Columbia heights isn't the greatest neighborhood. the old park used to have a lot of drunk ppl visit. it doesn't really have any swings but lots of kids do frequent it. They have lots of petty crimes like theft in the area (
They had meetings on fixing up the park. They wanted to fix things like drainage.
They appointed a new president Richard Dubeshter. He's gay and into the art scene in DC just like James Alefantis. He shares many mutual friends with Alefantis and he is the President of the Board of the Trolley Park. ( Richard also sells real estate and makes art. Links below.
Castellum llc is the watch tower that looks over the 11th and monroe park which used to be an old trolley park. they renovated the park in 2010 so this was possible "they're raising the level of the park so that there's a clear line of sight for people (or, I assume police cars) going by, making it harder to hide there".
Why is there a watch tower watching over this park? The park was renovated and reopened in February of 2012. In July 2014, Alefantis buys Castellum and renovates it in 2015. In 2016, there's an image of a guy in the watch tower on the phone or something on google maps. The watch tower had to be build in 2015. He must know that this is a good area to get kids now that the park is cleaner and safer for kids.
THE SAME TIME CASTELLUM LLC WAS ESTABLISHED WAS THE SAME TIME IN 2015 RICHARD DUBESHTER BECAME PREZ OF TROLLEY BOARD. He knows something. This is all coordinated. No complaints have been issued about the watch tower either. They have been having meetings
We also need to look into solimar international - it looks like a globalist travel agency "supporting global dvlpmt through global tourism" (
People to look into:
Solimar International
Richard DuBeshter (served North Columbia Civic Association and was president of Board of Friends of Trolley Park)
HomeboyChrisBanned ago
This is starting to look more and more like the Dutroux thing. Im really curious about that basement in that blue house.
HomeboyChrisBanned ago
I have this weird feeling this is where the mom took the Hoggle kids to. I am basing that on literally nothing and i have no evidence. It was just this premonition. But im not super confident in it. (Who ever is on these things?)
HomeboyChrisBanned ago
I wouldnt be surprised at all if they had lookouts. The cartel does. And this is even more sensitive than what theyre dealing with. They may have escape tunnels as well.
ich1baN ago
To everybody downplaying the park...There is a reason why they built their "Museum" right next to a children's park... the park plays a role, whether it is the theory that they are showing off the merchandise to would be buyers while the children play in the park unaware that they are being watched (which is very plausible) or if they are snatching kids, it doesn't matter, they are definitely using the park for some sort of role in their sadistic Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) system... it's not a coincidence that pedophiles set up a building with PERFECT viewing of the park and one of their connected cronies happens to be on the board of the park.
Fateswebb ago
I agree why not just set up anon live streams that we only share with the most trusted proven. Use their own tactics at secrecy. We can't tell everyone or they will see it. But we can.....
Fateswebb ago
I agree, I mean sure he is in tight with the elite, maybe even himself could bring them down..... but his personality is just too flashy or braggy if that's a word.. certainly he is much too careless to be the top dude.
Fateswebb ago
Leave any innocent people out of it even if they're relatives or family of people of interest. We are not cops. We have no authority.
Fateswebb ago
It does? Why do you say it only looks out one way? Haven't seen this.
Fateswebb ago
Also records all of the WIFI SSID hotspot names you see when at location... I would be interested to see what the wireless map looks like.
Fateswebb ago
If you do please obey all laws, and don't very too snoopy around Pegasus, it's a scary place. But also live stream it or at minimum record it to something that uploads it to the internet immediately. Where someone you trust can get it. You know as protection and documentation.
Fateswebb ago
What if.... and this is just speculation saying look outside the box.. so we know the value of a watchtower to avoid the cops or whatever. But what if you had children play on the playground and a buyer in the tower watching. He could choose what he might be interested in from afar. Never actually coming into contact with the subject. Not sure how the trolley plays into this besides maybe transportation.
Astrodreamer ago
not sure what led me to the googlemaps page of the Trolley Park!1s0x89b7c8196c0c2b53%3A0xedb2350938476be4&hl=en-US&imagekey=!1e3!2s-jZm7QycwcGw%2FVpqFtlWHPFI%2FAAAAAAAARDY%2F2UnSVvI1nyQt7c9prFHCiCfnX2EtU2-jQCJkC See the little girl buried up to her head in the playground? Who does that? Someone please archive.
Stukov ago
That is just a glitch from the way google compiles their images from the camera car, the child was likely in two separate places when two different images were taken as the car drove. It cropped her partly in one image and out of another.
