mickrussom ago

Seems all the sli.mg links are down?

tjarco ago

try searching for the sli.mg links in archive.is most of them are archived there and still visble, download the images!

tjarco ago

sli.mg has been down for 2 days now

rickman ago

Not sure about this. Isn't Jeff Smith the jblairsmith on Instagram? Jeff Blair Smith? Also look at the wooden boards in the ceiling going towards the back of the area thats being dug up. It has a red girder going across. In the recent video of Alefantis showing someone around the back room you can briefly see the same wooden panels in the ceiling and a glimpse of a red girder going across the other way.

Might not be Comet though. Could be in Buck's as its on the same road and may have similar features.

redditsuckz ago

There are multiple "kill rooms"...Jeff smith's is at Pajama Factory...and Alefantis might have another one...same with a few other people with replies in the instagram post with the pic with the diggings and hole...

Evidence it might be at this location;

3518 REAR 11TH Street NW


hanknut42 ago


amyrebeccajames ago

In clicking on these links a lot of their pages are now missing or deleted / removed.

dreamdigital ago

Guys, I was thinking that the Pajama Factory, they seem to grow food because we see that woman planting food in the article. Jimmy Comet says they grow fresh tomatoes and store them in the basement. Was wondering if that is where they grow them.

Sheilaaliens ago

PJ Factory Door.... if it's the same place, how creepy.

AgainstPedos ago

Possible there's an underground passageway accessed through one of the pizza shops. Since originally it was used as an underground train station there would be bigger or wider areas for evil activity. I'll bet all of it was filmed in graphic detail and sold on the Dark Web.

The Pajama Factory and/or arts' colony above would be a perfect cover. No one would question why there were different people coming and going at odd hours. Artists who occasionally spent the night wouldn't be able to hear what was going on so far below ground in the middle of the night due to traffic noise. Just my hypothesis.

redditsuckz ago

Coffeegate - Starbucks mentioned 109 times and Coffee mentioned over 650 times


YingYangMom ago

What is that supposed to mean? You trying to make a fool outta yourself?

YingYangMom ago

I thought you might have found a smoking gun. Turns out your 'evidence' is none-existent.

shootermcgvn ago

I don't get it. You lost me at brick walls.

Lots of buildings have brick walls.

EDIT: But the rest of the links are creeping me out.

Pathfinder_ILF ago

seems like these one are going especially for black people , the black girl hanged on the tree and all this could be enough to get tons of the msm controlled people on our side, they build up the race tensions now we can use it against them ,, coffegate could be even bigger , i mena thats even more perverted the pics n shit ...

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

OP deleted account. Strange post

tjarco ago


redditsuckz ago

Go here and look under "S" for Smiths Steel;


Now go here; http://archive.is/XgA5l

It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on Dec 9, 2016 03:36:47 GMT.

And you will see under "S" Smiths Steel.

So it was removed sometime between now and December 9th 2016

tjarco ago

Ah yes, thank you. I would've sworn I was on the exact same page and it was still listed their yesterday, that's why I asked, itç clear to me what has been removed, I will add this to the list of censorship thanks and good digging!

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

It was removed from The Pajama Factory Website. There is a list of tenants. He was on there yesterday and now he is gone. I screen captured the page that got deleted. You can still get to the page by doing a google search

tjarco ago

Sorry for seeming a bit slow here, but I'm not getting what info was actually removed and from which website it was removed. Could anyone show me, possibly with link and archived link?

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Also his brothers @jblairsmith Instagram account was deleted yesterday as well. His pictures from it are archived in the OP

IsThisGameOfThrones ago


This is a directory for all the shops inside the pajama factory. There was a listing for "SMITH STEEL" (Jeff Smith's shop). It's gone now. I dont have anything with the listing still there but if you google search "smith steel pajama factory" the listing will appear. So the page is still there but the access from within the page is not.

WakeyWake ago

Ok, that's the answer I was looking for. Thank u!

WakeyWake ago

But where did u see the initial connection, was there an email with his name or ? I may have missed it in the info.

VeganAnarchy ago

I don't think many people are posting anything as ultimate proof. This is still an ongoing investigation, but there is enough circumstantial evidence at this point to warrant a thorough, formal investigation from law enforcement, where laptops and computers should be seized (although there is absolutely no hope in law enforcement at this point).

There is lazy investigation and disinfo going on, for sure, but I don't think looking into 'workinonmahightcheese's' Instagram and drawing speculation is inappropriate. Although, of course, it isn't hard 'proof' of anything.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Guys the main points here...

Alefantis and Smith worked on a "kill room" together that is located in the back of Jeff Smith's shop. Jeff Smith's shop is a wood and metal furniture business. The shop is located in The Pajama Factory in Pennsylvania which is about 3 hours and 45 minutes from DC.

The Pajama Factory is a strange type of business. It's a giant abandoned factory that is now divided up into different sections including offices, studios, event centers, and shops. It houses multiple tenants. The tenants have access to their space 24 hours a day.

A body was found a few hours before a surprise inspection. Whether this is related or not is unknown but it did bring light to the fact that this place is seen as an artist commune and some of the tenants may be breaking the rules by living there.

