ich1baN ago

Notice how the film is called Chapel Perilous.... the initials are CP just like Comet Ping Pong .... and Child Porn ....

ByTheBook ago

Truly. It's amazing reading a book that's been around for thousands of years and realizing you're living in the final chapter.

phlux ago

Educating the masses on the symbolism will be intensive - but it must happen. This is an alpha post - Ill iterate on it...

I transcribed the symbolism in this vid....

" Hey!! That's "Son of Ra" - I love those guys!!" -- Sun worship

Here is a serpent; 'symbol of DNA' -- Do you think that they don't believe that their thoughts affect DNA?

two men, white and black, are sharing a space (reality) black represents both space and chaos and, in their terms, spirituality - white reps earth and order and materialism (hence the amazon.com boxes on his lap (why do you think the world operates as it does? Whites have all the money - blacks have a lot of spirit...) Levi is actually eating (consumption)

we no longer need sit beneath the sword of damocles -- this means they no longer need to hide...:

Damocles (/ˈdæməkliːz/; Greek: Δαμοκλῆς Dāmoklē̂s, literally: "fame of the people") is a figure featured in a single moral anecdote commonly referred to as "the Sword of Damocles", an allusion to the imminent and ever-present peril faced by those in positions of power. [Chapel Perilous] -- basically he is bragging saying that they are NOW all powerful

Clear the mind... stand at the center (shows a white and black column standing at the center of the mind... (too much to say on this at the time, its late...) -- ill get back to this...

the black column over talks - the white column stands silent (duality)

know the "field" -- "become the other" (grokking in a sense - but much much deeper) -- gnosticism, and "know thy enemy" and such - but basically, become a chameleon and know they way that the goyim operate and become like them in appearance and then own them... this is basically the Talmud distilled and being weaponized - which was the intent... we can talk more about that later.

the black column reps chaos/space/spiritualism(but demented), the white, order. dichotomy/duality evil - good - etc... why is chaos SO happy?

trance experiences in the realm of death for a moment with death looking masks

hypnotism, fear (green reps fear in this vid) - woke to chaos telling him how "cool" "Son of Ra" is...

Music (frequency) being used to push the conditioning...

hypnotic suggestion; "LEVI feel those horns on your head?" -- levi is a symbol and trigger

colors change from fear to elation to hate (green, blue, red)

"tou always knew this was the right thing -- let me give you the illusion you are empowered... that youre a chosen one, like moses"

"the horns are in your DNA - I cant take them off... you're 'one of us'"

hypnotic music continues... just go along with the flow, but be CONGRATULATED that YOU are chosen (MK technique)

euphoria ensues... conscious takes over and he asks to get out

the man in the authoritarian shirt (epaulets) ([Meaning that the MIC is in control]), plays nice cop - "ok stop"

sends black pillar to take him home "wanna get something to eat, down on franklin?" (franklin cover up... conspiracy of silence...) "they call it 'LITTLE PAIR'

what do you want to eat? "an omelette" -- "c'mon man - you gotta go bigger than an omelette - know what I mean (only if youre an idiot do you not know what they are coding here...) #chickenlovers etc

I dont get the burning bush symbol in this context just yet - will need to look

I have a ton more occult references that can be linked to this -- but this is my transcribing of the vid as I saw it -- if you want me to dig deeper I can - but this is a clear CP symbolists vid. PERIOD.

youll need to put in some effort - but I will as well... but I know my symbols a tiny bit.

BeezleyBillyBub ago


phlux ago

I updated.. read again

salinaslayer ago

I'm downvoting just because of how much a shitty filmmaker he is

salinaslayer ago

Gosh that's mediocre

phlux ago


no, poor film abilities - master at symbolism...

salinaslayer ago

I've met other retards like him and no amount of symbolism will ever help them make good art, guys like Kubrick and Tarkovsky shit all over these amateurs

phlux ago

I agree - but the point I was making was that he knows -- we WANT amateurs like him to make these mistakes - so we can find them out...

salinaslayer ago

so far they're doing pretty well, we have nothing beyond plausible deniability so far, because the crypto people are now working in isolation I think

phlux ago

hmmm... I think I agree with you...

