ZarkovskyTheHunter ago

As a low level listener and observer only, at a low low level, there's too much circumstantial evidence for the dot's not to indicate they connect. Each piece is seamlessly snuggling together. Where are the momentous though? And who are the momentous. I.e. Dexter Morgan.

ZarkovskyTheHunter ago

surely momento's from the deeds are somewhere. Remember Dexter's collection. Seek you you will find.

AreWeSure ago

You can rephrase that as giving someone the benefit of the doubt. Or as I like to put it, imagine people were looking through years of your emails and social media posts.
What standards would you like them to use before you were branded a child rapist, a cannibal or a murderer? Would it be fair for them to do claim anything they didn't understand is secret code? Would you like the evidence to be stronger than a connection? Woud like to be considered innocent until proven otherwise?

I love pizza and I'm sure in my emails, you can find me talking about it. Or other food too. In fact, I know there are many references to black walnut in my emails. Can you guess what it refers to?

ich1baN ago

All I know is that they must have met while John was at CAP (Center for American Progress) the think tank John created.

Not sure why she was tagged in the email. I commented on another user who asked the same question and my response is that it could mean something but it's likely not integral to them meeting, but I find it highly peculiar that James Alefantis would have her email.... it brings up more questions than not.

James could have thought that she was her personal assistant still (which I think she was at CAP) and it could have been a prod to get John to respond b/c perhaps he wasn't responding to James' text messages that he might have been sending.

Whatever it is, James resorted to emailing at 10:37 at night which is obviously after the main restaurant is closed. I did more investigating and I found that the place is open late (bar only) only for those weird shows where those oddly named bands play... there are a few videos such as the one where that creepy "girl" wears the red mask (I actually think that is James himself) and has their voice distorted through one of those devices.... anyways, one of the most important people in the world was getting emailed near midnight (with the expectation that he was supposed to be there late) on a Thursday night with a workday the following morning.... not really normal.

ich1baN ago

Very true.

AreWeSure ago

Actually, you just been primed before even reading the emails to believe terrible things. To me the code makes the emails have less sense. You should have your more wordly and hopefully skeptical friend read the others without giving him any backstory.

I know people who will talk about food for hours and who give gifts of food. This is not strange to me. My mother is Italian and she said her friends never understood why she went to one store for meat, one store for cheese and another for bread.

AreWeSure ago

Walnut sauce, also can mean Walnut sauce

SALSA DI NOCI in Italian

Its from the same area of Italy as pesto which is made with pinenuts.

afterbernerthrowaway ago

Look into PA connections... Philadelphia's close to even larger cities and I believe has ocean ports. PA Gov. Ed Rendell is a huge longtime Clinton supporter and, I believe, was in office right before or during the Sandusky investigation. Ed Savitz is a huge Rendell donor and accused child trafficker.

In 2010 Ed Rendell worked with the federal government to facilitate an unapproved (by parents or by governments) emergency airlift of ~50 Haitian children to the US. Later, PA Attorney General Kathleen Kane was looking into the handling of the Sandusky investigation (and the oversight of the decision to give massive amounts of state funding to The Second Mile), found a ton of porn and lewd communications between state officials, started leaking the emails to show how disgusting they were, and has since been convicted of some sort of abuse of office. Some things to dig into:

  • Ed Savitz accusations by man who connects widespread child trafficking to the "old boys club" political network in PA
  • Ed Rendell's Haitian child airlifting
  • Ed Rendell and Tom Corbett administration's handling/potential cover-up of the Sandusky scandal and connections to The Second Mile
  • Kathleen Kane and "Porngate" -- was she getting too close to the truth? Possibly unrelated side note: Another official in her office was involved in Bill Cosby avoiding prosecution years ago

Some relevant articles: "Although Savitz was a grotesque pervert, his first arrest in 1978 for indecent assault was suspended in lieu of a rehabilitation program. His criminal record was then expunged. The District Attorney of Philadelphia who cut the sweetheart deal for Savitz was Ed Rendell, the future mayor of Philadelphia." "Sandusky was first accused of sexual abuse of a minor in 1999. The case was investigated by local police, referred to Centre County’s District Attorney, Ray Gricar, who refused to press charges despite the fact that the mother of the alleged victim had voicemail tapes and tape recordings of Sandusky and her son and their sexually explicit conversations. However, at a later time, the formerly rejected case, as well as other Sandusky victims resurfaced in 2005 and Gricar reopened his investigation. Shortly thereafter, on his day off, Gricar went missing and has body has never been found. His laptop was found in a nearby creek, but none of the data could be retrieved according to the FBI investigative report."