Fateswebb ago
Can you take a screenshot the page is making it hard to find what you're talking about.... keeps locking up..
wh0care ago
yea its just a glitch but also could be some kind of "god's sign" for telling us we are on the right track...(lol) here a screenshot, see on the left
edit: first i think of a random glitch as said Stukov in comment above, but it doesnt seems to be a google car pics, but a pics submitted by a random guy...i still think its a glitch but its really weird...and why/who will submit pics bad/glitchy like this online ? weird...
Fateswebb ago
Ohhhh creepy!!
blinkofaneye ago
recently 3 photos have been uploaded on google maps from the 11&Monroe playground. please put focus on the little girl with the pink jacket and pants. she is in all 3 of the photos, looks very odd. who is this child with?,-77.0363537,15z/data=!4m3!8m2!3m1!1e1
ich1baN ago
HOLY FUCK.... Do you see this? There seems to be some sort of writing on the Pegasus Museum like a coded message or a phone number if you zoom in, it's hard to see but something is definitely written like it has been painted over and over again for new messages for the day or theme or child or w/e IN CLEAR VIEW FROM THE PARK:,-77.0289651,3a,15y,14.21h,96.97t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-jZm7QycwcGw%2FVpqFtlWHPFI%2FAAAAAAAARDY%2F2UnSVvI1nyQt7c9prFHCiCfnX2EtU2-jQCJkC!2e4!3e11!!7i7680!8i3840!4m3!8m2!3m1!1e1
And also, why is an obviously black baby and a hispanic looking toddler with an asian woman and the photographer named Lee Watkins? Things don't add up there.
blinkofaneye ago
this writing can be seen while you are walking along google streetview on monroe street too. but once you get into the side street and walk infront of the pegasus building, you can clearly see the building is photoshoped and that the writing is not there. more about Lee Watkins, i have checked is google + account, the boy with brown jacket is his son but still no clue who the girl with the pink jacket is. and the question why his son is not in the photo (or is talking to the two people sitting on the bench) where the little girls head is photoshopped, still remains. i have opened a discussion about this if you would like to check it:
ich1baN ago
Thanks for pointing that out blink.... also just so you know, sometimes when you move in google "walk mode" or whatever you call it, sometimes the pictures are from different months, but stringed together to make it seem seamless.... so if you click on an arrow to move in a direction it could be the same day for many clicks, but sometimes if you click to change directions, the date and season change noticeably b/c the van or w/e probably doesn't do all the same exact routes every run through, so they likely just keep the older photos from the previous drive by. It's annoying but good to know this as you're observing in "walk mode".... something I discovered today.
blinkofaneye ago
eyes wide open, good luck!
norobotono ago
There is also a little boy next to the photographer if you scroll to the right.
Fateswebb ago
Please help with screenshots I'm not seeing what you're saying.
blinkofaneye ago
Commonwombat ago
He's taken all the heat off Podesta and Clinton and now he's getting sloppy. They might keep him around for a diversion for a little while longer but if it happens we can safely say this investigation will be framed and censorship will follow.
yabbadoody ago
Buck's is super-suspicious. Has basement. Tunnel access. Menu creepy. Hosts (pretty sure) the "customer only" side of the web, with YUGE downloads? At any rate, it's super paedo creepy, considering Buck is slang for a gay dude, and "fishing" and "camping" are slang for hang time with your underage sex puppies... ugh
Fateswebb ago
I feel like maybe they used to allow window shopping for kids at comet... but this also appears to be the same thing window shopping for kids. Think about it tons of kids playing ping pong pick which one you like... or kids playing on a playground and from your tower pick which you like.. #pedowindowshopping
yabbadoody ago
yes, "art" is one of the elite's favorite ways of laundering money. but the physical space has many potential uses... torture space, warehouse, MKid training facility, who knows... this is a very strange cult that's been unearthed here, showing every possible sign of Satanic worship, mind control, paedophilia, cannibalism, and - oh yes, they also do "art". Very much like the historic "Finders Cult", only a few years later, more decentralized, more diversified.
It is a business after all, multi-billion dollar trade worldwide. They would follow business trends.
Fateswebb ago
When you think about it arts value is subjective so if you scribble on some paper and I pay you 100 million for it who is to tell me that it's not art and it makes your art more valuable since it sells for more. Perfect for laundering.
yabbadoody ago
BINGO. I had not gotten to your post yet, but that is about an 85-90 percent certainty now.
yabbadoody ago
let's be even more obvious for a second: How often have any of us seen a child or several kids together with an adult, or adult/s, and ASSUMED there was a "parental unit" or supervision there...? Almost every time, I would suspect.