I want to refine my answer: "he knows the symbols required, he is not a master of symbolism" -- please accept this correction.

gopluckyourself ago

rule 1 please repost as a discussion explaining relevance to the pizzagate investigation if you cannot please repost in /v/pizzagatewhatever.

Alpo ago

Stukov ago

The image is from Supernatural (I felt I recognized it) http://supernatural.wikia.com/wiki/Changeling

They have been talked about throughout history as being the replacements for human children who are stolen away by monsters. The children are usually taken underground, and fed on by the mother changeling. The changeling that replaces the child looks the same as the original child, but is evil, and otherwise acts differently. They feed off the mother of the child they have taken the form of. They are very protective of their food source and will let nothing separate them from it and will kill anyone who gets in their way. The mothers get fed on gradually and will last a few months before death, at which point the changelings move on to the next neighbourhood.

Although they act somewhat like children, the young are cold and do not seem right. As such, some mothers notice that it is not their child.

Stukov ago

Np, thanks.

Stukov ago

I'd like to watch it if you know if a copy anyone?

newworldahead ago

Levi Gold pretty much looks like anagram for Evil God.

michelonwheels ago

How in the world did this crap make it into Sundance, let alone receive an award? Astounding. The area where Levi lives looks like one of the Canyon communities around Hollywood. Possibly Laurel Canyon, which has its own dark history as detailed in Dave McGowan's book "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon."


Anybody else notice what Sun Araw spells backwards?

Stukov ago

Where or what video do you get the changeling thing?

JimALFixIt ago

JA is classic psychopath. Of course you felt bad for him on the video. He's a nice guy! Who will kill you, your family, and their friend because lulz.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Dude. Text book. Seriously, I'm honestly having troubling comprehending whats going on, based on how cliche everything is. Fucking Insane. I've realized I know nothing about anything. It all needs to be reevaluated... Literally, everything.... How is that these fucking neck beard crazy people, were fucking right. How the fuck is that reality? Fucking shit.

I'm literally afraid to reevalute the moon landing. This is where the fuck I'm at. I Know If i fucking look at this shit now, It's going to make too much sense. FUck it. I will live in blissful ignorance that moon landing is the one thing that actually happened as they say it did.

Stukov ago

In the video he says "no longer do we need to sit beneath the Sword of Damocles" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damocles which sounds like something a globalist who wants to rule the world for our benefit would say.

Something else I'm noticing is that they are telling the kid "Leevi" that when he grows horns that he has always known this, who he is. Given some other stuff this video is about their belief that someone has resurrected and returned from the past. Basically its their belief in their Messiah/Prophet as someone who has reincarnated.

tehthu ago

Brilliant. If I could upvoat that 5 times I would.

DefenderOfTruth ago

"As we've seen with his loss of 2000 facebook friends in 24 hours." This is the first I've heard of this.... would you elaborate? Who's tracking the decline of friends and how? When I go to his page, I'd have to scroll and scroll and count everyone (I don't see a total listed).

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Well. I've had him, and all of his friends archived months ago. He started at 3500+ He's at sub 1500 now. I Think it just says total friends, next to the "friends" link.

Ninja edit: holy fuck... months ago? That's fucked up that it's been that long and I've yet to run into a single person in "the real world" who has heard of, or believed this.

Ninja ninja edit: Actually, my driver that was taking me to the airport, was woke as fuck... Unfortunately it took him an hour to open up, because he was fearful of alienating his clients -_- . It was only after I went full on rant, that he opened up... And it's funny, Because we were both bitching about the same "general problems" but we didn't want to look like a crazy person to one another, by going into a full on pizzagate rant.