DarkMath ago

As long as you think it's a crime is all that matters to me. ;-)

hanknut42 ago

https://myspace.com/majesticape/mixes/classic-my-photos-366397/photo/95344377 when i opened that pic it looked alot like that building

anonymousj ago

Is there a link to the woman wearing the spiral ring posting such things? I did not see any. If she did, then I would of course think differently. And not sure what you are insinuating with "why don't you?" remark @JohnGalt322. I simply stated not all spirals are pedo symbols.

Godwillwin ago

OP, you need to edit your post so that the blair smith's pics are at the top of the post. people that try to scan through things quickly may automatically tune out over the body found - which isn't as damning as the instagram photos and comments. if you get a chance, can you edit your post and move those to the top?

Godwillwin ago

ok WHOA! i hope you archived those pics on a usb drive or something OFF of the internet. this guy is way more blatant than alefantis. NO ONE should question this. He comes right out and says it pretty much. what city is he in? can we at least report this to the local police??

the brother, jeff smith, - the one that owns the metal shop pajama party - he has etsy followers. i didn't have time to look into more than 2 of them, but they both have weird stuff and the one eye and the triangles and the cow skulls etc.

He’s a follower of the jeff smith brick building with the basement guy where 21 yr old regina lapp died https://www.etsy.com/shop/AvEwerkz?ref=l2-shop-header-avatar

slipping sideways rents in the brick basement building and has a weird triangle symbol with eyes as her etsy profile pic and look at her art – one eye again creepy mixed cow with human https://www.etsy.com/listing/234021513/anatomy-art-medical-oddities-original?ref=pr_shop

i think it's safe to say that most of the "artists" in this pajama building are satanic - and it's beyond safe to say that Blair Smith is both satanic and a pedophile.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Keep this up man. I was hoping uploading that video would get us some answers. Thank you for tying this all together

redditsuckz ago

Thanks for Uploading the vid...please do a follow up video with a lot of pics of the building and the brothers instagrams.

He just deleted his instagram and changed his Etsy pic.

Here is him and his brother - Blair and Jeffery Smith;


1 eye's + satanic 666 sign with hands + InevitableBlack.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago


Follow up video. I made a new post about it as well

DarkMath ago

Good point. I just find the art disturbing. There's a lot of stuff today that I find disturbing. Like when the NYT argues that Pedophilia is a disorder not a crime. Open your eyes my friend. Google Andrew Breitbart "Cultural Marxism" Interview to learn more.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

He does. He owns a wood and metal furniture shop

Chimerarose ago

Look at the names of this soap from Adipocere. It could be nothing but kind of creepy with the Saturnalia and Elf Jism name references. http://www.adipoceresoap.net/what-are-we-like

anonymousj ago

Check out meanings of some of the other soap names.

Chimerarose ago

Excellent work . Im gonna add this to my archive.

anonymousj ago

Agreed. Not saying that these artist types are not a little weird and into some "magic/occult" crap. But you can't take basic shapes and immediately call pedo. I've done graphic design and logos and have used hearts before in craft designs I have done. For gosh sakes, the craft foam pre-cut shapes have hearts in them. So putting a heart inside a heart is a pedo symbol? Basic shape, implies humanity and caring i.e. "from the heart". Never in a single moment even considered a heart inside a heart was a pedo symbol. So everything has to be taken in context:connection with people obviously posting CP or CP comments, images of porn, or death or torture. Otherwise, I think it's over the top just to say a spiral or a heart design is "proof:" of pedo. Editing to add, not sure if there is something here or not, just giving an opinion on the one thing.

VeganAnarchy ago

It's called hiding in plain sight.

VeganAnarchy ago

Shill detected. People do not joke about friends being their 'favorite pedos' or post pictures of burned child statues and make comments like 'kids don't work like they used to'. Which one of your friends do you refer to as 'your favorite pedo'? Strange how you never mention Alefantis - I'm sure you deem all his instagram posts to be entirely innocent too and see nothing strange about the band 'heavy breathing'. People should not be mindlessly labelled as peadophiles or murderers, ofc, but Alfeantis' friends should be looked into, and his Instagram title 'workingonmahnightcheese' is an immediate red flag and warrants suspicion given everything else that has been uncovered. People hide in plain sight.

speckie ago

This is evidence of nothing. If you are running out of leads to research on the main thesis then go for a run or take up knitting. Don't implicate people without real evidence.

darthveddit ago

We need to start looking into who their parents are. Most of this kind of extreme upperclass pedophilia is caused by systemic ritual sexual abuse as children. Also, these guys look Saudi. If we can find any reports of something odd, like an uncle who was abussive, a grandfather who is in jail for pedo shit, anything. It's amazing how hard it is to find anything on John Podesta's family past him and his brother.

fvckh1m_up ago

micha_ ago

Excellent post. Sadly ppl are more interested in sensationalism than in facts.

quantokitty ago

I gotta agree with you. This imagery has nothing to do with pedophilia.

WakeyWake ago

How does this guy, Jeff Smith, initially connect to Alefantis? Like, are they friends or business partners? As for the brick walls, there is no connection I see. The pics from Alefantis posts were walls are from CPP.

DamnTheTorPEDOES ago


quantokitty ago

Thanks for the info.

Of course, that room isn't at Comet Pizza. The doors are open and sunlight is pouring in.

But where i the photo that shows that room is in the Pajama Factory?

