet's Instagram account. Nothing else brought the community together. Without those 2 things, MSM just accused us of "wild conspiracy theories".

I think that we also need another place for whistle blowers, now that Wikileaks can't be trusted.

As for the kids, that's basically all I'm working for. The kids, who will be captured in the next year, are as good as dead, because they are too far out of our reach, but the kids after that? Maybe. By the way, I'm just picking arbitrary dates and times to explain myself.

I think that this conspiracy is legitimate, but it's probably too big for us to handle. It would be nice to have contacts in the FBI, so that anybody, who can actually help us will help us.

[edit: it would be nice to get volunteers to do a stakeout, too]

Despierto ago

Aside from the creepy writing on the front, what irks me even more than its proximity to the park? The two houses and the garage/house in the back are both two blocks away from the Raymond Education Campus. A DCPS school prek-8 school. :-(

quantokitty ago

Okay, this is driving me crazy because when I use the link you post, there is the PEGASUS Museum on the right hand side of the page with Museum in Washington, D.C., United States of America · Columbia Heights. But when I go to do a new Google search and type in Pegasus Museum Washington, D.C., there's nothing. No museum. No address, so who created that mark on the map?

Can anyone do that? Pick a spot on the Google map and give it a name? Does anyone know how this info would have gotten loaded onto that page?

Investigate1999 ago

Keep trying. Some of us are listening.

Investigate1999 ago

Really?? You couldn't just write this as a subject/title? "weird house that is linked to Mr. Comet Ping Pong"

Olcore ago

That building directly behind... quite large and only accessible by the alley... looks sketchy as hell..but who knows...

nomorepizza ago

I understand, anon. The casual shitpost style is okay by me

nomercyforthem ago

The House Mr Alefantis mentioned was this one : So i went to street view and exactly that house has a small graffiti on its front, guess what word is on the wall .. : zoomed in :

seriously....what are the ODDS !

nomercyforthem ago

one red house for the girls and a blue one for the boys ? those people make so fucking mad..

smokeyjoker ago

Good work!!

hafen ago

The wall in front of house seems to have "Kids" written on it.

vector3rector ago

Jesus Christ. How did you see that?! Amazing.

bnwpizzarelatedmap ago

Makes me a little suspicious about it's authenticity.... anyway we can confirm the review was from before this scandal?

hunter3 ago


Electionfraud ago

I downloaded two of the spreadsheets and the data is sourced from a QuickBooks file. Appears to be related to transactions paid with credit cards. Wtf does this have to do with a global intelligence company? Wtf are they really selling?

pizzaphish ago

I think a kid's eyes, organs, are worth $20K, so this has got to be something else, like access to the kid for a certain time period or something

alliecapone ago

Amazing the secrecy, yet still it was under our noses

APC_Frankfurt ago

As of today why Soundcloud allows -teen sex- sounds tunes, with external links.

pizzaphish ago

If you search their names with pizza, you get some interesting results like about youths from Russia, programs for kids,

Lobotomy ago

That's pretty cheap!


No. 3516 was last sold in 2004 and the buyers were Maria and Pedro B. Amaya. Pedro still seems to be living there. Someone else, Martinez Marcial Romero, is listed as living at the same address. A Pedro Amaya, who works for the Transportation Department, has an IMDB entry. He's been a 'driver' for over 20 movies:

Romero got into trouble for possession of a weapon in 2009:,d.dGo

SherlockMcGyver ago

Pedro Amaya did no movies. He is a nobody, I already dug into him.

Chance903 ago

Good find but these kind of titles and all of this bullshit of reading into a meaning . FIND EVIDENCE, follow leads. stop reading into this just get the evidnce it will speak for itself.

pizzaphish ago

So I googled the prices, so sad, and found two more excel spreadsheets with names, e-mails, places, this is IT

These go with the pivot table, but cover a different time period. They seem to be from some website that is probably selling nights with pizza (seem like hotel prices)

redberries ago

Well technically somebody else owns it, but he had an instagram photo of a hand-drawn map of a pig farm. It seems normal as far as what everyone's investigated, so it could be innocent. Simultaneously, if it's indeed involved, yes pigs would be handy for ridding evidence...

Gorillion ago

It means you're on fire.

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

Regardless of if you have found anything legitimate I am going to downvote you because of your ridiculous title.

webofslime ago

I believe this to be a significant find. Shame about the title of the post, though.

Is there a tunnel underneath?

redberries ago

Just realized, trailers are fucking perfect for transporting children!

Alefantis literally has everything he needs to run a trafficking company. A pig farm, a trailer house, what the fuck.

Gorillion ago

Remember that Canadian serial killer who had a pig farm? Killed hookers and fed their bodies to his pigs. Straight out of that Hannibal movie.

Warning - Evil WaPos link:

SherlockMcGyver ago

And his pig farm was quite popular, even though it was used for serial murders. They held raves there, the Hells Angels were security, it was a big thing. And, it was a federally registered charity, or some shit. has all the details on the Pickton Pig Farm.

