Jem777 ago

Search Tavistock for the motherload owned by George Soros.,The founders were Sidmund Freud -known sexual deviant with children. Part of trauma based experiments on young children MK Ultra WW11.
Also the Rockefeller Foundation who is in charge of Bilderberg so in charge of the world still today. DAVID Rockefeller wrote in a magazine ab out the terroist attacks on the twin towers on 9/11 I believe about 15 to twenty years before it happened. He also is a part of authoring Agenda 21 or the world plan by 2030 just 17 years away. Where he says we will have complete globalism, Installment of the New World Order as articulated in Agenda2030 with a one world goverment, one world relgion, one world financial system etc. and a Ruler will be installed. You can believe in God or not but those very things were foretold in the last days. The leader will be greatly admired in the world at first with promise of world piece. But He will be false and full many. I am not preaching just saying read your Bible especially John 3:16 and Revelations so you can have peace about all of this.

NonexistentNihilist ago

Wasn't lester holt the one who improvised one of the debate questions and earned himself a screaming fit from HRC?

nmtd1005 ago


fogdryer ago

So no one believes he was killed by his victim By the boy he violent ed rapes ?

LaDonnaRae ago


Benghazi = #PizzaGate When you get to the end, you will see where I am going with this and why I am headed to D.C. next week.

sensitive ago

Spot on, roundhouse. Thing is, only a few would believe this. I would have put it in different words, but this is exactly what will happen. On another note - and maybe it is YOU now who won't believe: I don't know if aliens exist (likely) and have visited us or will soon, but I do know (believe, rather, since it is difficult to prove) that other "souls" are out there to assist and help us. Shadow can only exist where light is. We will prevail.

voatcaesarpizza ago

I don't believe FBIAnon. He's able to give all these "hints" but not a single real connection? It's just some dude taking the piss.

MenaAirport ago

Read article from re: Muhammad Yunus

HelpingChildren ago

Bush probable link through CIA they use them a lot. Probable connected through the CIA drug operations, just my opinion look at Fast and Furious gun running by CIA where did they come from? Mexico across the border. Who had them?. They are an off shoot of them. Here is a spanish link Here is FB Page of Rosa Maria one of them El Chappo drug cartel one of them Here is a UK article about them 2014 Mexico: Mayor Colluding with Cartel Arrested, but Knights Templar Top Dog Still on the Loose

pizzagate_crusader ago

Yes, it was. But, wasn't there indication that document was a fraud?

ProudTruther ago

Democrats usually prefer to rape girls and the republicans like to hurt boys. not too sure why but that's the trend I'm pretty sure if you red Marco Rubios emails, def the Bushes and Cheney well some of them swing both ways. Wasn't Hastert into boys.

KnowThyself ago

Great post. I just want to point out a few interesting things not already mentioned from the original 4chan threads. The first one is particularly interesting because it was well before pizza was connected to pedophilia. It is likely that FBIAnon is not the only poster in these threads who has high level information.

Commenter #1 in response to FBIAnon: "So why are you hesitating? If you recommend to prosecute, you will at least have the perception of being trustworthy to the US public. If you don't, a lot of people are going to know the jig is up, and the US has lost all shred of integrity. Ditto for other countries. Why are you guys even debating letting the cancer spread? Why are you considering allowing the corruption to spread to you?"

Commenter #2 to Commenter #1: "Because they want a slice of that pie hmmmm" (A picture of a pizza was posted with this comment)

Commenter to FBIAnon: "Any hard evidence Hillary sold weapons and favors from the State Department for cash to our enemies?"

FBIAnon response: "Weapons, favors, intelligence, and people." (emphasis added)

Commentor: "are the people leading the investigation blackmailed pedophiles?"

FBIAnon response: "No. The people under the magnifying glass do have an affinity for children."

Commenter #1: "Please before you sleep speak a little on the child prostitution ring."

Commenter #2 to Commenter #1: "Watch "Conspiracy of Silence" look at Jared Fogle, now realize that pretty much all "charities" and "children's programs" are fronts for it."

Commenter #3 to Commenter #1: "Sex rings are popular in all governments, but pedophilia is primarily in British parliament & Saudi Arabia, and that's why HRC and BC love foreign donors so much. They get paid in children as well as money. Dig deep and you can find it. It will sicken you." (Not much to this one, I'm just posting anything related to #pizzagate)

Commenter: "2) the Brookings Institute. How evil is this organization. Is 2014 CHARGE project (combined Brookings and Clinton Global Initiative) used to launder money?"

FBIAnon Response: "2) CHARGE was used for weapons and people" (Emphasis added)

Commenter: "Also, with California- How connected are the Clintons in this state? Speaking from SoCal."

FBIAnon response: "In SoCal, I cannot say. But I do know they helped push immigrants through the border, just like every other politician. but that is the least of their sins." (Could be related to rigging the vote, could be related to finding targets for abduction. Undocumented immigrants would leave no trace.)

Commenter: "Also how fucked is Hillary if Trump brings up Haiti during the debates? What does Trump know now?"

FBIAnon response: "Haiti was a disaster for a number of reasons, but as regards to the CF, a number of people went missing in Haiti shortly after the CGI set up shop. Maybe someone can find out why." (There is a lot more going on with this conversation that is way over my head. Feel free to check it out at this 4chan thread. Ctr-f for "90325457" "90326103" "90326397" and "90339004")

Commenter: "Good day. What is your opinion on the plan to push these topics in the rest of our time (see image attached). I think some of the topics are too hard to swallow for the normie population (e.g. Tavistock, human trafficking) so it would be a waste of energies and time spent on spreading them." (Included was an image that is now 404'd, but appeared to be a list)

FBIAnon response: "In my opinion, the topics which you should focus on in that list should take priority in reverse order. Details of the Clinton's dirty dealings in China and Haiti are icing on the cake, details which most Americans could care less about because they have no perception of these countries."

FBIAnon later referencing himself: "My mistake, I wrote Haiti in oen of my earlier responses but meant the Bahamas. Anywhere the CF is peddling their HIV/AIDS solutions, inevitably missing people and questionable organizations with enormous cash flows appear." (It would be really useful to figure out where human trafficking actually landed on that list. The thumbnail can be found here. Crtl-f for "90314329")

Sir_Chancealot ago

Sorry, I sort of got side-tracked. Let's say that they kidnap Assange, and take over Wikileaks. Remember, these are the good guys. The tamp down anything that would have the people rise up in civil war (i.e., the knowledge that most of their government is involved in fucking little children.) They continue to post leaks. Assange, unconvinced or confused about if these are the good guys, or simply unable to comply, cannot sign the PGP e-mails. (Say, the password was left in the embassy)

They hide anything that would or could lead to civil war. They expose the rest. (Remember, we are talking about what it would look like from THEIR perspective, not ours.)

I am not saying it is likely, ONLY that it is a possibility. It could very well be that Assange is in the hands of the bad guys.

In my opinion, Wikileaks is not to be trusted, until Assange issues a PGP statement.

Sir_Chancealot ago

In my opinion, the ones that are totally pissed off about all these child fuckers escaping justice. (Where "justice"=hanging from a noose outside the Whitehouse.)

The ones that can't speak up, because the corruption is so deep, and so vast, that to speak up would result in the deaths of them and/or their loved ones. See: The two investigators into the Clintons that died here in the last couple of days, one of which "Died in his sleep, on the bathroom floor."

My loved ones have all died before me. To kill me would be to release me from this hell on earth, so I have nothing to lose. Which makes me a very dangerous man, indeed. I am still contemplating on other avenues of justice. (See: "Red Team Planner").

I am willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt. We need to pressure him on this issue, above all others. For example, 5,300 people from the Pentagon were implicated in downloading/uploading child porn, but the investigation never went anywhere.

Here is a though experiment. Imagine if someone went to all the outlaw motorcycle gangs, and exposed what these high level freaks are doing? Imagine the destruction that could be brought to bear. Do you think the war-gamers in the Pentagon and Intelligence Agencies have not thought of this?

Tick-tock. The clock is ticking. (P.S., the last two paragraphs are for the good guys monitoring this site, not for the regular posters and lurkers.)

rrdesc ago

Easily readable versions of FBIAnon first three threads (complete):

Does anybody know if there was additional legit threads from FBIAnon? What's the source of OP parts TWO and THREE? Are these confirmedly legit? Thanks.

Sir_Chancealot ago

The subreddit "The_Donald" user by the name of "The_Almighty_Kek" put together the original document from which I pulled the Q&As. I was actually going to put together all that, when I stumbled upon his document. My intent was to pull together all the information that FBIAnon pointed us to, and which parts that people had not started investigating.

As explained in my introduction, I stripped out and posted the Q&As that were associated with links that had not been investigated. The 3 part post was because I could not get everything into my original post, as there is a 10,000 character limit in posts.

Also, I re-posted the original document created by "The_Almighty_Kek" for download, because the 4chan thread format is not really conducive to beginners. "The_Almighty_Kek" reformatted it in a way that is easy for newbies to read. He did NOT change it (at least as far as I have determined).

For those of you following along at home, there were 7 FBIAnon threads, over the course of 4 1/2 months (July to late October). As far as I know, the document I posted (created by The_Almighty_Kek) faithfully reproduces what questions were asked, and what answers were answered.

I don't think you can say they were "confirmed legit", but the original poster (a.k.a. FBIAnon) seemed to know information that was unknown at the time it was posted.

I believe the original poster/posters were legit, and had access to inside information.

rrdesc ago

Thanks for replying. But I believe my question was perhaps ill-formulated (English is not my first language). You say there were 7 FBIAnon threads. I'm not familiar with this matter (only read the threads answered by FBIAnon in July/16; there were three in July, I believe). My question is: the person answering the questions in these other four or so threads is confirmed to be the "same" FBIAnon from July (this what I meant by "legit")? When did these other threads happen? Can you please provide links for them? Thank you.

Sir_Chancealot ago

I do not believe all the answers are from the same "FBIAnon". I believe that there are up to 3 people answering those AMAs. (AMA=Ask Me Anything) Additionally, I don't believe they are actually FBI agents, but from other sources inside the United States Government.

There is no way to confirm that those 7 threads are all the same person. You need to ask yourself the question: "is the information accurate?" That is the only test. You can download the version created by The_Almighty_Kek in my first post.

