ezekilal ago


Racist gangs took over LA County Sheriff's Department, deputies claim

Jakestr ago

Does anyone know this particular viat poster? I personally don't like the tone of this, this is inciting a witch hunt and endangering everyone and any information they have dug up I don't think either one of your options is the way to go there are better ways and riling up a crowd not a good idea. Riling them up is easy but then controlling the flow it gets easily out of hand

MysticMa ago

Same here, and before anyone says but you weren't a mem, I was anon from the begining when we all moved from reddit.

QuestionEverything ago

I'm being patient. I'm giving Sessions some time. If they don't pull down this pedo empire, we will have to.

It will mean organizing and blood.

These rich people use money to escape the law, and the law subverts itself for their money. What do we do weith these corrupt officials who turned a blind eye? They are just as guilty.

DeathToMasons ago

Everything said in this post is spot on. Exactly right. The police, DOJ, FBI and the alphabets are worthless. Some are complicit, others are the ones running the traficking. Report things to them for what? This has been obvious for some time. Anonymously flood the net with the evidence. A picture of Bill and a young girl would set the net on fire. The authorities want to be criminals and hide the evidence, time for us to do their job. Our way.

Hermesthriceborn ago

Precisely OP. Might I suggest: Go to multiple sources simultaneously! If multiple persons know, the greater your chance. And if a group of persons know that each other has awarenews then they might be more inclined to proceed together. If you know how to work them you can rally a group to protect yourself. Send them in paper form the most compelling info but not all of it. Leave them to your promise the rest will be delivered in person. Leave a place date and time to meet further if they want to pursue the evidence. Do this with 3-5 unrelated sources, cop, DA, FBI, and reporter all from unconnected entities. Do some homework on them. Have them all meet at the same place unbeknownst to them and pitch the case from there. Have back ups and plans those are your responsibilities! Do not proceed without caution! Do not wait for them in the open when you meet. Watch them ALL arrive and assemble Then proceed to contact via text with a burner, give em the secondary location to proceed to. WATCH movements once you throw the wildcard if no trail on sources proceed to final meeting area with backup plans routes in place. I know it sounds paranoid AF to do these things but trust me guys we really don't know who we are dealing with. They are everywhere. I suggest escape routes and alternative moves upon arrival to be calculated before you serve the evidence. You must ensure they are alone. Take what you can if you needed it pedes.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Great advice!!

msgtw123 ago

Don't expect too much from local police. I live in LA, and there has been a lot of screwed up stuff going on in Hollywood for over a 100 years. Local police have always turned a blind eye to it though.

Chatman ago

I feel your anguish but the police are more about deterrence & image of justice. They typically don't have the resources or the power to fully investigate these things. Thats assuming they arnt crooked or at least complacent. Our role after the investigation is to support the FBI and inform the people when the hammer drops. Its painful watching these children suffer, but if we act rashly they can control the narritive and frame us for the same acts they are guilty of. Don't let them win

gangpressorliber ago

Not necessarily everyone is involved consciously. Be aware of Sun Tzu tactic of not putting your enemies back to the mountains or else he will fight to the death for he has no escape. I'm willing to believe that there are some local sheriffs who can rat out and arrest their higher ups in this cult and not face any charges because it wasn't until national exposure and an actual major arrest of ring leaders occurred that they woke up and realized that their minor deeds of buddy buddy were far less benign than they thought. Of course they would be heavily monitored and may need to plea deal something like never can you commit to public service via Office or first responder, or hold any position in any nonprofit or company board.

shade008 ago

You have to give it time as the polarity changes. Those on the darker end of the spectrum are running out of time. The corrupted are going to fall just as hard as those who roamed freely in the past 8 years. The individuals who had the sword had to keep it sheathed while the snakes slithered. The swords are now being drawn and getting ready.

Ocelot ago

Quit with the calls to violence. It won't solve anything at the moment. Violent action is all they need to crack down on us all.

ConnectALLtheDOTS ago

Before you get yourselves thrown in jail, I have a suggestion. The core problem in the US is that you do not have democracy - government of the people by the people for the people perished some time ago, but there was no obituary in the media. The only way to take back the power that was stolen from the people without bloodshed is a massive mobilization at the grassroots level - like Bernie Sanders supporters - to make CORRUPTION illegal again. This process has already started and if the American Anti-Corruption Act can be ratified at local levels first, people can push it through state legislatures, and eventually get rid of the rot in Washington. There are lots of links on my AWAKEUPEDIA subverse if you want to learn more. Pizzagate is the best reason I've seen that could help motivate people to act on anti-corruption campaigns.

YingYangMom ago

PLEASE CALM DOWN and HOLD YOUR HORSES.This is NOT the way to go about it. Be smart. Don't fall into the trap they've laid down for you. Because this is exactly what TPTB are waiting on "Order out of Chaos". You have to beat them at their own game. How? You use the same tools they use. Same tactics. You put into their faces all day long. COMMERCIALS, Ads, Tweets, Posts, POSTERS, Graffitis (yes, they are illegal i know, but they're also used for political purposes, so fuck it) DOCUMENTARIES, scribbles in Metro Stations, Bathroom walls, DOLLAR BILLS, et al. There is a thousand ways to get this narrative going and CONTROLLING THE RHETORIC. It's free, it's painless, it's easy and it works. Great start. If that doesn't work (which I doubt it won't) then you start thinking of using physical force.

IDeliverPizza ago

Nobody is saying physical force relax. We're just saying peaceful protest. And if that doesn't work then yes stfu physical force is necessary

abcdefg222 ago

We need to start a huge public awareness campaign. No one will see to it that justice is served like we will. We won't rest until we save all the children. If police know about CPP website hosting porn then they need to be exposed in a big way!!!!! I

fogdryer ago

ok Washington dc police are paid off the attorney for southern district washinton dc is a pedo, you have to report elsewhere

Vanscribe1 ago

This is good now with a camera free time and the ability to stalk one of these individuals we could link ou way to the top. All this evidence is good for us but video evidence ccannot be denied. I wish these accounts could be doxxed so we could know where they reside. I want to get hard evidence on the bastards not circumstantial evidence because clearly circumstancial evidence is not enough. When coupled with hard evidence it will be. Please let somebody doxx these people and release their adresses. Im going through the accounts trying to see if any are near me as I reside near the nations capital and would be more than happy to use my next weekend off investigating up close and personal.

We just need more than circumstantial evidence. To me its clear what these people are and what they do from their accounts but damn I wanna really get something solid.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

This. I was on 4chan when this first started coming out and I saw the first thread where the page www.cometpingpong.com/protected was posted, and when someone first posted the "file list." But as far as I know, no one ever cracked them, other than the rumor that one Anon did see the contents and it was all cheese pizza.

MAGABoomer ago

Remote Viewing. That you're gonna have to duckduck. :)

mixelplfft ago

I'd love to see a coordinated posting where the info gets sent to the police, all the news media (old and new, right and left, up and down), instagram, facebook, wikileaks, the FBI, the CIA and any other place that garners eyeballs and attention. A coordinated shotgun blast of info that could not be ignored. Get organized, think, then act.

ConnectALLtheDOTS ago

Sending child porn anywhere would be illegal. Someone should check with a lawyer about the legal ramifications of altering the images to obscure faces and genitalia and then releasing redacted images to the world to show what the police are condoning.

gangpressorliber ago

Not just any lawyer.... Maybe run a sting to draw him out first to see if he is a mason. this can be a bit nerve wracking for a nonmason, but if you can go to a lawyer you've known personaly for a while and just ask him about the lodge and then apologize if you just assumed but you know that most lawyers are in it and you're very seriously thinking about joining is all. Ask him if he knows who you can contact with questions etc... that question will reveal him if you run this quick and not like your wigging out on him like your up to something... psych yourself out like you think this is a good Christian thing that your passed away grandfather did and you miss him and want to carry on his legacy cuz he was such an example.....

gangpressorliber ago

just bear in mind a mason lawyer will get PAID to set you up for a fall. This isn't paranoia, this is the war we wage.

madmanpg ago

Your not going to hell if you expose it for all to see.

