duhiki ago

HillBoulder ago

Biden has to be the easiest to out as a pedophile that video of him and Sessions is a smoking gun who in fucks name can't see him molesting those children

PizzaGateHowie ago

I pulled over 35 clips from CSPAN of Biden being creepy during Senate Ceremonial Swearing-Ins. (2011,13,15,17). You can watch all of the clips on CSPAN.com

srayzie ago

Oh. The link didn't open to a specific image. It opened to most popular so I was confused

Jem777 ago

Following Anon tweets others have posted the June 15 date and names were all Ukrainian. Warren Flood was Obama/Biden techie. His name is on the documents released by Gucifer2.0. The organization involved in naming "Russians" as the hackers is crowdstrike. Look them up. This info indicates that Obama, Biden, Clinton the top IC, etc. knew it was not the Russians all along.

They are also implicted in pgate, trafficking, etc. & using Russia to cover it up.

awake4646 ago

Several of the children pull away from him immediately. Children do not instinctively respond that way to nice people.

spezSentMe ago

Biden has been dropping Biden hints for 30 years.

pbvrocks ago

No shit..lol..well said..

Hazilla ago

Anyone else getting sick and tired of seeing "clues" and "hints"? If you've got something, fucking release it. Release it now.

This subject is too important to just keep teasing everyone with hints. If you're LARPing, fuck off, If you've got something important, just release it, don't fuck about saying "At the end of next week, at the end of March etc".

I think we should all start calling people out who keep teasing

jstrotha0975 ago

Joe Biden dresses as a tranny and pulls tricks?

Solentgreenispeople ago

are you serious? have you seen him? no fucking grandpa i know would do the shit he does

Gothamgirl ago

This makes sense now http://imgur.com/rCzj6SL

srayzie ago

What do you mean? Why the Imgur link?

Gothamgirl ago

It was posted on here about 2 weeks ago and I couldn't figure out, but it makes perfect sense now, his last name is Flood.

DarkMath ago

Guns n Roses means pedophilia? That doesn't make any sense.

A quick look at your comments and I see you responded to a post claiming rich old white guys rape children and sacrifice them to Moloch at Bohemian Grove. You suggested the OP:

"Get some medication you fucking retard."

So I'm a pedophile for posting a Guns n Roses song about some seriously fucked in the head old rich White Guys abusing their positions power to kill JFK and get us into Vietnam.

Then someone posts more sordid details about how fucked up these psychotic white guys are which, duh, is The Franklin Scandal and Cover-up which includes Paul Bonacci's testimony he was taken to Bohemian Grove to satisfy some psychotic rich old white guys one of whom pulled out a revolver and shot a 6 year old boy in the head as he climaxed while fucking him in the ass.

You suggest that poster is a "fucking retard" for believing what there's clear evidence for. You're certainly allowed to say that but I just have one question. I have you listened to Paul Bonacci explain what happened at the Bohemian Grove?

If you say you don't have listen to Paul Bonacci that makes you the only ass-hole in this conversation.

The Franklin Scandal

Sorry. I don't make the rules.


equineluvr ago

Yeah, cuz every harmless, sweet old granpa puts his hand on young girls' nipples.


Jem777 ago

AnonScan is the GrandDaddy of info for everyone not following. Believe they might be in control of the insurance files or dead man switch information Julian gave out right before he was allegedly renditioned.

He might be alive now who knows but AnonScan has info that supports the Wikileaks drops.

The guy listed was Warren Flood. He was Obama's big data analytics that won him the elections. The question they pose is about Seth Rich leaking the DNC files to Guccifer. They are indicating that there is another mole as well as setting up Biden for coming exposure as pedo. They list June 15 as a date that had many visitors of seemingly Russian last names but it might be Ukrainian.

Holly is listed with the Pizza symbol and the tapes of Joe griping kids is played.

This is the beginning of an epic takedown

Hazilla ago

Look, I believe this shit to be real, but if they've got something just fucking release it. "June 15" yeh, how many times have we seen release dates for X, Y and Z in the last 6 months and nothing happens?

Getting sick of the cryptic messages then nothing happening

GiantMillipino ago

I agree—smells like a limited hangout, Assange and all. like a movie production. what else would those in charge of the 'leaks' unit of the cabal do but dangle 'classified info' over our faces while we cling to them?