With a MKid, you would NOT be able to tell the difference... unless perhaps the two were so physically different, that it stood out like a sore thumb. MKids have programmed alters, any one or several of which can be "dutifully obedient", like a quiet child on an outing with an ASSUMED (to the child) parent.
So all bets are off. Same with J Achilles Alefantis's professed (on social media) "goddaughter" or her "father". Seriously. Without birth or adoption records, I would assume NOTHING with these people.
Paedophilia, oddly, is a lot like Islam (which promotes, instructs, and socially harbors/exonerates paedophilia, whether with boys or girls). In Islam, it is OKAY to lie to an infidel, because Infidels are thought to be "pigs", almost literally... in much the same way children are treated as "animals", and women as "possessions".
Same with paedophiles. They will lie to your face, in any situation... then they'll lie about lying, and they'll lie that they've ever lied about any of it if you ask them again. Lying means NOTHING to them - it is merely a MEANS toward a desired END, which is to get their hands on a desired child. Period. They don't give a RAT'S ASS about the truth.
With the elite, they have a "code" of sorts - they will still lie to you, but in such a way that if you are paying CLOSE ATTENTION, and you are LISTENING CAREFULLY, and if you're "quick on the draw", you can catch the TRUTH in what they're saying, along with the intended meaning (which is, of course, that you fool YOURSELF into believing a lie). This is almost EXACTLY what J Achilles Alefantis did with pizzagate gear online the other day - though I would submit exactly.
He will threaten, but he is compromised. His "operation", whatever that is or was, is now receiving so much attention, that he's going to need to move OUT of the US to continue, or else be relegated to slinging pizza (bore for him) for a living. Which I'm sure he's just thrilled about. But inany case, the elite don't like "loose ends" hanging about, so he may well be "taken from this Earth" as they saying goes, suicided, or accidented, disappeared, or insert any other descriptive adjectives for DEAD (here) very soon. On this Earthly plane. Because, he's drawing too much attention.
This has made him DESPERATE. This has made him show his true colors, to someone who was willing to air that publicly (albeit with great reserve). J Achilles Alefantis is enjoying his LAST FEW HOURS of social respectability imho - and shortly after that, he will be "no more".
We need to prepare for that. Prepare to take this information into, and beyond the immediate confines of Comet and Pegasus, is and however needed. I'm going to suggest here and now that the Clinton Foundation is the next LOGICAL stepping point, due to the Silsby connection, and much financial misdoings there, plus deep ties to Haitian "orphanages", etc. Just saying.
They're gonna "off" Mr. Honeypot pretty soon, methinks. And none of us should be anywhere NEAR THAT when it happens, because they will try to blame us any way. That's how fake news works. Just sayin'.
ich1baN ago
Jeezus.... you're presuppositions and conclusion are very well thought out and I find it the most likely outcome... We're are breathing down their neck so much and we have finally found the "real ground zero" that they will do anything to protect the real echelons of elites UNLESS the CGI gets it in the shorts first and research trails lead off from there to all the connected pedophiles?
And Commonwombat ... You are EXACTLY right, just like they set up a PG fanatic as "the shooter" who ran into CPP to find the kids. That already put us on "fringe conspiracy theorists" and then the nail in the coffin was the faux news interview with the gremlin herself, Megyn "the demon" Kelly.
Commonwombat ago
The scary thing is it will be set up to make it look like a PG "fanatic" did it and they will justify our censorship and shut us down completely.
salinaslayer ago
They can't shut it down so long as you have a printer
KansasJakeBG ago
We don't have a sense of scale. We don't have any idea of how many kids such a system would consume. Looking into old CIA rumors of former Yugoslavia orphanages and they would send kids to US by the dozens. We are working with the "Haitian Special" theory here. So we should be looking at Beyond Borders. Because everything tells us that THAT is where the CF holds a lot of power right now.
KansasJakeBG ago
The fact that there is a park there is helpful. These MoFos can't snatch kids right next to their super important watchtower that's a stupid theory. If it's kids and not just drugs. We have documented how they have built a complex system to obtain seemingly invisible children (if we base our theories on the other businesses in their ecosystem like orphenages + adoptions agencies). The park is convenient because if there was another house there it would block the view. So the watchtower must be to alert the occupants if a surveillance vehicle or the police is driving by.