Americans are a proud people, but sometimes we need help, and are reluctant to ask for it. Please read the document linked in my first post. Is the information accurate? I don't care if it started with Godzilla, and was relayed through Pikachu, then given to the President. Is. It. Accurate? Are Americans begging "Help us put away these monsters!"?

Those are the only questions.

rrdesc ago

I'm surely gonna read it. The first threads were very accurate and also a fascinating reading. If the other AMAs (no matter who wrote them) are on the same level, I can't miss them.

Sir_Chancealot ago

Ah, the old "Concern Troll". Look that one up in the link posted above about "Forum Sliding".

Let's check the ole CoIntelPro check list: Cast the original poster as an outsider? Check. Indroduce "logical fallacies" where the average person wouldn't know that it doesn't actually fit? Check. Make it seem like the original poster is so outlandish, that it doesn't even merit a response, or any more looking into the matter? Check.

For the lurkers: Don't you think it odd how quickly he replied to my post? I took all day off yesterday, and was only on today because I was heating up Thanksgiving leftovers. Yet, within 30 minutes, here he was responding.

As an aside, I am going to let slip my "sarcastic asshole" side.

(TheBeautifulOne) "Oh, No, I WAS going to help investigate and spread knowledge of child rape and mutilation, but someone was mean to me on the internet! I mean, sure, 4 or 5 people said they saw the videos posted at that one pizza place, and they alleged it included child rape WHILE cutting off the little victim's arms and/or legs, but nope, Sir_Chancealot was a great big meanie, so no help from me!"

P.S., his response is also an attempt to drag others into a controversial position. As someone once said "Don't touch the poop". My response is only for the lurkers.

Sir_Chancealot ago

Guys, I will give you a few more of my thoughts.

First, I think there is a chance that Julian Assange was picked up by the white hats in government. I am not saying this is fact, but merely supposition on my part. IF my theory is correct, they did it because they knew that revelation of the child sex trafficking all at once would cause an immediate civil war.

Second, Keep spreading the word. Link anywhere and everywhere to multiple sites. You meme creators, create memes! Why and what good does creating memes do? Look up the "100 monkeys theory".

Third, Link this thread, or copy the list in part one, and dump it on other boards. You are going after the small fishes, and that is all well and good and to be commended, but you also need to get the large picture into focus, to drag it into the light. You cut off the tail of a snake, and it can keep on living; however, you cut off the head, and it dies.

Fourth, the good guys KNOW something has to be done with the high-level pedophiles and traffickers. At this point, we are past anyone being able to hide this stuff or sweep it under the rug. The good guys know, or should know, that if they don't start going after the big guys, we go to civil war. Red Team Planner says they lose. Sir_Chancealot says EVERY politician, judge, and many of the police brass will hang from light poles if we go to civil war, there will be no differentiation between "good guys" and "bad guys".

Thought experiment time: White hat hacker cracks into server, and finds video of several well-known politicians raping and killing a child. White hat hacker dispenses said video far and wide. Complicit government officials are now stuck. If they prosecute, said politicians will spill dirt on people prosecuting. If they don't people will actively begin the civil war. Russia has already said they will send Spetnaz (Russian equivalent of Navy Seals) and arms to the rebels. Good guys have to either prosecute or assassinate those involved, knowing that civil war is imminent, and wanting to avoid it. Play around with that scenario in your head.

Fifth, Red Team Planner HAS to have wargammed the scenario where the main question is this: "How long can the good guys hold out, i.e., holding back the tide, until the rebels decide to hang ALL members of government. By all, I mean the leaders, not the guy who sweeps the halls.

Sir_Chancealot ago

I can see you did not download the original document put together by The_Almighty_Kek, nor do any research into this at all.

FBIAnon tells people they are wrong quite a bit in the original document.

Of what use would it be to put in those? For example (and this is not in the original, it is JUST an example) "Question: 'Are space aliens kidnapping children'?" "FBIAnon: 'No' " With this post, I pointed out what has not been checked yet.

Again, FBIAnon pointed out plenty of times where anonymous was wrong, or where FBIAnon didn't know.

The question is: why are you trying to keep people from looking into areas that we haven't looked before? Do you support child rape?

Sir_Chancealot ago

This Q&A has NOT been modified. I picked out and separated the Q&As that had not been followed up.

This is NOT misinformation. Strange, you didn't show screenshots.

This is how shills sow doubt. Make accusations, without showing any kind of proof, no matter how flimsy.

Sir_Chancealot ago

FBIAnon said the only dirt on Trump is low-level bribery for things like building permits, rezoning requests, and those kinds of things. FBIAnon said that, for his level of wealth and position, he's surprisingly clean.

I say we give The_Donald a chance until he shows otherwise. There is always the "Red Team Planner" option, if he is hesitant to drain the swamp.

TrotskyTrotsky ago

**Ive been looking into Elisa Lam....

I think she IS related even though she may or maynot have been fully aware of what she had.

She met with George Stephenopolis before she died. After she died, her tumblr account was manually run for the next year before petering out. It's not a queue feature like the mass media tries to make it out to be.

Someone recently changed her tumblr layout in the past 2 weeks.**

Throwingtothewolves ago

links. dude.

ThorTheWonderful ago

I am glad to see this is coming to a head. I have been waiting 40 years to see justice coming. Back in the day, things were not so rapped up in computers but boots on the ground and highly classified investigative teams across international lines. Apart from that, I can't say much, but some allies (very few) were / or part of, organized crime syndicates. That helped lead to government involvement. But the only results ever seen back then was a judge and some Canadian police implicated and charged but the cases never went to court and were subsequently dismissed. The Clinton's were involved back then. Government org's like child protective services, education systems in US and Canada. The Catholic church and infiltrators in various other churches. The school system is full of female pedophiles who lure young boys and girls. They have worked to elevate the "trust" of females making a sure fire way of luring. A vast number of local feminist groups backed or franchises of or by larger groups. But my information is 40 years old. These people are cruel, deadly, sick... Many agents, police, witnesses and victims died. Very few were ever rescued.

charmeuse ago

As for what Scalia was doing before he died:

Obama's Climate change deal...globalist plan to wreck US economy....

mergen ago

FBI anon mentioned the Philippines.

Here's some stuff I know:

-PH receives $$$ from USAID and Clinton foundation

-Philippines is sometimes called "Pedo Heaven" or "Loli Land"

-Looking up Philippine Pizza on wikileaks yields pedo-related-results

ExpandYourMind ago

This is fucking terrifying. If any of this is true, we are looking at a global cover-up of sex-trafficking, human-trafficking, pedophilia, using people for disease testing, drugs, murder, and who knows what else.. What the actual fuck

Sir_Chancealot ago

It shouldn't "terrify" you. It should enrage you! It should boil you over with righteous indignation! All the more so because the people who should prosecute this are in on it too.

Remember, even Jesus took a whip (cat-o-nine tails) to the moneychangers.

hayes_meister ago

FYI, remember he stated beforehand that he would mix some bullshit into his answers, for plausible deniability. So I think it's fair to say some obvious things like connections to Zika, Monsanto, GMO are red herrings.

subchannel ago

Maybe someone find this interesting



The picture on my twitter of the KIDNAPPED CHILDREN is from the PRESIDIO AIR FORCE BASE 1 hour from NSA MICHAEL AQUINOS TEMPLE OF SET. The other temple is located in colorado. Much more on the way. #OPCLEANSWEEPNSA #FUCKTHENSA

Thread: List Of Gov Run Fronts for animal sacrifice for Lilith/Michael A. Aquino ALERT: Mass Graves Of 50,000 Children Found Near Montreal Used In CIA Nazi Experimentation Thread: MUST SEE!: This is your CIA. This WILL make you vomit. Satanism and Ritual Abuse - Case-by-Case Documentation by Alex Constantine The reality of protected child abuse and snuff networks. Beyond the Dutroux Affair Vatican Illuminati and the pedophile rings blessed by Satan

Greetz and Lulz from @AmericaIsGone Much more on the way. #GETREADY #FUCKTHENSA

Michael A. Aquino Pics: Address: Post Office Box 470307, San Francisco, California 94147 Wife: Lilith Aquino (Head Of Order Of The Vampyre) 521-71-3492 EX NSA GENERAL/OWNER OF TEMPLE OF SET 13th Baron of Rachane (Clan Campbell), Argyll, Scotland, United Kingdom Lt. Colonel, Psychological Operations, 1st Special Forces Regiment, U.S. Army (Ret.) Priest of Set

hanknut42 ago

thats how we have gotten some solid leads guy

Sir_Chancealot ago

I agree that some solid leads have come out of the pizza places!

However, I posted this so that people would be aware of other leads too.

fedevela ago

will keep pasting random cartel occult stuff here for future reference

fedevela ago

the links between cartels and these luciferian occult rings is widely documented

fedevela ago

ok could not find the documentary, but I remember it now, it explicitly connects the Templars with the sinaloa cartels

fedevela ago

there is a documentary i have not yet found ... i have not seen this one but will put it here for future ref

Serial Killers and Cult Leaders: Adolfo Constanzo "El Padrino" - The Black Magic Torturer & Murderer

zeronumbers ago

There is a book called Buried Secrets on Adolofo Constanzo and his cult/cartel:

Buried Secrets: A True Story of Drug Running, Black Magic, and Human Sacrifice By Edward Humes

Very similar situation except in Mexico. It involved human sacrifice, government officials, blackmail, homosexuality, drug trafficking, Santeria/Voodoo Ive read the book if anyones got any questions about it?

fedevela ago

yes i have .... its around this avenue ...

let me just think and type at the same time

18934732897 ago

I hate leaving it at 33, because of the connotations of that number, but I can't think of anything else to put in or leave out. Sorry.

Annnnd there is where it lost all credibility. When will you people learn, NOBODY will have take us seriously if religious nuts keep bringing in the "supernatural"... There is NO WAY anyone who has the necessary education to work for the FBI will talk like that.

Sir_Chancealot ago

ANNNND there is where you are ignorant of occultic circles. Occultists have an affinity for the number "33". Whether you or I believe that is irrelevant. THEY believe it. People researching occult happenings know this, and I didn't want it to effect the viewing of the post. In fact, people that have researched that kind of thing know exactly why I put that in there.

