DarkMath ago

There's only one problem Horla. You've got a major case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder: http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/basics/definition/con-20025568

You've got a fatal flaw and that's yourself. It's kind of like trying to explain to a stupid person why they're stupid. They can't understand. If they understood then they wouldn't be stupid anymore. It's like a Catch-22. Reminds me of a famous Ron White bit You can't fix stupid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQv7Tr8HbGEYouTube

Everyone here knows who you are. We can spot your alts from a mile away. It's sad that you think you're fooling people. Are you ready? Can you sit down?

Good. I say this with great compassion, love and only hope you can get some help:

All your perpetual alt shilling does is reinforce the idea PizzaGate is real. You're actually doing the exact opposite of what you think. You're adding credibility not destroying it. You very much remind me of another Narcissistic Sociopath named Hillary who had a similar high opinion of herself which ultimately detached her from reality and led to her calling Trump supporters "Deplorable" and thereby stole defeat from the jaws of victory.

See, that wasn't that bad was it? You won't ever let this message in but people always deserve a chance. No one is 100% evil. God bless.

Millennial_Falcon ago

When I have about 60-120 downvote capable alts it's all over for you guys. I will assume complete control of /Pizzagate and the narrative will focus on Jews. I will be able to completely control the illusion of public opinion in Pizzagate and there's nothing you can do about it.

What is your motive for doing this? Not sure I will believe your answer, but I would like to at least hear what your explanation is.

Horla ago

No, everybody else won't do it. Just because they're able to doesn't mean they will.

Listen, most people actually can't do this and have no desire to. Those who do will lose interest quickly, and those who don't will simply be outworked and/or outsmarted.

I'll have way more downvote capable alts than anybody else and I'll use them more effectively than anybody else, and I won't ever stop.

Dedication is what it basically all comes down to...i got you all beat on dedication and intelligence. You're all done for.

PleadingtheYiff ago

I'm not a mod here anymore, also not sure what could be done about it anyways.

Voat is a developing platform and thus is easily exploitable.

abortionburger ago

Sorry! Was just going on memory BC mobile.

PizzaWar ago

Listen retard, the downvotes are on Kevdude's comment I linked... Idiot.

Secondly, this is more than just an arms race. You need to know how to use those arms for them to be effective.

Keep talking all the shit you want because it's just noise

Mr_Sir ago

Do you not the see irony in this? You try to bring notice of Goldman Sachs ND how Trump is controlled. Yet, you desire to manipulate voat to push your twisted views. You're deeply deluded, narcasictic and worst of all a hypocrite. None of my words matter though, for in your mind you're always justified in your actions. I use to feel sorry for you. That time is now over.

MAGAphobic ago

No. Here's what you don't understand.

People are already engaging in vote manipulation, so really all I'm doing is levelling the playing field. I've already told Akto how he could stop the shills from exploiting this, but he doesn't want to neutralize the shills because he'd be handicapping his own shill crew (/ProtectVoat).

I routinely have my accounts brigaded into account restrictions and shutdown, which is a form of peer censorship. I have no choice but to engage in this behaviour to neutralize the shills. These are defensive measures to counter the shills. I'm just protecting myself.

The shills wanted to fuck around and now I'm going to dominate them all.

RunForCover ago

Listen retard, the downvotes are on Kevdude's comment I linked... Idiot.

Secondly, this is more than just an arms race. You need to know how to use those arms for them to be effective.

Keep talking all the shit you want because it's just noise.

Horla ago

Alright, well I'll make sure every new comment you make is consistently downvoted... What are you going to do? Ask Atko and Putt to make you immune to downvotes? Because any preferential treatment you get will be getting exposed, and so you'll just look like an even bigger Voat shill...

Seriously, I have a plan for every move you make. What are you guys going to do? Ask Atko to make you all immune to downvotes?

Try it and see the backlash.

People are just going to leave the site once they find out how easily the votes are manipulated and how you guys are shills that seek to control the narrative and how @Atko assists you all in this.

You guys are fucked. I'm going to tear your house down one way or another.

Either the house is mine or it's coming down.

-Amalek Horla

idontlikesalmon ago

Have you been tested for psychopathy or narcistic personality disorder?

Pwner1775 ago


1939 ago

What do you mean? Unless this entire subverse can start operating in synchronicity your efforts will be nothing more than an exercise in futility.

Even if you guys can get organized you'll also have to outsmart me, which is practically impossible.

There's absolutely nothing you guys can do now, it's over. I've secured control over Voat, and by the end of the month I'll have 120 downvote capable alts, and I won't be stopping until I have 500 of them.

Mr_Sir ago

Before voat existed, what site did you post your dribble?

1939 ago


I found out about White genocide, did my research, found my answers, and came to Voat ( an upstart Alt-Right media outlet) , and took it over.

This is my media outlet now.

Mr_Sir ago

Why do you desire to control voat?

Horla ago

Why control Voat?

Because it I don't others will and then I'll be under their influence.

Horla ago

Pwner1775 ago

I think you have Schizophrenia or NPD, seriously get mental help NOW!