ETA: I've been reading RSA cases from 1990s when kids got abducted. That shit leaves a trace. They are better organized now because this is a huge epidemic but we see few arrest, few victims, few court cases.
Fateswebb ago
Maybe the watchtower is for kid buyers to view the merchandise from a distance while the merchandise Thinks they're playing in the park...
ich1baN ago
Yea, there is a reason why they built their "Museum" right next to a children's park... the park plays a role, whether it is your theory (which is very plausible) or if they are snatching kids, it doesn't matter, they are definitely using the park for some sort of role... it's not a coincidence that pedophiles set up a building with PERFECT viewing of the park and one of their connected cronies happens to be on the board of the park.
KansasJakeBG ago
George Webb said Comet Ping Pong was a showcase. I could see that handlers bring children to the park and get a call once everything is ready. I secretly dream that a nearby resident will find out about this and start watching and sending us reports!
EDIT: We need to find the Winston curmodgeon from that block. Maybe there are public complaints with names attached somewhere. The only sad part is that if this place is used for drugs, it's going to get burned. Like I really don't care about drug dealers... Libertarian here.
yabbadoody ago
pretty sure pegasus arose from Medusa, the "Mother of Snakes" along with a sibling at her slaughter/beheading. Interesting symbology, when put together with a Satanic / paedophiliac / cannibalistic death cult.
quantokitty ago
You know, everybody's taking a guess at the name Pegasus. If I had to guess, I'd say Pegasus stood for flying, as in shipping commodities around on a global level. Any airports round there? I think DC has a lot of transportation given it's importance.
quantokitty ago
Well, let's hope not. I do think he's the weak link. No one else has blabbed as much on social media, but then that was his job. That's part of being a recruiter. This outburst can't have helped him. I think he should start looking out for himself at this point. While I do want to see people in prison if proven guilty, I would hate to see violence.
quantokitty ago
No, it's not just the museum he purchased. You're forgetting the house. There was something insidious set for that location. t do think it was a pick up and delivery point. If he disguised the place as a museum, no one would question vans coming and going and delivering shipments: crates, etc. Who knows what the cargo would have been. Thank God, @Pizzagate_Detective found this. Can't believe s/he uncovered this.
Fateswebb ago
Maybe really it's supposed to be storage for a sick collection of murder artifacts... I know he didn't mean for it to be a real museum. Maybe he was hinting that they have a collection of crime related keepsakes there, and even possibly create more there.
quantokitty ago
You could be right. They all seemed to love those severed doll's limbs in plastic though.
Chronicallycurious ago
Has anyone gone to this "museum"?
SpikyAube ago
Yeah, someone posted about going and they had videoed it, and apparently they haven't been heard from since. I can't remember who it was, their name began with S.
ich1baN ago
His name was @slackerJacker ... He's mentioned in this post here:
@slackerjacker please respond to this
yabbadoody ago
"museum" with no social media presence and no signage"? gee, I wonder who would possibly be ABLE to go there... like, nobody, if they didn't know you.
Godwillwin ago
Can anyone find the thread on the blue house from about a month ago?
Stukov ago
It's the white house with bars on the 2nd floor.
Fateswebb ago
Okay I want to see been curious. If you find please share.
Chronicallycurious ago
I would think the tower next to a park would be to look for product...aka kids
Chronicallycurious ago
Dubester has a lot of people in his friend list that are from Penn State. I wonder if he attended school there
Godwillwin ago
It's real. Where are our D.C. Voater's? I'm considering a flight out to D.C. To do it myself if no one else does over the next 2 weeks
Godwillwin ago
I'm wondering if they just use the playground to let the children salves play?? Sounds crazy. I know. But wouldn't there be mention of several kids gone missing from the same playground if that's what they were using it for?
KingDumb ago
That's what I was wondering. In the one pic, the guy in the watchtower seems to be on his phone as well as the woman in the park. For some reason I just got a feeling that these two were talking to eachother and perhaps this woman was a handler who was letting the child have some playtime
Fateswebb ago
And the man in the tower could have been a customer "window shopping"
Stukov ago
They display the kids in the park as "on sale", they go to Comet Pizza to purchase, then go into the white building with the bars on it to have sex with the kids, then they sacrifice/dispose of kids in Pegasus.
ich1baN ago
I think you could be on to something, and then the ultimate would have been to have that farm set up in Tom's Creek (remember his insta pic drawing?). This farm concept was never completed if you compare it to the google image of its exact location, the buildings on the google image are in a different orientation and the nearby fields aren't set up for pigs as in the drawing... it's a blueprint but if they ever set it up, they could then transport any remains (that they didn't eat in their satanic rituals, remember Marina Abramovic and her human cakes) to this farm and the pigs would eat the remains, and then they could slaughter the pigs that have eaten the children and still theoretically partake in the satanic ritual of eating the children via the derivative of eating the pigs such as bacon and sausage... etc.
