Nana66 ago

Would be crazy if that factory coming down was on purpose to create victims.

ShoaNanas ago

Why this post has been deleted ???

zoltan907 ago

Exactly. I forgot to write it down, but page 98 of "Creating a World Without Poverty: Social Business and the Future of Capitalism" states that Grameen Kalyan staffers decided to build "specialized childbirth kiosks alongside the health clinics."

zoltan907 ago

“WikiLeaks recently disclosed that under George W. Bush, the State Department had an overtly political agenda four years earlier, as Yunus ‘could offer a possible out from the present Hasina-Zia zero-sum game that cripples Bangladesh’s democratic process.’ The same leaked cable revealed Yunus’ desire to have Grameen finance a Bangladeshi ‘megaport’ to promote regional trade, including with Burma.”

This is the 2007 Wikileaks cable referred to:

“He was favorable to opening Chittagong Port to regional trade with India, Burma, Bhutan and China; but said that the port was presently too small and at full capacity. He added Grameen Bank was considering the possibility of financing a new ‘mega-port’ project in Chittagong to meet the regional demand.”

Back to :

In March 2011, Friends of Grameen co-chair James Wolfensohn, who served as President of the World Bank from 1995 to 2005, visited Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina Wazed, apparently to dissuade her from pushing for Yunus’ resignation. “After his demands were apparently rejected, suddenly the Bank and International Monetary Fund cut $500 million in loans Hasina was expecting. Another factor in that decision was the $756 million Hasina was charging Grameenphone for a 15-year license, similar to other cellphone providers pro-rated by marketshare. As New Age newspaper reported, the World Bank considered this fee ‘far too high’ – yet another case of that institution’s pro-corporate, fiscal-shrinkage bias?...

“Another woman’s political icon, Hillary Clinton, has entered the fray, demanding that Hasina halt the attack, even though her Bangladeshi ‘Hillary Village’ is considered a prime case of microfinance failure. Last month, US Assistant Secretary of State Robert Blake threatened that US-Bangladeshi bilateral relations would be ‘impacted’ if Yunus was fired.”

Where is “Hillary Village”?


“In 2008, Professor Lamia Karim, who conducted an extensive 24 month study on Bangladesh’s microfinance borrowers and later authored a book on the subject, revealed that although women were the formal recipients of loans, ‘men used 95 percent of the loans… In my research area, rural men laughed when they were asked whether the money belonged to their wives. They pointedly remarked that since their wives belong to them, the money rightfully belongs to them.’ According to Karim, though Grameen Bank (and models replicated thereof) exemplifies neoliberal ideas of development through microfinance, rendering the poor a ‘bankable’ group may have caused more ill than good. During an interview, Karim – a native of Bangladesh, identified three primary findings:

“’First, women give the loans to their husbands. Women are the conduits for the circulation of capital in rural society. This has resulted in increased domination and violence for indivdual women both at the household and community levels. Second, women operate as the custodians of honor and shame in rural society. By instrumentalising these codes, NGOs shame rural women to recover their defaulted sums of money. Third, money is transferred from poor borrowers to the rural middle-class through proxy membership, moneylending, and by NGO officers allowing richer clients who they consider to be more credit-worthy,’ she said.

“A study conducted by Aminur Rahman of the Canadian International Development Agency, investigating gender-based violence in the context of Grameen’s micro-lending, revealed that 60% of women were asked to join the Bank by their husbands; a further 11% by other males; 13% by female relatives; 5% recruited by Bank’s officials, and just 10%, of their own initiative. Female borrowers were subject to victimisation by male relatives and forced to sell their homes and possessions to ensure repayment. Banked ‘clients’ – stuck in submissive roles, were also forced to collateralise their ‘honor’, and experience shame and marginalisation, by the group and the village, in the event of non-repayment. In India, this has resulted in over 200,000 suicides. In Peru, severe sanctions on borrowers. In Egypt, the use of criminal law to facilitate repayment.

“And while the Grameen Bank boasts a repayment level of 97%, other studies reveal that the bulk of general weekly loan repayments were financed by relatives (39.4%), moneylenders (7%), peers (1%), other sources including neighbours (7%). In fact, a study commissioned by the Grameen Bank itself revealed, ‘Based on the studies in this survey, the overall effect on the incomes and poverty rates of microfinance clients is less clear, as are the effects of microfinance on measures of social well-being such as education, health, and women’s empowerment.’ As the Harvard Business Review revealed in 2007, ‘Many heads of microfinance programs now privately acknowledge 90 percent of micro-loans are used to finance current consumption rather than to fuel enterprise.’”

