scaryshit ago

Ugh. Creepy

joe_hill ago

On the tomatoe's farm : you can see a pic with : "Grow i t and eat it" !

shillsmademeregister ago

The surname sounds like and his face looks like Turkish. I am Turkish so I can presume this really. Not the name maybe that might be a later addition but the surname and face are telling.

Poncho567 ago

I looked up Dr. Ozkum, he is a board certified anesthesiologist in both Virginia and New York. His record is clean. I don't think there is anyway to find out if he has prescribed carisoprodol, would need access to medical records.

MeatballPizza ago

Does this Dr. dole out prescriptions to his butt buddies? Might be their Dr. Feelgood. Too early to tell, but we need more evidence to come to light.

All we have to do is flip Jimmy Comet and he can rat out all these other players. President Trump can offer him witness protection help. Weiner is another candidate. Weiner is facing 10+ years in state crime getting raped by blacks for being a pedo if they nail him in NY on the child sex crime. They don't treat the short eyes too well in Rikers.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

Heres a video of the farm i found on youtube.

Sephel ago

Pause at 3:26. Two 5-pointed stars, but not upside-down. Same thing on the red door at 3:45. Just a curious observation.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

could easily be flipped upside down! :P

Bu yea, nothing really incriminating about the video

Eastwood350 ago

Did anyone notice these guys have a picture of a goat over their fireplace and a pentagram on the door of their chicken coop?

Bornforbattle74 ago

Notice the name FOX CHAPEL, What is it with Foxes, hens and chickens with this lot? :/

Takeitslow ago

If I'm correct in numerology FOX = 666

Bornforbattle74 ago

And Goats, bloody hell, don't forget the goats.

Takeitslow ago

Goat of Mendes

Bornforbattle74 ago

Yes and on the barn conversion doors I think it was there were 2 pentagrams shaped from twigs.

hanknut42 ago

holy god they kinda look alike!

hanknut42 ago

DCmommaBear ago

So, I found these court records on the good doctor/pig farmer....but I can't open the links for some reason?

Frederick County Public Record

MeatballPizza ago


I have seen elsewhere that "Oysters" = Oxycotin. I'm not a 'drug guy' but read that when someone analyzed that photo and the comments.

hanknut42 ago

fuck Alefantis is the real world Dexter and guess what hes not a good guy!

MeatballPizza ago

An anaesthesiologist would have access to drugs that'd knock people out fast and quiet. Just a thought, as we obviously have no further evidence.

stickittotheman ago

i read somewhere they drug up the kids to stop them from crying/ screaming.

MeatballPizza ago

Recall also that Epstein island had a dental chair and equipment. Not sure why a pedo would need that...

Mooncutter ago

pull out the teeth prison style. Worst of the worst.

That and if you kill somebody, the best identification is the teeth, so you pull them out and destroy them fully.

MeatballPizza ago

Also tough to ID a body...

MeatballPizza ago

There's a picture of pills next to ca$h in one of the Ingatrams by Jimmy Comet.

Petri_Krohn ago

The pill bottle is an amber-colored CVS pharmacy prescription bottle used by Target’s CVS pharmacies. The package is no indication of what medicine is inside. The structure of the label is described here.

MeatballPizza ago

Oysters = oxy.

oldchangling ago

I had no idea Sibley was such a common name. He works at Sibley Memorial Hospital, and Laura Sibley was “found guilty in Haiti for child trafficking in 2010″ with others who were “pardoned by the Clintons.” (from, though it is documented many other places). Just Another Curious Coincidence, I'm Sure.

michelonwheels ago

Laura Silby not Sibly.

TokyoJoe ago

Pretty sure the Haiti missionary is Silsby if it matters. Great fucking work BTW!

oldchangling ago

Oh no. Thank you, you're right, at least that the names are different. From this article it appears her last name is actually Silsby. Regardless, my error. Sorry, all. ps: I'd upvote you michelonwheels, but I'm out of ammo.

michelonwheels ago

I'm just a lil ol newbie. :-)

NamelessCrewmember ago

Pig farm... It takes 8 pigs 2 hours to fully eat an adult body. Or so I've heard.

FuckReddit69 ago

Truth in Movies. Lies in the "News."

28leinad82 ago

He works at Frederick Memorial Hospital DC as an anaesthesiologist:

Mooncutter ago

So he's an expert in drugging people... that's alarming