And where are you getting the kill room is there? Because the brick wall is there?

totorox ago

funnily we are the fight club

totorox ago

Maybe public accusations should be prudent but claims and statements are free. Tone-policing kills raids and movements.

Hooliganscat ago

Wow! So many strange coincidences. I looked into just one friend of the brother, Blair. #tinycupneedleworks and found this pentagram art work..... he's got blue eyes✨5/7 for @asraigarden #tinycupneedleworks

totorox ago

i wouldnt take a "kill room" joke seriously... until a few weeks ago.

DigForTheKids ago

Yea, this looks like the real deal to me. Sorry, but if you don't like being accused of pedophilia and murder you have to do a bit better than these sick fucks.

GoHeadBeGoneWithIt ago

Why are you guys screenshotting instagram pics instead of archiving? screenshots can be faked.

archived this one because he literally says pedo http://archive.is/dLzx7

someone archive the rest!

Nana66 ago


crazyjuan ago

One of these is a pasta maker called 'Pasta by Deb'. Could be a legit pasta maker though, given the amount of hipster shit on that page.

windsse ago

There's some pol raid/meme about coffee that's been going on for a few days.

redditsuckz ago

There is something odd about this coffee shop as well in DC


Where cultist Morgan Hungerford West(Freinds of Comet Ping Pong) visted


Commonwombat ago

I agree, this is a wild goose chase.

thatguyiam ago

Says the 4 day account ...sure learned the lingo quick

Bornforbattle74 ago

https://i.sli.mg/Ri9pxk.jpgJPG Check the first comment!!!! "MY FAVOURITE PEDDO" whhaaatttt, who talks like that, and considering what were investigating.

We_The_People ago

This is one of the tenants.. http://www.acesna.org/#our-team


Concernedcitizen2 ago

I was in the Dominican Republic once at a pizza place in Sosua, right next to Cabarete. I was so certain I was witnessing child trafficking. A white guy gets out of a blinged-out escalade, rims, and all, gold teeth, chains, pristine white clothing, with three black children. He sits down in the pizza place and waits for hours for my friend and I to leave. We don't leave. eventually he waits us out and we go, shitting ourselves and not knowing what to do.

Infopractical ago

  1. You may be correct, and nobody here should accuse anyone of something as disgusting as murder or pedophilia lightly. There are some people using overly accusative language, though there are plenty of us trying to behave in as responsible a manner as possible. This is investigation only, so far, and we are only investigators because authorities appear to be protective of a particularly horrifying brand of criminal. It may simply be the case that Jeff Smith has a dark sense of humor. I do too, as do many of my friends. I will say, however, that in maturity, I will probably never again joke some topics.

  2. When you mention the difficulties in using the Pajama Factory for criminal activity, it would be extremely helpful to give specific details, including pictures, if possible. Personally, I think it is tough to make an argument against the feasibility of using a location for these kinds of crimes. People use their homes in nice neighborhoods. People use classrooms. Jimmy Savile raped people in hospital beds while nurses were in the hallways. There are physical and mental tactics that can make crime all but invisible.

  3. I was a victim in a government-supported cult growing up. Nobody would have known it judging by my polite parents and our my family members in politics. I couldn't even find adults to talk to about it because the level of invisibility is such a tough mental barrier for people to pass through.

Thank you for making your comment. Your skepticism can only make the community and the investigation better. We all have to keep in mind that any theories we have might be true or false, and as more information becomes available, we can only judge by that information.

Kawksnahch ago

there is a photoshop-50%overlay-streak of highlight starting at the ring, you're not wrong.

We_The_People ago

Her name is Sally Rizzo. I dug her name up Here

The post mentions Mindful Harvest. I looked them up on Facebook.

Here is a close up of her ring.

Kawksnahch ago

tell the OP, not me. I already enlarged, you can see the edge of the (brush) tool. Seriously though, good eye.

Initiate ago

First picture of the last nine you found, literally says "My favorite Pedo @mabadi86...."

Kawksnahch ago

Juuuuuust going to point that that he has a photo of a monarch butterfly, some girl, random shit, kittens, and random shit...

45TruthSeeker45 ago

He sure likes to work with metal a lot. The same material that people make cages, chains, shackles, and coffins out of...

DigForTheKids ago

Do you see where he says "My favorite pedo" !!!!!


Scirel ago

Also, the baby blue AND light pink wristbands are... odd...

Nana66 ago


micha_ ago

cheese pizza = child porn -> cheese = child

momojaja ago

How great digging abilities, we need more people like you OP here.

private-i ago

In this photo of the coffin, it appears to have electrical cords coming out of it - or it it wired for sound? http://imgur.com/a/1UAf0

duckky007 ago

Interesting quote with the related Pajama Factory minivan - "It's like concrete. But plywood. But concrete'. -- false floors/walls perhaps at the factory?? https://i.sli.mg/35GiOP.png

duckky007 ago

NB instagram pics from this collection: http://sli.mg/a/gaffhM

redditsuckz ago

Is this the same guy? https://www.instagram.com/jblairsmith/

Thats his brother Blair Smith they both share that Instagram

He no doubt helped him build the room.