SomeD ago

As I said many hours ago, when this house was bring up here, dezoom on google and check behind those house, you'll see a big building site. And please, stop the BS title and go to the point.

You're not helping, imagine if EVERY topic is "holy s---t! Holy f---k ! OMG!''

Luxxy ago

Along with useless comments such as yours. Spam more.

SomeD ago

Yea sure, upvote trash title repeating same info with more garbage around sure help us. It's not a upvote contest here, reddit is the place for, not voat.


Speculation on what this could mean: the renovations done by Alefantis's company at the house of Boris Tochilin were designed to facilitate access to the house next door, reducing the obvious traffic to the house, making it seem that everyone was coming and going through Tochilin's house. Now we know why Alefantis would go to the trouble of creating a building company just to perform renovations on a single house.

Luxxy ago

OMG!!!!!!! "COUNT OF MERCHANT AMOUNT" "KIDS" now we have to figure out the numbers

Luxxy ago

If you have nothing to contribute, than go play some zelda.

Luxxy ago

Good find Pizzagate_detective!!

dookiehowzer ago

OMFUCKFIGNG archive please its another piece

SpikyAube ago

It says it's a museum on Google maps.

safetythrowaway1234 ago

Is it that hard to make a descriptive title?

Investigate1999 ago

I agree. I think the moderators need to get on this. I find it disgusting that there are only so many up votes available, and yet they are being wasted on titles like this. A lot of times, there is nothing worth seeing, either.

Sephel ago


Seriously, this shit needs to go away. I'd hate to see voat devolve into buzzfeed.

1202017 ago

It's ok to eat a fish cause it doesn't have any feelings.

SpikyAube ago

Sea vegetable with a face.

1202017 ago

Hyperbolic uninformative reactionary title. Instant deluge of votes propel it to front page, turns out to be nothing. So reddit.

Luxxy ago

Oh relax for god sakes, everyone's trying to do their part to stop these sick pedos ,stop detering people.

1202017 ago

OH, MY, GOD, They have brought reddit to Voat! The end is near.

ghost_marauder ago

I concure. Lot OF "look at me and upvote" going on here lately. No real research.

Luxxy ago

Grow up.

rutkdn ago

If this was liked say November 1st, Google I believe would round up to 2 months because it's already older than 1 month. I'll try to look at the source see if an actual date is visible in the ajax request or something.

rutkdn ago

Also Pegasus Foundation in DC.

rutkdn ago

Yes, but IIRC I've seen it on 8chan/4chan in the first week of November. I just wonder if someone on one of the chans thought it was funny to do this. That James Alefantis has no other activity but this one Like. Definitely an interesting find that needs to be explored though.

Luxxy ago

picture of this posted in 4chan??

quantokitty ago

This is coming up as a museum when I do a search ... same picture but saying it's a museum.

PEGASUS Museum in Washington, D.C., United States of America · Columbia Heights Address: REAR D.C., 3516 11th St NW, Washington, DC 20010


It doesn't look like a museum!

quantokitty ago

I know. I was like, WTH?

That should be looked into. Are there two addresses? But the addresses were identical ...

SherlockMcGyver ago

The crazy thing is, he claims to be so poor that Comet Ping Pong is nearly failing due to this guman event. He even started a Go Fund Me afterwards to get free money and liberal hugs. Also, if you look on at the crime map for that area, it's HIGH AS SHIT crime in that area, mostly theft. Who the hell would put their expensive artwork in that neighborhood, where oddly, the shitty townhouses cost over 600k?

quantokitty ago

Exactly. One minute Comet Pizza is being sold due to delinquent taxes of $200,000, then he's opening another restaurant, buying a house, etc. Makes no sense.

Godwillwin ago

Isn't Alefantis an art dealer ?

quantokitty ago

Oh, yeah! He's the Board President of an arts organization Transformer.

rutkdn ago

Interesting find. However, this house came up early on in the investigation on /r/pizzagate and elsewhere. See:

Maybe it was discovered sooner and someone opened an account in James Alefantis' name and liked the property (notice it says "2 months" and I believe they round up usually on google maps)? Who knows. This needs to be investigated further.

2impendingdoom ago

What is this Pegasus business located there, that Podesta reviewed ? REAR D.C., 3516 11th St NW, Washington, DC 20010

quantokitty ago


People upvoat this shitz!

Fantastic catch! Let's dig, dig, dig! Find out what this means!

Antonius ago

Good find!

Fire_Fly ago

Do they possibly flip houses? Fix them up and sell em?

grlldcheese ago

Wtf!! Lmfao.

Who 5stars a residential house?

Edit: inb4 dudes Google+ account turns out to be a map of every PedoDen in 5 states.

Awkweird ago

I noticed something weird while looking at that "Museum" Alefantis gives 5 stars. Why is that deadbolt so high?

HarveyKlinger ago

Just high enough that a child couldn't reach it. Another festivus coincidence!

quantokitty ago

Exactly! Especially him.

I'm wondering if they did this often. How do you do a search for reviews? Maybe he's tipping off followers where to go ... or meet ... or something.