DefenderOfTruth ago

Okay, thanks for clarifying. Interesting that his friends have dropped. They know we might find dirt on them too if they stick too close.

& to your ninja edit.... It takes time to wake the sheep. And once you're awake, you step carefully so you don't alienate yourself from your friends. That's probably why we don't know if people around us are awake or not; like you said, no one wants to be the crazy person.

I've learned how to drop hints though to see if someone is awake. It's a fun game to try to count the "awake sheep." Lol There aren't many.

Amyamy ago

James is a careless hedonist with no moral compass at best. I personally am leaning toward the theory that he is involved with trafficking vs partaking.

BeezleyBillyBub ago

bof of em

freeagent37 ago


cosmicmind ago



you created for yourself, you can uncreate.

Ksolver ago

Note the "child inside an adult" pedo-symbol at about 0:27


Orange_Circle ago

Was that filmed inside Pegusus?


  • the Medicine of Metals, the Elixir of Life, the Philosopher’s Stone*

sounds like the 4chan story about Antartica - the hallways with traps - the vials of various liquids

wh0care ago

but its a term used since the ~1400 in Arthurian book.. And it also describe a "a term referring to a psychological state in which an individual cannot be certain whether they have been aided or hindered by some force outside the realm of the natural world, or whether what appeared to be supernatural interference was a product of their own imagination" (from :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chapel_perilous )

so i maybe can say sometime : "iam in a chapel perilous mode yo"...lol

cosmicmind ago

Star Wars perspective: The recent Rogue One movie states that within the system is an encoded ''right'' which is part of the very system and can't be overridden, as hard as many may try. It will always win out and seek balance against the out-of-balance, creating homeostasis.

Hinduism: the snake represents many things, but the god (shiva) controls it and, like the Georgia Stones states, destroys leaving a percentage of people to live in it (hindu destruction is called a mahakranti and the cycle, or period/era of life is called a yuga) Majestic Ape is into the eastern approach (pics on the Neutered Noel and the blog describing the Baba Hill, after Sai BAba and the eastern system.

cosmicmind ago

edited to add:

moses is often depicted as having horns: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=moses+with+horns+images&t=hs&ia=images&iax=1

TimesUp ago

Alefantis's strange short film inexplicably won the audience award at the Sundance Film Festival in 2014 (Park City, Utah). http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2937630/awards?ref_=ttrel_ql_op_1

wh0care ago

thanks for your reply, yes , i am not sure also about "them"... i think they "exist" somehow but not necessarily in "flesh" or extra-terrestrial as u said, it could be some kind of demons..yes..

But just have a look at this, reptilians/reptiles are not always described as bad too in christian painting , here a famous painting of Saint-Jean (saint John) with a calice ,like the Holy-Grail with some kind of little dragon/reptile coming out of it: ((i know quite well this subject (reptilians in old different mythology since i studied it since 1yr now for writing a book ;) ))..and u could be surprised by the amount of reptile/dragons reference we can find on some church or in some painting etc..yes often described as the enemies (like fighting with st michel or st georges) but not all the time..like for example, there is some dragon's statue/representation in St-Peter Basilica in Roma (basilica=basilic= mean a reptile also) and some of them look like not demons at all ,i mean at least not in the mind of those who make them.... And i assume u know how the Vatican is suspected about pedophilia or even rituals etc...they have the best library of the world probably with the old knowledge etc...what if they know something that 'no-one' know, or only some elite members of some cult...yea i know its sound crazy but, whats its bug me sometime is : why people who seems to have good knowledge in occultism at top of the pyramid etc seems to worship demons, did they not scare of going to hell ? well its an other question/debate i know lol .....

here one pics in St-Peter basilica : https://kerstenbeckphotoart.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/vat1small.jpg

'St-Jean l'evangeliste' St-John's painting in Louvre Museeum of Paris= http://www.louvre.fr/sites/default/files/imagecache/940x768/medias/medias_images/images/louvre-saint-jean-l039evangeliste.jpg

*edited typo

TimesUp ago

Strangely, this "short" won the audience award at the famous Sundance Film Festival (Park City, Utah) in 2014. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2937630/awards?ref_=ttrel_ql_op_1

tehthu ago

There's an audience I want no part of. Yikes.

