Chad_Stethoscope ago

Under their 'About Us' it leads to an ArtHausFL tumblr page, which is entirely populated by news clips from a UK paper, the Surrey Mirror.

One of the companies providing ArtHaus with 'funding and support' is Raydon, a company that specializes in "world class virtual reality based training solutions" for soldiers using mounted machine guns...this is a weird rabbit hole.

"Bring skill development to the soldier. These highly mobile, low-cost and self-contained training systems were designed to build and retain combat skills over longer periods of time."

Why is this military industrial-type business involved with a children's art non-profit that prominently features a pedo logo on their Web site and Summer Camp schedule?

Chad_Stethoscope ago

Here's some of their financial data filings:

contrarianism ago

Art culture is also an ideal incubator for leftist ideology

I'd say it's the incubator for demonic ideology. Art is idol worship.

ConcernedParent2 ago

Art culture is also an ideal incubator for leftist ideology, to include radical sexuality and pedophilia.

Stop making this partisan, this is exactly the kind of talk that makes people dismiss us as a bunch of "right wingers" trying to attack the Democrats.

AHuman ago

Their website seems to be down. Heres the Archive

SturdyGal ago

In the eighties, spirals were the non-pedo art rage. These people have probably just taken the spiral and conformed it to a swiss chalet shape, or 'haus'. Not to insult them, but their website is a little backward graphically so it is no surprise that the logo is not inspired.
So they have some kids do art and a bad logo and what else? Really this is not enough at all to call them 'scumbags'. What if they are really nice people who love art and want to offer it to a community since public schools have had to drop music and art in a lot of counties? The art they show seems wholesome to me.

ConcernedParent2 ago

They were founded in 1996, not the 80s, and it doesn't appear that they had a logo until a few years after that.

And as an old fart, I don't know what you're talking about - I don't remember spirals being "all the rage" in the 80s, and I still own a lot of my gear from the 80s. The closest "spiral" we had in the 80s were those god awful spiral perms.

I'm not saying they are a pedo front, but your whole "spirals were popular in the 80s" argument makes no sense.

SturdyGal ago

You can't be that old, CP2, because you don't remember spirals. Please to go to google images and google "spirals art eighties" and you will see a zillion spirals.

ConcernedParent2 ago

I may be old but I know my memory is not that bad (yet), spirals were not "all the rage" in the 80s. I don't know why you are claiming this.

And I have already googled "80s spiral art" "80s pop art" and "spirals art 80s" and guess what, hardly any spirals show up.

SturdyGal ago

Hey I called you the opposite of old. And the spirals are there, but we will just agree to disagree.

Xpol ago

It's a front for a pedo group.

Here's images taken off their Facebook

ArtHaus child sex trafficking front -Facebook images

Edit: imgur just locked me out of uploading after posting this and several shills commenting on them and down voting me

AreWeSure ago

Why are you comfortable calling them scumbags if you haven't investigated them yet?

DarkMath ago

"Why are you comfortable calling them scumbags if you haven't investigated them yet?".......Another gem AreWeSure. Shouldn't the question be why are YOU handing out absolution when YOU haven't investigated them yet?

Have you watched Clinton Cash yet?

Seen any George Webb videos yet?

Care to explain how Monica Petersen's U of Denver Professor Claude d'Estree got photographed at the finish line of the Boston Marathon wearing a hoodie with the hood up as 2 bombs went off?

Top Right: (Left is Prof d'Estree, Right is his Doppelganger watching the finish of the Boston Marathon seconds after the Tsarnaev brothers detonated their bombs.)


@SturdyGal @Don-Keyhote @viperaction @Chatman @FriesischShipping @Nana66 @charmeuse

Don-Keyhote ago

Dunno if I'll ever fully forgive myself. But kids are getting assraped there probably. Or as youd call it "thursday"

viperaction ago

Because they have the pedo symbol as their logo, it's owned by (((a member of the chosen race))), and there are paintings of children on their flickr who are obviously trafficked children.

SturdyGal ago

Racist statements are way too general and make me disregard whatever else you have to say.

FriesischShipping ago

Are We Shill is a fucking scumbag shill who goes around telling people that they aren't providing evidence while she/it/he makes shill claims with zero fucking evidence. Caught him saying "crisis actors aren't a thing"....except they are:

Nana66 ago

Obvious CTR is obvious...

FriesischShipping ago

So fucking obvious, this is a higher paid troll, Probably the sup.

charmeuse ago

I think "crisis actor" is another term for "surveillance role player" which is a very big thing these days. There are many businesses supplying these actors now.

FriesischShipping ago

No that's a perp who "targets individuals", I'm specifically talking about people who are manufactured + coached actors used to enhance crises, they could be at a real event or a fake event, they are meant to enhance the drama of it all, hence crisis actor, fucking shill didn't prove she wasn't a crisis actress. She was pretending to be at a crisis event and acting = crisis actor.

Chatman ago

I think your jumping the gun but this does warrant more investigation. Present facts not prediduce

AreWeSure ago

You think Nayirah applies as a crisis actor? I think this is just false testimony.

Problem is what she is describing wasn't a public event. To me a crisis actor is part of a public false flag. Nayirah to me doesn't apply because what she was describing wasn't public. But this is an arguable case, you can say her testimony itself counts.

Also she shows the limitations of the concept of hiring actors to stage a false flag. People knew who she was and it wasn't too long before she was identified and the PR firm that set it up was named.

FriesischShipping ago

Does that mean David Wheeler is also not a crisis actor?

AreWeSure ago


viperaction ago

Here's their flickr account: