TweedleDee3000 ago

I don't know all the posters here, but the ones I do know on this list I agree with their shill status 100%.

MostPostersAreShills ago

I have a shill list too. The same few users always post in the same shill threads. I thought you were crazy, but I think you might be on to something because we have similar lists.

SterlingJB ago

For me, I like the sources and book references more than I do the videos or direct claims like organ harvesting, though I've heard of Dyncorps involvement in that type of stuff long before Webb. Big fan of bibliographies. Also I like that he's brought attention to Haiti. But, yeah, I've been following conspiracy theories and sites for a long time, and I've never seen anything like this. The amount of info, both dis and other, being thrown around is incredible. If it's a psyop, like half of the alt media suggests, it took a lot of planning. Like for years since there's weird ass clinton pizza kid stuff going back to the late naughts. Webb's interesting too because he has an internet history that starts with him being a FBI domestic informant whistleblower that starts I think in 2007. I think he deleted his old site around then. When I stopped ODing on rabbit hole (now I'm trying to just observe since I don't really want to see anymore of the dark, though above the surface, web) on this back in November, I ended up with a guy named Vytas Sunspiral (because of a comment his wife made on a pizza kid vid) and started to question things. Not that the guy is anyway involved, though Epstein seems to be super into AI. Anyway, whatever the fuck is going on here, should be interesting. If I end up on this list (I'm being honest, but these are the days of the liar's paradox), no hard feelings.

SterlingJB ago

Yeah I can see your point. One more question since you seem to have taken over the role of internal affairs, what do you think about the current rift concerning Webb? To me, again I'm mostly here since I enjoy the consp genre but would also like some of the truthier bits to come out to the main stream pop, he seems to have made a lot of sense and is reaching demographs that voat is not, but many are suspicious while some are fanatics (both groups are on your list, with hopingtohelp making up the brunt of the resistance while redberries seems to put out work in support of Webb's campaign).

SterlingJB ago

So what was it about DarkMath that qualified him for the list. Same structure and/or presentation like the other Amalek's?

SterlingJB ago

I'm in this half for the entertainment and half because I think our Gov is fucked up when it comes to pedos and just in general, but, shill or no shill, armyseer's my favorite character of the Voat pizzagate subverse.

twistedmac11 ago


hanknut42 ago

Add fag bag Millennial_Falcon. hes with the other shills! Millennial_Falcon is editing peoples posts CALL HIM SPEZ DONT TRUST HIM

hanknut42 ago

yes and only time im downvoated is when calling them out :D

hanknut42 ago

lol sorry ya he only came out to play after i was ripping on that douche bag gameofthrones and Vieblu

hanknut42 ago

add this fag to the list hes a hardcore shill

hanknut42 ago

VieBleu to shill list

wellington33 ago


wokethefkup ago

Lmao sorry but I'm not a seasoned voater but even I notice names on this list that have made awesome contributions. Where is the proof? Lots of pointing with eyes closed it seems.

KingKongisCTR ago

You are an idiot. But I think that is obvious to everyone with half a brain.

TweedleDee3000 ago

I think you are a shill. I agree with armyseer 100% so far.

KingKongisCTR ago

You are the only shill here.

Lunari ago

I just seriously don't understand how everyone is falling for his blatantly fake"Alefantis threatened me" bullshit. Like, how can so many people fall for something so obviously fake? It's disappointing.

Lunari ago

I'm fairly certain that redditsuckz and ideliverpizza (and a handful of others as well...) are the same person as isthisgameofthrones.

redditsuckz and isthisgameofthrones have been 2 of the most major distraction and misinformation shills.

redditsuckz and ideliverpizza both always seem to "mysteriously" show up to strongly support anything and everything isthisgameofthrones posts.

rodeo13 ago

Pizzagate_detective is not a shill. Please remove them from the list.

VieBleu ago

I'm following your comments here and agree. Upvoating which is meaningless but for our mutual agreement of it as a currency of course.

DarkMath ago

Good catch. I just let armyseer know Pizzagate_detective is one of the good guys.

DarkMath ago

armseer I think Pizzagate_detective shouldn't be on the shill list. They provided a very sound lead yesterday, and the story checks out. It has to do with the Clinton Foundation peanut-gate fiasco. I verified all the links are valid and the story is valid.

draegspir ago

I support lists of shills if you provide documentation for what you deem as evidence for them being a shill. I see names on here that provided GOOD submissions to /v/pizzagate. And sometimes people who are skeptical are not necessarily shills.

So while the idea is good for a database, I think you need to have a transparent "case" for each of these users. Otherwise, people have to take not only your world/intent for it, but also your judgement. Good idea though.

nathanwblair ago

please stick me & v/pizzagate MVP @redberries back on here, it was proof that this was a fake list! (source:

Millennial_Falcon ago

@armyseer isn't going to be accurate 100% of the time, but that doesn't mean the list as a whole is fake.

Pwner1775 ago

you know, ive read this guy's comments... something is cleary WRONG about his mental state. hes literally insane! amalek-[No. Here's what you don't understand. People are already engaging in vote manipulation, so really all I'm doing is levelling the playing field. I've already told Akto how he could stop the shills from exploiting this, but he doesn't want to neutralize the shills because he'd be handicapping his own shill crew (/ProtectVoat). I routinely have my accounts brigaded into account restrictions and shutdown, which is a form of peer censorship. I have no choice but to engage in this behaviour to neutralize the shills. These are defensive measures to counter the shills. I'm just protecting myself. The shills wanted to fuck around and now I'm going to dominate them all.] [No, everybody else won't do it. Just because they're able to doesn't mean they will. Listen, most people actually can't do this and have no desire to. Those who do will lose interest quickly, and those who don't will simply be outworked and/or outsmarted. I'll have way more downvote capable alts than anybody else and I'll use them more effectively than anybody else, and I won't ever stop. Dedication is what it basically all comes down to...i got you all beat on dedication and intelligence. You're all done for.]

SmilingWide ago

Also, dedication leads to botnets, leads to writing history. I'll simply write you out of it.

SmilingWide ago

Listen, I understand where you're coming from and I agree. I have no desire to dedicate my time to outclassing you n00bs, but if I have to go cloister and celibate so I can outclass you n00bs, I will.

Pwner1775 ago

good luck with that at least youll be a part of my history ;)

Pwner1775 ago

k I'm having a hard time getting up from the floor because ROFL literally ;'D

Pwner1775 ago

nice job! you seem to have found a nest of rats. maybe you should thread this to the actual pizzagate forum. I remember where there was an attack where many posts were mass downvoated.

DarkMath ago

Understood. What perplexes me is I don't think 100% of these accounts are shills. I'd say it's probably 95% and the remaining 5% are real people who actually harbor f***** up views like blaming "The Jews(tm)" etc.

I guess the good news is the shills prove we're over the target, we're taking flak. That's always a good sign.

DarkMath ago

How did you discover these accounts were shills?