But you will go to jail if you upload child pornography. Your sentiment is understandable but dangerous.

PresudentMcCheese ago

Maybe there was no child porn and you're just dumb.

Blacksmith21 ago

Keep calm everyone. I'm pissed. We're all pissed. Unfortunately, this shit has been going on for millennia. Trump could do nothing other than collect intelligence (observe and report) and let Flynn work his connections until he took office weeks ago.

Anyone can see how stacked deep with NWObots State Dept, Justice, etc. is. You have to purge these people if you are going to ever get anything done. This takes a long time as you cannot fire direct gov hires. These people will do everything possible to thwart an investigation, so the Administration is moving as fast as the environment will allow.

I was praying that minutes after Sessions was sworn in, warrants were being executed. But I wouldn't have bet 5.00 on it. The arrests will come. I hope. And I am not convinced that recent "pedo busts" were real, based on the dearth of media coverage.

OutlawStriding ago

The lack of media coverage is probably because the MSM can't now admit that pizzagate is real. Theyve been laughing at it and calling it fake news since the beginning

gangpressorliber ago

These bust have disparagingly small numbers involved in actual traffickers and the "Johns" are all seemingly poor and amoral normies you would find in any community. They are merely arresting the bottom of the pyramid so to speak either to pacify or to try to get them to roll it up into the whole group of the upper ranks and ring leaders. Armed with wiki leaks and the work you guys have done here, (KEEP IT UP REAL TIME AND UP TO DATE INTEL IS USEFUL) they can get some people talking...

gangpressorliber ago

As fragile as everything in the world is at the moment we could literally lose our country over this forever. Bad Bad mistake. Keep up the good fight, do investigative research and stay networked, but don't lose your head in this. I understand this will cause a sane person to lose it, but we have to keep calm and call the bluff that everyone is ok with this stuff.

gangpressorliber ago

They would literally make this headline international news with glee and would be very excited to know that all those motivated to do something took the rope and hung their-selves.

gangpressorliber ago

This sounds like you are setting everyone up to get busted for charges of distribution, be aware the media would spin you into federal prison for this.

ConnectALLtheDOTS ago

exactly. I think the douchebags are counting on a few hotheads losing their shit and destroying the whole effort.

Drugs ago

Thats a BINGO

gangpressorliber ago

I think this is trolling.

gangpressorliber ago

I'd downvote but I've not poped off enough comments yet. HOpefully this helps.

Wolftrail7272 ago

I believe the video/audio of someone who sounds like Podesta is authentic and a signal for exactly what this post is talking about.

Orlando_Kek_Follower ago

If you are talking about the shit posted on that WorldCorp website (or however its spelled) I definitely think its Podesta. I'm including that shit in my #PG documentary. I'll be playing his voice and then the voice from the video and let the viewers decide.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

I was never able to view/listen to the first recording because it was a .webm file which my computer would not open. Is there any way you could upload that first video, where supposedly the kid says "john" to a platform that we can all see, youtube possibly? Please leave a link to your vid once you make it.

I noticed in the second video that it seemed the kid was tied up, by how his right arm was in the air, and he seem to be tied up to a glass table with that flashlight shining through. Pretty evil stuff.

Thrulkggls ago

Google podesta skippy. There are some really disturbing references to his supposed "alter ego" ... Fits right into this...

