remedy4reality ago

Suspect at his mothers 911 funeral:' "What I ask of you and everyone is we be tolerant and not have any racial backlash," he said after the service. "(Terrorists) want us to be divided. That's not going to happen. We're united as a people."

Take the time to read the entire comprehensive thread on LRF about this victim and the family. The Patriarch of the family runs the largest ambulance service in the country. Hmmmm. very interesting indeed.

remedy4reality ago

I hope you can appreciate the lottery like odds of something like this being possible, in the real world, without manipulation or planning. Who shot Reagan? Well, that was the son of a close friend of the Vice President, George HW Bush.

neogag ago

A "mentor" of hers was a KKK member too. For some reason, nobody cares and everyone just yells TRUMPPPPPPP.

toutedesuite ago

None of this passes the sniff test. Proliferation of wormholes is accelerating.

remedy4reality ago

Hey MR. ZERO points, get off your ass and disprove it. Every single assertion in that post is rock solid fact and it looks like you have have 'loner' status on this thread. You certainly don't pass the sniff test.

NoBS ago

First they mock the information, then the imply innuendo to deflect mockery. Psych-ops has job security.

derram ago :

Wedding ring of 9/11 victim and Clinton family friend found under 1.6 million tons of Ground Zero rubble to provide hope to daughter who almost died in hit and run a decade later | Daily Mail Online

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