Schade ago

Jim is connected to Chelsea and CF scandal about using fake names when raising large sums of money. -

Another 'walnut sauce' email. -

2008 Wikileaks cable indicating Jerry Saltz received funding. -

IG post.. "Practice kids"...

JrSlimss ago

Yeah, you'll see a pattern when you look at their comments. I look for nonsensical comments, usually with random capitalization of words. I then check their profiles to see other comments they've made. Often they also created their account in the last week, and sometimes that same day. They also don't include links to other websites in what they post, though they may have a link to the Pizzagate sub here. This guy is def a bot - not even a shill.

nomorepizza ago

If you even try to click on Jerry Saltz's instagram... good luck - it is very obvious this sick guy is a pedophilia satanic worshipper.

OP, wtf, I clicked on his IG and went through at least 50 posts, he is preoccupied with sex, for sure, but there's nothing remotely pedophilic here. Honestly, did you just make that up to make your narrative more compelling? Please don't do that, it casts doubt on PG. Thanks.

ich1baN ago

Don't be so lazy next time....

Here is a pic I found in less than 30 seconds of a child sized mannequin wearing panty hose filled with what food?!?!?! Hot dogs:

Here's another pedo reference with a park where kids play and a slide shaped suggestively:

Oh don't forget an image he lists that is a direct reference to Marina Abramovic, the satanist priest that does "Spirit Cookings" for the Podestas and other psycho hollywood actors.

How about the oft reference to "Lolita" that Jimmy Comet and the other sick pedo freaks make? Lolita is the reference to a movie where a man marries a woman to have sex with her underaged daughter... it's also a reference to a highly sexualized young female:

Not only are there MANY child pedo references on his insta account but he has one of the most sadistic references of all.... the Jeffrey Dahmer victim pose that is also the artwork featured in John Podesta's house as the golden arched headless human with a girl doing the SAME exact pose of the Dahmer victim with another girl eating on top, very reminiscent of a Jimmy Comet pizza photo as well:

nomorepizza ago

The only thing that's pedo in this is the slide from the park, but I mean, all he did was photograph it and post it, I might have done the same thing, like, "Wow, look at this."

How is that mannequin child sized? There is nothing in the photo to compare it to. You're assuming it's child sized.

The last one, so now every time someone does a pose like that it's connected to Tony Podesta and Jeffery Domer? (sp?)

You're reaching and I don't know why. Sure you can build a flimsy case of this dude's Insta, but why? This is the weakest PG evidence I've ever seen.

ich1baN ago

Dude you need to do more research... there is so much on his account. I can't believe you're ignoring his direct post to Lolita and the fact that hot dogs are around the private area is a direct pedo reference.

You're obviously a shill.

GrislyAddams ago

That sculpture is in Tony Podesta's house not John

Not attacking just correcting.

contrary_mma_hipster ago

Why are you posting direct links without archiving?

dindonufin ago

Could you please archive those? If so it for you, but I'm on mobile and copy paste is too hard. paste the link and click save. They will delete them as soon as Brocks band of merry fagots notifies the owners.

ich1baN ago

I'm convinced that art show is just code word for where they meet up and do their satanic rituals with or without children/minors... Who puts a sadistic image of a child bound and gagged and then titles it "Art Show tonight" at a house address in DC?!?! No one does this, no normal person ever does this.... especially someone with the stature of high political life whereby they can rent out any galleria or any hotel lobby they want in a 1,000 mile radius.... unless it's something sadistic that they are engaging in.

There is another email where John Podesta is asking his assistant to book a house to rent for some sort of get together and he specifically asks if the houses have had noise complaints before?!?!?! Who in their right mind rents a house and asks this question in this first place unless they are worried about the neighbors calling the cops and breaking up their disgusting acts?

We already know that this Pedo ring is global and that they've already cracked down in Norway. Here are first hand (very very sad so beware) accounts of children in France who have been involved in this high political pedo ring:

It's a matter of time that these pedos are caught here in the states. There's just too much this time to implicate them and even if Megyn Kelly is denouncing it on her prime time Kelly File show, at the same time she is still shedding light on it and causing others to look into the connections - she in my opinion actually made it 10x worse for James Alefantis b/c he talked about the computer that was somehow miraculously shot (which the first accounts said no shots were fired).... our only hope is the FBI though.

samhara ago

I wouldn't count on the FBI. It has to be put out in the "State News" i..e. mass media; which is now 100% controlled. They have an environment now in which they operate and can operate with impunity. That's why the "Comet Ping - Pong" site didn't feel the need to cover up once people started looking at them and became concerned. The large Media need to have their FCC licenses revoked.

ich1baN ago

Good point sam.


