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reasonedandinformed ago

Excellent work. I just posted a related thread before seeing yours. I am pasting over related info for digging so it is in one place and your thread can run. These are great leads:

Here is the analysis (I had no role so these guys deserve the credit):

Relevant images: (freezer/kill room) (trench work/overtime) (more killroom) (meeting at core offices not centrolina?) - what is centrolina (digging the hole, with comments about burying a body by the commenter who makes baby coffins) Trenching work in Jeff Smith's shop/building? (snm, could be in the same facility)

We also need to look at the farm in Lovettesville where they had the party with the 3 girls listed with ages as going to be in the pool for entertainment. The farm is apparently called Quarter Branch farm and had something called the Fazenda Burity located on what looks to be pretty much the same property (,-77.6093269,15z/data=!4m12!1m6!3m5!1s0x0:0xc5795190aaff33ab!2sQuarter+Branch+Farm!8m2!3d39.280564!4d-77.60858!3m4!1s0x0:0x75875913bf264b7b!8m2!3d39.2818676!4d-77.6093262)))). The Google Maps description calls the Fazenda Burity a farm, but yet it has photos of a long building with many doors, people dining in an outside gathering area, a pool, and other photos which do not look anything like a farm.

This instagram mentions "that little baby loved the farm."

thatguyiam ago like making that chump change shitlording freedom of speech on open and fair forums, exploiting their vulnerabilities to try to gain trust and then turning the site into a cesspool of censorship, don't you. But what you like best is that this chump change feels like a big black cock ramming hard in yer arsehole. It's yer favorite.

h2d ago

Uhhh what? Speak English you fucking idiot.

thatguyiam ago

Says the 18 day account. You fagits sure love to attack tradition, you cucks