Psalm100 ago

I think it's the person who posted the picture.

But what exactly is going on?

That's a bucket of dirty water, and the dog doesn't seem to be getting a drink from it.

Instead it seems to be trying to grab something that's in the bucket, but whatever it is is too blurry to be able to tell.

And why does the dog's "owner" think the dog grabbing in the bucket is so exciting that he could watch it all day?

EndThePizza ago

I was just reading another thread about "summer"

EndThePizza ago

Hang on hang on, didn't i just read another thread where "summer" was a code word or something? Let me find it

e-traiu ago

What is striking, is the condition of these poor kids.

The taped up kid puts on a brave smile, but her eyes says help me. Bags under the eyes is a detail that many of the kids shares.

Im mortified to think of all the torment they have been trough.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

The 3rd picture in the farm, it looks like an artificial human.

LadyMinx ago

It's they eye of a fetal pig.

Atatarkus ago

A few weeks ago i saw a very creepy picture apparently from jimmycomet instagram of a very young girl dressed provocatively and one of the comments said "put her on a menu". Im sure i saw it on voat but ive never seen it again.

quantokitty ago

Good work. Great compilation of disturbing photos and comments.

Brick wall ... falling on someone's head ... what will it take?

CantWeJustDroneHim ago

Thanks. I remember the tire full of pandas and didn't think anything of it, but the other pics do have me wondering now

Yuke ago

Of all the pictures we've seen the ones that disturb me the most are the ones of Caris in the shopping basket being given an orange. That's pure conditioning taking place and it's also flaunting the idea of children being portrayed as commodities.

PeytonM ago

Anyone know what Pandas signify, if anything, in pedo world?

rickman ago

One interpretation of cum panda is the violent sexual act of punching someone in the eyes and then cumming on their face.

somegirlinnewzealand ago

panda could be a reference to the fact many of these children seem to have dark circles under their eyes?

rickman ago

Its a violent sexual reference. I do wonder why Caris James appears so exhausted in the photos though. Children need sleep.

FuckReddit69 ago

How has this guy not been charged/killed yet?

iamthepizzanow ago

Anyone else thing that the term "party" is code for killing/murder. Think about it. It definitely connects to some references. ie: the knife stabbed into the slice of pizza. What is the code for pizza again? Could it be Child?

Just as the pool parties. The pool party by the Vineyard at the ranch, wet works etc..

charmeuse ago

For someone who said he doesn't like kids, he sure posts a lot of kiddie images...his is a nauseating persona. I felt from the beginning that he is a CIA asset.

TrotskyTrotsky ago

Ive got a couple photos from Werkingonmahnightcheese that people may not have seen before.

rooting4redpillers ago

If THIS whole sub and comments don't warrant an FBI investigation, and media, WTF does? So much, of what ANY thinking person would easily define as a plethora of documented circumstantial EVIDENCE of possible child exploitation and child abuse. So much lessor-documented crime has been publicized with gusto, These pics and related side comments shown in links here were placed willingly on social media, without privacy settings. Is there some big media fear? Consider Pizzagate findings, compared to the MSM reporting last week, of a Facebook-live torture in Chicago by eighteen-year-old perpetrators. This crime exposed by social media was all over the place. Here, we have many dots-connected suggestions of child abuse, so much strange and repeated language (chickenlover, hotard, yummy and, even suggestions of violence towards infants) on these social media posts, certainly deserving at least some civil MSM exposure. Exposing just this small part of the big picture of Pizzagate on MSM would send ratings off the charts, and MSM is all about ratings. HERE we have well-documented relationships between government officials, DC socialites, Hollywood celebrities, and even the flash-famous Comet Ping Pong. Glossed over by a very weirdly un-Megynlike interview of Alefantis on FOX, and ignored by DC police. FFS, why is this topic so hands-off, when it could be a MSM ratings sensation?

EyeOfHorus ago

Alefantis comments on that sick fuck Marina holding twigs and branches is a play on words faggot (homos) and fagot (bundle of twigs). Marina is alluding to burning heretics several hundred years ago where they would stake the heretic above a bundle of "faggots" and light it up. "Fire and faggot" was used to indicate punishment of a heretic.

That sick piece of shit Maria thinks she's on par with Jesus carrying his own cross. She's a heretic bundling her own "fagot" from which she'll burn.


could also be that they are facists

rooting4redpillers ago

This is really well organized. Upvoat to you, and raising my glass to ALL badass contributors here. No doubt v/Pizzagate has already saved some lives by exposure. Godspeed to the badass investigators, to Hell with the shills. Unstoppable Pizzagate.

pizzagatewillnotdie ago

Pizzagate will not die.

PromiseKeeper ago

One of pizzafuckingparty's photos above shows a kid in an 'Operation Purple' shirt, it is a a summer camp for children in military families.

Psalm100 ago

Here's a strange Instagram photo that was liked by jimmycomet and a number of people.