Blair and Jeffery Smith;


Very odd pics and comments;




dogeminho ago

meister_eckhart ago

I believe one of the guys in that construction photo is named John Kreher. Copy-pasting from an earlier post I made:

One of Alefantis's LLC's, HERECOMESYOURMAN (nice name) is co-owned with a guy named John Kreher. I found Kreher's LinkedIn which states he's a project manager with a DC-based general contractor called the Ley Group: http://archive.is/VHZcV

I'm pretty sure that the John Kreher from that LinkedIn page is the same person in this construction picture from Jimmy Comet's instagram: https://img1.steemit.com/0x0/https://i.sli.mg/s3px8V.png

Been lurking these threads for a while, and I've held off on posting this because, except for the above links, Kreher is a ghost on Google. The only other thing I can find on him is that he attended an art reception: http://archive.is/TjBem

But he must be pretty close to Alefantis if they run an LLC together. If anyone could find a link between Alefantis and The Ley Group, that would be interesting.

YingYangMom ago


Bearded guy on the left http://archive.is/TjBem with John Kreher is identified as Joe Wills here on Alefantis Instagram. Same guy. Guy on the right is John Lewando. They are friends on FB.

https://www.facebook.com/JohnMKreher?fref=pb&hc_location=friends_tab&pnref=friends.all https://i.sli.mg/yBd0K9.png


street1510 ago

I was trying to find that guy a few days ago. He used to have this domain but I can't find any caches: herecomesyourman.net

A couple photos of him in that factory room:


Another registry. Different address:


His phone number also comes up under the registry for a whole lot of construction llcs. It's the same phone number with different extensions (maybe it's something with the website itself rather than a connection):







Maybes (it's also a band which gets in the way):




Some interesting people are also listed as living at the addresses on the herecomesyourman domains.

Archives of the construction companies, you can ignore this. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,

Celticgirlonamission ago

So the girl that was killed worked for veritas press? https://www.linkedin.com/in/regina-lapp-13947435

LadyMinx ago

This LinkedIn shows Regina is from Lancaster. The places she worked (goods store, PSAD- all in Lancaster) the obit search for Regina Lapp found in the PJF shows all her connections are in Williamsport and made no mention of her Lancaster ties. It would help if the obit had a photo, but I couldn't find one to see if they were the same gal. Can anyone help with this? (I'm in Lancaster and Williamsport is a couple hours away.) Not being contradictory, just trying to dig a little deeper.

SChalice ago

How is a death of a 21 year old woman not characterized as suspicious by police?

blind_sypher ago

Your right. Id prefer for them to continue making as big a fuss about this as possible and keep drawing metric tons of suspicion about something theres no proof of. I mean look how much they keep talking about how little proof there is on tv. Firing people who even talk about it. Thats some serious dedication to not having any proof. Theyre even censoring it from all their internet strong holds. Never talk about whats actually uncovered though, which is hella suspicious and people just seem to kind of pick up on that, but im relatively sure this will all blow over and nothing ever comes of it...lol.

Investigate1999 ago

I'm starting to agree with you. Having the same bricks isn't a strong enough argument. A brick company will make a lot of bricks that can be used throughout a city.

Also, I'm looking Satanic activity, not a small kill room in the back of a dingy art studio. Rich people won't want to do something there. We should be looking for something with tiled checkered floors with dental chairs or a blood troth or something.

Jeffrey Epstein had the right idea: luxury and seclusion.

If there were an abandoned tunnel in that workshop, then we'd be talking about a good connection.

DarkMath ago

That bleedblacknyc is creepy as fuck. One guy has a t-shirt "Death is my sidekick". Bleedblack is Jeffrey Dahlmer charming. Sort of Ted Bundy-esque. What the fuck happened to this country where people now worship Death. They are fucking insane.

srayzie ago

Well you should have gave them a link to use then instead of imgur

DarkMath ago

" his shops website"...link please

We_The_People ago

THEY HAVE PEDO SYMBOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The womans ring! http://www.pajamafactory.net/wp-content/media/2014/GreenHouse.jpg

Her name is Sally Rizzo. I dug her name up Here

The post mentions Mindful Harvest. I looked them up on Facebook.

Here is a close up of her ring.

RandomInterjector ago

Just want to mention that I have the same spiral ring, but as a thumb ring. It's just a sterling silver ring that I got at some department store. I had no idea that the spiral symbol meant anything until recently, so I do think it's possible that this woman is oblivious. Let's not forget that MANY people still don't know these things, and not presume anything without more evidence. In combination with other evidence, it could certainly become relevant. Needless to say, I won't be wearing my ring again.

garlicbulb ago

spirals can be an old symbol, they are not all to do with pedo

h2d ago

That's a bit of a stretch - I'm all for openly investigating any of these sick fucks but that looks circular to me, just like a spiral.

anonymousj ago

Honestly, I owned a pair of silver spiral earrings. It's one of the first projects we made in a silver making jewelry class I took. Also can be done with aluminum coil. Not every spiral design is pedo. And I am not a shill, 65 y/o grandma normie who took a jewelry class.

We_The_People ago

Check out my other post.


We are finding pedo symbols all over this fucking website.

redditsuckz ago

Yep...heres another one;



This Place reminds me of another messed up place...The Soap Factory...