Hey they might have killed Sandusky to shut him up

dustyr ago

Have you seen something recent on Sandusky? He was in a tv news shot just a few days ago, he's asking for a retrial. I wouldn't be upset if you're correct.

ich1baN ago

Isn't Sandusky still alive?


Yup. I am wrong.

justiceforever ago

Quick comment on that last link for the email...WHY WOULD YOU EMAIL THAT? DON'T THESE PEOPLE TEXT?

Anyway great work op!

ich1baN ago

Thank you Justice... and yes that confounds me too, but I believe a lot of these are sent through email b/c at the time they felt that was their MOST secure way of sending information to each other as the servers were virtually protected from the outside world whereas using a phone to text creates records with AT&T and Verizon, etc...

Yes I know there are records with the servers, however, they likely had a deal with those who watched the servers and protected their info so therefore there was a very low probability that a person like you or me would see it.... a person that would immediately report it.

JrSlimss ago

Damn - you see this conversation immediately drew a bot? AmirPodesta is spouting gibberish. Definitely on to something.

JrSlimss ago

Wow, you may really have something there. I'm googling "Tony Rodham" and "Sandusky" and the only articles that come up from NY Post and ABC News are not only unavailable, but their Google Cache has been deleted, even though descriptions of each article which remains implies there was some involvement between the two. Do you have some other sources you can share?

dindonufin ago

Not Tony. Hugh E. Rodham Jr played backup QB for Joe Paterno. Hugh Sr also played for Penn State as a 3rd string tight end. Maybe the scandal dates back to papa Rodham's era. He's obviously a fucked up individual, having raised such fucked up kids. Ties to Alister Crowley perhaps? Saul Alinski? Margaret singer?

I can't get to back this up if someone else could give it a try.

AmirPodesta ago

Be careful even though we have tons of evidence that Podesta & Alefantis are a couple the MODS and their shills will ban and delete you for discussing this. Their logic is they don't want to make homosexuality an issue of pizzagate.

The fact is the Bookshop near CPP was where Podesta hung-out, a man running all of hillary's war's and coups in MENA&UKRAINE. The emails show that Podesta&Alefantis hung out post close of the book shop meetings.

Brock said just a few days ago "I broke up with Alefantis 5+ years ago and now he's involved with John Podesta"

Both Podesta brothers are on Saudi payroll, and both are Gay, just a fact and not meant to denigrate homosexual lifestyle, but we see all this bizarre art and all these people are sexually involved with the pizza blocks that all lead to Saudi and Israel

Pizza Blocks is owned by "H. Gill & Son-CON.NEB Ii LLC", CON-NEB is ArabEmig/Saudi, but H.GIL is JDC a NYC development corporation that steal land in Palestine and builds retirement community's on the beach for NYC retirees.

ZalesMcMuffin ago

"Be careful even though we have tons of evidence that Podesta & Alefantis are a couple the MODS and their shills will ban and delete you for discussing this. Their logic is they don't want to make homosexuality an issue of pizzagate."

Absurd. Closeted sausagejousters who strike up affairs with men are at a minimum engaging in a double life. How is that not relevant to an investigation into people [possibly] leading a double fucking life?

"Brock said just a few days ago "I broke up with Alefantis 5+ years ago and now he's involved with John Podesta""

I just heard this comment earlier today. He actually said something like "John and James have their own relationship"; I was trying to see if he really stipulated a gay relationship, but his wording was ambivalent. I did get the impression he was probably saying it was sexual, but that was not stated clearyl.

Melitica ago

The blowback on Podesta was caused by a flurry of identical, serial posts which contributed nothing but spammed up the front page.

Getting rabbit holed into continuous discussion of one guy is a distraction at best. Even if the guy is a rabid pedophile, he is one guy and the pizzagate investigation is not really about who is in podestas pants. It is about a global laundering, arms trading, human trafficking, collusion...covered by blackmailing over pedophilia.

umpteenth ago

Juliana Kohl Gendelman Executive Assistant to the President and CEO Center for American Progress 1333 H Street, NW, 10th Floor Washington, DC 20005 Tel: 202-682-1611

So she met James and John at Comet after hrs??

ich1baN ago

I noticed that originally too, I'm not sure what to make of it - I tried researching her but she is just an assistant so there really isn't much on her and I don't want to click on her LinkedIn b/c then she can see who is searching her... but if you notice there is almost always someone (a female) CC'ed to emails involving Pizzagate, whether it's a colleague or not. John Podesta did create CAP just fyi.... not sure why she would be involved in that particular email chain which just makes it actually more interesting b/c there actually really is no logical reason, but then again her being CC'ed doesn't really matter most likely.