It's a picture of a dog that's outside, and appears to be grabbing something out of a bucket that's filled with dirty water and has some ice on top. The person with the Instagram account says he could watch that all day long. (And jimmycomet asks him if the dog is "Max.")

ConcernedParent ago

Why do I keep seeing something orange (the fruit, the drink, or something that is the color orange) in these images? A coincidence, or code for something?

Cuboctahedron ago

It's probably because they're not apples. Orange is also the least liked color. It's a mix of Red and Yellow. Yellow representing the innocence of the children, and Red representing depraved acts. That's a possible explanation, however unlikely it is.

It's certainly not a coincidence. Does it represent the orange skin of the cooked children? I have no idea, and until we crack the final piece of the puzzle, we might never know.

FuckReddit69 ago

orange = 33 in english gematria. they use that color a lot in staged events, FF's etc.

somegirlinnewzealand ago

Thats interesting, the oranges thing I also thought might be representative of the Anus or Anal. Because on heavy breathing website the first thing you see in an anus that looks like an orange?

i2amspartacus ago

How can anyone turn around and call this man innocent? It's absurd. Shame on msm and anyone complicit in this. And shills... how do you look in the mirror?

jstayz44 ago

"Honey badger don't give a shit." Does anyone remember that video? It was hilarious, except for now...I think I know what it meant. Here's a piece of an article describing the honey badger "The honey badger (Mellivora capensis) is a notoriously elusive creature, and it’s mostly active at night. Stories abound about the ferocious animal’s bulletproof hide, resistance to snake venom and appetite for genitals. But the truth is that we just don’t know all that much about these two-toned nightcrawlers." found here:

Makes me think that we should be using "honey badger" as a search term. Thoughts?

madmanpg ago

Pinata...filled with condoms and alcohol...and he thinks kids sorting through that is funny?

Holy fucking mother of fuck. Honestly, that's way creepier than any of the rest of those. What the fucking fuck is wrong with a person to do that?

sugarskull ago

creepers make me wish Dexter was a reality show!!

goodguy1367 ago

An awful lot of pictures of kids for a man who doesn't even like kids....

BlueTesla ago all.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

The "at all" creeped me out the most.

RexAxisMundi ago

Some great work in hear.

Psalm100 ago

There are even more of these posts among that circle. I posted a couple of threads on Instagram "friends" of Ms Summer Camp about a month ago. Check out these, with archived Instagram posts from pizzaf-----party and other Instagram accounts and some background on "Ms Summer Camp" and others. There is a definite pedophilic focus in these posts. and

The text of one thread:

The other day I posted an thread, "The NY Times once wrote an article on Jimmycomet/Alefantis associate "Miss Summer Camp" AND some more troubling Instagram posts from people associated with Summer Camp," who is apparently a friend and associate of James Alefantis.

I mentioned that the NY Times published an article on Ms Summer Camp, real name Shea Van Horn, in 2010, profiling him for his work as a deejay and a female impersonator. Something notable from that story is that he used to work with entertainer and gay activist Dan Savage.

This is a photo of Ms Summer Camp appearing around Halloween 2015 as "Miss Planned Parenthood" at an annual drag event called the Miss Adams Morgan Pageant, which is said to draw influential D.C. residents: . Besides wearing an evening gown and tiara, "MSC" also has on a mask of a crying baby's face and has fake blood on himself. Most disturbing of all, he carries a plastic see-through purse containing what is supposed to look like a bloodied, late-term aborted baby.

MSC, photographed apparently on the same night in the same costume on the floor of Comet Ping Pong. Jimmycoment - Alefantis - comments "sex."

An Instagram photo from Ms Summer Camp showing a credit card ad with a young boy happily eating watermelon. The ad's text says, "Tasting summer in a bite: Priceless." MSC comments, "Saw this while I was in Greece. "Priceless" isn't the word most people use upon tasting me. #Greece." Another commenter on the photo (berett_sea) writes: "I think it's an error in translation? Should have been "you shouldn't have to pay to taste something like this."

Berett_sea has also been a figure in Washington D.C. gay nightclubs, as well as working for the federal government.

From berett_sea Instagram account:

Photo from what looks like miniature golf, with a sign that gives a price for 10 holes and says no children under six. berett_sea uses a number of hashtags, including #nokids.

Photo of a crib with garbage in it, including one small liquor bottle, with the comment, "Wow, that's one drunk baby."

Photo of a McDonalds baby changing station, with the C in "changing" obscured, so that the sign says "Baby hanging station."

be_rettsea Let's hang a baby! #mcdonaldscares #peebreak #latergram

chris1024 That's terribly amazing!

timmysdown Best thing I've ever seen

Photo of an old school building, "Male Grammar School No. 1."

be_rettsea Get your menz smart. #number1

Photo of a text message conversation. One person says, "I put my baby in a slow cooker. It's been burning all day." Another replies, "Pulled baby sandwich. It's so tender and juicy."

be_rettsea #letsburnababy

Another photo of a text message conversation. "Perf. Have some whiskey n vodka. Wanna pick up some ginger on the way?...Or a ginger ale for the liquor would be good too.."

gwretch Is it funny coz it means redhead? PS: honey badger!

be_rettsea Yes, @gwretch

From JaxKnifeComplex, who comments on various photos from this group.

