vector3rector ago

Another one. Why was this deleted? Contains significant and important information.

I wonder if little Carlito' Slim is paying people, admins, or moderators to remove incriminating content?

winegrapes ago

Hey guys, sorry I have been busy the last two days. here is Giustra's youtube channel on his food revolution video he talks about how his dad was from Argentina, (possible ex nazi?) and how he is involved in pushing gmo's and his hollywood connections, etc. it was long and his channel has a bunch of vids, and I have been too busy to comb through them. I am willing to bet there is a bunch of useful info here.

DarkMath ago

Clinton Cash goes into a lot of it:

George Webb does to:

tehthu ago

This gives the maxim "Never let a crisis go to waste" a much darker image... and that was pretty damn dark to begin with.

Maybe this explains why Chicago is the way it is?

Orange_Circle ago

Would like to add professor Tom Philpot's documentary "Boys for Sale" to the list of must watches.

He is dead now, "suicided," but his efforts to expose these freaks lives on.

AreWeSure ago

Haitian government * 1957-71 Dictator Papa Doc * 71-86 Dictator Baby Doc * 1986 Violence halts election. * Fraudulent elections followed. * 1988 Haitian coup d'état. * Military regime until March 1990. * 1990 Aristide election. First time a president is democratically elected * 1991 Haitian coup d'état. * Military government * 1994 US under Bill Clinton negotiates removal of military government and reestablishes Aristide * 1995 Preval elected * 2000 Aristde elected again. Opposition boycotts election. More electoral violence * 2004 Revolt followed by Coup d'etat * Election delayed 4 times until Feb 2006. Preval elected with under required 50%. Allegations of fraud. After thousands of blank ballots removed from count, he goes over 50% * In January 2010, the same month election were planned for a 7.0 earthquake hits with 300,000 dead 1.6 million homeless followed by a cholera outbreak that affects hundreds of thousands. Haiti has about 10 million people. * In 2011 Martelly was elected president after coming in 3rd in the first round of voting. Another candidate was a accused of fraud and they had a two person runoff election.
* He was sworn in in May, "marking the first time in Haitian history that an incumbent president peacefully transferred power to a member of the opposition. " * Martelly's prime minister lasted 5 months. Martelly has been accused of taking millions in bribes and no elections at any level have taken place since his election until 2015. * At so me point in 2011 Baby Doc Duvalier returned.

When the Parliament's term was over Parliament was dissolved. Martelly left office in Feb 2016 without a successor having been chosen because the presidential election was so fraud ridden. A week later a provisional president of Haiti was appointed for a term lasting until June 2016. Almost a year later, he finally expected to be replaced by an elected president next month.

Haiti has had over 30 coups in its history. Food production per capita went down 30% in 1990's, because Haiti literally has lost the soil to grow crops. It's a mess and was a mess long before the recent earthquake.

I think this big picture is missed by folks who try claim something was caused in recent years.

DarkMath ago

"big picture is missed by folks".....That's true. Haiti was never stable. But doesn't that make them the ideal "sucker" for a scammer? The earthquake happened and they lost the last ounce of resistance. Then the Clinton Foundation descended on Haiti like the Black Death and the rest is History no?

Surely you'd agree. All evidence points to the Clintons raping Haiti. There's very clear evidence of money laundering with the IHRC. Ditto with Hillary's brother and his Gold mine with no Gold. Gold mines are sketchy as it is. So when people buy a used Gold mine it's even more so. It'd make the perfect cover for laundering money no? Pump in ill gotten proceeds from Middle Eastern kick backs and oil plays and that shit will come out smelling like Pink Roses.

Dressage2 ago

Does this not smack of Whitewater?! It worked same way by lending people money for their homes they could not afford and then when in default they would acquire the property back and then sell them. Some people went to prison for it, but as usual Clintons walked from that scandal. Would be interesting if property was leveraged and how many of those properties ended up in the Clintons' lap.

2impendingdoom ago

Armyseer is a shill

AreWeSure ago

If you think earthquakes are the thing causing issues with Haitian government, you don't know Haiti.

LostandFound ago

If you want to see how one of these Acceso brands treats its people on the ground, how about some real life interviews with people who have been recipients of these supports. The Haiti Acceso is an offshoot of the already established Columbian Acceso, heres some real interviews with people in Columbia after getting help . Heres some highlights

'The jilted fish-seller'

Sandra said she received no money from the Clinton Foundation and, in fact, took out a large bank loan at its urging. Paying this loan proved to be a tremendous burden, she said. Even worse, within months the head of the Acceso project told her that she should no longer deal directly with buyers. Instead, she would sell her fish directly to Acceso — at sharply reduced prices — and Acceso would resell them. In other words, the Clinton Foundation would act as a middleman and profit from margins supplied by the people it was supposed to be helping. Sandra and eight other Acceso participants immediately dropped out, she said, worried that “if we had stayed with them, we would have gone out of business.”