The Lamia Karim book referred to is “Microfinance and Its Discontents: Women in Debt in Bangladesh.”

Page 169 of T. Hashmi’s “Women and Islam in Bangladesh: Beyond Subjection and Tyranny” reports:

“1. The bank extends credit to women ‘but it is mostly men who use the loans’ while the women remain as surrogate borrowers, with the knowledge of the bank.

“2. Woman are preferred to men as clients because of their shyness, passivity and submissiveness. Many bank workers regard women’s passivity and submissive nature as qualities which are lacking in men and take advantage of the vulnerable honour or izzat of women, which gives the bank ‘an unwritten guarantee’ of getting back regular instalments from female members. A women’s [sic] failure to repay her loans in time would bring shame to her entire family.

“3. Over 90 per cent of women are directly influenced by their male guardians in becoming Grameen Bank members (borrowers). ‘In many cases male members in the household are directly approached by bank workers to send their female members to join in women groups, and they are promised loans for their (males) own use.’

“4. Since the bank lends money to two members of groups of five at a time, who are supposed to repay the loan in 52 instalments to the ‘loan centre’ (six to eight groups/30-40 members constituting a loan centre), subsequent loans to other members in a group are not sanctioned until the individual accounts of each group member are settled. In this micro-credit network peer-pressure works as the collateral for the bank.

“5. If someone fails to maintain regular weekly payment of a loan instalment, other group members ‘are forced to sit on their bare feet on a mud floor for several hours until all instalments are collected’. If the defaulter is not available in her village or is unable to make her instalments, peer members either take her saleable household items or personal assets such as her jewellery and sell or mortgage them out to collect the instalment.

“6. The members repay all their loan instalments within 50 weeks after borrowing. Two per cent of the capital amount must be paid every week. Besides the 20 per cent interest on loans, borrowers have to pay 25 per cent of the calculated interest amount or 12.5 times greater than a member’s weekly instalment within the remaining last two weeks (out of the total 52 weeks) in order to qualify for the next new extension of credit. Over 95 per [Page 170 begins here] cent of all members (in the surveyed area of Tangail district) pay the interest and emergency fund through short-term emergency loans from other sources.

“In many cases, members of a particular loan centre lose their entitlements to further credit from the bank due to ‘the loss of credibility of their centre’ because of irregularities of any other member or ‘due to a woman’s adverse personal relations with other members or with the centre chief [bank employee] who also has authority over approval of the loan proposal’. The non-availability of a new loan for a woman who has paid off her outstanding loan often leads to her facing verbal or physical abuse from her husband or male relatives. Sometimes irregularities of a member lead to feuds and fights among members of a centre.”

Page 170 goes on to say that Grameen’s lending practices have led to an increase in domestic violence against women, and that in some areas, men increasingly resort to polygamy to get more access to credit through their wives.

Piscina ago

Sorry, I'm not good with technology. This news article states that the head of the organ trafficking ring is ABDUS SATTAR Source:

Here is Abdus Sattar (facebook friend of Yunus) commenting [Title Here

In the above photo, the logo used by Gareem appears to be a pedo symbol.

Piscina ago

I'm glad you're researching this man, Yunus, who has close ties to CF. There is something fishy going on. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh knew he was up to something and tried to stop him but she was silenced by the US government (Obama even got involved) and the Department of Justice, as well as the mainstream media. Most of the information out there follows the US line of asking why the PM of Bangladesh launched this so-called 'vendetta' against Yunnus. I notice that this is what happens when the US government or George Soros doesn't want the truth to come out: somehow they silence any dissent by having only their side of the story get out to the public. Yunnus was awarded the Nobel Prize after a lot of lobbying by the US government and Clinton. Aljazeera used to be pretty independent. Lately they've been spewing the same old rhetoric of the western media. Has Aljazeera been bought out by Soros/Rothschilds?

dogeminho ago

Question: “I found it rather odd the people who write the reports on issues like human trafficking in Haiti are also the group that award mass aid grants to Clinton Foundation members like Muhammad Yunus.”