How many blood orgies you think they had that weekend?

Alpo ago

Here is the entire film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-j-Bbbck2Nk Look at the comments. It's even more sinister when you watch the whole thing.

ich1baN ago

Look, I will force those who belong to Satan's synagogue--those liars who say they are Jews but are not--to come and bow down at your feet. They will acknowledge that you are the ones I love.

TheMystic ago

Great comment. Yes, I fully believe what is going on is more than just pizzagate. I have come to a full awakening recently that there is a spiritual war that is happening right now, a war that we will WIN. Out with the old and in with the new! It is honor to stand with you all. With Love and Light <3

Jem777 ago

This is a brilliant explanation of the occult and satanism. There was an earlier question about what motivates these people as well? It is so hard to understand if you are just looking at this from a human perspective you have to include the spiritual understanding. They are so good at this because of the very nature of the battle and who they worship. They are many who speak on behalf of this theology whether it is Thelma (Podesta's hands and the story of Osiris), Crowley (the book of law) including Hitler (He was supported by the Vatican) his involvement in secret societies, majick, etc. which was established in this country specifically by providing shelter to Hitler's top leaders scientists (study Dr. Mengele/Green). They continued established Trauma mind control in USA. It just continues pushing the edges of "normal" or healthy etc. They want to impress into our minds but especially children's minds that there are no boundaries. Constant blurring of the mind gender fluid, promoting pedophelia as normal, trying to institutionalize this thinking. We all feel blurred because they want us to, that is the real story this is intentional. The motivation is the same behind all of these it is evil and of Luceferian. The great battle is this battle for those who do not believe I am sorry but this is truth. God booted Luceferian out of heaven to the earth as a fallen angel and the battle has been on since then. We were given free will to choose, these people have chosen and they mock, corrupt, and harm the most innocent of all...children. This is the epitome of what Luceferian has wanted and also to disguise himself as "light, intelligence, enlightened, mystical, all knowing" I could go on. That is the story of this movie to twist evil into good and ultimately gain the knowledge and power of the remaining 97% of DNA. The devil has been hiding in plain sight and many people are too scared to look now when it is imperative.

Orange_Circle ago

Beautiful post.

cosmicmind ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZQxYQ49p0U&t=93s 10:35 you created for yourself, you can uncreate.

mrcosmicmind ago

hi cosmicmind

cosmicmind ago



hey, I was here first!

You know you're going to confuse the people who need reading glasses and miss the first 2 letters "mr"


Now I'll have to find a different username; which is fine because on retrospection I think the cosmos is kinda mindless, kinda mind fuckery - reflecting in the mirrored world of dualistic synaptic retardation that produces pedo-shite.

I have the perfect name, "I_am_James_Achilles_heal

heal is spelled correctly, as I'll embrass the dualistic shit, and neturalize it.
It's time.

Pizzainmyass ago

Maybe the snake getting away is related to Mary not stepping on it or somethin

wh0care ago

agree ,good point, english is not my first language..

MaryWolf ago

This one is less evil but proves Alefantis, in his own words, defending this artist on the sidewalk out front of his Transformer art gallery in DC. The Smithsonian Institution banned this "art" video...


wh0care ago

Thanks for your comment, u mentioned good things i didnt know when i writed my comment...like the "changeling ritual" its exactly what they describe here for me..

i personnaly believe that their god(s) or the "demiurge" u speak about, or at least his servant are some kind of reptilians, the movie here is filled by reptile reference too..see my comment i just made of my interpretation of the movie and tell me what u think

Piscina ago

Thank you for your brilliant analysis.

neo50 ago

Looks almost like an advertisement/recruitment video.

doubletake ago


doubletake ago

Automatic At Sea; SECRET PIZZA? Secret Pizza? need to find out what it was, or what the secret was. guess a script is unavailable? that could be huge. how weird. could this have been something to push his 2 pizza businesses? need to know what the Secret is!

here's a link to the movie -- my computer isn't equipped, but maybe someone can look at it.