ANNNND Had to bothered to actually read what I wrote, instead of what you wanted it to say, you would realize that I said that, not FBIAnon.

18934732897 ago

lol, if anything all those "occult" components are only there to make any investigation look ridiculous, with success.

That you believe they believe only makes you a moron. Besides, you basically posted a conversation between two 4chan users... what kind of mental gymnastic must you do to convince yourself this had ANY relevance. This is just two conspiracy nuts circlejerking.

Sir_Chancealot ago

Lurkers, look hard! I posted 3 entire posts with solid leads from FBIAnon.

Yet, here is this guy taking exception to a single sentence.

I leave it to the readers as an exercise to find out why. (Hint: look up the post containing the definition of "forum sliding")

18934732897 ago

I looked at your history and there is only one other post that includes two files that are again, conversations between anons.

Pure speculative circlejerking. But sure, do accuse one of the rare objective and intelligent person around here.

Anyway I'm done "forum sliding" in the right direction, all of you who just keep piling on incoherent crap are just as bad as the pedophiles, you're actually covering it up.

El_Snapster ago

If it will bring down the country can't we just start a world revolution? I'm not trying to be funny or saying you are lying but can we do let's say if the world does wake up and people take arms. Can in anyway we can pardon certain people and get info and try to convice all the lower guys to turn on the clintons, soros etc? Maybe we can avoid a global war if we pardon them. If we can do it to organized crime there might be something we can do to avoid a global war.

ArchCovenant ago

Also another interesting hit was this guy, Sheldon Scott

This guy began his career in Social Work as a Unit Director for the Boys & Girls Club of Horry County, SC. Upon moving to the Washington DC area, he joined a private practice, specializing in Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Sex-Offender treatment at Northern Virginia Counseling Group.

Not sure where this leads but he's a very suspicious character indeed.

ArchCovenant ago

In relation to "Molly". I found a Molly Price a board member of the NCS National Cathedral School. She came about through a search on St Albans school for boys. They are sister schools. St Albans came up through a search on Daren Thomas listed as a consultant on He was listed as "tearing up the dance floor" at The Washington Social Diary" This lead to St Albans as the had boys attending this event. Then I connected this to Dubai! Yes they are opening "boys" schools WORLDWIDE beginning with this one in Dubai. This is afar as I have gotten so far, but very interesting links here. Seems like these 2 schools and The Washington Social Diary might be great places to branch out a bit. I got to Daren Thomas by the site which was initially linked to Commet Ping Pong and many others related.

HelpingChildren ago

Each lead keeps leading to another I found a group called The Royal Order of Jesters that human trafficks, it is hidden in the Shriners. If you are in the top tier you can join the Templers and Scottish Rite through them. This investigator reporter has found out about the human trafficking being covered up by their members being judges, lawyers, law enforcement, congress, etc. They are sentenced to alcohol treatment not prison when caught and retire from their positions. Their group rule is no matter what happens, if you can help a brother you do in your position of authority. As an elitist their group says in its charter and oaths it does not follow the laws of the land only their own. So I think they are doing the same thing all over the US and not be prosecuted by their brothers in the order. They are masonic, so they help the other masonic orders too.

zeronumbers ago

Same shit different side of the world: **Was this boy the torso in the Thames? Five-year-old 'victim of voodoo ritual' **

there was a headless torso of a child found floating in the Thames river in 2011, Voodoo and human sacrifice where commonly mentioned in the media coverage of the event.

HelpingChildren ago

They need to test all that knew him for Kuru, many of the muslims are contracting it from cannibalism.

myowneyesnears ago

When someone posted and asked about the "Owl" logo/crest in one of the emails, I noticed in the lower right the cross = Nights of Templar

HelpingChildren ago

The one thing most do not see these people are related. That all the US President's are of the masonic Scottish Rite group out of KIng james 1 Scottland & 6 England after he conquered (the same person. So I am assuming all other leaders of the EU are too. All you are asking about are subgroups of the 13 families. Royalty, wealthiest families on earth. Knights of Templar has a subgroup they chose their members from, it is the Masonic Royal Order of Jesters. Which the ROJ is promoted from the Masonic Shriner's group. Sandy Frost has done intense research on the Shiners & Royal Orders of Jesters. Pedophilia and sex trafficking, she tries to stay away from that part because of all the deaths. Here she has some information. Owl logo is Illuminati/masonic/satanist symbol has it at Bohemian Grove for their rituals. Goes back to Nimrod/Tower of Babel. Human sacrifice Baal/Molech in bible, other names in religions across the world. They erected the temple representation to them in London and New York. Including the owl/molech explanation. Here is a long video history of all the symbols seen in this ever widening search always leading back to illuminati and 13 families. The cross could be the St Hubertus symbol, as used by masonic/illuminati St Hubertus Hunting Group leader owned the property which he was supposedly hunting where Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Scalia was killed at. Remember the wetworks mention in WikiLeaks. The about the same time same green color in the steganography green cross on green package picture of the table/desk in WikiLeaks. The Bohenian Grove started the St Hubertus group. Could this be one of the places the children have said they were taken and some were killed for sport? While others lived and told what happened? Was Scalia a pedophile? Abel Danger says yes and he was one of his victims. "The 2010 ORDER OF SAINT HUBERTUS hunt that took place at Cibolo Creek "Rent Boy" Ranch included members of the Houston chapter and a number from Mexico. It was the second time Poindexter welcomed the Houston and Mexico contingent to his ranch, and guests included Archduke Andreas Salvatore Habsburg-Lothringen, the Prince of Tuscany and Royal Prince of Hungary and Bohemia, Jana and Scotty Arnoldy, Debbie and John Daugherty, Debbie and Vidal Martinez, Patty and Bill Porter, Dennis Murphree, John Kelsey, John Brent, Jerry Finger, Bill Price, Sandy Vaughan, and Cristina Girard, who has hunted frequently in Spain with Habsburg-Lothringen and who entertained him in Houston before the ranch weekend." I need to look at public records to see the proof these people were there when Scalia died. Did they meet with Bush's before going?

HelpingChildren ago

Seems to be a major connection in South America with Soros, Quatar, and Hillary. Here is an article about Adecoagro which was partially owned in 2013 by George Soros - it listed that its principal shareholders were Pampas Humedas LLC (33.95%), an affiliate of George Soros' Soros Fund Management, LLC; Quatar -Al Gharrafa Investment Company (6.48%), a wholly owned subsidiary of Qatar Holding LLC. Another website on The Clinton Foundation and its connections. This website shows the Soros business connections. Then I found an investigative reporter showing Hillary & WTO connection and seems to be a front as a cover for much of the illegal activities we have seen on wikileaks and no one seems to do anything about it. These things seem to be with the same people, countries, on so many levels of corruption from food, child trafficking, pay-for-play they do not care how they make their money from child trafficking to food. They always have the same players in all areas of the mess.

5PY_HUN73R ago

Voidzyr ago

For those of you wondering what a "forum slide" is:

i_own_agent_smith ago

You guys forgot the fact that the "left" (US government) men are sissy, liberal, beta men pussies and would start crying if a second American civil war broke out. The "right" (rebels) are alpha male lion warriors that would tear sissy beta men liberals a new bunghole. The "right" (rebels) thrive in such scenarios so the result would be catastrophic for the government.

lonewolf9632 ago

I have compiled a thorough post on lead #2 of FBIAnon's leads, in regards to the Tavistock Institute. What I found has frankly horrified me and this is with brief research. My post can be found here.

Throwthisaway33 ago

Not sure if this has been mentioned but on the Africa bit..rare earth metals? China dominates in this area right now and seem to have their eyes on Africa.

PizzaPartyOver ago

Hey guys, So I got a pretty crazy connection between The Clintons, John Podesta, and David Miscavige. The leader of Church of Scientology. They use the same set of lawyers and worked on the Scalia cover up and replacement. The church of Scientology was supposed to be investigated by FBI for human trafficking but nothing ever happened with the case and seemed to squashed with no explanation ever about it. I really think there is a huge connection here and the church is POSSIBLY the "Big Fish" in this whole search

HelpingChildren ago

Comet Ping Ping 5037 Conn. Ave NW Washington DC 20008 is only one of their business in the area. They also own Bucks Fishing and Camping 5031 Connecticut Ave NW Washington DC 20008. According to the posts of reviews they do not pay as much attention to it as they do to Comet. The waiters, service is not good. Seems just a place they have and do not care about it. Seems weird so much attention to Comet's website, clientele, and food service but none to Buck's. They are both linked to each other by name on the other business' website in logo's and locations.

Sir_Chancealot ago

One more thing I just discovered. Guess who has invested millions of dollars in reddit and twitter? Saudi Princes.

I can't remember if it was FBIAnon or Knowledge Bomb 5 that said the Saudis were up to their armpits in pizzagate.

justiceforever ago

I have a hard time believing it came from that guy only because how would he get ahold of such terrible content? Unless it wasn't actually any content and everyone who said they clicked it was lying?

pizzaparallel ago

There is a map of the CF "Procurement Consortium Countries" where they seem to distribute HIV/AIDS solutions. I tried to note all the countries on here but some dots are very hard to figure out. Especially with the islands.

Consortium Countries: North America:

The Bahamas

Dominican Republic





El Salvador




Trinidad and Tobago


St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Saint Lucia


Antigua and Barbuda

St. Kitts and Nevis

South America:








French Guiana


Cape Verde (Cabo Verde)





Sierra Leone








Sao Tome and Principe




Republic of Congo

Central African Republic


South Africa




















Sri Lanka










Papua New Guinea

LineDriveToTheFace ago

I thought I remembered something about 'check the weight or fuel consumption of flights (assuming on Epstein's plane, but not sure) versus the reported passenger list'. I'm assuming (again) this would show evidence of smuggling people (as long as you had the cargo weight too). Does anyone else remember this? I've searched message boards for this, no luck. Also, not sure if any of that info is public or how to obtain it. Anyway, anyone have any info?

HelpingChildren ago

Wouldn't it be in a the public records, in the same place as the people listed, cargo manifests, and maintenance records each airplane has to do leaving an airport.

LineDriveToTheFace ago

I just googled, it doesn't look like passenger lists are available to the general public, or the number of people that were on a specific flight. Any tips on where to look?