Jax and another female impersonator stand with a toddler, who appears dazed or unhappy. Jax holds the child in one arm and a rifle with the other.

Then there is an Instagram user going by the name Mf_dirt (who comments on JKC's photo). Some photos from "Mfd's" account:

Photo of a text message conversation in which one person says, "Ok if my rents come too? Maybe 5ish." Another answers, "Of cheeses...Bwahahahaha! Of course! Why is cheeses the first choice?!"

mf_dirt Do you find this funny? Of cheeses you do!

Photo of a little girl who appears asleep. She's lying on her back with her arms somewhat spread out, and a cat appears asleep on top of her.

mf_dirt This lil kitten doesn't give a shit. The cat too.

Then there is a user called "timmysdown":

timmysdown Caught this nude lil gremlin eating fistfuls of blue cheese dip 😍

meglesswonder Gimme that baby!!!

new_instantphoto_name____ AGGGHHH!!!! 😱😱😱

new_instantphoto_name____ Wanna use this for an album cover can u get him to sign a release?

tellmeeverything Bahahaaaa @rosen43

(Just to be clear, it's possible that this is @rosen43's child. @rosen43 and his wife/significant other @camerrush appear to be "artist types" who take nude pictures of their children and post them online. I saw several with at least one from each of them.)

Photo of "Ross" from the t.v. show "Friends," holding a boy, with a caption in the photo saying, "Hillary Clinton wants an all-homosexual army."


Interest in JonBenet Ramsey:

Another Instagram user who commented on the "10 holes" post by berett_sea goes by the name "PizzaF------Party." He does use the actual profanity. I'm referring to this account name as "PFP."

PFP takes a photo of himself next to a "Baby Doll Pizza" truck (it's a pizzeria located in Portland, OR, and it very likely isn't connected to Pizzagate except that PFP liked the name and took a picture in front of one of the restaurant's trucks).

PFP comment: "Pizza party every day no regrets party hardy pizza sacrifice slice and dice party USA."

Photo of children on the floor picking up condoms and little liquor bottles.

pfp: "That piñata was filled with condoms and alcohol. ??"

Photo of what looks like a large family gathering.

pfp: "Child strangulation to wrap up family dinner."

Then there's an account called "thefactory":

This image is of a t-shirt with a cat on it, which is hanging off a tree limb. The caption reads, "Hang in there, Baby."

Thefactory comments, "Feelings best expressed..."

Another one from thefactory, with a short video, which shows a man opening a pizza box. Inside are photo-shopped male buttocks, and timmysdown comments, "I'll have mine with lots of cheese." (only a still image, not the video)

A user called "" comments on this image from thefactory:


There is a photo of a woman wearing an outfit with pizza images.

ghettoisto "pizza goes straight to your ass" "@ghettoisto I knew there was a perfect pizza pun for this that I was missing."

And this is a photo of shaking hands with Joe Biden:

Andrewbrischler is another associated account. He has an artist's studio, and in one picture he is holding a very young boy who seems to be crying, while Andrewbrischler is smiling (it is of course entirely possible the child is his nephew but some things about the photo and comments are still troubling:

andrewbrischler Uncle Andrew had a very special studio visitor yesterday.

...(9 other comments by various people)

timmysdown Baby momo?

andrewbrischler @timmysdown myaaaaah

The same boy, holding "Helter Skelter":

Then there are photos from two different accounts of two similar birthday cakes which have on top the heads of boys, and which are "bloodied" to represent birth:

First, one to Shea Van Horn/Mssummercamp:

Then there is one on the account of "metalhair." (who is associated with this circle through "timmysdown" . This cake photo is far more graphic than the other, including more blood, and anatomical features of a woman giving birth, as well as depicting her anus and feces:

francine_rose ago

Portland and Eugene oregon has the highest crime rate of sex trafficking per capatia in the USA

Psalm100 ago

I just saw that. Liberal enclaves. Needs more looking into.

rooting4redpillers ago

Thank you, great work, all of this.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I want to vomit! This shit is disgusting and disturbing! You found a lot of damning things! Excellent work! 1,000 upvotes!

falseflagthesenuts ago

This is very easy to work through, thanks a lot! Here's an up

Disciple7 ago

Possibly related, also check out the art I linked. Working on the rest of the grabs.

The_Kuru ago

Was the pinata party at Comet? Any known pics of Comet floors that match the wood flooring? How do the parents of the kids think that's cute unless maybe they weren't there watching.

The thinking process involved in setting something like that up really shows who they are. It's conceived purely for the enjoyment of the twisted creeps at the kids' expense.

Disciple7 ago

Don't know about the pinata party or the floors, there is no ground view at comet.

The_Kuru ago

Need to forensically match up the flooring with a venue for that one.