FBIAnon: “Be careful.” (Who is this Muhammad Yunus character? Why does FBIAnon say, without actually saying it, that linking this guy into the whole thing can get Anon killed? Someone who knows how to cover their tracks VERY well should look into this guy. And be quiet about it, until you have a lot of info to post.)

dogeminho ago

I took it as it could be dangerous tbh but idk. Just... Stay safe :)

Koched_Up404 ago

Excellent dig! I did a modest amount of digging into Yunus, his connections to the Clintons and his donations to CF.

Hope this article is helpful - Yunus received $13 MILLION in grants from the State Department!

zoltan907 ago

"WikiLeaks recently disclosed that under George W. Bush, the State Department had an overtly political agenda four years earlier, as Yunus 'could offer a possible out from the present Hasina-Zia zero-sum game that cripples Bangladesh’s democratic process.' The same leaked cable revealed Yunus’ desire to have Grameen finance a Bangladeshi 'megaport' to promote regional trade, including with Burma."

This is the Wikileaks cable reffered to:

"He was favorable to opening Chittagong Port to regional trade with India, Burma, Bhutan and China; but said that the port was presently too small and at full capacity.

"He added Grameen Bank was considering the possibility of financing a new 'mega-port' project in Chittagong to meet the regional demand."

Back to, Friends of Grameen co-chair James Wolfensohn, who was World Bank president from 1995 to 2005, visited Prime Minister Sheik Hasina Wazed in March 2011, apparently to dissuade her from pushing for Yunus's resignation. "After his demands were apparently rejected, suddenly the Bank and International Monetary Fund cut $500 million in loans Hasina was expecting. Another factor in that decision was the $756 million Hasina was charging Grameenphone for a 15-year license, similar to other cellphone providers pro-rated by marketshare. As New Age newspaper reported, the World Bank considered this fee 'far too high' – yet another case of that institution’s pro-corporate, fiscal-shrinkage bias?"

Koched_Up404 ago

Comments are getting downvoated...definitely something to this!

zoltan907 ago

Yunus diverted funds intended for Grameen Bank to Grameen Kalyan.

After giving the funds to Grameen Kalyan, Grameen Bank then borrowed the money back from Grameen Kalyan, putting Grameen Bank in debt to its subsidiary. Yunus said the transaction was done for "tax reasons," but Grameen Bank is a non-profit entity and has no tax obligations.

Grameen Kalyan is a health provider that offers health microinsurance and partners with Pfizer Inc, GE Healthcare, and Mayo Clinic. It was established in 1996 after being given 10 clinics by Grameen Bank and Grameen Trust. It focuses on preventative care, and if a woman needs a caesarian birth, it will pay only $29 US.

At least 1.5 million women in Bangladesh receive home health care services provided by female health assistants. 96% of women in Bangladesh give birth at home, in the presence of midwives with little or no formal training. Grameen Kalyan has difficulty attracting and maintaining doctors, and may have to open its own medical school to do so. This link captures only part of page 97, but the entire page, as well as page 98, is available here:

Here's a job listing for a lab technologist at Grameen Kalyan: It says applicants must be males between the ages of 20 and 30, and they must include a photograph with their CV. If health care providers are in short supply in Bangladesh (at least to Grameen Kalyan), why limit this opportunity to men between the ages of 20 and 30?

Review commissioned by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs of matters relating to Grameen Bank:

Nana66 ago

I wonder why this post and OP says deleted by user...maybe shadow Banned? I just noticed while reading through the comments there were a lot of deleted comments and when I scrolled back up it said deleted.

janedoe77 ago

I challenge the characterization that the midwives don't know what they are doing because I think working as practicing midwife and learning from others in the community is plenty of practice and training. The US/AMA/Rockefeller medical slaughter system just wants to line them up to slice them open like sows and displace the midwives as they were displaced in early modern Europe when women did the same there. This is an excellent expose of the attack of specifically male medicine on these women. Same people, Rockefeller agents. Old, would-be-dead patriarchs.

Chimerarose ago

I have believed for some time that Yunus is a major player. these are great connections.

ShoaNanas ago

Interesting ! Just a reminder: FBIAnon suggested to follow Yunus

dogeminho ago

They did, but they also said to be careful. It could be dangerous. So stay safe guys

OrwellKnew ago

Good point. Always carry a firearm with you, everywhere

I do

AliensInParis ago

Glad to see someone followed up on this, great.

salinaslayer ago

Great lateral thinking there