Dressage2 ago

OMG, @Jem777 This makes for dancing in the streets and tweeting Podesta soon!! I can't wait for heads to roll! I will open a fine red every night a big fish goes down!

Jem777 ago

Yes. AnonScan is serious. They are connected.

Dressage2 ago

I find this very interesting.

equineluvr ago

Some data analytics guy didn't "win" Ocommie the election.

The candidate with the most royal BLOOD/genes has "won" every single POTUS "election" since 1789.

Nana66 ago

But this implies Obama has more royal blood then Hilldabeast.

Littleredcorvette ago

I have been looking at Tom Steyer. Looks like Biden was hosted at Steyers home in May 2014. http://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/206566-biden-to-headline-fundraiser-at-climate-activist-steyers-home

Freemasonsrus ago

Doubtful it has anything to do w PG and more to do w some kind of corruption. Hope I'm wrong and it's about the rat lines in Ukraine selling women, children and organs. AnonScan has a great way of trolling w their videos so it's hard to tell if they are throwing in the Creepy Joe stuff just to point out what a fucktard he is. Guess we'll find out.

AngB23 ago

Oh, no doubt about that. I hold them at arms length but still look into what they are posting.

ThaliaC ago

There are Joe Biden acting totally creepy videos all over youtube. just google 'Joe Biden creepy' into youtube, you don't need to wait for videos from wikileaks. Voat is owned by Reddit.

AngB23 ago

From this vid, the young girl at the beginning and list of Russian names.....who is ANASTALIA SIROTKINA? She was 20 yrs old w/WH clearance? Place of birth Florida...song says "Holly came from Miami, Fl" https://www.policearrests.com/arrests/anastasia_sirotkina_id_17348897.html


AngB23 ago

I think it was linked to a BuzzFeed journo...same source that lied about the Golden Showers Trump Dossier AKA, another lie about to be conjured up with BuzzFeed against Trump and AnonScan calling them out? Not sure

Silverlining ago

Who owns voat?

Either Conde Nast magazine company and owner of Reditt or Peter Thiel venture capitalist owner of Palantir the super spook company or maybe someone else - DYOR

Controlled by @Atko founder whose school/university hobby project attracted the Eye of Sauron and @Puttitout who was brought in by the new owner to make sure the children were behaving themselves.

All as I understand it from the last time I had a look at the topic.

Laskar ago

There's always one corporation swallowing another and at the level of VOAT, it is pretty sketchy how they "make sure the children [are] behaving themselves".

pbvrocks ago

Have "heard" all of the above..difficult to verify...white hats would/could know more...

carmencita ago

I hope a lot of people retweet this. I hope it goes viral. "Dear Old Creepy Uncle Joe" needs to be outed. Seth Rich is included in message.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Thanks for posting this

Bluebirdsolitude ago


AngB23 ago

That tweet is the BEST! I hope to hell a huge bomb drops on Creepy ass Bidens head. Watching the vid and how he gropes kids is disgusting. Love when Sessions puts him in his place.

The Wild Side song?!? Crazy!

quantokitty ago


Upvoat for you ... this looks more than intriguing. Walk on the Wild Side? Oh, yeah ... big doings here. Please let this be the start of things unraveling and the Cannibal Elite going to prison for crimes against nature and man.

Gorillion ago

I still cringe when I think about the big sloppy Biden suck job Colbert did in the early days of his new show.

remedy4reality ago

What I read from the cryptic video was Joe Biden and Warren ( do we have a last name? ) hosted a number of Russian's, who'm at least one is underage. It looks like it is intended to scare the shit out of Biden, if it's real, or create false hope in the investigative community, if it's fake.

Let's see what happens.

nomorepepperoni ago

Last name is Flood, I believe.

Commoner ago

I don't think Biden could ever get elected to anything after that video is seen.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

I told my mom about that video and she completely ignored me, and she's not even a democrat. Told her about 911, sandy hook, and pizzagate as well, she ignores everything and now my parents are insisting I start seeing a psychiatrist every day....

scotchfor1 ago

How sad that you're being blue-pilled by your ignorant parents.

neo50 ago

It's hard to wake people. The people around me just change the subject and don't react more than if I said it's raining outside. It's like they've been "zombified" and even though they're listening to me, they can't understand. It's very unsettling!