‘concentration camp for workers’

...desk was stacked high with papers related to Pacific Rubiales’s labor practices, the result of years of investigative work by his staff. He did not see the Clinton Foundation and its partnership with Giustra’s Pacific Rubiales as either progressive or positive. “The territory where Pacific Rubiales operated,” he said, thumbing through pages of alleged human-rights violations, “was a type of concentration camp for workers.” Robledo said he had no doubt that Bill Clinton had successfully overcome legal and regulatory obstacles for Giustra’s benefit, especially given Clinton’s strong relationship with Colombian President Uribe and his stature as a former U.S. President: “Bringing Bill Clinton to Colombia was like bringing God,” he said.

APC_Frankfurt ago

Hi sorry no intention to misled or waste time, just postin for the attention of pedogate and traffcking (maybe adoptions) researchers here an elderly photographer link specialised in weddings and new born babies. According to pipl he is 74. of the 2 images here one shows his website to get info. The other image has a very little girl with a t shirt that has a logo similar to the girl lover. Bear in mind of the whole website it is the only baby or person to have a slogan and a logo, and this looks like an advertisement to me. His FB allso plastered with new babies all the time.

PieInTheEye ago

Can't help but wonder if Giustra's very slick 'Boys Club Network' in Canada is the centre of a modern day Boys Town, Omaha, Nebraska.

Count on it. The guy is definitely an all round scum bag, and Canada has a thing for abusing its youth and the government doing squat to stop it. Must be because they inherited the Westminster system.

FriesischShipping ago


PieInTheEye ago

Man. Everything the Clinton's did in Haiti was a family deal using US Aid money to get it kick started. Why isn't the entire Clinton family (including Hillary's brother etc...) rotting in a jail cell right now? How much more evidence is there that a Democratic cabal of crony-capitalists claiming to be socialists, is crowded around this witch and her pathological lying and raping husband? If Trump doesn't have these ghouls charged and locked up ... well ... what does that say for the word Justice? Giustra and a strong Canadian connection seem to be a very promising lead, especially after we found that pedo symbol on the logo of that Giustra based refugee processing 'charity'.

cosmicmind ago

In November I went on the border data and noticed they were trying to change identification for what constituted a family and a child. I don't have screen grab and I gave the sites to a forum member, because I don't have digging skills.
I haven't heard anything back on that dig.

The info looked like border deregulation and declassification had a stream from USA, to Canada, (back and forth) and from Vancouver Canada to Australia, from what I could find. Like I say, I can't find those Canada/USA border pages now. Guistra was based out of Vancouver, Canada right?

The declassification of children and families blew me away as I looked at it recorded online. Maybe somebody with better skills could find those pages?

You look at all the Canadian child funding and child help agencies, it's an unreal amount, because Canada's population is smaller than California. And, the Canadian Child Protection Services has the same problems as the USA, where is all that help and $ going in proportion to the agencies and funding.

So the other day I went back on some of the agency names and all the 'staff' bio info has been deleted from many of them.
One of the staff of a Canadian child funding agency had a Slavic name, and her former job was - get this - working at LavaLife. I checked an online expose lavalife and came up with what looked like something questionable - not really a dating site that the exposers were comfortable with. I hoped to dig for connections between the Ukraine/Canada/USA, but no skills in that area.

Another Canadian child funding agency worker had a bio working at IBM, another guy from another agency worked in bio- experimentation.

I dumped all the links on the forum person GrimReader, and that person is now nowhere to be found with the dig.
I was new at the time and didn't realize to trust no one. I gave all that info to GrimReader because they'd just put out the Hawaii connection info, which seemed trustworthy and I thought they'd be able to dig and hunt on the new Canada CPS info that I'd located.

Now I have no idea how to retrieve site info that's been scrubbed, because since then much of it has been scrubbed.

Fateswebb ago

Lavalife, why did people think it looks weird or strange. I loaded the page and seems normal on the surface.

cosmicmind ago

One of the agencies top staff was a woman with a Slavic type name. Her bio was weird... involved in lavalife and then in a Canadian child services / funding agency. When I checked an expose lavalife I came up with this sight out of Australia:

I don't have screen grab (which is why I passed on all my info, because I couldn't format it.) here's a copy/paste of the info: This Online Dating Site Just Doesn’t Give us What We Want

Rating: 

Review of:

Reviewed by: LavaLife Specialist


The overly-sexual layout is not only ugly and unusable, but also scares off women from joining. That means, obviously, that there aren't any actually on the site.