HelpingChildren ago

FOIA is the only way the thing is they can give it to you immediately or make you wait a long time.
They are public records from GSA from Hillary and others when employed by government
Homeland Security records US Customs and Border Patrol for records too.

VettedChicken ago

This information likely wouldn't be public. Rather, the information you'd need to demonstrate anything concerning weight. In particular, the cargo weight information is probably going to be very hard to acquire.

Sir_Chancealot ago

Check FAA websites, and do an internet search on plane tracking websites, and aviation boards. The latter two may be able to point you in the right direction.

LineDriveToTheFace ago

Found this, but to get the info you have to pay per search (Contract Plan), which is not doable for me right now. Possibly someone that has a plan is lurking around here

srayzie ago

Important Judge Scalia Information

I am new to all of this so please be nice. I hope I'm doing this right and posting in the right place. Some may even already know some of information. I read how FBIAnon said to look into Judge Scalia Here are some articles I found...

Scalia was a pedophile and into Satanic Ritual abuse

Podesta emailed about an assassination 3 days before Scalia died and he was found with a pillow over his face. Here is the article Here is the email....

Scalia murdered after Obama meeting High level sources confirm that Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was murdered. According to this article, Scalia had been providing protection for an international pedophile ring and was murdered by “friends” who he had informed of the nature of his visit with Obama and the doom it signaled for those around Scalia, prosecution, ruin and Citizens United reversed. Scalia left the White House carrying “slam dunk proof” that would lead to the arrest, conviction and, of course, impeachment of a seated Supreme Court Justice, files that contained names of victims and details on sex acts, preferred “types” along with dates and places. All of this was on the seized computer and these files went “up hill” from the FBI to the Department of Justice and directly over to the White House.

There is more in depth information in this article...

CeepsNo ago

I am searching for names of hunters a part of that order that may have been on the hunting trip with Scalia. Also, how long were they in Texas for? I can't find much.

Kind of spooky, but at the International Order of St Hubertus site, they mention " The first Investiture of American Knights took place at the Bohemian Club in San Francisco." - Supposedly linked to the Bohemian Grove.

6 days prior, a CT state trooper was killed at another texas ranch in a hunting accident, kind of far away. I am trying to dig for names, but there is limited info on both. I am trying to see if he was maybe part of the same hunting group.

Also, you might want to archive any links you make even to media articles incase they go poof down the memory hole. Any time you are digging.

save_thechildren ago

Hi- I have some names of the St. Hubertus- just waiting for someone to research Scalia. People that were there the night Scalia died- David Piouffe, Leon Panetta, Ben Bernanke, Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor, David Petraues, Kevin McCarthy, Peter Rouse, Tom Donohue/ other members? Craig Spence, Larry King, Ray Kline, William Casey, ....Vinson.

myowneyesnears ago This is a story of the death and has pics of the ranch. Baby crib? at an ALL male club/cult?

myowneyesnears ago

Larry king - Is this the same Larry King involved in the Franklin Coverup?

Celticgirlonamission ago

I think it is....which is huge!

myowneyesnears ago

I have been tryin to find any member lists/stories to verify if it is the same "Lawrence King" - Franklin Coverup. I cannot imagine that it isn't given the connection of this group to the Bohemian Grove

Celticgirlonamission ago

Let me see if I can dig something up, I know he served time in prison for a money crime.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I just started learning about this archiving. I'm going to look into this place more too

LargePizzaWithGate ago

Please be careful with veterans today. That website is confirmed disinformation run by a nut job named Gordon Duff who has a flamboyant character and has extremely pro-Obama and pro-leftist views. There is an insane interview of Gordon Duff on an alt-media podcast called Red Ice Radio that practically raises every red flag on earth.

Veterans Today is never to be trusted.

party1981 ago

I normally wouldn't trust it, but this is an article in August talking about blackmailing a high U.S. government official as part of a widespread pedo ring. That's about two months before people started talking about pizzagate.

srayzie ago

Oh really? I didn't know that. Thank you

dcdale9 ago

Thanks for posting. I didn't know the details of Scalia's death.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I'm looking more into it

PizzaPartyOver ago

I got a pretty crazy connection between The Clintons, John Podesta, Scalia, and David Miscavige. The leader of Church of Scientology. They use the same set of lawyers and worked on the Scalia cover up and replacement. The church of Scientology was supposed to be investigated by FBI for human trafficking but nothing ever happened with the case and seemed to squashed with no explanation ever about it. I really think there is a huge connection here and the church is POSSIBLY the "Big Fish" in this whole search

ghtdak ago

This is brilliant. It pulls in Scientology... which makes perfect sense. This is all going to go occult.

srayzie ago

I started reading one of the articles you sent me. This stood out to me...

Just hours after Scalia was found dead at a hunting ranch in Texas, Podesta, the chairman of Clinton’s campaign, exchanged emails with Chris Stone, president of the George Soros-funded grantmaking network known as Open Society Foundations.

Under the heading “Scalia replacement,” Stone wrote, “Remember our discussion of Wallace Jefferson, Chief Justice in Texas?”

Podesta replied, “Yup.”

PizzaPartyOver ago

Yeah I had saw that, that stood out to me a lot. My initial suspicion came to me after watching the Anonymous documentary on Netflix " We are Legion". It talked about their war with the church of Scientology and how the church was shutting everything down like videos and memes and putting Ddos attacks and shills on websites. It is the exact same thing Alefantis is doing right now! Only extremely powerful people can get these companies in their pockets like that, or dangerous people. I also then read up on how the church blackmails, follows people home, and also suicide the people who choose to leave or spill big info on them. Also something the Clintons do.

So then I realized Church of Scientology had an FBI investigation for human and child trafficking. But no further investigation ever took place, NONE. That also seemed like the playbook of the Clintons. After all of that I decided to make a connection between the Clintons and David Miscavige and saw that they use the same set of lawyers behind the scenes. Coincidentally it was for the Scalia replacement and murder cover up. Scalia was supposed to have big dirt on the pedophilia and child trafficking that was going on. I then stumbled upon how the Clintons and The church of Scientology have been working together since around 1991. There are way too many similarities and coincidences for these two to not be connected. These people are on the same team as each other using the same playbook and plays. I think the church is a cover up for the Elites and the human trafficking. An FBI case doesn't just drop and never hear from it ever again. Clintons 25 year relationship with Scientology

Sir_Chancealot ago


Those links just put two and two together for me. Impeachment of a seated Supreme Court Justice. Since he and Ginsburg were buddy-buddy, I wonder if it was referring to her?

Also, the Trump prophecy (if it is a true prophecy, which is very rare, and if I remember it right) says that 4 or 5 justices will be replaced by Trump, 2 or 3 by death, and 2 or 3 by impeachment.

srayzie ago

Yeah. I don't know about Ginsburg. There are other articles of people the judge abused. He was supposed to be EVIL! But I think blackmail is what is making them not talk and we all know what happens to people who know too much info and threaten to expose. I listened to a podcast yesterday from the woman who does Newsbud. Sebel or something. She said the government hire people that can be blackmailed. They hire people with skeletons in their closets since they are less likely to turn against them.

DystopianDaze ago

Sibel Edmonds

GoldMoose16 ago

Sorry I don't have time to dive in here for any llength of time right now, but here are 2 items of note:

1) “The Bonner Group, warm or cold?”

Bonner Group is David Brock's money laundering op. Money funnels in, and every time money passes thru, Bonner group gets a 12.5% cut. Several emails in the Podesta batch from Bonner Group, or mentions. I thin the mentions might be simply Bonner, so that is your best search bet.

2) London Connection

At least 2 "fundraisers" held for Clintons in London that I know of. Since it would b skirting the law to get campaign donations on foreign soil, likely that money went to Foundation. One was supposed to be for "Women's Rights". Yeah, you're right, what a laugh. Huma also had one in Paris, but go for the London ones. Things to look for -- who attended, where was it held, study the whole periphery here. Check on Breitbart and just search Fundraiser London and see what comes up. I know Breitbart wrote about them.

Hope this helps you out. So sorry that I have to run.

cantsleepawink ago

I would also say look at Cherie Blair. When I was researching the Hampstead case last year it led me to her. So, from my point of view, there is a strong connection between London and Washington in all this. Cherie Blair has her own foundation (of course) which probably needs looking at too.

lesmith4187 ago

off topic and not even historically accurate dumb

magol ago

fbianon's post creeps me out, he literally wrote all elites are involved, so how in the world are we going to overthrow them all?

Mattg_life ago

If there is enough awareness raised then im pretty sure we outnumber them 99.9 to .1. Ill take them odds. As long as john q public still has its good ole' American backbone we are ready

DentHouper ago

Why do you think they put so much effort into keeping us fighting amongst ourselves?

Sir_Chancealot ago

Check out the link for the "Red Team Planner" document in part one. It will allay some fears (and give you some new ones). The elites, i.e., the government KNOWS they will lose a civil war. Additionally, the elite, i.e., the government KNOWS a great many of those casualties are going to be in the liberal cities (i.e., democratic voters).

If this goes to civil war, almost all politicians are going to be, literally, hanging from light poles. The elite knows this. That is why they are so eager to get to WWIII. If the nukes fly, they have underground facilities they can retreat to. If the nukes don't, those underground facilities aren't going to be much use, because the "rebels" will have access to as much explosives as we want to breach the underground facilities.

Sir_Chancealot ago

I saw the Chaffetz & Duncan references in the original doc, but I was unsure as to who they were referencing.

Thank you for that.

Sir_Chancealot ago

Would anyone be willing to tweet/ a link to this post? I have no social media accounts, or I would do it myself.

DystopianDaze ago

Will do.

DentHouper ago

Here's a whole page someone already put together on Bonner group.

DentHouper ago

Bonner Group

But few fund-raisers seem to command commissions as generous as Ms. Bonner’s. Political fund-raisers are typically paid monthly retainers, which can reach $25,000 a month during campaigns. The Bonner Group is paid almost exclusively on commission, a practice that is legal but frowned upon by some fund-raising consultants, who say it leads to fights with clients and other consultants over credit. It is considered unethical by the Association of Fundraising Professionals, partly because it can encourage abuses and, in the charity world, places self-gain over philanthropy.