Dressage2 ago

I feel your pain. My family thinks I am losing it and need a new "hobby."

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Ya man, get a new hobby, stop trying to save humanity from destruction and you need to start living the lie that everybody else lives.

DrTeethateJanice ago

Don't underestimate the stupidity of people, Bush and Obama each had 8 years in white house.

equineluvr ago

Every election at state and above is rigged.

Don't blame the sheeple for that one.

DrTeethateJanice ago

You'll get no argument from me about them being rigged friend.

DarkMath ago

HollyHoly Smokes. This could be the makings of another righteous smack-down. I don't quite get the transgender reference though, was "Holly" a woman and is now a man who turned into a Ukrainian Politician? Or did Joe Biden have sex with Holly or the Ukrainian politician? I'm sorry, you can laugh at me if you want, sometimes I'm a little slow on the uptake. AnonymousScandinavia has a little bit of a Hoppy Potty feel to them. I think something got lost in translation.

Whatever the case this story is better than every thriller I've ever read combined. Lou Reed is such a bad ass. I think what we got here is more evidence of a take-down in progress.


What we've got here is a failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last year which is the way they want it.

Well.....they gets it. We don't like it anymore than you men.

I don't think these people were Guns n Roses fans.


Look at your young men fighting

Look at your women crying

Look at your young men dying

The way they've always done before

Look at the hate we're breeding

Look at the fear we're feeding

Look at the lives we're leading

The way we've always done before

My hands are tied

The billions shift from side to side

And the wars go on with brainwashed pride

For the love of God and our human rights

And all these things are swept aside

By bloody hands time can't deny

And are washed away by your genocide

And history hides the lies of our civil wars

D'you wear a black armband

When they shot the man

Who said "peace could last forever"

And in my first memories

They shot Kennedy

I went numb when I learned to see

So I never fell for Vietnam

We got the wall of D.C. to remind us all

That you can't trust freedom

When it's not in your hands

When everybody's fightin'

For their promised land


I don't need your civil war

It feeds the rich while it buries the poor

Your power hungry sellin' soldiers

In a human grocery store

Ain't that fresh

I don't need your civil war

Ow, oh no, no, no, no, no

Look at the shoes you're filling

Look at the blood we're spilling

Look at the world we're killing

The way we've always done before

Look in the doubt we've wallowed

Look at the leaders we've followed

Look at the lies we've swallowed

And I don't want to hear no more

My hands are tied

For all I've seen has changed my mind

But still the wars go on as the years go by

With no love of God or human rights

'Cause all these dreams are swept aside

By bloody hands of the hypnotized

Who carry the cross of homicide

And history bears the scars of our civil wars

I don't need your civil war

It feeds the rich while it buries the poor

Your power hungry sellin' soldiers

In a human grocery store Ain't that fresh

I don't need your civil war

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

I don't need your civil war

I don't need your civil war

Your power hungry sellin' soldiers

In a human grocery store

Ain't that fresh

I don't need your civil war

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no uh-oh-uh, no uh-oh, uh no

I don't need one more war

I don't need one more war

No, no, no, no uh-oh-uh, no uh-oh, uh no

Whaz so civil 'bout war anyway?


e-traiu ago

Axl, woke as hell... no wonder he acted strange

PrideOfOshtekk ago

You think he's woke? Try Dave Mustaine.

Dressage2 ago

I agree with you, DarkMath! This kind of shot past me quick. I did get the little girls part and Sessions slapping his perv hand away from his granddaughter, but was lost on the other stuff!

EllaMinnow ago

Thanks for that. Haven't listened to GNR for a long while. Forgot how much I liked them.

Puttitout_Lies ago

How about something else?

Sing this to the tune of Mozart Symphony #9.

Dear Pizzagaters who meaningfully intend to aid in the actual prosecution of these pedophiles:

Please be informed of the full list of behavioral manipulation, control, lies, censorship, going on on Voat, straight from @Puttitout and the heads of v/protectvoat v/soapboxbanhammer v/cheers v/magicmemes and many more major subs we see everyday like v/showerthoughts:

We kindly ask you to not delete this one single message, as this information, when compiled, shows the trail of reddit cancer that runs voat, and shows what is ahead. TLDR: more reddit-esqe censorship.

Direct Quote from the Goati Himself!