With a site like, you just have to accept that you’re going to be continuously disappointed. It’s sad, but that’s honestly all that you’re going to end up getting here.

It’s all a waste.

The more that you dig into this site, the more you’re going to really end up seeing that it’s mostly just a really poorly designed layout in red and black, with a lot of fake profiles.

Online Dating scam alert image

That’s literally it. That’s all you’re going to get here, and it’s really sad to think of any men actually joining this site, because women certainly don’t even come close to doing so.

The main reason behind this, of course, is that the site itself is just too overly sexualized. Most of the profiles really do seem to condone the use of a lot of sexual terms.

The Numbers Can’t Compete

We ended up spending a grand total of four months on our LavaLife review, and during that time, we sent out a total of 150 chat messages to ladies that we met online.

It wasn’t good enough.

overlay image LavaLife Want to get to the real top online dating sites ? Our reviews are here to point the way.

From those 150 chat messages, we could only get a grand total of 41 responses overall, which was just not even close to our minimum that we really do like to see.

From those 41 messages, not a single woman actually wanted to end up meeting up with us in real life, which really did show us exactly how dead the whole site was.

This site just ended up being a disappointment on every single level, and we can’t even say that we were surprised. This is just the kind of site that you really want to ignore.

Some Horrible Site Features For Sure

Spending time on a site like the LavaLife Australian site was really just an eye-opener about what not to do when it came to dating site. It’s just one big mess after another.

It’s not good enough.

One glance at the front page might have you unconvinced about how bad it all is, but the second that you really join up and start cruising around the site is the second it proves how bad it is.

The thing is, there just isn’t any care here, and it’s all running off of a ‘sexy’ template that most people are going to end up fed up about within the first fifteen minutes.

That’s because it’s not intuitive, and it certainly doesn’t promote the kind of intimate atmosphere that most women are dying for. That makes this site just subpar at best.

This News Isn’t Good

Knowing the muscles that women love is an important thing:

You do need to know if she wants sex or not, so read up on that:

Should you be wearing boxers or briefs? This article can help: is an Online Dating Site That You Need to Avoid in the Future

We were really not impressed with, and that’s because it’s just not even close to good enough. This site really does miss the mark for us at every single turn.

We hated that.

The thing about this site is that it tries too hard to be sexy, and that certainly does turn off a lot of ladies from every wanting to join it. That’s why the numbers are so bad.

This means, ultimately, that you just aren’t going to end up getting the kinds of dates that you want. You’ll be lucky if you ever even get to talk to a woman consistently.

That’s not what we’re here for. We’re here for real dates in real life, and this site can’t even come close to providing that for us. That’s why you just need to leave it alone.

Skip it.

With a site like this one, the only real thing that you can end up doing is just to leave it alone. It’s not good enough, and it’s never going to end up giving you good results.

Instead, check out our number one site, It’s the site that you really do need to go to if you’re looking for an awesome dating opportunity, and we’ve proven that.

Give it a shot, and you’ll definitely be able to have fun. We know that without a doubt, you’ll be able to meet a ton of ladies online, and it’s going to be something you love

Dating Specialist

About this author DATINGSCAMSEXPOSED.COM.AU is dedicated to helping you find dates tonight by providing a complete tips and tactics guide and reviews of the best, most legit sites out there. Posted at: June 23, 2015. Post tagged as: accurate LavaLife rating, Aussie online dating sites, fake online dating sites, false online dating sites, is LavaLife worth it, LavaLife comparison, LavaLife ladies, LavaLife review, LavaLife scam, singles LavaLife legit, singles on LavaLife.

The article says that it doesn't behave like a normal dating sight, and the article does read like a cover for a pedo ring, not a dating sight, so I don't know what's up with this - the website article may be the actual hook-up; I've never used the dating sight and have no idea - which is why I wanted GrimReader to look into it.

I thought it was odd that a fundraising child agency would hire a person from a dating sight. Not unusual, but odd, and when I looked at the expose link it really made me think it needed to be investigated. But GrimReader, the person who delivered the Hawiian connection info, hasn't replied. he/she said they'd take all my data (which I pm'd on this forum) and do offline resaserch and get back to me. I remember that I sent it to this PG member the same day of the CPP shooting.