Automatic At Sea


RedGreenAlliance ago

Great catch.

Please have a look at my post https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1501634 PEDOSATANISM - symbolism in Comet Ping Pong

I pointed out the connection between Pan, Panspermia, and various horned god worship.

This video backs up EVERYTHING that I highlighted there. We are definitely uncovering a whole occult belief system. They even have the obsession with horns.

Another point I noticed was the guy dressed in a navy outfit had a red band around his right upper arm. Same one appears in the infamous Lady Gaga pro-Hillary event http://www.sli.mg/YdnSag.png

And also famous alleged pedo Michael Jackson when visiting the Bushes http://www.sli.mg/YjroQr.png

Now given Jackson pedo allegations, the well known links between the Clintons and Bushes, Lady Gagas strident pro-Hillary shilling, not to mention suspicions of MKULTRA / MONARCH with Gaga - what's the meaning of this?

Of course Gaga and Jackson are mentally very fragile and suspicions of abuse when they were children, groomed for pop-puppet stardom. Both have a life work steeped in Illuminati symbolism.

i2amspartacus ago

I'm pretty sure gaga duets in a hit song with r. Kelly, who apparently was filmed urinating on an underage girl. When you open your eyes Satanic pedos are blatently pervasive in the mainstream. But we all know that now.

cosmicmind ago

we know it, (at least a lot of us) but the question is, what are we doing about it! What internally. I'm working on it as an inside job, to drop masks, expose and reveal truth vs lies, and to not choose this shit for a whole lotta reasons.

IlluminatiKing ago

What the hell did I watch?

i2amspartacus ago

I'm honestly too disturbed by what I've seen these past two months to watch it. I've reached my creep threshold i think. Is it necessary to watch for people investigating pizzagate?

IlluminatiKing ago

No it is just a random clip of the movie. Just two guys basically told their junk DNA holds a hidden language that can reveal the secrets of the universe. One is eager, the other is reluctant at what he has to learn. The guy that was telling them this turned on this cassette tape and it acted like some sort of MKULTRA programming I think. They were in a trance and started hallucinating. The eager guy is all fascinated and the reluctant guy grows horns and is told he is some kind of prophet like Moses (because it's in his DNA). Not really creepy just seems kind of wacky imo.

B_dog ago

Thanks for that. I had no idea "Chapel Perilous" had such a long and meaningful linguistic pedigree and meaning. Alefantis is a very (being charitable) complex guy fronting as a family restaurant owner.

dem6nic ago

What the actual fuck. This guy is more than weird.

think_whatif ago

CHAPEL PERILOUS; An occult term referring to a psychological state in which an individual cannot be certain if they have been aided or hindered by some force outside the realm of the natural world.*

Another film by the same production company, Caesura Media, LLC;

Automatic At Sea a feature film exploring hidden realms

"Gradually the idyllic natural beauty of her surroundings dissolves, and Eve finds herself trapped in an unstable reality punctuated by feverish visions, dimensional shifting and secret pizza."

Just discovered this Voat thread that points out the Automatic At Sea IMDB plot summary substituted "secret soda" for "secret pizza".

Other Caesura Media short films;

My Daughter's Boyfriend (2014)

Ultra Violet for Sixteen Minutes (2011)

American Standard (2011)

And here is the writer and director of Chapel Perilous and Automatic At Sea;

Mathew Lessner

Cuboctahedron ago

I suspect that 'Me at the Zoo' and 'Automatic at Sea' are also filled with Occult imagery. Would they get taken down with a copyright strike? Where can we find these films? They seem like damning evidence; anyone on the fence should see this and determine if we have 'evidence'. The "Satanic Restaurant Garrison" (Can we make this a thing? Keep using it until it sticks.) equivocates the necessity of proof to investigate rather than circumstantial evidence.