Source: "The Secret World of a Well Paid 'Donor Adviser' in Politics"

Celticgirlonamission ago

Big chance that high donors get kids...makes perfect sense

justiceforever ago

Should we though? What's your rational for wanting to post it? For some reason I get a feeling we should keep it within the communities dedicated to investigating.

Sir_Chancealot ago

More people, more eyes, more brain processing the info.

The bad guys were (and are) monitoring this thread from the second it was created.

Why do you think I texted info to certain parties to let them know if I disappeared, died of an "accident", or "robbery", or decided to kill myself by shooting myself in the back of the head 3 times, that it was because of this post?

HelpingChildren ago

I have to mine, and saw others do it to.

DopeandDiamonds ago

I am familar with the case of elisa lam. It is very interesting.

There is so much in that case so I will throw out my lead two options in regard to fbianon.

One theory is based on her name. Lam Elisa is the name of the test they use to test for a specific strain of TB. After her death, a very severe strain of TB came to light in the homeless people in skid row where the hotel is located.

The other is the invisible light agency which is located next to the hotel. Some people think her movements on tape are her avoiding someone who is cloaked and invisible tk the cameras. This also explains why the elevator doors did not shut properly on camera and explains her speaking on the video.

These are just things I have heard and I do not feel one way or the other about it. Maybe be something or may be nothing.

There is a clinic named Lam Elisa in vancouver, i think she was from there. How does tb get connected to this and what is the invisible light agency?

Sir_Chancealot ago

I know there is a video out and about that shows a guy wearing a "predator" like suit climbing on an Abrams tank in Iraq.

Do a search for "Solder using invisibility cloak". Don't know how real it is.

DopeandDiamonds ago

I am leaning more toward the TB link. CF is involved with TB testing and prevention but i am at a loss as to how this poor girl is connected.

It is too muc of a coincidence to me that a girl with a name that is backwards of a TB test dies and right around the corner a massive TB outbreak occurs that is serious enough to notify and bring in the CDC.

Afterallonlyhuman ago


Sir_Chancealot ago

This is an example of shilling. Going off topic, with a highly controversial post, to get everyone distracted from the actual information in this post.

Think: Why would you post about slave trading from 200 years ago, when it is about international child trafficking and child rape?

Stay on target, people.

eyes-wide-shut ago

TBH, I'm pretty nervous to even access wikileaks now. Im majorly convinced the site has been taken over by ABC agencies. I would love to dive deeper into the emails

Sir_Chancealot ago

I concur (about wikileaks being taken over, not that it is unsafe to access). All Assange would have to do is drop a PGP signed message.

There is, however, the possibility that he was picked up by the white hats, to prevent the leak of the docs that would cause war and civil war. Remember, this will all change in January, or it will be civil war. And then, the government loses anyway. (Red Team Planner document)

Sir_Chancealot ago

Very likely. Look up Carolyn Rosalin, or something like that. She was an assistant to Werner Von Braun.

But, off topic for this thread. ;)

nimblenav ago

Scalia was working on something concerning Monsanto and GMOs if my memory doesn't fail me. This is why he is talking about it in the following question.

DopeandDiamonds ago

I recall that as well.

MichelleK ago

Tavistock Group main donor is Joe Lewis a British businessman who teamed up with Soros on Black Friday. For some reason I can't put a link here. But he tied to,Soros

MichelleK ago

He also lives in the Bahamas now

mildseven ago

Archived to protect against shills.

StreisandEffect ago

Thank you Sir_Chancealot!

International trafficking is where the investigation will find some real traction, not just some pizza joint. And even if corruption is rampant in Washington, there must still be some countries left on earth with governments that really want to put an end to human trafficking.

Celticgirlonamission ago

I think it may be several pizza companies around the world one in Japan with same kind of pics as comet pizza on instagram 250pizza, lots of symbolism there. Also a good way to clean dirty money, fuck I wouldn't doubt if some of these pizza owners are grown kids of the past...just way to many younger kids owning them..

safetythrowaway1234 ago

rant begins
Nothing pisses me off more than the government's excuse of "No one can find out, we can't tell you because if we did you'd know we've done terrible things and everyone in the world will be mad at us and revolt" and claim a threat to national security. If you don't like the consequences of your actions how about you don't fucking do it in the first place you greedy fucks. I wonder if we'll ever get state secrets privilege abolished. If Trump pulls out that card when this thing breaks open we'll know what side he's actually on.
rant ends

Sir_Chancealot ago

I understand your frustration. Here is another thing that FBIAnon said, that I didn't put in the summaries above.

FBIAnon: "If leaking data en mass destroys my country, we betray the country. If we do nothing, we betray the country. I am not disagreeing with you. I am saying the situation is more complicated when you are on the inside, and you do not have the breadth of info that I have that would make your eyes fall out of your skull if you knew what all was going on." (emphasis mine)

safetythrowaway1234 ago

Yeah I've read the whole FBI Anon thing before, and I'm sure it's true. But the people instigating this shit shield themselves behind the potential negative consequences of their actions and eliminate anyone that unearths the truth. I simply cannot accept an entire planet living based on a system built upon an intricate web of lies, fucking over the majority of its population all because the truth will bring the system to its knees. Should it really be up to a (un)chosen few to selectively disseminate information and decide what is best for the world? They (TPTB) have the power and the means to shape and manipulate global events.

I need a beer...or seven.

HelpingChildren ago

I was not sure where to post this, so please let me know if it should be some where else. Thank you. I thought there was something about the SCJ Scalia death that seemed more like a murder by Black Psy OPs. Then I saw the picture from wikileaks of the green cross on what looked like a package (maybe a gift for Scalia) in one of the pictures taken out from inside the one of the table. Unsure but found the green cross is the symbol of the St Hubertus Hunting Club which is where SCJ Scalia was found dead at Cibolo Creek Ranch owned by Ex CIA John Poindexter. Then on Youtube found this video by infowars of the place and the group is connected to the Cal Bohemian Grove. I do not think the wet works wikileaks email just days before is a coincidence. I never saw when the green cross picture was posted, assuming around the same time. Then I found their website which is elite globalist, some say illuminati

HelpingChildren ago

It was the muslims first slaving the African's.

Fahrvergnaked ago

Case in point. How did WeThePizza end anyway? I left when it started going pear shaped.
I would go look except... You know, the whole deletion of the sub and all.

Sir_Chancealot ago

I'm not sure those guys were fakers. But, admittedly, I could be wrong.

There were 4 or 5 people who (allegedly) went and checked out what the guy was saying, and said the videos were right where the guys said they would be on wethepizza's site, and the contents were exceptionally horrific.

IF they were real, I'd wager that they were totally unprepared for what they found, and had a near breakdown. (And, from what people were describing, I wouldn't blame them.) Again, IF they were real.

party1981 ago

This is an amazing summary. FBIanon is the number 1 reason why I believe pizzagate is probably real.

I cannot explain how FBIanon knew about the massive CF FBI investigation before the Wall St. Journal publicly announced it, unless FBIanon was real.

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

I'm sure someone has already figured this out, but it seems the “Indian businessman routinely accused of pedophilia” may be Hasan Suroor.

Sir_Chancealot ago

After a cursory look, I think you are correct. And I haven't seen anyone else mention it, so you are probably the first.

How is he connected to the CF is the question.

fuck_pedo_enablers ago

I might be wrong that was a name that came up when I searched. This guy is closely tied to the Clinton Foundation. I couldn't find anything to do with pedophilia though.

roundhouse1776 ago

I can't believe they are relying on normal people with limited resources to all the investigative work on this. If I were in the FBI, I would not be able to sleep at night knowing what these evil people are doing. I would do everything in my power to expose it or die trying. Some things are just too important to ignore. What they are doing to these children is about the most evil thing you can possibly do. If these people are successful in implementing their one world government, it dooms your children and all future generations to a life of slavery without free thought or free will. How is that not more important than a job, a pension, or life itself?

lesmith4187 ago

Yes just yes thank you

Sir_Chancealot ago

As I said in the first part: "...If the above is true, the good guys are stuck between a rock and a hard place. If they expose it all at once, we get war with foreign countries, as well as civil war. I'm not saying they are right or wrong in their assessment, only that this is what the good guys in government believe. ..."

The Red Team Planner doc shows what happens in a civil war. TL;DR the government always loses, but it may result in no less than 10,000 dead from starvation alone, and the possible use of nukes on American soil.

AnonCanuck ago

You should mention that the FBIAnon purposely dropped fake leads and bullshit along the way, Some of them are easy to pick out, if some of the things the FBIAnon said sound way out to lunch..thats probably one of the fake leads *ie. 9/11 Mossad etc

Sir_Chancealot ago

Yes, that's why I said "Remember, FBIAnon says he will mix bullshit with truth, so he will have plausible deniability in case he is suspected of leaking info."

AnonCanuck ago

yeah i didnt read over the whole thing again just wanted to be sure

evil_bun_bun ago

Agreed, and if even 15% of this is true, it's f'ing HUGE.

Yuser_Manuel ago

22- in 2009 Abbott Laboratories acquired Solvay Pharmaceuticals for 7 billion. Solvay made Luvox, Prozac (SSRI's). Solvay family owns the Mothers of Darkness Castle aka Chateau des Amerois in Belgium where child sacrifices supposedly took place by elites. Have a look at Abbott labs eye wash logo:

Corsairhp ago

LINK IS WRONG! All of the full questions and answers were put together by someone else, I just make the link available to you.!mspAzSpZ!LraJDYVt7S9t3j0ZQcxwQ66wU6GeOWPOqHscYqpOFec

Sir_Chancealot ago

As I said above, sorry, having weird issues. I have corrected it.

LionParty ago Email regarding the disbaring of Podesta and other Democrats for racketeering?

LionParty ago

"John, this is not going to look good for Hillary and the Democrats when almost all associated lawyers have a complaint for them to be disbarred, including you, as well as charges of Racketeering against millions of union members. This could cost the Democrats into the billions from related charges and I suspect the GC's for the GOP candidates will try and find ways to not only have you guys disbarred but also look for every criminal charge possible for Hillary, the unions, the Democrats, all of you and destroy the Democrats."

LionParty ago Strange UFO email found when searching for "extras". Can a skilled autist look into this?

nimblenav ago

Podesta is heavily into ufos.

devnulll ago

The email is basically this article... it mentions P0desta and his brother.