People were concerned about GrimReaders safety, because after they dropped the Hawiian Connection info a few interesting PG things happened, which made many on the forum members concern for .

So I went back to some of these agency sites and the staff bios that I linked to are scrubbed.

rooting4redpillers ago

THIS is the kind of investigative reporting that we should be seeing from "pro" journalists in MSM, right NOW. And should have been seeing all along. So pro, you Pizzagate investigators are, doing the msm's job, without the six-figure reward.

Dressage2 ago

Don't forget to add Cuba to their list!

ThruTheHaze ago

So this is what i had after an hour or so before work:

What Happened to $20 Million in Clinton Haiti Fund?

For profit entity by CF funded by Giustra and CS 20 mil deposited, only one project received money Jean Marc Villain Works “directly for Bruce” chairman of the board, CF Haitian-American Political Caucus… did not report donations

The Clinton Foundation’s $20 million off-the-books mystery article

$415,000 in a group of artisans in the Caribbean country, in August 2011. That year, the Clinton Foundation’s tax filings show $307,000 going to the Fund

The Billionaire Whose Clinton Foundation Ties Could Be Trouble for Hillary Clinton article

Large donations to CF mining dining with WJC and leaders of Colombia and Kazahkstan

Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (CGEP)- Haiti - Peanut article

$1.25 million investment in Acceso Peanut Enterprise Corporation (Acceso - Haiti) Mark Gunton, the Partnership’s CEO article

Training by TechnoServe Grants by Kellogg Foundation

Please remember that this is just raw/unedited research posted so that ya'll can help me finish it.

ThruTheHaze ago

I've been putting together a spread about this very same topic. Lots of archived sites and sources. You beat me to it. Good job.

winegrapes ago

this is a press release about fondo aceso's first investment fondo aceso was their illegal investment fund (clintons, slim and giustra) Take a look at their investment's website and tell me if you think it looks legit, lol

their investments:

it is another fake charity, and their fondo aceso is/was an illegal unlicensed investment fund...

joeysaperv ago

Another fake business website with no contact information.

winegrapes ago

they setup an illegal investment fund in colombia, and aceso was its name also

ThruTheHaze ago

gj @winegrapes .... get'em.

9217 ago

How much are these people obsessed with Haiti? FFS

Dressage2 ago

This is a great post. Keep the rural farmers poor so they sell their children for $50 with promises of an education and food. That is called human trafficking and it seems to follow the Clintons like a cloud.

sonicyouth420 ago

“While travelling in southern India I saw this terrible abuse of child labor,” explains Hand in Hand co-founder Percy Barnevik. “I started to buy them out for about US $150 a child. I was in mind to buy out 200,000 children, which becomes quite a lot of money. I realized that I had to attack the root cause of the problem: poverty.”

M0l0nLabe ago

I clicked google maps, and as it zoomed in, i see... pizza garden, right down the street. Coincidence?

Gothamcity ago

If the loans were secured with the land I bet they picked up the land for next to nothing when the farmers defaulted.

Dressage2 ago

Some how my reply to you went to the post above yours. Don't know how to cut and paste.

Freemasonsrus ago

Welp...there's your answer: "This is a country where peanut production is a huge source of livelihood for up to a half-million people, especially women, if you include the supply chains that process the peanuts," says Claire Gilbert, spokesperson for Grassroots International, a Boston-based nonprofit that supports food sovereignty."

Eastwood350 ago

You said there doesn't appear to be much there but aren't the Clinton's tied in with the World Bank? If you scroll down just a bit on the Google map you posted The World Bank is in full view.

waxdino ago

That ties into Muhammad Yunus, the name that made FBIanon say, "be careful!"
Here's a couple threads on it:

throwaway345678 ago

Huge lead there. Yunus has direct ties to Soros.

21yearsofdigging ago

This is very important, please don't let this get buried.

MolochHunter ago

peanuts - is that some alternative to 'walnut sauce' ??

remedy4reality ago

Crash economies, invade countries, create anarchy and desperation...

Pick off the weakest of the migrating herds.


LostandFound ago

Acceso is a brand name for the clinton giustra enterprise partnership as far as I can work out. In cartagena Colombia they train port operators among other things, heres more info HRC, Guistra, Clinton Foundation youth outreach initiatives Acceso training center. The SS & DEA sex crimes some involving minors in same city. -

thicktail1730947 ago

How can you use ports without trained port operators?

Smugglers have to answer that question, too.

It's very questionable that a YOUTH program is training port operators. In the USA, that would be illegal; port operation is considered to be dangerous labor subject to concomitant heavier regulation about who can do the work.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Trains could move humans!

terrordactyl ago

Well if you learn who created micro financing, it makes sense: Even notice the name? Their perversion has left no one untouched.