-the amount you can post in a sub is limited per hour, besides in subs you mod.

-the amount you can post in a sub is limited per 24 hours, besides in subs you mod.

-you can only post once every 60(30) seconds, site wide.

-you can only downvoat comments up to the amount you've upvoated comments

-in a 24 hour period, you can only voat 1/2 as much as you have ccp total

-you cannot downvoat anyone's comments nor posts that are older than 7 days.

-you can only comment (and edit) every 30(15) seconds

-new accounts and accounts with low ccp are more limited than this, and for an unknown period of time, are forced to use google to use voat - a major privacy breach.

-all accounts must allow google to sign up for voat - a major privacy breach.

-you are not allowed to access voat past page 19 through voat, besides your own comment history to page 99.

-past 3 months, voat pages are now archived and you are not allowed to comment nor voat on them.

-you are not allowed to participate meaningfully in consensus building the direction of voat, like you used to before the admin switch 7 months ago.

-you will be harassed, attacked, and defamed, and downvoat brigaded before posts even show up in v/all/new if you attempt to bring any of this up. any of it. on this whole page.

-accounts with -ccp are serverely restricted,

which means users can effectively partially silence other users. this weaponized censorship has been utilized consistently by the cabal that has taken over voat, and has left a chilling effect on voat, allowing hugboxes to thrive and meaningful disagreement and discussion to be snuffed out. TLDR: downvoating has become a form of censorship, instead of what it was intended to be: curation.

https://github.com/voat/voat/tree/Dev/Voat/Voat.Business/Rules/Voting - go ahead, and poke around.

-if you are caught in a mystical trap of unknown measure, defined by a secret cabal of secret devs,

-and even upvote ONE post in a way they secretly construe as being party to a brigade, you will be banned without warning, without ability to appeal. This is not coded into voat, it's done manually by secret tribunal of shills named failure, disappointed, fuzzywords, and puttitout (to name a few.)

not even kidding. there is no rule written, there is no code in voat specifically for "vote manipulation" bans. hundreds were just banned with less than 10 votes ever given on those accounts each.


worse, the two groups of accounts with votes given were goatku's - defending brigades with reverse brigades, and the cygnus army - a false army that didn't even account for 10% of just the brigade on my account.

meaning, puttitout banned some users for upvoating, and didn't ban any of the actual voat abusers harassing, assaulting, defaming users, and manipulating the front page by upvoat brigading themselves and their shillack nor any of the abusers silencing users with downvoat brigades. megapost link

-if you are caught protecting others' ability to speak on the same account, you will be banned for it, while those abusers silencing users are protected by the administration of voat.

furthermore, they have strict code already in place, just turned off that limits you to just 10 downvoats on another account per rolling 30 minute window. not turned on yet

TLDR: there is MASSIVE censorship on voat, but it's been a slower slippery slope than on reddit, in the hopes that YOU wouldn't notice.

Stand up against these shills. Demand answers, and demand the removal of @Puttitout and the criminal cabal. Just as you want pedo elite dealt with, these criminal SJW shills must be dealt with. The Community must stand together and stand against them. That is the way.

jstrotha0975 ago

The song is called walk on the wild side by Lou Reed - It's about tranny prostitutes. http://songmeanings.com/songs/view/42366/

HollandDrive ago

Song used to freak me out.

jstrotha0975 ago

Tell me about it.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I'm old. This song came out when I was a little kid, but I had older siblings. Song was much edited then. My, how times have changed.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

How this post hasn't been deleted yet I'll never understand.

  1. How is some random anonymous persons tweet worthy enough to make a post about? The tweet wasn't even important.

  2. You mention wikileaks, but then you don't elaboratory AT ALL!

  3. Who owns voat? That's actually a good question. Unfortunately I do not have that answer.

Honestlt, if I weremember mod, I would moat definitely delete this thread, just my 2 cents.

jstrotha0975 ago

Stick your rules up your @ss!

Cigarette5mokingman ago

The rules were established by the community.

sensitive ago

Rule 1: explain relevance to Pizzagate (Joe Biden is a suspected pedophile, member of the elite)

Rule 2: claim needs to be sourced (he gave a link to Twitter)

Commoner ago

I could be wrong, but wasn't Biden implicated as a major player and someone who should be investigated by those looking into pizzagate?