Where cultist Morgan Hungerford West(Freinds of Comet Ping Pong) visted


heks_ ago

While I don't have any experience in photo forensics, I do a lot photo manipulation for work and with that experience background I would say that virtually this entire image looks like one big photoshop compilation. The ring looks fake unless some filters have been way over-applied to it. Same thing goes for the spiral necklace. The people look like they've been cut out of one photo and put onto a background from another photo (unless they've for some reason been separated out onto another layer, had the background blurred and then had the edge of their foreground layer blurred in an attempt to blend). The sign looks like it's from a separate image and placed in with a shoddy blending attempt, and the thing made of sticks near the top right looks like it has been placed in from another image as well.

All that having been said, the ring looks like a perfectly normal spiral, and the necklace doesn't look particularly suspicious either. Spirals are used in all kinds of designs. Sometimes (actually, almost always) a spiral is just a spiral.

EDIT: On closer inspection of the larger version I think it's possible that just the people have been inserted from another picture (though the ring and necklace still look inserted unless they've been heavily filtered for some reason). The thing made of sticks and the sign might be part of the image with the blurry background, unless the stick thing is some kind of stock art from a photo taken on a green screen allowing it to be perfectly removed from its background.

We_The_People ago

They look a little younger. I am thinking Weblos which is one of the last 2 ranks of cub scouts.

Tomioka ago

Well spotted. Did you notice the girl's necklace as well?

Both the ring and necklace look a bit "off", though it may also be an effect from highlight recovery applied to the image.

I don't know how much credibility this kind of image analysis has, but here's the output from the "photo forensics" online tool: http://sli.mg/S7ykjj


street1510 ago

Couple areas look a little off. That ring though is super weird.



stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

Wow, great eye. WTF!

reasonedandinformed ago

We need to dig on these people who were active in the killroom discussions and other disturbing instagrams (names): werkinonmaynightcheese (which has sexual meaning) - that is Jeff Smith, the author of some of the worst comments nilaylawson (just rinse it off when done) joushuaryanv (many sick postings and comments; appears to be CPP employee) mholllamby adamfirstofmen (killroom) mr_scott_cummings (may be married/with ralphindc mochef103 mens_society mssummercamp ccwoolman

TrotskyTrotsky ago

Jeffsmith insta is mostly pictures of his furniture in progress, and biking trips

Mhollamby is mostly his professional photography work

LA_Trump ago

Important! My gf swears 100% she's seen that kill room on ANOTHER persons Instagram connected to Alefantis before! Someone else, But she can't remember who and isn't sure if she screenshot it...

Godwillwin ago

this does make you wonder about that ghost ship place and whether it was torched on purpose like the steel mill?? do you think they had their videos stored at the steel mill??

bolus ago

I wondered the same thing, but couldn't find anything remotely close to connecting them. No real structure of ownership or tenants at ghost ship.

Godwillwin ago

well these guys are friends of alfantis and in the tunnel photo on alefantis' page when one of his friends says "where is this" in reference to the guys digging a tunnel. alefantis replies " show me yours and I'll show you mine." so i'm thinking the ones that can afford these rooms have these rooms. so we know alefantis does as does jeff smith. is jeff smith "working on my night cheese" guy?? the coffin guy??

redditsuckz ago

" show me yours and I'll show you mine."

Do you have a link to that pic?"

is jeff smith "working on my night cheese" guy?? the coffin guy??


redditsuckz ago

And ANOTHER "coffee shop" @room11dc responds "can we do a pop up in there?"

Room 11 DC


blind_sypher ago

Art imitates life

redditsuckz ago

This would be a terrible location to commit crimes. Random hipsters are sleeping in the building. It is not a secure or controlled location.

So you know the best places where people would build kill rooms?

And how does "art" explain the digging of tunnels?

The "killroom" may have just been finished a few months ago going by the instagram weeks even tho we really have no idea when the photos were taken but James Alefantis helped him build it and posted the photos.

reasonedandinformed ago

jimmycomet was commenting on this stuff back and forth. They should be explored because there was a direct connection around the kill room, trenching, digging next to the wall. It's 3 hours 45 minutes from DC.


Yes, that's Jeff Smith.

Chipcer ago

I'm not sure what to believe, at first I thought pizzagate was BS but the more I hear about it the more possible it could be and less conspiracy like. I mean you had all those people trying to bury stories about Dennis Hastert, Roman Catholic Church and The Jimmy Savile scandals trying to call it all conspiracy. Fuck and curse those assholes at reddit and wikipedia anyways, they probably fucking shill for whatever bullshit their masters tell them to.

dogeminho ago

omg.... Adam, guy who commented "#killroom" on the pajama factory photo works at a pizza place. A PIZZA PLACE.

reasonedandinformed ago

It looks from the article that the building was somewhat abandoned for a period (at least in 2013). The images and comments are extremely suspicious. Look at some of the details in my comments related to this thread.

pizzam8 ago

This is not a lead.

Why would they repeatedly post pictures to Instagram labelled "kill room" showing the process of them making somewhere to kill people?

Why would they allow a body to be found somewhere they intend to kill people, but are otherwise 100% capable of covering up their dirty deeds?

What relevance does any of this have to any of the actual, solid leads found so far?

Why are we still focusing on Instagram images which have a 99.9% chance of being innocent banter?

How is this at the top of the front page? What the hell? Is this the work of shills or is everyone frequenting this subverse just completely retarded?