21yearsofdigging ago

Lynn De Rothschild listed of course

zoot3d ago

"HAND IN HAND" is a pretty glaring one too.

anonymousj ago

So I note in the text of the article referenced: "The well-known aid group has been working on health and nutrition issues in Haiti for more than 30 years, including a partnership with Abbott Laboratories to manufacture and distribute a product called Nourimanba used to treat severely malnourished children." And then this in another article about Abbot Laborites and their donations to the Clinton Foundation while Hillary was Sec. of State:

AreWeSure ago

You could also just set a logistics company for peanut exports and then just skip to the end.

OR WOW, may be the USDA had a peanut glut on its hands and learned the Clinton-Slim-Giustra were going to use their company for something other than peanuts and they flooded the market to shut them down.

DarkMath ago

Did you just accuse the Clinton's of malfeasance? Omg, I can't believe my eyes. Maybe there's hope for you after all AreWeSure. I'm not sure though. ;-)

yabbadoody ago

Damn right something weird. The Clintons already did this with rice (flood the Haitian market), depressing rice prices and bankrupting and already impoverished population. This would just be the next "installment" of Clinton rape of Haiti.

mrjdouble ago

is this shocking to us? This is straight out of the global elite playbook:

-Identify internal strategy -Create plan that accomplishes progress towards a goal -Create/identify the problem -Provide the solution -Implement solution that accomplishes goal

joeysaperv ago

Another thing this does is force farmers out of their villages into cities to look for work. Makes for a more mobile population where familes can lose touch with their members more easily which could lead to missing kids. Sex work is always an option if no other work is available.

Koched_Up404 ago

Great find! Considering that much of the promised relief aid / funding actually reached Haiti, I'm curious if these shipments can be traced. I suspect that this is probably another shell company to funnel cash though.

2impendingdoom ago

Keep people destitute so that they sell their children...Haiti has that restavek (sp?) custom.

remedy4reality ago

Don't engage this dickhead shill ( arewesure ). You're spot on... this is about destroying the independence of Haitian farmers and creating desperation. Cargill, Monsanto, ADM, and the World Bank have been destroying independent farming since the 1970's

2impendingdoom ago

I don't mind the shills, its proof that we are a threat.

2impendingdoom ago

How many people's lives have Clintons ruined?

vector3rector ago

They have ruined Venezuela, Haiti, El Salvador, Ukraine, Sierra Lione-- actually., lets just toss in 30% of African nations to that one., and almost any small nation they have entered into. They have robbed, raped, and pillaged every place they can.

33 "mysterious" deaths tied to the Clintons

The Clintons are like a pool of piranhas or a swarm of locust.

2impendingdoom ago

Like a nasty tick, or cancer. I should be her typical demographic, but I cringe at the sight of her, him. that sorry ass daughter should go into permanent hiding.

LostandFound ago

Have a look at some of the good work they have done under the Acceso brand in Columbia - ‘concentration camp for workers’

Htaed ago

If you include Libya? Millions.

JoJoVoat ago

100's of thousands and counting.

thezodiac ago

I would say millions

terrordactyl ago

Billions. There are few in the world untouched by their nefarious works.

FriesischShipping ago

Everyone is touched, but I would say deaths directly connected to them through wars and man made disasters in the tens of millions.


If you don't already know, Ebola doesn't exist (in the way the media presented it). It was an excuse for them to get boots on the ground to secure Nigerian Oil and Diamonds in Sierra Leone.

Same for Doctors without Borders in Afghanistan

The plane was shooting the building, not the people fleeing. Why would a US warplane attack a humanitarian center in a warzone? They were not harboring terrorists. Even an enraged warhawk in the military wouldn't do that. There is a deeper subtext. There is a lie.

Someone in the military knew something that we do not. They are probably gone now.

remedy4reality ago

tens of millions if we include the other NWO family, the Bush's

Orange_Circle ago

Check in at for a rather through list.

2impendingdoom ago

Thanks will do.

AreWeSure ago

Don't like peanuts? Allergic?

2impendingdoom ago

I read up on this story last week, seems that CF set all these farmers up to grow peanuts and then US gov. flooded Haiti with free peanuts ruining the farmers market values. This "help" destroyed the local people more than just leaving them alone would have.

AreWeSure ago

Do you think this was coordinated or ironic?

2impendingdoom ago

I have no idea, but whomever decided that Haiti needed peanuts could have easily done a little research.