GeorgeT ago

Frank Winstead, ANC commissioner was exposing Comet Ping Pong & Alifantis back in 2008. Nothing was done.

listentoreason2017 ago

He accused him of endangering kids because he wanted to put ping-pong tables outside...

virtuous_pedophobe ago

He accused him of "rape and murder" which is a bit more than some potential traffic accident because of outside ping pong tables.

listentoreason2017 ago


"...accused Alefantis of, "trying to turn this area into Adams Morgan with the murders and rapes," and, "filling up his fat wallet." He also made assertions that the restaurant wasn't up to D.C. health codes and directly asked Alefantis if he had ever spit in a customer's food."

Pretty sure he's arguing that having the club open late would endanger kids (aka murder and rapes) like the nightlife in another DC neighborhood called Adams Morgan. Unless that article is completely misrepresenting what he said, it doesn't seem as if he is directly accusing him of rape and murder.

virtuous_pedophobe ago

So the family-friendly pizzaplace is suspected of turning the area into some crime-infested red-light district.

Maybe Comet Pizza is not as family-friendly as they claim to be? Maybe family-friendly pizza joints don't stay open until several hours after midnight?

listentoreason2017 ago

Is suspected by one dude who was summarily laughed out of the meeting.

If you've never been to DC before, Adams Morgan is a strip of bars, restaurants, cigar and tattoo shops, etc on 18th street that is easy to get to by public transportation. It's a legitimate thriving night live with all that entails, good and bad.

Chevy Chase on the other hand is dead. It's not close to public transit, it's basically a residential neighborhood with a bookstore and some restaurants. Barely any bars, music venues or anything open after 10 pm.

Winstead's grip is classic NIMBY shit. He lives in the area and isn't young so he doesn't need a bar or music venue anywhere near him, let alone open late. Hyperbolic version of Not-In-My-Backyard by still the same.

investigatethepizza ago

Holy shit, really? Did he die??? Was it him or the person trying to contact him that died??

Archenheimer ago

No, he lost reelection by a huge margin and shut up after that.

MysticMa ago

Is there anyone who could contact Mr. Winstead? He may have plenty to share that we may not be aware of... You would have to ease in possibly so not to alarm him as from what has been reported about him it sounds as if he has been silenced. Just a thought if any one was in the area Not to mention I bet e could enlighten about who's who in the DCPD. Any who run for office in local know all thedirt under the rug. Just a thought!

investigatethepizza ago

I always wonder why people don't use an opportunity with something this big to use their voice...like I see people who have been victims of something similar, it would really help, but I understand it also being extremely rude or disrespectful, painful...but it's also children going through the same thing..it would help knowing how these assholes operate.

Archenheimer ago

I was in a Discord group with some other guys and we found where he lived. IIRC, the guy from DC was afraid to go to his door alone.

MAGABoomer ago

Yeah I was watching that hack too. No one announced they got in. Page was legit, but as far as I saw, no one said they got in. /Pol/ was discussing that last night. They're suspicious too. Mostly because usually people admit they got in and pastebin everything right off, and second because the page went down so quickly that it seems odd someone is now claiming to have gotten in. My jury is out on this.

That the DC police wouldn't investigate is a no brainer. They have the pedo symbol on the badge too if I'm remembering correctly.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

It really is looking like we probably will have to take up arms.

This is the reason behind all the fake terrorist attacks and false flags run over and over and over. They need to take our guns so we cant organize a regulated militia. And there is no definition of regulated. I could start one and organize with like minded people. And we have constitutional cover. This is really why the our Founders wanted us to have weapons. They knew this day might arrive.