Commonwombat ago

Yes, I agree! Pointless post.

blind_sypher ago

Geeze I dunno. Im sure that spiral ring over the finger and their weird fascination with children is probably nothing either. I mean its not like were seeing kids getting raped or anything right? And the building of the little baby sized coffins? Just art right? Yeah haha, we all better move along guys. Nothing to see here. Must be more of that fake news.

totorox ago


stens ago

They were arrogant.

Mageza ago

Maybe because in the absence of wikileaks everyone would have just assumed it is innocent banter and they would get away with it? These pedos are bold.

pizzam8 ago

Far too many assumptions being made.

totorox ago

Not if you know a bit about child abuse networks.

djklbd ago

It's worth looking into man, take it easy.

pizzam8 ago

Sure, but maybe it is worth waiting to actually find something incriminating/meaningful before it gets upvoted to the #1 spot.

blind_sypher ago

Because they know they had the government in their back pocket. Obama is connected to this shit. District attorneys seem to be involved. This is massive.

pizzam8 ago

This is massive.

This keeps being said over and over but there is yet to be any actual evidence presented past the emails.

blind_sypher ago

Oh yeah, nothings been uncovered yet. We should all just move along, nothing to see here folks. No connections to haiti or anything. Im sure Huma and Hillarys morbid interest in an attempted mass abduction was just happen stance, and Im sure her getting off under the guidence of martin martelly was coincidence. Hell Im sure his son being at the head of the gang galil dont amount to shit either eh, and I bet even if it did it ended with that and nothing more nefarious is lurking below the bottom of any of these findings. Organized kidnapping? Haha now way eh? Shit I guess I better forget all about this. Thanks officer.

blind_sypher ago

I mean that in the sense of scale. Sure theres no direct evidence saying this exact thing happened at this exact place and this exact thing indisputably proves it but for the people with the mental capability to read between the lines we realize there is a massive international conspiracy going on.

Nightowl19632000 ago

Look, this maybe a good lead or it may not lead to anything. All avenues need to be explored. Don't freak out! A lot of work was done on this. These instagram pics and other things here needed to be explored. It's funny to me how things were suddenly deleted after it was archived. It makes it rather suspicious. Maybe on down the road, this all may mean something. Making disrespectful comments makes you look like a shill. Go read something else if you don't like it, or better yet maybe you can work on some leads instead of calling people names.

pizzam8 ago

Making disrespectful comments makes you look like a shill.

Upvoting garbage = A-OK

Calling out low quality submissions which are being upvoted = shill


i'm dun

this whole situation has now reached new levels of fuckin stupid lmao if anything happens with pizzagate it is going to be 0% to do with anything that comes from this subverse c ya boys im outy

Investigate1999 ago

I encourage you to take a break, but to not leave permanently.

forno_a_legna ago

I Concur. It doesn't make sense, logically. However, I've come to question logic in recent days,

pizzam8 ago

I found myself feeling the same way. Then I decided to look at the content posted here with a bit more scrutiny and it very quickly becomes clear that almost all of it is total trash and for some reason people keep on upvoting it.

BlackSwordsman ago

Man... if they had any sense at all they wouldn't have used blatant code in their emails. They would have used private emails. That's what got this all started. They wouldn't have put pedo logos over all their music videos and businesses. They wanted to be out in the open. The more out in the open they were, the more it seems like an innocent joke. I assume they derive some satisfaction from the fact that it's so obvious, yet they have easy deniability and the government heads behind them. Also, just like any criminal, they become less and less vigilant, and more and more brazen. That's how nearly ever criminal, who was once able to commit crimes successfully, gets caught.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

It's because people want easy leads. People like pictures and videos. The real leads are likely buried in legal documents, court proceedings, and real witnesses. A lot of dots that have to be connected. Not that there can't ever be video or picture evidence, but it would be very few and far between, unless someone was just mentally handicapped, or was putting stuff out there trying to get caught. This is now a pop culture conspiracy theory that has been getting a lot of mainstream attention, it's a different community than 4 or 5 weeks ago, and it doesn't necessarily mean that's bad by default, just that now we're likely infiltrated by shills, people with agendas (racists, religious, political, etc) and by people that are easily distracted/entertained. Those count for a lot of voters. There's a reason some people call most "conspiracy theories" "reality fanfiction".

That said, whatever is going on with pizzagate, obviously the elites are scared/reacting, and the MSM is pushing back hard. Keep digging.

fuspezza ago

Im with Pizzagate_detective on this one. My gut feeling says bullshit plus most your links are broken and you got too many up votes. More than what a shity post like this one should have.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

The guy literally says the "kill room" is in the back room of his shop

fuspezza ago

Check it out and up vote me please. If worthy of course. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1498083

IsThisGameOfThrones ago


fuspezza ago

Thanks I've gotten 10 up votes. I'll summit another post tomorrow I've been documenting proof that the view count remains at 109. Check for yourself. https://youtu.be/0hEEtFSru8k

reasonedandinformed ago

Excellent work. I just posted a related thread before seeing yours. I am pasting over related info for digging so it is in one place and your thread can run. These are great leads:

Here is the analysis (I had no role so these guys deserve the credit): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RykGBp4MDxg&feature=youtu.beYouTube