YingYangMom ago

I only watched some parts. It's too dark for my soul. I hate shit like that.

imkhan ago

maybe this is their interpretation of demonic satanic behavior. they argue that its already encoded in our DNA, probably a modern twist on the original sin story. I figure they think if we are inherently evil, why not enjoy it and milk it for power, fame and wealth?

Godwillwin ago


Alpo ago

A few things stand out to me. The title is probably a reference to this: http://www.teemingbrain.com/2012/08/13/initiation-by-nightmare-cosmic-horror-and-chapel-perilous/

The horns are a reference to the horns of Moses, but could have a double meaning: http://neuroclusterbrain.com/img/Moses/Moses_with_horns_092.jpg

The outfit of the "instructor" reminds me of Scientology, but the red armband seems like a Nazi thing. The nuns aren't digging a ditch in the graveyard, they are digging a grave.

The full version of the film can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-j-Bbbck2Nk Look at the comments. After watching the whole thing, it seems like an allegory for cult initiation or demonic possession.

Godwillwin ago

Thx! At times I lose hope, so my username reminds me to stay faithful and remember that Satan fell from grace and is not as powerful the Lord Almighty.

But right now I'm feeling like Satan seems more powerful - the whole damned Govt, leaders all across the world, child "rescue" centers, and all levels of law enforcement are raping, killing, and torturing children :(

Selnee ago

It's quite depressing really.

Orange_Circle ago

"Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered."

ByTheBook ago

I would not have considered myself Christian prior to the big reveal in those emails. Now I'm back in with two feet. Having my eyes opened and my heart secured makes this a lot easier to take.

Don't lose faith. Your username is correct.

Amyamy ago

Godwillwin and ByTheBook, agreed. This ordeal has opened my eyes to the degree that evil does operate in the world, and within the people that set our nation's law and govern the turn of events that affect us all. It is easy for us to be scared by such a realization, but the energy it takes to feed fear can be transformed into something so much more useful. That is inner strength, as well as faith in good. I just remind myself that good outweighs evil in the world. Evil might have the microphone, but the good is growing underground and will eventually uproot that shit.

ByTheBook ago

I am very thankful that truth is contagious.

Godwillwin ago

Glad you are back in with 2 feet ;)

YingYangMom ago

Same here. I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster at times...

MaryWolf ago

good find! Alefantis has supported and enjoys this artist, David Wojnarowicz, at his Transformer gallery. Very dark & evil...especially from the 19 min mark..


This one is less evil but proves Alefantis, in his own words, defending this artist on the sidewalk out front of his Transformer art gallery in DC. The Smithsonian Institution banned this "art" video...


doubletake ago

At 25 minutes: Baby w/diaper turns up, child sacrifice? tough to watch; totally demonic, sadistic, dark piece of shi#. Looks like cannibalism near end but didn't want to watch that closely. fuque. this is their entertainment.

Godwillwin ago

This guy is a FREAK!

Can we at least get an investigation into PEGASUS?

Godwillwin ago

Should we spread this?

Godwillwin ago

Whoah! ARCHIVE! You know he will have YouTube take it down. With your phone Video, video it playing on your computer.

When did he make this video?!

wh0care ago

here the full version (~13mn) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-j-Bbbck2Nk

B_dog ago


gerrycan ago

00:57 - 01:06 ..."contains a coded language.......... Within this coded language are the secrets of the entire universe." https://youtu.be/rfwj_SLsG5Q?t=55s I wonder if he would write that line similarly today.

