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UncookedSpirit ago

Uhhh... so check out what's spray painted out in front of this place... you fucking with us, OP? O_O,-77.0285226,3a,15.3y,247.81h,75.9t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAS9gKpiIuzw5pFS-cmO5Tw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

JustinMiles ago

Why is the window on the second floor on the right the only one to be equipped with a security gate? If the gate is to prevent burglars to come in, one would think that it would be good design to gate ALL the windows.

Violets-Are-Blue ago

Some walls keep people out, some walls keep people in...

xeemee ago

apparently the house we're supposed to be looking at is the blue one??? not the white one

nevertheless, take a close look at that barred window - after you do, look at what i'm seeing

this isn't evidence of anything, but it did catch my eye

DM90 ago

Thats too weird. i cant think why anyone would have this for an innocent reason.

KillaB ago

I think that's the reflection of the tree. Check out the blue house. It looks weird. Look up top, it looks like the blinds are pulled up, but their is something covering the windows.

Stukov ago

Someone please archive this spray paint and the bar on the 2nd goddamn floor. That's huge. Anyone from the area know anything about why all the houses have no bars what so ever and the 2nd floor has one?

Yates ago

It's the blue house, not the white one. See zillow pic in OP. No bars on blue house windows.

OpBurnTheCrust ago

Let's find out who owns the White House