Relevant images: https://archive.fo/0fIhm (freezer/kill room) https://archive.fo/TS5mj (trench work/overtime) https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzzKlTLarZr8SWFCaURHRHRNUmM/view (more killroom) https://archive.fo/vipXE (meeting at core offices not centrolina?) - what is centrolina https://archive.fo/LAWVh (digging the hole, with comments about burying a body by the commenter who makes baby coffins) https://archive.is/TS5mj Trenching work in Jeff Smith's shop/building? https://archive.fo/bU3Cs (snm, could be in the same facility)

We also need to look at the farm in Lovettesville where they had the party with the 3 girls listed with ages as going to be in the pool for entertainment. The farm is apparently called Quarter Branch farm and had something called the Fazenda Burity located on what looks to be pretty much the same property (https://www.google.com/maps/place/Fazenda+Burity/@39.281867,-77.6093269,15z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x0:0xc5795190aaff33ab!2sQuarter+Branch+Farm!8m2!3d39.280564!4d-77.60858!3m4!1s0x0:0x75875913bf264b7b!8m2!3d39.2818676!4d-77.6093262)))). The Google Maps description calls the Fazenda Burity a farm, but yet it has photos of a long building with many doors, people dining in an outside gathering area, a pool, and other photos which do not look anything like a farm.

This instagram mentions "that little baby loved the farm." https://archive.fo/abZBC

Commonwombat ago

Quarter Branch farm isn't the one in the emails.

sixgorillion ago

Then please elaborate on which one it is, provide info.

Quarter Branch farm is a little bit suspect, they closed down their farm in the beginning of November as all of this was beginning to come out. And the farm isn't publicly associated with anyone(like CPP), they can just shut it down and bury it.

thatguyiam ago

..you like making that chump change shitlording freedom of speech on open and fair forums, exploiting their vulnerabilities to try to gain trust and then turning the site into a cesspool of censorship, don't you. But what you like best is that this chump change feels like a big black cock ramming hard in yer arsehole. It's yer favorite.

h2d ago

Uhhh what? Speak English you fucking idiot.

thatguyiam ago

Says the 18 day account. You fagits sure love to attack tradition, you cucks

Godwillwin ago

quarter branch farm is closing. is this new? their closing? if so, are they closing because of the spotlight on the scandal?
it says quarter branch farm is closing. that's right. we're shutting down the farm..... http://www.quarterbranchfarm.com/index.html

sixgorillion ago

Beginning of November. This farm deserves it's own thread, if we can confirm that it's the farm referred to in the Podesta emails.

DarkMath ago

Where is James going to get his organic tomatoes then? lol

reasonedandinformed ago

The Centrolina reference in my own post made me dig. It is Centrolina Market at 974 Palmer Alley NW, Washington, DC 20268 (https://www.google.com/maps/place/974+Palmer+Alley+NW,+Washington,+DC+20268/@38.9003265,-77.0259671,3a,75y,101.33h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sTl6_KG9z0BN5ScwKwjrMKQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x6d5087df3478d19!6m1!1e1))

It is much closer to L'Enfant Cafe (1.7 mi), which deserves attention, which it has not gotten, than it is to CPP (5.0 mi).

xeemee ago

video: The backroom tunnels are NOT at comet or the blue and white houses. It's at Jeff Smith's "shop"

that video is garbage - the "killroom" is a walk-in cooler and all of the other allegations are backed by zero evidence - it is worthless2

the rest i have not checked, but the video and "killroom" is nonsense - that same hashtag was used in other pix that were not of the cooler

why people are so stuck on this cooler is beyond me - anybody on the planet with a critical mind can easily figure out exactly what it is

the accompanying comments, sure, very spooky, but again, "killroom" was applied to other pix as well

reasonedandinformed ago

The shop matches exactly with several of the images.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Take the cooler out of the picture and what he says still makes sense. Alefantis and Smith built a "kill room" in the back room of Smith's shop. The build is documented on alefantis Instagram. The completion and what it is gets confirmed on Smiths Instagram.

xeemee ago

you may be very right - no idea - and by all means, keep digging - my comment was directed solely at the cooler because it gets old hearing it referred to as a place where kids were butchered - one person even sweared they saw blood stains on the floor - laughable

redditsuckz ago

"killroom" was applied to other pix as well

Right...there could be MANY killrooms and Jeff Smith has one at The Pajama Factory.

xeemee ago

could be, but a walk-in cooler is not likely one of them

redditsuckz ago

And you know this how?....Do you know how big Jeff's Space is at The Pajama Factory?

There could be plenty of room for a walk-in cooler.

xeemee ago

i didn't say i knew, i said it's not likely - would you choose to butcher kids in a refrigerator (assuming kids are being slaughtered)?

and i said nothing about room for a cooler or it's location - only that the pic that is often referred to as a "killroom" is, in fact, a walk-in cooler - seen many, sitting close to one at this moment

this is the kind of wild speculation that discredits real investigation

anonymousj ago

Wild speculation does more harm than good. Facts are what is needed, a completting linking of facts. Otherwise, this stuff in the media will continue: http://www.denverpost.com/2016/12/06/pizzagate-rumor-hashtag-gunfire/

redditsuckz ago

He posted #Killroom in the Pajama Factory Instagram;


dindonufin ago

YES YES YES! You got it!

dindonufin ago

one of the commenters on instagram claims it's a room in his "shop", that is Jeff Smith, see the archive of the tenants of pajamafactory

IsThisGameOfThrones ago


This video connects the kill room to Jeff smith (@WerkinForMahNightCheese)

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

It's his wood and metal (baby coffin) furniture shop. He says in this photo https://imgur.com/a/omvwYImgur Album that "there's a creey space in the back of my shop that has been thusly named kill room" This is his shop. The "kill room" is in there.