Cubsguy ago

Notice he's at the computer drinking juice boxes. Smells like symbolism.

wh0care ago

Chapel Perilous =C.P Child Porn= C.P Coincidence ? hmm....it easily could be...but..who know...

(edited part)

here is the full version of this short movie 13mn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-j-Bbbck2Nk )

Wiki page plot :"A door-to-door salesman, Robbin paid an unexpected visit to Levi Gold. This visit made Levi to confront his true mystical calling, as well as the nature of reality itself."

here my complete personnal analysis/interpretation, i know it will probably sound really crazy for many but its mine :)) first , the occult reference are obvious, - Reptilian/reptilian DNA reference. - Sun symbolim reference. - Devil's obvious reference etc

key part for me: when he say just after discussing the "junk DNA" with the "cosmic serpent pics behind, he say:

"Now we are ready to share this secret to the rest of the world" -"we need no longer sit beneath of the Damocles sword"

Well,for me it is exactly what is happening/will happen soon , about our real History (or what they want we think is our real history)* with "reptilian" Bloodlines or/and reptilian ancient "Gods"(or nephilim's or other names in many cultures) --- "They" will reveal themselves "soon".

-it play a sound of a band or singer called "sun araw",and write/flash it on screen 2 or 3 times lets take a look at that band/singer : The name according to wiki means : "Sun Sun " or Sun's Day" , also obvious reference to Sun or sun''s cult (which are the same use to have some civilisation who have also reptlian's Gods, like in South America for example. He have studio name also "Sun Ark studio"... ( they just release a vynil named :"The OWL and the pussycat"- they have also some other possible reference to occult, like one on Roman's mythology and such)

-Could it mean that the "Sun's Day(s) is coming soon ?. like "their" days are coming ? ..

there is picture with nouns diggin a cemetery, it's weird since he dont speak about it more and seems not related to anything in particular,but here its what i believe for some reasons: Some kind of discovery will occur ,probably in a old cemetery or near some church or chapel, that will begin this processus of eyes opening.

-Then, in the movie, he make the guy open the box where a serpent was hidden. (the box is open: revelation happening, apo-calypse(?)) (it also can show that the guy send the serpent, or at least he knew there was a serpent in it, how ? is the time is really what we think it is?..or? it's just a trick? dunno..) -after he make them recite some text: "close your eyes- know the feel - become the others" - it look like some kind of description of a ritual where the initiate let "enter" some entity in him, or for make him able to see his own true face, or "mystical him" ("become the other") - then they are like "transported" in an other dimensions or some dark place when they open their eyes again...(the eyes of the dude look really weird at 3:52 but it could be becose light exposure) - the "hero" have now horns, again like it mentionned in the wiki page, for me it represent the fact that this ritual making him see his "true face", or his "mystical" him. (edit: comment by Mohrphaeus mention a "changeling ritual" it could really be this...)

-some more reference to reptilians with the snake on the girl who looking over her head (at the end of the longer version)

This short movie won the audience prize in the SUNdance festival in 2013 - Sun reference again..

here the wiki page of the movie in which u can see the infographic used ,it describe, again, some serpent, look a like the Orobouros serpent. (a known esoteric and old symbol (like in the Theosophian societyl for example) also a symbolism probably used in some others occult circles- representing the continous circle of life /destruction/reborn etc..) wiki page of the movie : > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chapel_Perilous - (note: i dont see mentionned Alefantis name there..(??)

(edited for full analysis) *edited few precisions

banusaur ago

Was the snake meant to be Satan from Genesis? Crawling all over Eve?

Womb_Raider ago

Comet Pingpong? I guess Ping Pong is technically two words...

retreaux ago

Comet Pizza*

B_dog ago

What the hell did I just watch? Seriously, what was the message of that short film? Any Alefantis artistic stone overturned produces some of the weirdest uses of symbolism I've ever seen -- horns always feature prominently.

As for our "junk DNA", the latest research suggests much of it comes from viruses.

chickyrogue ago

goat horns are the devil or baal