Pisstubes0351 ago

That does deserve some more digging.

Corsairhp ago

Your doc link is wrong - on gives red team planner.rtf

Sir_Chancealot ago

Sorry, having weird issues. I have corrected it.

Naalu ago

Salient FBIAnon quote: “The CF always operates in countries where birth records are difficult to maintain. Let that sink in for a moment.” (Someone could research all the countries the CF operates in, find out how spotty birth records are, and meme that shit.)

Someone get on this.

Also plz upvote parts 2 and 3 so they are in the top.

pizzaparallel ago

If the map is accurate Clinton Health Access Initiative has active programs in these countries shown on the map: (with birth registration %) - Active Programs

North America:

Mexico - 90%+

Belize - 90%+

Guatemala - 90%+

Honduras - 90%+

El Salvador - 90%+

Nicaragua - 76-90%

Panama (No data available)

Jamaica - 90%+

Haiti - 76-90%

Dominican Republic - 76-90%


Sierra Leone - 76-90%

Liberia - Less than 25%

Nigeria - 25-50%

Cameroon - 51-75%

Democratic Republic of Congo - 25-50%

Ethiopia - Less than 25%

Kenya - 51-75%

Tanzania - Less than 25%

Uganda - 25-50%

Rwanda - 51-75%

Zambia - Less than 25%

Mozambique - 25-50%

Zimbabwe - 25-50%

Botswana - 51-75%

Namibia - 76-90%

South Africa - 90%+

Lesotho - 25-50%

Swaziland - 25-50%


Ukraine - 90%+


India - 25-50%

Myanmar - 51-75%

Laos - 51-75%

Cambodia - 51-75%

Vietnam - 90%+

Indonesia - 51-75%

Papua New Guinea (No data available)

There's also these countries but I'm not sure how much of a role the CF plays. - Procurement Consortium Countries

Edit: I'm not sure what is meant by "countries where birth records are difficult to maintain". There are reports by the United Nations regarding the prevalence of birth registration though. I added data from Unicef's report on the percentage of birth records reported.

CF Countries with the most unregistered children:

2 - Nigeria - 17 million

4 - Ethiopia - 13 million

6 - DRCongo - 8 million

7 - Indonesia - 8 million

8 - Tanzania - 7 million

9 - Uganda - 5 million

CF Countries with the lowest levels of birth registration by percentage of children under age 5 registered:

2 - Liberia - 4%

3 - Ethiopia - 7%

4 - Zambia - 14%

5 - Tanzania - 16%

10 - DRCongo - 28%

cover20 ago

Costa Rica not listed. Costa Rica is supposed to be the most convenient Central American country for Americans to retire to. Maybe the kiddie trafficking business from there is good too?

pizzaparallel ago

Costa Rica is not mentioned as an active program country and it's also not a procurement consortium country. It may be a convenient Central American country to retire to but it's not one of the countries that the Clinton Foundation is active in.

I looked into human trafficking in Costa Rica and it is a problem. The state department lists it as a Tier 2 Watch List country meaning it is a country "whose governments do not fully meet the TVPA’s minimum standards, but are making significant efforts to meet those standards AND:

a) The absolute number of victims of severe forms of trafficking is very significant or is significantly increasing;

b) There is a failure to provide evidence of increasing efforts to combat severe forms of trafficking in persons from the previous year, including increased investigations, prosecutions, and convictions of trafficking crimes, increased assistance to victims, and decreasing evidence of complicity in severe forms of trafficking by government officials; or

c) The determination that a country is making significant efforts to meet the minimum standards was based on commitments by the country to take additional future steps over the next year."

Human trafficking seems to be a major problem in Central America as a whole though. I don't know of anything else linking pizzagate to Costa Rica.

UglyTruth ago

Wikileaks emails suggest that Clinton was involved in child trafficking from Liberia and Cote d'Ivoire.

pizzaparallel ago

Hm. Interesting.

"Liberia has the lowest percentage of registered children of the Clinton Foundation countries, with only 4% registered, and Liberia and Cote d'Ivoire have a high fertility rate of roughly 5 children per woman, making these countries targets for child trafficking."

The CF seems to work in Liberia for sure but Cote d'Ivoire isn't listed as an active program country or a procurement consortium country.

The email says: "Your spoke of the power and capacity of women to move events and noted the Liberia and Cote d'Ivoire model."

I don't know that this implies that they are intending to traffic IN these two countries as much as provide a model of some kind. I'm not sure what kind of model that would be though

UglyTruth ago

Jimmy Saville is a good example of using charitable works being as a cover for more nefarious purposes, this could also be the case with the CF.

abcyouknowme ago

Headquartered in Washington, DC, WfWI has executive/fundraising offices in London and New York and programmatic offices in eight post-conflict countries: Afghanistan (program inception 2002); Bosnia and Herzegovina (1994); Democratic Republic of Congo (2002); Iraq (2003); Kosovo (1999); Nigeria (2000); Rwanda (1997); and South Sudan (2006).

Women for Women International. Sheryl Sandberg, one of if not the richest woman who has been with Google and Facebook and the Brookings institute

pizzaparallel ago

I don't know of any connections between WfWI and the Clinton Foundation

I can't find much of a connection with WfWI and Sheryl Sandberg either. If there is a connection between anyone in WfWI, I'd think it would be through Afshan Khan who was the director of PARMO (basically the fundraising arm of UNICEF) up to 2012. During her tenure in PARMO, she led a team that was responsible for mobilizing more than $10 billion for UNICEF’s programmes from both governments and foundation partners. She became CEO of WfWI 2012-2014. In August 2014 she was appointed Director of Emergency Programmes in UNICEF.

According to UNICEF documents: "PARMO has the lead responsibility for UNICEF’s overall resource mobilization from public sector donors. (“Resource mobilization” and “fundraising” are often used interchangeably, but the former also includes mobilizing resources in the form of people, partnerships, or equipment. However, fundraising is its largest single component.) As UNICEF’s primary liaison with donor governments, PARMO is responsible for the management of the overall relationship with them. It works both through partnerships with public‐sector donors, and by providing UNICEF offices with advice and support for their own resource‐mobilization efforts"

She seems to have extensive experience dealing with donors and "mobilizing resources in the form of people, partnerships, or equipment".

Most likely, she's unrelated to the investigation though and I haven't found evidence of anything nefarious going on.

abcyouknowme ago

In 2009 Sandberg was named to the board of The Walt Disney Company.[35] She also serves on the boards of Women for Women International, the Center for Global Development and V-Day.[29] She was previously a board member of Starbucks with a $280,000 annual salary,[36] Brookings Institution and Ad Council.

pizzaparallel ago

Ok, you're right. She's on the board. I'm not sure how significant that is though. It seems that there are many people on their global board of directors. She is one of 23. It is odd that she is the only one without a link for more information about her on their website but maybe she is expected to be better known than the others.

AeonOne ago

Look closer at Indonesia where the Peace Corps has offices....hint...Surabaya...and have a close look at this story from Jakarta

quatrocero ago

That source is not credible. The image of Karr's mugshot is a poorly Photoshoped picture with Karr's head put in place of Nick Nolte's from Noltles' infamous 2002 mug shot DUI arrest. Google Nick Nolte mugshot the hair and shirt are dead give aways.

sundalanded ago

thank you for this - very helpful!

Stellaris ago

Seconded, thank you.

Sapphique ago

When was this exactly? How the fuck did we miss this? How do you have access to the transcript? What possibly makes you believe this is real FBI and not larpers?

I don't want to discredit you, but this seems sketchy af

Dressage2 ago

4chan had been speaking with FBIAnon for several months and many things he told them came out in Wiiki and before Weiner's laptop was confiscated.

VelmaDinkley ago

This transcript was on 4chan. I read it and then began reading over on pizzagate sub after that.

Fahrvergnaked ago

Every single time a LARPer shows up he is eventually called out. This guy has pointed the way to this investigation, and we haven't seen anything, with approximately 30,000 people looking, to indicate that this is not true. There is flimsy corroborating info, but no information decrying it. There is no evidence that what he declared is happening is not the case. Also, the FBI anon threads were a while ago, 4chan ALWAYS sniffs out LARPers, and they haven't found anything againts this guy in four months. How can the media blitz against pizzagate not be convincing enough that this is real?

Sir_Chancealot ago

The transcript was put together by someone else. I went through it today, and put together this info. It may very well be LARPers, but realize some of this info came out in July, August, and September, before anyone knew any of this info.

Again, I can't say that this is real, only that FBIAnon seems to be telling the truth, at least in the information content, if not who he really is.

I just wanted to get it out there for people, in case it is actually real. It's up to the investigators to determine if it is real.

The_Almighty_Kek ago

Hi, I'm /u/The_Almighty_Kek from /r/The_Donald. I put together that document. You just said the main reason I did that. I wanted to get this information consolidated into a document that's easy to view, read, and search through, with links to the archived sources available, so that people can refer back to it if (or when) any big news breaks on this subject. There's no telling at this point if it's real or not, but it's always good to have JUST IN CASE it turns out to be legitimate. So, thanks for posting!

Sir_Chancealot ago

Thank you, The_Almighty_Kek! I downloaded it a while back, but I couldn't remember exactly where I got it, or the user name. If your name was in the doc, I overlooked it. My apologies.

If I could have remembered, I would have given you proper credit.

The_Almighty_Kek ago

Oh, no worries! I don't think I even put my user name in the doc anyway.


fr33europe ago

You're a good guy. It's a great source

Sir_Chancealot ago


Question: “Does the human trafficking have to do with keeping people in line? Is that aspect of the CF the place where people get vetted/get their membership in “Hydra”? Is the child trafficking for blackmail/dead-man’s switch/enforcement files as well as recreation?”

FBIAnon: “1) Yes. 2) Yes. 3) Yes.” (Even if you think something has to do with weapons, intelligence, or pay-for-play, it is absolutely going to lead to child rape/trafficking.)

Question: “...Wonderful, I went on a frenzy about that in the first editions of /cfg/. Follow up set of questions: What connection does Cheryl Mills and the BlackIvy group have to the Foundation? More sex slaves, or the possibility of blood diamonds, slave labor, and jungle work? Mills was allowed to keep her clearance after she left the State Department. Seems suspicious she is on the board of the CF and running a “development” group.”