Gammi ago

Every entity around the country from, State, Local, Federal have their plants/ moles in just the right places so this story goes no where.....face it, every thing has been infiltrated with the Luciferians, and they have had decades of time to do it.....nothing is going to come of this because everyone's hands are tied including Trump's and Sessions......either your in, or your out, and if your out you have probably been threatened with your life or, the life of those you love if you do anything.....this evil also reaches into Schools, Corporations, Business, Religion, Media, Bankers etc.....and all these low level bust they are making around the country is just for show, they probably do catch and release on all the low levels involved, and still no big fish, just minnows...and it has made no big splash on the network news, so who really knows what is happening.....it's just making it look like they are really doing something when in reality they are not......these people, and our government could care less, if it doesn't touch their loved ones it doesn't matter......sorry to be so cynical but I trust our government about as far as I could throw it.

V____Z ago

Sofia Smallstorm, who knows her stuff, says about 10% of all Americans are practicing Satanists, many multi-generational. And she says too, that they have completely infiltrated every level, every office in every town and city.

MrMysterious ago

I highly doubt the number is accurate. 10% is too high for information like that to be covered up. You can't have 30 million people running around without a significant known presence.

V____Z ago

ArtsyLiberationz ago

I feel there could be some truth to the pizzagate thing but the 10% number is ridiculous, maybe a lot of Americans are hedonists, selfish, marxists, even criminal, anarchists, zombie like apathetic nihilist but that does not make them 'Satanists'

gangpressorliber ago

30 million are not sacrificing kids either... Like Albert Pikes morals and dogma elucidates 30-32 degrees MAY know that they are worshiping Satan/Lucifer. 32nd degree is informed of the option to worship one or the other and told that Jesus whom they call adoni is unfortunately also God, so believe me they accept the power of God. They just don't like it. They think child sacrifices somehow makes it wall work out for them, so this element is key and central to their personal perception of power. There are many who work to cover things up and do their brother in the lodge a favor and just assume they are Christians and they are actually serving the devil. They have a brainwashed army that is pushed to practically lose their minds with anti masonry. So they take their duty to their persecuted brothers seriously. I've had them argue with me in public when they overheard my conversations against masonry to a peer. They're unconscious NWO slaves for the most part, the degrees are meant to weed out those who are not willing to know who it is they server and continue serving him. After a bit of progression masons may become disinterested in continuing or demit all together when the teachings stop aligning with what they reserve as true apart from the lodge.

ConnectALLtheDOTS ago

so this could turn into an actual witch hunt. Be very, very careful as I can think of many ways this could go rocketing off the rails and backfire spectacularly.

DeathToMasons ago

Revealing evidence is not a witch hunt. Allowing authorities to commit and cover up crimes with impunity is not acceptable.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

I agree all bad cops need to be thrown over the WALL! I agree all info needs to be made public, but only under protected identities, and ONLY TRUE varifable proof!

Drkadrka ago

Dude. Stop shilling to try and discredit the people who are actually trying to stop this shit. Your top submissions are disinfo and you never have anything of value to submit.

You keep trying this call to action shit so you either want the investigation derailed or you are a stupid fucking kid with no idea about how an investigation progresses, or are just a LARPing troll. Any which way you can go properly fuck the fuck off.

People should be looking at the PG shill list which is pretty fucking on the nose. You put up clickbait omg bullshit to get votes. Get the fuck out of here faggot.

Tanngrisnir ago

Fuck off. That shill list is bullshit and the guy who made it was banned for being a spamming prick.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

This is a well know troll. He changes his name once in a while when people catch on to him.

IDeliverPizza ago

you caught me I'm a shill.

Drkadrka ago

Well maybe people should use their brains and mass downvote his stuff instead of allowing it to rise to the top. It's not brigading if he is mass downvoted based on his lack of substantive content. He is clearly using multiple accounts and admin isn't doing anything.

MAGABoomer ago

We've lost this site. We're going to have to slide again. But re the shill list...even I'm on it. When I DV shit like this...I got on the list. So tread careful with THE LIST.