Stukov ago
If we learn anything from the Holmestead case is that the children are forced to participate in the murder of the other individuals.
ich1baN ago
Some of the are for sure Stukov. Good point. That is part of the MK Ultra programming as well.
bolus ago
I have an alternate theory that I'd like to float.
I think a great deal of the underpinnings to this whole enterprise is blackmail. What if they don't need another public drain for kid thieving, but they need a meeting spot in an inconspicuous area where they can push for meetings and take pictures?
Godwillwin ago
That's an expensive property 847,000??
Melitica ago
Not in DC area
Godwillwin ago
Do you live in DC?
Godwillwin ago
Can we call them and ask them if they've noticed anything strange? If so be sure to record convo
hanknut42 ago
we don't harass people we just investagate!
Godwillwin ago
Not harass just ask 😬 No??
Maybe write a letter??
hanknut42 ago
nah unsoliclated contact is technellly harassment don't do it i doubt they would know anyway these guys are good real good!
Stukov ago
It isn't really, you can ask them if you can ask them some basic questions, however, I would suggest it. One, any time you do something like this you tip them off what you are on to, which makes it harder should LE ever get the grace to look into this. Second, they would pick their neighbors if they are really doing all this stuff, which I do believe they are, which means you just spoke to people in on the whole thing. You gave them your phone number, location, voice sound, etc. Bad idea.
Godwillwin ago
I wouldn't. Not assertive enough.
Godwillwin ago
Because he's a little braggart with his instagram, we have info. We don't have as many leads on podesta. We need to be in Hawaii for his hot dog stand and the slab of servers. The one guy with boots on the ground in Hawaii .........or flip flops, rather, has not checked into since before Christmas as far as I know. He said he'd check out the slab before Christmas.
Actually we've got 2 Hawaii guys. The one that originally posted about the servers and one that asked for the address so he could further look into it
The "elder" one world order satanists aren't on Instagram. All we have are the strange podesta emails.
Assange or Putin or the FBI need to leak the 30,000 emails. or the NYPD Or FBI need to leak what was so horrendous on wiener's laptop
If anything, the FBI needs to AT LEAST go to Pegasus!
Godwillwin ago
We need surveillance there. It makes me so mad that law enforcement is not taking this seriously.
Godwillwin ago
The blue house with kids spray painted on the brick wall in front of Pegasus is owned by Alefantis. It's probably used for the handlers and babysitters and such.
Stukov ago
No, its the white house not the blue one (the one with bars on the 2nd floor).
KansasJakeBG ago
Yes we do have indications that they use handlers (because of all the photos that have been encountered of people "caring" for kids that are obviously not theirs).
bolus ago
This is the kind of hate speech we don't need.
Deflecting attention away from the strongest lead indicates that you may have ulterior motives.
IsThisGameOfThrones ago
It's real. Keep digging
hanknut42 ago
JA is the Lynchpin for this whole OP alot of people here have been tryin to get the discussion off of JA guess what its not? hes the weak link who posted all the imcrimating stuff we are on his trail hes the link to all of this! good find OP we are on it!@
Edit already found a werid murder in NC linked loosely to this guy from his twitter i way backed his Realtor website which brought me to Richard Urban who runs a website this girl was from seatlle on a misson trip to NC and was murdered at Roseland Apts but the thing is she was found in an empty apt. How does a tenet get into an empty apt?
Edit 2: As a commissioner, DuBeshter said he will work to spruce up the tree and flower boxes in the 11 Street commercial area, promote open public spaces and take steps to fight unsanctioned pop-up homes and other illegal construction.
weren't we just talking about illegal construction JA was doing?
quantokitty ago
Nope, he's the weak link in the chain ... and he's cracking. Keep digging ...
Melitica ago
He was the weak link but likely cut off from resources. Has become too much of a burden which is why he got desperate. We are down the proverbial rabbit hole, meanwhile Clintons are escaping.
Commonwombat ago
It's almost like JA has deliberately been pushed to the forefront as a deliberate diversion from the real players. I still believe JA is a CIA operative.
Fateswebb ago
I feel like it's only because he is very open about his lifestyle. Or was........ before all this came out.