FBIAnon: “(Cheryl) Mills is almost as important as Abedin. Where did Mills work before joining the CF?”

Question: “What do the Clintons want from Kosovo? Why is it so important to them?”

FBIAnon: “What does Kosovo represent on the geopolitical chessboard?” (Again, nothing concrete, but something is telling me this is specific to the child trafficking. Maybe check the laws on import/exports from that area?)

Question: “Any other exorbitantly rich families we should be looking into other than the obvious Rockefeller, Rothschilds, Saudi senpai etc?”

FBIAnon: “Gates, Buffett, Soros, African kings, the Royal family.” (Let's play connect the dots. CF is interested in plains of Africa. Gates' foundation is “vaccinating” children in Africa. Coincidence?)

Cryptic FBIAnon quote: “... Elisa Lam had proof of something, but no one got a chance to listen to her.” (Did Elisa Lam stumble onto something she shouldn't have? At a cursory look, nothing stands out, but maybe a centipede can flesh it out.)

Question: “Any connection to Gates Foundation, CF, Big Pharma, weaponized cancer, tainted polio/malaria vaccines, Africa, Dr. Mary Sherman, fucking Oswald…? Is Kissinger involved with the CF kiddie trafficking? Harking back to the Blue Grotto days. These threads really fuck with my head. Collusion theory overload.”

FBIAnon: “Zika, Abbott Labs, Gilead.”

Question: “What is the owner of Tapad, Are Helge Traasdahl’s relationship to all this? His name popped up a bit in the DNC leaks.”

FBIAnon: “Yes.” (Although FBIAnon answers in the affirmative when someone asks about Helge Trasshadl being involved in election rigging, so this might not have much to do with pizzagate.)

Question: “How many people has the CF had killed in this election?”

FBIAnon: “At least 14.” (Another time, he says 14 or 16 confirmed, 20 suspected.)

Question: “The Cohen Group: hot or cold? ...”

FBIAnon: “1) Hot. ...”

Question: “...The Brookings Institute. How evil is this organization? Is 2014 CHARGE project (combined Brookings and Clinton Global Initiative) used to launder money? ...”

FBIAnon: “2) CHARGE was used for weapons and people.”

Salient quote by FBIAnon: “...Everyone thought they couldn’t make a difference, now the MSM is openly trying to frame this board and others as right wing extremists to discredit us. That should send a clear message as to how threatening this board actually is.”

Question: “...Could you name some companies/people/events we haven’t looked into already but are worth digging?”

FBIAnon: “...2) What was the organization that put together that ad for HRC with all the celebrities? What major figure who endorsed HRC has business interest tied to the Clinton Foundation? What constitutes Mark Cuban’s net worth?”

Question: “Was Hillary involved in Scalia’s death at least? Does the Clinton kill list theory have merit?”

FBIAnon: “...The Clinton Kill List is very, very legit. ...” (Be safe guys, and cover your tracks when you are investigating these things. Use proxy/tor/etc., and look up how to do so safely and effectively. Also, sometimes, people forget to change your MAC address.)

Question: “...but this Lester Holt guy may actually be fair.”

FBIAnon: “Holt is a pretty stand-up journalist. He knows what his role is.”

Salient FBIAnon quote: “The CF always operates in countries where birth records are difficult to maintain. Let that sink in for a moment.” (Someone could research all the countries the CF operates in, find out how spotty birth records are, and meme that shit.)

Question: Is the shit posted on this site legit?

FBIAnon: “It is asking the right questions, and yes, many of HRC’s PAC’s and even her campaign solicit foreign money and shadow money.”

Salient FBIAnon quote: “...And, as an aside, when you are reading Podesta’s e-mails, remember that the Clintons deal in weapons, drugs, and people. Some terminology in use is far more nefarious than many of you suspect.”

Question: “Can you give any more insight into Scalia’s death?”

FBIAnon: “The common assumption is Scalia was murdered to help bring about gun control via another justice. But then any justice could have been sacked. What was Scalia doing before he died? What topic was he interested in?”

Question: “Did the GOP leaders pull a coup attempt so they have legitimacy to block him during his first term?”

FBIAnon: “They attempted a coup because they are bought by the same interests as the Dems. ...” (This means that the Republicans involved in the coup attempt are into the same things as the Clintons)

Question: “Was the Moloch shit ever worth looking into? I remember the Masonic anon talking about the Owl of Minerva, etc. and the connections to the NOW.”

FBIAnon: “The Owl of Minerva is an important gesture in upper circles.” (The word “gesture” implies that it is either a literal gesture, or a symbolic gesture. If it is a literal gesture, for example a certain color worn, or a certain hand movement, then you could identify involved elites from this gesture. If it is a symbolic gesture, then you will see it in written communications, and hear it in conversations. Someone needs to contact someone like Texe Marrs or and get their take on it.)

Question: “How is foreign/dirty money funneling into Clinton’s PACs? Are they using their 501(c)4’s?”

FBIAnon: “Yes, but sometimes there are 527’s and 4947(a)1’s.” (The 4947(a)1's seem to be related to trust funds, but I am not a CPA. Someone from that kind of background should look into those as they relate to the CF.)

Question: “(Code words to search for in the e-mail leaks. Two answers were combined.)”

FBIAnon: “Cards, favors, extras, officers”

Mona2 ago

I can't copy the link to here but google Elisa Lam update the the invisible cloak, that was being developed- could this be something relevant, she found out about?

RainingPiss ago

Mark cuban literally made billions overnight selling for 56x market value to yahoo which paid for it entirely in shares? Couldnt really dig, being at work

5PY_HUN73R ago

FBIAnon: “The Owl of Minerva is an important gesture in upper circles.” (The word “gesture” implies that it is either a literal gesture, or a symbolic gesture. If it is a literal gesture, for example a certain color worn, or a certain hand movement, then you could identify involved elites from this gesture. If it is a symbolic gesture, then you will see it in written communications, and hear it in conversations. Someone needs to contact someone like Texe Marrs or and get their take on it.)

The first degree of the Ordo Templi Orientis is also known as the "Minerval" degree.

Smorecocoa ago

Is climate change/ climategate real...meaning this is an attention grabber or massive coverup for a nationwide cooperation that's not really about climate change. NASA NOAA these organizations have posted faulty data and been caught multiple times by groups such as Breitbart, Infowars, Glenn Beck. I'd like the "potential source" to answer if I'm on to something...

ghtdak ago

Climate change is a hoax. Its all about wonderful new regulations that cover absolutely everything. Human breathing is a threat (perfect!!).

Oh, and lots and lots of money in international carbon exchanges

LargePizzaWithGate ago

Climate change can be thought of as a euphemism for solar radiation management. This is a term used in policy circles for a "conspiracy " term people use in the alt-media and alt-communities.

Melitica ago

Monsanto gave 250 to 500 k to CF and Hillary goes on wold wide GMO stump tour promoting safety of GMO...Monsanto owns most GMO patents. Also got food "unlabeled". No longer required to mark GMO. Major speech (330k) given to Organic Growers Association. Since GMOs grow better and Monsanto has all patents to must buy Monsanto seed which has a "kill" gene so new plants don't produce fertile seed. Farmers must buy new seed every "banking" (saving for next year). Monsanto makes roundup and other pesticides. One primary thing genetic modification does is insect resistance so plants self produce insecticide. Also makes them resistant to herbicides so they are in, resistant to glyphosate (constituent of roundup) which means that farmers who want to spray for weeds while land is fallow..or clear roads and such, have to use more. This means greater population exposure to agents known to cause cancer and metabolic disease....

Brings us to Gilead who also gave money 100 to 250 k to CF. Gilead makes chemo drugs. More cancer....etc. they also make many of the newest AIDS drugs...which CF buys...bc a lot of their above board work is HIV in Africa. AND most of their pipeline drugs not yet approved are for autoimmune diseases like crohns, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis and lupus...which are on rise - partly due to exposure to chemicals and antigens...viruses etc. Gilead is fairly small company unlike Monsanto, any expenditure is significant. They also make hep c and hep b drugs and a lot of recent public policy research has been done on chronic hep c and b infection S. America and Africa... Increased knowledge of increased rates = more funding for drugs.

Zika....Monsanto again. Zika scare is just that...a scare. Public hysteria like others - SARS, bird flu, new swine flu,, anthrax...which can be treated with Tamiflu, oddly made by Gilead. Theoretically, these outbreaks are practice to promote and test for "obedience"...ultimately for population control. Zika is not a new virus...has been around for decades. Some countries have 75% infection rate...only a few have microcephaly birth defect. Those same countries also have massive water contamination with a larvicide ... Used to combat Zika. Larvicide works by disrupting nervous system develop of in...decreases brain development. Birth defect is not prevalent in non-sprayed regions. Hillary campaigned for extra Zika funding...hard. Part of Funding would go to spray more crap. Plus antiviral development would be done by companies like....gilead. NOTE...MSM says Zika story is a rumor.

Abbott also gave smaller amt money. Their products don't include much but Abbvie used to be part of Abbott. Company split about 5 years ago. Abbvie drugs in development lsimilar to Gilead. HIV, Hep B and C and autoimmune like Humira. They have history with CF due to HIV. Vaccines developed by companies like Sanofi Aventis and Pfizer...who gave smaller amounts to CF. connection to CF looks mostly pay to play - definitely ...except CF work in HIV countries which are also prime for child trafficking due to lack of documentation...and poverty so families actually sell children.

pizzagate_crusader ago

I really can't figure out how Zika ties into this whole thing... Unless it has to do with clinical trials.

This whole thing isn't just about Sex-trafficking, but Human Trafficking. Many of the kids end up in "medical" studies. CPS can take children from parents, no questions asked. MedicalKidnap is a growing trend - focused on poor families who can't fight the system. Just one more way to get kids into the Foster Care system, where they can become guinea pigs. High profile example...Justina Pelletier is a girl from CT, who was taken from her parents and put into foster care when Boston Children's Hospital disagreed with a diagnosis she had from Tufts. They slapped her with somatoform disorder and entered her in a psych trial.