IDeliverPizza ago

I'm a confirmed shill please report me

MAGABoomer ago

Oh, well no worries, I'm on the list too. What you are doing is making unwise decisions posting. When people complain at you it's because we're from a Internet culture that shreds everything because everything and anything can be faked. We're also aware of how easily people can hoax newfags. No one is going to fuckin hoax me. There have been so many purpose-built hoax sites related to PG it's not even funny. This far surpasses any other efforts I've seen thus far. The best and most useful work is taking place on the chans where they know what they're doing. Hacking sites in the DW and actually getting REAL user information...and posting it right off so it can be gone through. That's where the real sauce is. finding users.

IDeliverPizza ago

How do we get more of that and which chan are u using cuz the main one has black cock all fuvking over it from Brock 24/7. There is no good posting on the main chan anymore. And if there's a better chan where everyone else is at don't mention it here I'll find it. I didn't mean to be a weasel to that Drskshpa dude either it's just I'm paranoid of shills cuz I come from 4chan and they ruin good discussion haven't had good research done on that site in months.

MAGABoomer ago

I keep an eye on /pol/ from 4 and 8. If something is happening of interest re this someone will link to the right chan, the archive, or actually start the work in /po/. You have to be brave. There's lots of cock.

IDeliverPizza ago

Lol discrediting who the evidence is right here with the YouTube videos people have tried already. As far as I'm concerned your a disinfo shill.

Hazilla ago

Ok, did anyone actually manage to download the files though?

OhRutherfordBehave ago

The symbol is the on the LA, Ventura, and San Luis Obispo County Badge.



NYT confirms pedo logo as well: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/08/21/technology/21pedo.html

Hazilla ago

Are we sure that the guy is telling the truth? Was that protected page with the .zip files legit? Were those .zip files ever downloaded and cracked?

Not concern trolling, I'm not sure what to believe atm

Drkadrka ago

The OP is a confirmed PG shill. Ignore anything he has to say. Just look through his posts, it's all design around false narrative and hype.

IDeliverPizza ago

Lol how i cited an image proving high cops wear the "boy lover" symbol. I also posted two YouTube videos showing how the cops don't care.

EDIT: I'm a confirmed shill please report me

Drkadrka ago

Yeah obviously either a shill or a kid. If you understood that cops have to deal with all the idiots who believe something because someone posted something anonymously or they saw a YouTube about it, you would understand why they roll their eyes and laugh at idiots like you.

How did your mom's conversation with her Captain go? You posted that thread and then the only further contribution to it was Waaa I'm being censored they're scrubbing it! Unless of course you were behind the accounts and posts that have been deleted, which were direct replies to your OP, which trigger downthread responses and SCP gains. That would be my guess.

I won't be feeding this troll anymore, as my time is valued much higher than this, at best, college dropout's is. Anyone who believes a word he says is just as much a fool as he is.

Have fun trolling /u/ideliverpizza.

IDeliverPizza ago

It didn't go well at all and she didn't end up reporting it. What's sad is some paid moron sits here all day on here trying to be a disinfo shill and act tough. Maybe has access to all our records to try and intimidate yet still fails to control the narrative. Hahha I find it funny how Indians Still do all the slum jobs in American intelligence agencies even though it's the whole reason they move away from the reminder of it to try and forget about their slum past. How does it feel to move from India and still work a slum job at a corrupt agency? Any different than working in the fields for a corrupt landlord in a corrupt poor country. I guess it feels a little better you don't have to eat from a bowl with just your face. Do yourself a favor and move back ya cuck and get the hell out of our country. Don't fuvking try and intimidate someone who can RV.

MAGABoomer ago

Oh dear.

Don't fuvking try and intimidate someone who can RV.

Drkadrka ago

If this isn't proof of a troll, nothing will convince anyone here.

MAGABoomer ago

LOL Indian. Go back go back I say.

Can't wait for the analysis of me.

IDeliverPizza ago

We're all on the same team right??? If I'm wrong you can all have a good laugh no?

MAGABoomer ago

I have no idea. What team you're on. This place has sunk so far into the disinfo zone and become a distraction.

LOL IF you're wrong?