MaidenMotherCrone ago

Frank Giustra and the Clintons are busy in Peru as well Giustra has rights to resources there and Clintons have a lame program for women in the highland regions to sell American products (Nestlé and Procter & Gamble) to other poverty stricken indigenous women.

Sui_Juris ago

I remember that when it first came out on VHS lol. The part where an agent shoots himself in the leg while climbing a ladder is pretty funny too.

hedy ago

Is anyone dissecting the George Webb video series "Day 50 - Where is Eric Braverman"?

There might be a goldmine here re: CF, Guistra, Soros, geopolitical war games, trade, you name it...

28leinad82 ago

Why are we constantly leaving Carlos Slim out of this? He has a lot of ties to Cartagena, is one of the richest men on the planet, and was the third guy in the Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership! Oh yeah, and he has been accused of satanic sex rituals in the past.

LostandFound ago

Any good threads on him? Seen the name many times didn't dig myself tho

21yearsofdigging ago

All of this is worth looking into as well as any leads about the shipping docks in Vancouver (which are notorious for drugs and child trafficking) and Cartagena, Columbia. Records for shipping are hard to obtain but any businesses that link these two would be helpful. Remember the Pickton Farm where many women were disposed of. The politicians there did nothing until the body count was too high to ignore. RCMP were involved as well in it and the mayor of Vancouver, Larry Campbell(2002-2005), was the previously the chief coroner for British Columbia and during his time as both mayor and the corner, nothing was ever investigated. I mention the Pickton farm because it was just so outragous that almost nothing was done for years in spite of people going to the police making reports. The fall guy, a semi illiterate stooge named Willie Pickton. Vancouver is the wild west where anything goes. Huge child trafficking center, rumored to be the worst in Canada. Here is a recent article regarding Giustra, who of course lives and made most of his money there. By the way, the Vancouver Stock Exchange was at the time, considered to be the most corrupt stock exchange in the world. It was shut down.

retired ago

forgot all about these... everyone is incredible... this is insane.

Sui_Juris ago

Links/docs please.

witch_doctor1 ago

Good find. The port operator program is interesting if you consider that shipping is likely involved in the transport of trafficked children.

Also consider the timing of the above information. After Laura Silsby got busted, they had to get more sophisticated. IIRC, FBI anon said that Cheryl Mills and USAID were involved in Haiti?

LostandFound ago

Laura Silby busted January 29, 2010 - On June 17, 2010, Giustra teamed up again with Carlos Slim and President Clinton to create a $20 million fund that will finance small businesses in earthquake-ravaged Haiti. - Though that's still circumstantial given the earthquake a lot of agencies would have similar timelines. But you point is valid and this deserves more digging.

Stab ago

Trey Gowdy grills Secret Service director over missing videos hidden from congress:

Sui_Juris ago

You are threadjacking and forum sliding.

Downvote this turd.

The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies (spooks, feds, etc.) HOW TO SPOT AND STOP THE SHILLS, TROLLS, DISINFO AGENTS AND PEDO PROTECTORS

Stab ago

I'm not a shill go fuck yourself. Watch the video. They're clearly hiding part of the video that was a whitehouse party where 2 main secret service agents crashed drunk into a barrier at the whitehouse.

What kind of party was it?

Sui_Juris ago

If your not a shill, you're a fucking idiot, not sure which is worse.

"He spun Secret Service Head, Joseph Clancy, in circles today after finding out that he was trying to mislead Congress about the full release of the **video concerning the accident where two top Service officials drove drunk into a barrier **surrounding a crime scene at the white house."

Check your sources before telling someone to go fuck themselves, you fucking faggot.

Stab ago

What the fuck are you even saying?

They hid the video from congress. It is directly related to this thread about secret service parties with underage prostitutes

Sui_Juris ago

Except it doesn't have a goddamn thing to do with the topic at hand, you twat. That is the DEFINITION OF FORUM SLIDING, fuck off faggot.

Stab ago

Are you fucking retarded? The topic is sex parties with underage prostitutes. The video hidden from congress was the night of a party at the whitehouse where 2 agents crashed drunk.

FeLpZ187 ago

Anyone want to try looking into the orginization "Compassion?" Hillarys friends in Little Rock support it...

SpikyAube ago

It was their logo wasn't it, Elpida... and then after it was discovered they deleted all traces of their pedo logo from the internet. You'd think if it was genuine mistake they'd put out an apologetic announcement about it, such as 'It has come to our attention that...we had no idea... coincidence...horrified...wrong impression...terribly sorry...changing logo at once...etc etc.' But nope, just quickly scrub it out of everything and say nothing? So weird and suspicious.

Sui_Juris ago

Frank Guistra is in a partnership with Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim (owner of the pedophile Pizzagate coverup NYT)

Carlos Slim has a foundation

cantthinkofagoodone ago

editor is former chief off BBC while Saville was there

Sui_Juris ago

Here is discussion regarding a young woman screaming about cannibalism in 2009 in front of one of Slim's hotels. A blog reports she has been institutionalized since.

hashtaggery ago

Submission gold!

Sui_Juris ago

There's a few people pictured in the article in Spanish about the 200 young port operator hires

Headstart ago

Now, they wouldn't be placing young, impressionable, vulnerable young adults to be port operators to help them traffic drugs and people now would they? In Colombia of all places.

Forgetmenot ago

Just wanted to add that trump encouraged other countries to also investigate the CF and specifically Haiti amd COLOMBIA.

LeChevalBlanc ago

Reminder - Unitaid funding little controlled hundred of million dollars to CF from tax on airplane tickets and strange Dr Douste-Blazy (applying for head of WHO) : (French)

retired ago

another win

FromRedditWithLove ago

thats for the recount bitch

JrSlimss ago

Yup, if Hillary went quietly into the night, things may have been different. I hope Trump (or rather Jeff Sessions) brings the hammer down on her and her cabal.

Silverlining ago


Forgetmenot ago


LostandFound ago

nice find

Forgetmenot ago

This is a good lead.

shaboyi999 ago

I think it originate from CIA MK-ultra mind control program.

tudda ago

So much great work being done here, just wondering, are you guys keeping all of this in a wiki?

Sui_Juris ago

Holy crap that would be awesome.

LostandFound ago

No - please do if you have the time and ability

flyingcuttlefish ago

blogging this ....

JrSlimss ago


AdVict0riam ago

Hm. What a co-inky-dink!

chickyrogue ago

i love connected dots TY keep digging!! <--- a friend of mine asked me to thread this here so as you continue to dig just be mindful this mght play in as well

chickyrogue ago

i love pee wee TY so much monday is turning fun already!!!

LostandFound ago

Must be one of them youth health care jobs the CF is banging on about. They just don't mention whos health ...

chickyrogue ago

what a great point they love to double entredre and they love their truth out there for all to see

Wellwerefucked ago

Good find! Another connected dot!