The bylaws of Boston Children's Hospital = "Children who are Wards of the state may be included in research that presents greater than minimal risk with no prospect of direct benefit" : file:///C:/Users/CGEOPERATIONS/Downloads/cipp_071_001_19_Special_Procedures_for_Wards_of_the_State.pdf

Additional information on Zika / CDC, not sure how it relates, but facts to store --

Where did the $ go? No one can trace the $ spent on Zika -

CDC out of $ for Zika - $222Million spent:

Patent for Zika held by Rockefellers:

The CDC is Corrupt - #CDCWhistleblower followed by CDC SPIDER

Former HHS Cyber Security Director jailed for CP:

Media blackout as Obama signs Global Health Initiative day before election... - -

Mona2 ago

I have posted on another thread re a theory someone brought up. It involves the FBI guy says this is larger than the child abuse. What if it is humanity abuse, as in reducing population- via Monsanto, Zika ,etc. Research Illuminati stones in Georgia in USA. Research Paris Agreement signed this year by Obama and multiple UN members regarding reducing emissions. What if emissions are people- think people as you read the Agreement. What if this is a world wide movement by UN to reduce population as the Illuminati tenets describe on those stones, the sex/ child part is just a way of life, and instead of God, they worship Satan. That's broad- way broad like the FBI guy says. And she says this is so much bigger than we are even thinking.

justiceforever ago


pizzagate_crusader ago

How do we get this information to be seen by more people? I'm new to this.

justiceforever ago

Good question. Some people say we should wait for a smoking gun before we act. Some people say we should spread the word now.

gun_and_a_sandwich ago

26 U.S. Code § 4947 - Application of taxes to certain nonexempt trusts

(a) Application of tax (1) Charitable trusts For purposes of part II of subchapter F of chapter 1 (other than section 508(a), (b), and (c)) and for purposes of this chapter, a trust which is not exempt from taxation under section 501(a), all of the unexpired interests in which are devoted to one or more of the purposes described in section 170(c)(2)(B), and for which a deduction was allowed under section 170, 545(b)(2), 642(c), 2055, 2106(a)(2), or 2522 (or the corresponding provisions of prior law), shall be treated as an organization described in section 501(c)(3). For purposes of section 509(a)(3)(A), such a trust shall be treated as if organized on the day on which it first becomes subject to this paragraph.

gun_and_a_sandwich ago

§ 507 - Termination of private foundation status

§ 508 - Special rules with respect to section 501(c)(3) organizations<-- this is the section that these (a)(b)(c) sections are NOT considered 501(c)(3) as. the other sections are 501(c)(3). lets see what's in here

§ 509 - Private foundation defined

gun_and_a_sandwich ago

....and they're slush funds

SkanktheHunt ago

Wish I had more upvotes this post needs it!

RainingPiss ago

For the voats

Sir_Chancealot ago


Question: “I spent numerous hours searching into Qatar but other than bribery for the bid to host the 2022 World Cup, it seemed like a dead end.”

FBIAnon: “The roads are not always direct. There are people involved which hold incredible influence over US politics. Here is a hint: find everyone involved in the State Department who has recently made a donation or speech in relation to the CF. Public figures are not to meet with foreign officials in secret – so who did?”

(Ok, here FBIAnon is saying look into the State Department, and find out who made donations or speeches for/to the Clinton Foundation. Also, to find out which public figures met with foreign officials in secret. Remember, these people are ALL related to pizzagate, and the rape, mutilation, and killing of kids. Don't get discouraged. If FBIAnon is leaking this, that means there is a way to find this as public info or with a little white-hat hacking.)

Salient FBIAnon quote: “ The media will attempt to bury any mention of the CF.” (CF=Clinton Foundation)

Salient FBIAnon quote: “She intends to do what the Clintons have always done – sell out weapons, favors, intelligence, and people to anyone willing to pay.” (So, pizzagate, and the related information may not just be about kids, but may also include weapons, pay-for-play, and intelligence. Notice that FBIAnon didn't talk about selling just kids, but “people”.)

Question: “The Bonner Group, warm or cold?”

FBIAnon: “Hot.” (Has anyone started investigating The Bonner Group? If not, someone should.)

Question: “Any ideas on where to keep going with China? How significant is Henry M. Paulson?”

FBIAnon: “What was Paulson’s past corporate affiliation? Where did he get the idea of TARP from? What major bank went under as a result of his actions?” (Always remember, the elite are ALL child rapists. That is how they cement deals and know they can trust each other, because of the threat of the blackmail.)

Question: “Is USAID in any way complicit and aiding in the human trafficking?”

FBIAnon: “!!!” (Direct quote from FBIAnon. Look into USAID, and how it connects into the Clinton Foundation.)

Question: “How significant is Africa? I’ve been a bad researcher, and lazied out on tracking African organizations (I was sick though) and relating it to migrant stuff. I’m thoroughly convinced that most of her aide funs don’t really do much aside from keep the entire place down via limited work, though.”

FBIAnon: “Africa is a hotbed for investment by the Chinese and other organizations. The question is, how is HRC benefitting from the investment deals? Why would we want to engage in war over the African plains?” (FBIAnon later says war for food and minerals, but I would say that it makes it easier to pick up orphans for their sick and twisted uses. Easier to grab kids from areas that don't have good birth records, right? Just like Haiti.)

Question: “Was Ludner Remarais involved in quid-pro-quo with regards to the Haitian gold mining rights? Where the hell would you even find evidence for that since Haiti’s financial records are very spotty, especially around the earthquake? Also, how is M Partners Inc. connected to the larger picture? They bought Majescor shares for 1/10 of open stock market value, which screams shady. They’re obviously a shell company, but information is sparse.”

FBIAnon: “1) I do not know. 2) Why are they spotty? Who does the accounting? 3) It screams shady because it is shady. Who is affiliated with the BoD for M Partners, and do they have ties to the CF?”

(Remember, there are other forms of currency than just money. Gold for instance. Or little kids. If you sold a bunch of kids, how easy would it be to launder money through a gold mine? Who is going to check that you “found” 100 ounces of gold that one day?)

Question: “I found it rather odd the people who write the reports on issues like human trafficking in Haiti are also the group that award mass aid grants to Clinton Foundation members like Muhammad Yunus.”

FBIAnon: “Be careful.” (Who is this Muhammad Yunus character? Why does FBIAnon say, without actually saying it, that linking this guy into the whole thing can get Anon killed? Someone who knows how to cover their tracks VERY well should look into this guy. And be quiet about it, until you have a lot of info to post.)

Question: “Funny how Scalia and Thomas were the only ones to dissent on the ruling against human trafficking. Maybe he really was murdered for being too based.”

FBIAnon: “Scalia was murdered for something much more sinister.” (I have to honestly admit, I'm having trouble coming up with something that is “much more sinister” that raping, dismembering, then killing children. Anyone know what this could be?)

Question: “...Are FOIA’s (Freedom Of Information Act. It is used to get documents that are not classified from the government.) be something we should look in to?”

FBIAnon: “Monsanto, GMO's, HRC” (I have no idea how Monsanto and GMO's would be related to child rapers, but if FBIAnon put it in there, I have to conclude that, if he is telling the truth, there is a link to be found.)

(I have no idea how this next part is connected, only that my gut instinct tells me it is.)

Question: “Mark Lamont Hill. I remember getting a distinctly strange feeling seeing him on late night Fox News. I could tell he was very intelligent, but he seemed to be purposefully arguing talking points that he didn’t believe. On national television. Regularly. Can you give us anything more?”

FBIAnon: “What’s his background? Who is he affiliated with? Why does he hold his views?”

Question: “What about the Barack Obama Foundation? (or the one his brother runs, The Barack Hussein Obama Foundation?) Also, have you heard about the book, a manuscript of an unpublished ghostwritten book by BOH, reportedly purchased by “wesearchr” via crowdfunding from Obama’s estranged brother Malik? What’s the deal with that?”

FBIAnon: “Definitely dive into it.” (Didn't somebody just post something either here or on 4/8chan about O'bummer's brother being linked to pedophiles?)

Question: “I had a revelation. Is the international economy is predicated on child trafficking? The rabbit hole is so deep, I wonder it’s not a hole at all.”

FBIAnon: “Predicated, no. Is it an integral component of elite circles? Yes.” (Think about what this answer means: Any time you start pulling on strings left out by FBIAnon, no matter how unrelated they seem, he implies that it will soon unravel to reveal child trafficking.)

Question: “What resource-gathering penny stocks should we look at for connections to the Foundation? Also, can we assume that any resource penny stock that is HQ’d in Canada is connected to Frank Giustra?”

FBIAnon: “A useful hint is to look at the projects the CF has supposedly funded. Who got contracts after a donation, then what industry are they in? Were they in a failing industry? Were they too small to compete with larger companies?” (FBIAnon is saying to check into small companies whose shareholders/owners/board of directors donated to the CF, and is in a failing industry, who couldn't compete with larger companies, and you will find links to child traffickers. At least that's what I THINK he is saying. FBIAnon could be referencing pay-to-play, arms smuggling, or intel buying/selling)

Question: “Does the Clinton Foundation fund ISIS and then get paid by selling the oil that ISIS captures? …and the women as well, too?”

FBIAnon: “Here’s where the dark side of the CF is.” (And here is where we get our first real indication that it's not just children, but women as well.)

Question: “...What should we follow specifically?”

FBIAnon: “Why do HRC and the CF have ties to certain Indian businessmen, who, in many instances, have been routinely accused of pedophilia?”

Salient FBIAnon quote: “... If the truth came out, you all may believe. But who else would? It is too dark for anyone to stomach.”

Salient FBIAnon quote: “The bottom line is, you cannot keep shouting in an echo chamber. Your words/images are weapons. Use them as the media does. You see evidence all the time of people pushing narratives. They are no more or less capable than you.” (4/8chan should make memes about all these people, companies, and governments being involved in child rape, dismemberment, and murder, and post them everywhere.)

bernitdown ago

So how do we verify this? How do we know FBIAnon was the same poster each time?

Sir_Chancealot ago

I don't believe FBIAnon was the same poster each time. In fact, I have reasons to believe they were 3 posters, and one of them was a woman. I also have reason to believe that they weren't FBI at all.

Does that change whether the information is true or not?

Put another way: If your local garbage man told you the winning lottery tickets each week for a month, on the 5th week, would you complain about who he was, or would you buy the numbers he told you?

PleadingtheYiff ago

Quality post here lad, thanks for compiling this info so I don't have to keep going through the thread archives.