Here are the only photos I could find of the ceiling in the instagram photos and the ceiling of his shop. One photo is from his Etsy account and the other is from his shops website. https://imgur.com/a/7BTyTImgur Album

stopcensoringpizzag8 ago

Yea, sli.mg - not imgur. Links always broken or removed with imgur (as in this case, for example).

redditsuckz ago

srayzie ago

Voat prefers uploaded images from this site https://i.sli.mg/ instead of imgur for some reason. I just wanted to tell you because I seen people say stuff but give no link.

chrimony ago

Voat prefers uploaded images from this site https://i.sli.mg/ instead of imgur for some reason.

The same reason PizzaGate is on Voat and not Reddit (anymore). Imgur deletes politically incorrect stuff: "Don't upload gore, "hate speech" (i.e. demeaning race, gender, age, religious or sexual orientation, etc.), or material that is threatening, harassing, defamatory, or that encourages violence or crime."

redditsuckz ago

This place is Jeffery Smiths "work space" and the brick walls match the outside walls of The Pajama Factory.

It could be his own "personal" kill room.

micha_ ago

The bricks seem to have different proportions. Did you measure them before making such bold claims?

Peackng74 ago

Another artist compound?

redditsuckz ago

These are questionable places as well;

The Soap Factory;


A.B.C. Baltimore Factory;


Union Market Lab 1270 DC;


pizzam8 ago

Why would they allow a body to be found somewhere they intend to kill people? This makes no sense at all.

reasonedandinformed ago

That may be unrelated, but this guy was the source of some of the creepiest comments and posts. It does look to be the location for many of the kill-room related instagrams.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

The body might not be relevant

redditsuckz ago

I think it was a surprise inspection by the health and building code people.

pizzam8 ago

It was found hours before.

bolus ago

But it is written that the inspection was supposed to be a surprise. Sounds like someone got a tip, just a bit too late. Why would anyone get a tip about a surprise inspection? And why would anyone need to surprise-inspect an artists' space?

fuspezza ago

Could be. I'm skeptical.

We_The_People ago

Thanks for digging this up again. All this shit is getting buried and deleted. We need to keep better track if shit.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Guys the main points here...

Alefantis and Smith worked on a "kill room" together that is located in the back of Jeff Smith's shop. Jeff Smith's shop is a wood and metal furniture business. The shop is located in The Pajama Factory in Pennsylvania which is about 3 hours and 45 minutes from DC.

The Pajama Factory is a strange type of business. It's a giant abandoned factory that is now divided up into different sections including offices, studios, event centers, and shops. It houses multiple tenants. The tenants have access to their space 24 hours a day.

A body was found a few hours before a surprise inspection. Whether this is related or not is unknown but it did bring light to the fact that this place is seen as an artist commune and some of the tenants may be breaking the rules by living there.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

Im searching everything i can find on The Pajama Factory. Trying to connect the room in the instagram photos to the architecture of the pajama factory. While researching this I saw a couple interesting things.

Jeff Smith's shop has disappeared from the pajama factory tenant directory. It was there hours ago and now it is gone.

A shop located in Studio 1.1 is the Williamsport Ballet Guild. This is their website http://www.williamsportballetguild.org/ It translates to a website about termite protection. Odd but most likely nothing.

Right now im looking for pictures on the first floor of the pajama factory. You can tell if its the first floor by either the pictures or if the floor is wood or concrete. Wood is on floors 2, 3, and 4. Concrete is on floor 1. The ceiling should be the same in floor 1 pictures as it is in the original instagram photo. I have found nothing conclusive yet on this lead. If we were to find something that is conclusive it would confirm that Alefantis helped build the kill room with Jeff Smith in his shop. The only other way i can think of to confirm this is to actually go to the shop and check it out.

Sheilaaliens ago

Here's a flickr album full of some pics of the PJ Factory inside and out

IsThisGameOfThrones ago


In this video an artist talks about the early days and the general vibe of Pajama factory. There seems to be a series of these where people answer questions about the Pajama Factory. Will continue watching

eddyeagle ago

we need to archive but not even archive.org is safe.

SoldierofYAH ago

For ultimate back-up, save info as Word documents (etc) and save on a hard drive or flash drive, etc.

micha_ ago

Deleted? Here? Threads are being deleted? Do you have a link?

thatguyiam ago

..you like making that chump change shitlording freedom of speech on open and fair forums, exploiting their vulnerabilities to try to gain trust and then turning the site into a cesspool of censorship, don't you. But what you like best is that this chump change feels like a big black cock ramming hard in yer arsehole. It's yer favorite.

djklbd ago

What the fuck? Are you trying to make us look bad or something?

thatguyiam ago

Fuck off shill

djklbd ago

Agreed, nice work OP.

InfiltratingAuditing ago
