JoJoVoat ago

My kids are 25 and 27. Im going to ask them if they have ever heard of this "artist". If so , we will be having a talk.

Thanks for the info.

JoJoVoat ago

omg... can you give me a general age of the crowd? Thats disgusting.

SpikyAube ago

How do they ever get anything normal done?!

JoJoVoat ago

I know, right?
Unfortunately this is their Normal. ugh

JoJoVoat ago

its soooooo BIG!!!!! I thought about making a physical "war room" in a spare room in my home.. not virtual but literally on a chalkboard wall! (my hub would not be happy) So many fake companies and cover businesses its almost hard to believe.

IN spite of all the shills and ppl deleting threads...we are still winning and we will not stop till al these fucking freaks are taken down!
Happy New Year! 2017 , we are taking back America!

JoJoVoat ago

haha... me either.(technically advanced) . I cant do any of that shit on the computer. I am so freaking impressed with what some of the "investigators" are able to do. I just pray pray pray someone leaks the mother load later this month. There's so much that needs to come out.

JoJoVoat ago

Thank you very much!
oh snap... good call on the missing children.. Wonder when they go to Bohemian Grove. have you seen this yet?

Trumpedupeconomics ago

weird how june 21 usually falls around the bilderberg meetings